Fight! Fight! Theseus!

Chapter 14: Death Is Always Near

Although he came back from the dead, this didn't mean he'd be able to recreate the same miracle twice, he was snapped back to the dark reality in front of him after seeing Kari, he protected him from an arrow that got lodged in his forearm directly piercing the radius bone.

"K-Kari! Are you alright?" Theseus frantically asked, this sudden shock made him question himself.

"I-It's fine Theseus, be alert now, the enemy could be anywhere." Kari left the arrow in his arm for now even though it caused him much pain.

Theseus looked around desperately trying to spot the enemy but to no avail, he lurked in the shadow stalking his prey slowly, "I'd use my Third Wind but… It only lasts for ten minutes, I'm not sure how long the cooldown is yet or how often I can even use it, I'll wait for the enemy to strike and try and finish things quickly."

Kari kept his dagger up ready at any moment, and just a couple seconds after the mysterious foe shot two arrows at both of them, they flew through the sky at lightning speeds and pierced very wind itself. Kari deflects the arrow with his dagger whilst Theseus uses his Second Wind to grab the arrow mid air, spins around himself and throws it back at the attacker just as fast.

The man in the shadows sighed "Guess you guys wont fall so easily." He finally shows himself, his eyes appeared to glow as they were a bright amber, and he was of average height, his hair was a light brown that was short and curly at the end, he had freckles on his face and wore a purple and golden ranger hood that reached his shoulders, he had a cloth-like shirt that was black, along with leather pants and boots he appeared to be human but something was off.

"I guess the same goes for you, a fellow Human like yourself should at least state their name" Theseus got into his fighting stance ready to attack.

"Human? You're not entirely wrong, but sure, the name's Freccio. Freccio Ulysses." He held his bow with great pride, it was quite big being just half the size of him and seemed to be made out of a strange material that wasn't commonly found.

"The names Theseus, Theseus Adonis Cirillo Lambros." The Blau confused joined the conversation "Uh, and my name is Kari? Kari Abel?" He kept his injured arm down and put his dagger up.

Freccio smirked "Now that introductions are out of the way, shall we continue?" He bows down slightly.

Theseus taunts him with his hand gesturing him to fight him, Freccio draws his bow and fires an arrow straight towards him.

As the arrow flies Theseus thinks to himself how this will be an easy fight, he prepares himself the grab the arrow on the right frame at the right moment, and just as he's about to grab it the arrow shifts direction and instead goes for Kari piercing his wounded arm yet again with more blood gushing out, the arrow was so fast Theseus was unable to grab it as it changed direction.

As Kari screams in pain Freccio speaks up "Do you understand the difference in our strength yet? It won't matter how fast you can react, if you can't predict where the arrow will go then you've already lost, and trust me, my arrows always go wherever I want." Freccio readies his bow with three arrows this time as he notices something in the shadows.

"T-Theseus, don't worry about me alright, remember, if we close the distance there's nothing he can do, so just focus on that." Kari although in pain plans out a team attack.

Theseus nods, and as the arrows are released they both charge in Kari deflects one of the arrows whilst Theseus focuses on dodging them, Freccio is standing around forty meters away from them.

Within the shadows Kancer appears behind Freccio "Gotcha!" She exclaims before she attempts to stab him "A woman like you shouldn't take someone else's line." Freccio backs away just in the nick of time whilst using one of his arrows to deflect Kancer's attacks whilst shooting another arrow at her ending up lodged in her shoulder, within this time Kari and Theseus reach within ten meters of Freccio deflecting and dodging the two arrows that were after them.

And as Theseus readies his punch he exclaims "Don't you dare touch her!" Freccio smiles, "Oh? If you plan on hitting me you have to do more than that." Neither have them thought that the Arrows lodged within Kari were still affected by his Second Wind, but they couldn't be more wrong, Freccio uses his ability to forcefully move Kari into Theseus having them collide on impact.

He laughs with his hand on his stomach "You should look at yourselves!" If Theseus wanted to win this fight, he needed to go all out, Kancer backed into the shadows injured, whilst Kari's injuries only got worse.

"Don't laugh at me." Theseus gets up, looks straight towards the ceiling and back at the ground causing his eyes to spin "Please be something good" They kept rolling like a slot machine until they eventually landed on "Zoner" The fighting game archetype made precisely for ranged combat.

Upon activating this Theseus was donned a massive spear, it seemed to have some type of Holy attribute to it and had a relatively simple design with the blade being one third of the pole, Theseus never really enjoyed playing the Zoner type but he knew vaguely what it did, and for this situation it could prove itself useful.

Freccio was confused "Wasn't his Second Wind just a reaction based? How the hell can he do this as well? Oh well, I'll deal with the other two first." Theseus crouched down and moved forward causing him to throw his spear straight towards his enemy forcing Freccio to use one of his arrows to change it's trajectory, but surprisingly enough within seconds the spear disappeared and reappeared in Theseus's hands, meanwhile Freccio aimed an arrow hoping to finish Kari off, yet within an instant, he disappeared leaving a black mist behind, Freccio quickly looked around to spot him to no avail, as he was in the one spot he had no vision, directly behind him.

Kari had not shown his Second Wind until now to hide its identity as it is primarily used for surprise attacks, he is able to teleport to wherever he wants in a one hundred meter radius with a down time of twenty seconds, but once his opponent figures his gimmick his ability loses purpose, he stabs Freccio in the back of his shoulder yet as he reacts to the pain he uses the arrows inside of Kari to delve deeper into his arm mangling it from the inside weakening the blow. "YOU STUPID BLAU HOW DARE YOU-" Theseus doesn't let any second go without a purpose, he runs towards Freccio driving his spear straight into his stomach making him cough up blood, whilst Kancer appears from the shadows slicing his ankles with deadly poison, with his ankles giving out he falls down to his knees.

"Not tough now are you huh, guess I didn't even need to go all out for you." Theseus looks down on his opponent, after all he suffered fatal wounds from all three of them, Kancer lets out a sigh of relief but deep within Freccio's eyes is a unimaginable hatred.

"H-Heh, that's all out? Guess I should as well." From all the cuts of his body he releases beams of sunlight blinding anyone who dares see them for more than a second, although most Second Wind users are tougher than usual, the genuine raw sunlight of the sun itself is still something they cannot overcome, with no time to waste, Freccio makes his next move only for Theseus to crouch down and move backwards and with all his might he slashes in front of him whilst backstepping away from the enemy, yet this was a fatal mistake.

The massive wound Theseus caused only made the sunlight worse, and last longer, enraged Freccio used all of his arrows on Kari, each and every one targeting a different body part, his legs his arms his arms torso his neck, the pain was almost unbearable yet he still smiled, he glanced at Theseus and told him "You got this Kiddo, I leave the rest to you." And with that said, Freccio smashed his body onto the ceiling and let it splat onto the floor making sure all the arrows wounds were left gaping so that all the blood could flow out.

"Ha… HAHAHA, IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE SOMEONE MADE ME GO ALL OUT THESEUS, BE SURE TO LAST AS LONG AS YOU CAN." Freccio manically laughed with his hand on his face whilst Theseus nearly cried at the sight he bore view of, Kancer scared fell to her knees, and worst of all, Freccio's wounds were all cured.

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