Fight! Fight! Theseus!

Chapter 5: The Organization

Kancer lets Theseus down on the roof of a building.

"is this the right choice? Did I pick the wrong path? Is this okay? This is what I want but, Mom and dad, are they going to be alright without me? Should I really be going out of my way to chase this dream? Am I supposed to be doubting myself in the first place?"

Theseus lays down on the ground and begins to tear up little by little, Kancer notices this and places Theseus's head on her lap.

"You may be oh so pretty, but seeing you cry isn't as great as you may think."

"Shut up alright, I'm struggling enough as it is."

"Ugh, I'm not really good at this comforting stuff, I'd be easier if I could just kill him and get this over with but whatever." She begins to play with his hair a bit and realises she might just have a soft spot for him

After a while Theseus curiously asks "Hey uh, is this place or organization whatever it is, is it actually nice there?"

"Yeah, although it can be annoying from time to time, I have to thank the boss for taking me in and giving me a purpose, also I have my own room there so it's nice. I'm sure the boss would give you some things if you joined him."

"Hm, well, do you mind if I lay down here for a little longer?"

"Give me some of your blood and consider it a deal."

Theseus stares at her mischievous smile with disappointment "Really Kancer? Really?"

"Hey I gave you the offer, up to you if you want to take it or not."

"Just a tiny bit alright-" Immediately Kancer slashes the top of his hand and licks her blood-soaked scissors with joy

Theseus feels a bit of pain but then rests for a while, he thinks to himself that maybe this new opportunity is worth seeking out, and maybe just maybe, he can live with the thought of leaving his parents alone for a while.

Kancer eventually gets annoyed and wakes Theseus up.

"Hey, times up my legs are starting to fall asleep."

"Alright well thank you."

He quickly gets up whilst glancing at Kancer, noticing her details more, her mask seems truly is different from the average Mouthless, the design is quite unique than the usual bleak designs they have.

"So, want me to take you there?" She asks

"I mean, might as well at this point, not like it'll hurt."

"Sounds good to me!" Quickly she sweeps him off the ground.

"Right one thing, why are you so fast? And agile?"

"Oh? Can't tell ya, that's a secret." She winks at him.

After grabbing Theseus she takes him to the shop where he had nearly died.

"What? Why are we back here?"

"You asked to come to the hideout place thingy no? It's around here."

"What? How? Where?" Even after looking in every possible spot he can't seem to spot it

"Well if you could see it, it wouldn't be that good of a hideout now would it."

"You're not wrong there."

Kancer lets him down and grabs his hand "It's simple, just follow me, so first you take a right on this street, then you need to go up this apartment ladder here on the left, after that you have to go inside the apartment through the roof and then find the third room on your left, once you're in it you'll end up on a skyscraper."

"How did we end up here!?! And why!!?"

"Huh? To jump off obviously." She looked at him as if it were normal

"Jump??? Are you crazy? I know you want me to die but I'm not going out this way."

"Well, that's the only way there so."

"Surely there's a safer way there? No?"

"Nope! This is the only way!"

"S-Surely there's another-"

Kancer hugs him with all her might and jumps off the skyscraper with no remorse.

Theseus tries to punch her and lessen her grip but ultimately does nothing to her "YOU'RE GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF BOTH OF US!"

Kancer smiles as death approaches whilst Theseus screams as he plummets straight down, seeing the ground get closer and closer

Kancer brings him closer to herself and puts one step in front of her as if she is entering a room, and instantaneously she walks through a door appearing from nowhere, she walks a little and comforts Theseus.

"See? Nothing to be scared of, now come on, you can stop holding onto me."

Theseus falls to his knees on the white ground below him.

"I never, want to do that again, I can barely even tell what up and down is, nor left and right, everything just feels off, like it's collapsing onto me, wait, now that I think about it, why is everything white? I can't see a thing anywhere."

With a curious look on her face, Kancer asks "What white floor? It's clearly a nice dark oak wood, don't you see the red carpet?"

"Red carpet? Everything's white." Theseus gets up and starts walking forward.

"Don't you see all of this as just, blank? Like nothing's here-?"


Theseus walks directly into an invisible brick pillar.


"I'M SORRY I FORGOT YOU CAN'T SEE, Are you bleeding from that?"


"Woah woah, no need to be rude now, right, you don't have the contact lenses, I sorta forgot about that whole thing, here, I'll take you to Jimmy right now."

"Jimmy? Really? Of all names Jimmy?"

"Hey, don't you disrespect him, if it wasn't for him this place wouldn't be so protected."

"Alright alright, take me to Jimmy."

Kancer holds Theseus's hand and guides him through as if he were a blind boy. "It's sort of fun taking care of him like this."

Eventually, Theseus sees a Blau with a blue coat and black tie, a nice blue fedora, and a white shirt, yet for some reason he only has an upper body.

"Uh, is Jimmy a crippled? Or like, missing body parts?"

"What no, he's completely fine, or well he should be, that's him right there actually."

Kancer explains the situation to Jimmy.

