Fight! Fight! Theseus!

Chapter 6: A Friendly Visit

"Would you like to go now Theseus? Or would you rather rest?" Kancer asked in a soft tone.

"Is there a delay from mission to mission? Like do I get free time?"

"Yeah about a week, unless you want to work extra."

"Let's just go, the faster we get back the quicker we can rest."

"Alrighty." The two of them head back to the main entrance, walking down the very long corridor. Theseus seems a little annoyed, many things cloud his mind, as he wanders many doors can be seen on the way there each being unique and different from the last, from being made of complete bones to being straight up water, it makes you wonder just how this all works.

After walking for a while a Lunian and a Slime can be seen conversing.

"Whew, what a great job you did there Geppy." says the Lunian whilst they pat their head.

"Thank you Mister Europa, I only did my best as always."

Theseus surprised asks Kancer "How many people exactly work here? And how many of them are like, partners."

"Oh there's quite a lot, most people go in pairs of two in missions, I used to go with Dexter but he's just so annoying and weird, I'm surprised he's even made it this far." Kancer seemed visibly displeased.

"Dexter? Oh, do you mean that Icarian from earlier?"

"Yeah yeah, but now it's us two alright, so don't worry about him." Kancer quickly went on ahead

As Theseus catches up "If you say so, It's probably best not to talk about things whilst we're on the job."

They both move on quickly, the Lunian seems to have taken the slime to his bedroom.

"Though I do wonder just what happened between them? Can it really be that bad? I'll try and be a bit cautious from now on just in case."

After some time they pass a door that causes Theseus eye to light up. "IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?!?!?

He sees a door that resembled a giant fight stick with no handle, it looked like the same one he used whilst he used to play fighting games.


"I mean it's next to mine so?" Kancer was happy for Theseus but was confused how something so simple could make him happy

As Theseus gets up to it he tries to input one of his combos C.S. 6H 214K C.S 6H 214S 66 623H which surprisingly enough opens the door.


"Everything alright Theseus?"


"Right, anyways go grab your stuff and let's go."


Theseus is ecstatic, he would have never dreamed of a door like this.

He enters the room all happy and stays in there for a while, Kancer doesn't join him assuming he'll be quick.

Ten minutes pass by and Theseus is still in his room.

Kancer knocks on the door. "Hey, Theseus, are you almost done there? You've been in there for a while." No response.

"Theseus?" Kancer starts to fidget around with the door.

"How is it that he did this? Like, it was this button first I think, then this one? holding forward? Bullshit door that's what it is, THESEUS IF YOU DON'T GET OUT SOON I'M BREAKING THIS THING." She bangs the door a couple of times before leaving it alone.

After what had felt like an eternity to Kancer (Five minutes) Theseus gets out.

"Sorry Kancer, I didn't know we had to dress up, and this isn't usually my style but I guess it'll work."

Theseus wore a black long-sleeved skin-tight shirt with a completely white vest on top along with dark blue jeans, he was also given gloves that were fireproof, his hair was down and seemed a little messy and his eyes were black like his shirt, most importantly the organization even gave him a new phone.

"Oh wow, not bad huh? Wait... If you dressed up then, I COULD HAVE JUST GONE TO MY ROOM AND DONE THE SAME RIGHT JUST GIVE ME A BIT."

Kancer quickly runs off to her room in a panic.

"Is she ok? Nevermind, it's the same person that want's to gut me, this should be obvious."

Kancer didn't need to run off too far, although the interspace often changes for security methods, the boss made sure Kancer's door was near Theseus's since they work together, not only this but most people can somewhat feel where their door is, almost as if their soul or even their being knows where it is.

The Lunian from earlier notices Theseus and greets him.

"Oh? A new recruit huh?"

"O-Oh uh, yeah, I'm off to do my first mission." Theseus nervously moves his body around from being still to putting his hand on his elbow to the back of his neck.

"Look at you go, you know you can wait till the last minute if you'd like to right?"

"I could but I just prefer doing things first and then having fun after."

"Oh wow quite smart, I'm sure you'll survive the first mission, most do."

"Most?" Theseus's appeared to sweat a little

"Well, you never know what can happen exactly, I'm sure you won't be doing anything too dangerous, but you never know nowadays right?"

"Right, so like, do all of my future missions have a chance of me dying?"

"Well yeah, we aren't working normal simple jobs, everything we do is dirty, not that it matters too much, just know you're doing the right thing in some way and you'll be fine, maybe consider looking into your Second Wind some more."

"How do you know I have one?"

"Most of us here have one, it's what makes us special, but never talk about it ok, although we're all happy and a family or whatnot, we still have our secrets." "Why not though?"

"If someone really hated your guts, and they knew the only thing you could do, they'd just exploit whatever weakness you have."

"I guess that does make sense."

"Who's your supervisor for your first time?"