"AH, ZESEUS ADONIS, ZE MAN OF MANY NAMES, I AM JIMMY CONTACTS, PLEAZURE TO MEET YOU. Judging from what Kancer, is zaying, you require, contacts, from me? Am I correct?"

"Yes please, everything seems to be white."

"Hö hö! I have heard zat many times Zeseus, but fear naught, FOR ZA BEST CONTACT MAKER IN ZA ENTIRE VORLD IS VIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU."

He takes a good look at Theseus's eyes and puts both of his hands together, slowly a bright green light emanates from them.

"Here you go Zeseus, a perfect contact lens, vith zis you shall be able to zee za entire organization, fun fact might I add, my ancestors vere ze first to make such a thing, back in eighteen eighty-seven, vith zis exact power zese contacts vere made. Here you go now, I hope you enjoy ze rest of your visit."

"Thanks a lot Jimmy, have a great rest of your day."

"Za pleazure is mine."

Jimmy puts his fedora on his chest as he salutes Theseus on his way out.

Kancer excited tells Theseus to put the contact lenses on immediately

A little scared Theseus puts them on after struggling a little.

"W-Woah, there's like, wow, just, this? This was all here? The entire time?"

"Of course Theseus, let me take you to my room."

Theseus admires the entire place, chandeliers are placed everywhere, and Jimmy's shop turns out to be made out of marble, everything seems to just be a large corridor with a wood ground and a red and gold carpet running through the entire thing, even looking from either direction it seems almost infinite.

Kancer grabs his hand and runs happily to her room.



"FINE, but after you're giving me a tour."


Kancer practically drags him for a couple of minutes until they arrive at a pink door with a gold handle on it.


"Sure sure whatever you say."

She proudly opens the door, Theseus takes one glance and the only thing he can think of is, Pink.

The room is decently big, a giant pastel pink bed can be seen with over a dozen plushies of different kinds of things, some seem to be that of a pink character from a video game, whilst others different types of characters from a popular television character, as well as a pink shark, a big closet takes up a good bit of the room along with a big drawer. for some reason the entire left wall is mostly made of a window.

"WELCOME TO MY HEAVEN." She says whilst leaping onto her bed and diving into all of her plushies hugging all of them with a giant smile on her face.

"Wow I was not expecting this, I thought it was going to be all black and emo and stuff, this is, definitely something."

"Oh don't worry there's plenty of that stuff too you just gotta look hard enough."

"Of course there is."

"BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK???!!!?!!??!?"

"It's a lot tidier than I thought it'd be, and it is definitely, something."

"Your opinion!!!."

"Uh it's, it's really good, I think it suits you pretty well, mind if I get on the bed with you?"

"Of course not silly, but don't get the wrong idea, I still want to kill you and spread your organs across the entire room."

"Trust me I know."

Theseus lays down on the bed, it is extremely nice and comfortable.

"Okay so first off, this plushie's name is Sinclair, and this one is."

Kancer begins to tell Theseus all about her room and all the names of every plushie, he somewhat enjoys this and seems a little happy, after about an hour of this he finally gets up.

"Whew, good rest, now you gotta show me the place."

"Fine, a deal is a deal."

They go outside of the room

"Alright, I'll show you a couple, because if we did all of them we'd be here forever, So, I'll take you to the library." She skips and jumps on the way there, in an extremely happy mood.

Theseus sort of feels better about himself as well and after walking for a couple of minutes they find a door with multiple books inside of the door itself, with the handle being an oak wood with weird white glyphs coming from it.

"Seems like this would be it."

"And you're right! This is the library, anything you want to know will probably be here, and if it isn't, it means it doesn't exist, or someone didn't find it yet."

"Really everything huh?"

"Mhm, go take a look."

Theseus walks inside, the entire thing is filled to the brim with books, there are hundreds of bookshelves made of some sort of stone that go on till the eye can see, each one of them with lots of different colors and covers from many of books.

"I never really liked this place."

"Hey, as they say, knowledge is power."

"Whatever you say, speaking of, can we leave? I don't want to talk to that Icarian again."

"What Icarian?" Theseus takes a closer look and notices someone sitting down and reading a book, he has glasses and is mostly wearing black his wings seem sort of small.

"Oh, him? He doesn't seem that bad."

"Ugh he's the worst, now come onnnnn, I wanna leaveeee."

"But, fine alright-"

The Icarian stands up and looks at the entrance seeing Kancer.

"Kaaanncerrrrrrrr, Remember me!!! hey!!! Kancer it's me!!! Hey!!! Wait stop closing that door Hey!!!"

Theseus closes the door. "Yeah, I think it's best we leave."

"Quickly he's quite fast, let's just go into whatever room, but now."

Theseus looks around for the least approachable room and sees one that's fully black with lots and lots of stars on it of different colors, even the handle is black with stars.

"Ok then this one."

He holds onto Kancer's hand and runs straight into the room, inside it is a single chair, and a mirror, in a big white room.

"Geez, you can't pick a single good room can you?"