"Oh, my partner? It's Kancer."

"Ah, good luck, she can be pretty annoying."

"She's not that bad."

"Really? Well most people don't like her, I'd be careful if I were you, she wasn't always this bloody, but apparently some sort of trau-" Out of nowhere, with no sound or any indication of their arrival, Kancer appeared right beside both of them, she gazed at the Lunian with a great dark smile on her face and her eyes barely open.

"T-That's my queue to go, see ya!"

"What were you two talking about?" She says whilst grinning

"Haha nothing really just, curious about this place, that's all, uhm, but you look great though! Nice outfit!

"Aww, thanks."

Kancer wore a skirt with each stripe interchanging between black and green, she wore a long-sleeved knitted shirt, this time with covered in green and fuchsia fizz squares all over the shirt, her lipstick was black and she wore platform boots.

"I wish I didn't need to put my mask on, but for societal reasons it will sadly have to go on."

"Maybe someday people will be less strict about it."

"I doubt it, but I like your optimism."

"What can I say, I'm just optimistic at times."

"It's a nice thing, but you know what else is nice?"

Theseus sighs and puts his palm on his face.

"Blood again?"

"You catch on quick."

"I can think quicker than most." "More like my time is slowed but whatever"

Theseus puts his index finger out, Kancer gladly pricks it with one of her scissors and starts to suck on it a bit.

"Mmm, delicious as always." She smiles and seems to be happier

"This life could be worse, I get nice clothes, a friend that's odd but bearable, and a dream I can achieve, what could go wrong?"

They both walk out of a door with multiple streetlights on it, and end up outside in an alleyway.

"Woah! That was quick." Theseus was a little nervous

"Of course, thought you'd get used to this transportation by now."

"It's still a little weird to me, It actually hurts my head a bit but oh well, where do we have to go again?"

"Check your phone, you should get a GPS giving you directions, it also tells you where the nearest shops are, pretty much anything you need, quite the useful app."

"Wow, wait, even people? Isn't that just stalking at that point?"

"Sometimes we get missions to track people and keep an eye on them, you never know."

"If you say so." Theseus glances at his phone "Looks like we gotta go the richer side of the city."

"No surprises there, would you like me to carry you like last time?"

"I'll have to pass on that offer, it's embarrassing enough."


Theseus looked at the sky yet again, it was a nice dark blue, he felt somewhat relieved, as if he had a bigger purpose in life, like he meant more, his dream was a little vague and he knew it would become clearer the more he stayed in this organization, they got quite a few stares for their attire but no one seemed to say anything upfront to them, Kancer enjoyed the time since she was close to Theseus.

After twenty minutes they arrived at what seemed to be a massive house, whoever owned it was clearly rich.

"Soooo, I'm guessing we can't just ask nicely and then plug this USB into the main computer can we?"

"Nope, we're going to have to break in and leave swiftly."

"What if we get caught?"

"I usually worry about that when it happens."

"You really aren't the brightest huh."

"Hey! You gotta respect your superior alright!."Kancer raised her hand towards Theseus nearly hitting him

"I was just kidding! I promise! No need to get mad! Especially so close to the house, anyways let's just break in quickly then." "I'm a pro at this just you wait."8

Kancer crouches down and leads Theseus to the nearest window, somehow with her scissors, she is able to melt the glass of it in a square big enough for them to fit in.

The bedroom was quite big for one person, the bed was big and a little taller than average, it had a gaming set up and some posters over the walls.

"How can you even do that?"

"Be quiet, it's my Second Wind, don't worry about it." Kancer whispers

"Well this seems to be a bedroom of sorts, nobody seems to be home." Theseus used his Second Wind and made sure no other noises were going around in the house by listening to every singular frame there was.

"How would you know?"

"Because it's dead silent, I can't hear anyone else other than us."

"If you say so, if you're wrong your corpse is mine."

They both slowly stood up and opened the door leading out to a long corridor with ten different rooms, everything was on the ground floor.

"Would you like to pick a room then?"

"Let's just split up and be quick, before anyone gets here."

"Alright alright."

Theseus enters what seems to be a girl's room full of pink and black as well as two bathrooms, whilst Kancer found the living room, kitchen and another larger bedroom.

Theseus ponders "This room sorta reminds me of someone, I just can't picture who though."

"Theseus get over here quick! I found the computer!

He rushed over to her as quick as he could and inserted the USB

"Uh, is that it?"

"Of course not it's going to take a couple of minutes."

"Well, uh, what if someone comes?"

"Surely no one will, what are the chances."

Two people begin to approach the door.

"I'm home! And I brought a friend with me. Oh? Is anyone here?"

"I hope they don't mind."

Right then and there, Theseus realised just whose house it was by the tone of their voices and the familiarity of the room beforehand, the worst-case scenario.

Dagoria Cornus and Baru Ino

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