"What now?"

The room they entered was barely lit, it was a fairly long hallway and at the end of it was a burly man with hair so long it reached the floor, the man seemed to be tied to the walls in chains.

"Uh, who's this?" Theseus curiously asked.

"I'm not sure about his name either but apparently he has this disease or well, curse? I'm not sure on what his condition is but he requires blood and human flesh." "Right, totally doesn't sound like someone I know." Theseus looked at Kancer as if they were related.

"Hey don't get the wrong idea now, I simply drink it for fun, he on the other hand needs it." The man grumbled after hearing them bicker for a while.

"Can I talk to him? He seems kind of interesting."

"I mean, I think it's fine, just don't get too close to him."

Theseus slowly walked forward until he was about five meters away from the man.

"H-Hello? Mister?"

The Man raised his head, his piercing gaze could be felt even though his hair covered most of his eyes. "What is it, spit it out."

"Oh I uh, just wanted to know why you're chained?"

"Heh, you must be new here huh, the name's Siegfried, you seem to be Human." Even though it seemed as if he couldn't see he clearly could.

"Surprised you could tell, what about you? You seem like me but, different somehow."

"You've got good intuition kid, I used to be Human like you, that was until I 'Adapted' as some may say, it's a story as old as time and I don't like telling it, so either get out now or I'll make sure you're my next meal."

"Tough thing to say whilst being chained up huh-" And in an instant a pebble flew by Theseus faster than he could perceive, the mans hands were similar to that of a beast with his nails being thicker than a bone itself.

"You were saying…"

"R-Right, on my way Sir Siegfried, Have a wonderful day." Theseus quickly ran out taking Kancer's hand with him.

"Did you see that??? How the hell did he even do that???" He had a panicked expression on his face and was extremely pale.

"A-Are you alright Theseus? He didn't hurt you right?"

"I-I'm fine now, thanks, whew, that man was something else, he seemed so similar to me yet, I don't even want to think about it anymore, let's just move on, where's the Boss at again?"

"Right, I'll show you the way now."

Kancer took Theseus to the boss's office, which was in a golden room opposite of where they just were, upon entering all they could see was a pitch black dark room similar to before except with a door in the middle of the room, going through there they end up in a Spanish fiesta with lots of women dancing this confuses Theseus, Kancer then leads him to a specific restaurant in the fiesta called Los Dos Hermanos Que Ahora Son Tres Pero Quieren Matar Al Quarto Pero Esta Dentro De Su Madre Entonzes Lloran Todos Los Viernes.

Inside the restaurant they both enter the third bathroom in the boys section whilst holding the signature Sad Enchilada, which then leads them to a weird Kingdom made of Light.

Theseus pukes onto the floor after being overloaded with too much information.

"What? It's just the way to the Boss alright it's not that bad."

"S-Shut up, I see things way slower than you do this is horrible, where even are we?"

"Some fool's Kingdom or something I don't know."

"Someone owns this??? What if he's here and spots us???"

"Oh don't worry, this place has been abandoned for so long, I wouldn't even call it owned at this point."

Theseus looks around notices how the sky is different "What's up with the sky? It looks like a galaxy."

"Well, it's a long story but it kind of is and isn't, anyways just, follow me this is the last door and we're done."

"Yeah I'm better off not questioning anything else, let's just finish this."

They enter through a weird bashed-up door in the basement which finally leads them to the boss's room.

He stands at his desk doing his paperwork.

"Oh if it isn't Theseus, have you made your mind then?"

"Yeah uh, I want to make my dream come true, so I decided to join your organisation."

"Good job, I'm proud of you, really, now here, just sign this and that's it."

He passes him the paper.

"Oh alright."

He signs a weird piece of paper with an incomprehensible language, it then vanishes in thin air with a weird faint scream echoing through the room.

"Don't worry about that, anyways, ready for your first job?"

Kancer clears her throat as if she wanted the Boss's attention "Ahem, first you should give him his room."

"Right, sorry Kancer, would you like it next to yours?"

"Yes please."

"Of course, anything to make my family happy."

He grabs a new piece of paper and writes something down on it and sends it down a weird pipe next to him.

"Now now, your job right?"

"Sure I wouldn't mind doing one."

"Great, I need you to break into this house, and plug this USB Inside the main computer, Kancer will join you on this mission to supervise you, you will receive your payment on a special credit card that is inside your room, and you will receive your next job on your new phone which is also in your room, failure to complete the job within a week will result in a punishment."

"How will you know If I finish the job?"

"Oh? Most people ask about the punishment but trust me, I'll know if it's done."

"Alrighty that's all I gotta know, do I have to go back the long way or?"

"Don't worry, I'm the one and only Boss of this place."

He taps three times on his desk with his pencil and the wall on his right morphs into the corridor, he hands the USB over to Theseus and sends him off.

"Farewell Theseus, Goodluck on your mission."

He says as the wall morphs back into two doors, one with slime all over it and another made of dirt and grass.

"Well, that was something."

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