Chapter 7: Theseus? Or Proteus?
Theseus's heart sank, his eyes widened, and he began putting his hands on his head almost clawing at his eyes, he was in a great panic.
Kancer sees Theseus distressed and begins to grab her scissors.
"NO! I CAN'T LET HER KILL THEM." Theseus attempted to tell Kancer not to kill them but no words would come out of his mouth, the shock affected him more than he had thought.
Kancer whispered to Theseus. "Don't worry ok? It will work out, calm down, regain your senses, it will be fine." She hugged Theseus attempting to comfort him.
This calmed Theseus, somewhat, he let out a big sigh, not loud enough to be heard by the others but enough for Kancer to understand that she had helped.
"I know these people alright? I don't want them to get harmed, they're nice people, let's just finish this and get out of here quickly, they don't deserve to die, I'll do whatever you want just please, help me."
"hehe, that's just what I wanted to hear." Kancer smiled happily knowing how much she got out of this.
"Hey, look, the computer finished, I'll just grab the USB and you think of the best way out of here." Theseus quickly grabbed it and started turning off the computer, whilst his hand was still on the mouse Kancer slashed the back of his hand with a cut a little deeper than usual, Theseus grunted at this.
Dagoria began walking up the stairs and heard some noise "Dad? Is that you?"
Kancer quickly licked most of the excess blood. "QUIT IT, WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW." She sighed but complied, although her physique was small she lifted up Theseus and bolted out the nearby window as fast as she could making a loud bang.
"Is everything alright Dagoria?"
"W-Wait Baru, be careful I think someone is in the house."
"W-What?" Baru seemed nervous but confident "Come on Baru! You can beat this intruder, show off to her!
He took a deep breath, grabbed a nearby lamp, and ran into the room full force screaming "I'M NOT SCARED OF ANYTHING OR ANYONE, SHOW YOURSELF WHOEVER DARED ENTER THIS HOUSE."
After a couple of seconds, he realised the broken wall where the window was supposed to be. "Oh, well I guess they left already."
Dagoria laughs and hits his shoulder. "You can be so stupid sometimes, but fine, I guess they left then huh."
"Looks like it. I mean, wait a second, Is that blood near the computer?"
"Huh? Oh, there's nothing sharp here that I know of, how would they have bled? I guess we should call the police quickly."
"Already on it, they don't call me Baru The Quick for nothin."
"Name me one person who calls you that."
"Uhh, well, I mean, myself?"
"I wonder what goes on in that brain of yours at times."
"I'm trying my best here alright! Ehem wait." The police answer the phone "Hello? Someone recently broke into my friend's house whilst we were here, they just left a bit ago, I don't think they took anything but they did leave some blood? Could you send someone quickly? Alright thank you." He let's out a big sigh of relief "They said they're sending two police officers our way!"
"Whew that's good, I guess I should call my dad quickly, wait, I think he's calling me one second. Dad? Hello? The computer? What about it, yeah someone broke in the house I think they might have used it, what's the problem? Oh... I see." Dagoria's face seemed to drop heavily.
"Did uh, something happen?" Baru realised the situation was serious and dropped the joking act
"M-Most of our, money, it's uh… gone, they stole it." Dagoria falls to her knees and begins to cry
"Oh, I'm… I'm sorry to hear that here how about we, take a walk outside for a bit longer, I'll treat you to something don't worry." thankfully Baru consoles her the best he can.
Meanwhile, Theseus and Kancer were heading back to the organization.
"Next time ask for permission alright." Theseus pouted whilst being carried by Kancer
"Fineeee, I just really wanted some and you know you did say I could get anything I want."
"I guess… I don't mind too much just, I wouldn't want them to find out that's all."
"Who are they anyways?" Kancer jumped from building to building with ease
"Just some friends I made at school, sure it's fine if they see me I guess but, in my heart, it bothers me, I sometimes care what people think of me." Theseus seemed gloomy talking about this
"I understand a little, don't worry about it, just don't stress out like that again on a mission, if they were actual threats we could've died or something."
"Why does everyone just throw that out so casually, you realise that if we're dead that's it, there's no continue, no continuation, that's it."
"Yeah, but that's just life no?"
"Life or not I'm still young, I don't want to die without finishing what I want."
"What was it again?"
"I want to explore things, I want to see what no one else sees in this world, discover lots of things, speaking of, I think it's about time you explain how fast you are." Theseus's mood improved
"Ugh really?"
"We had a mission together and you can trust me, if we're gonna be partners in crimes I would like to know more about you, this is a good start."
"I guess I don't really mind, they're just these special boots you see me wearing, the boss gave them to me as a gift for when I was feeling really down after a mission, they allow me to move a lot faster than a normal person could, I can also jump a lot higher too."
"REALLY??? SO IS IT LIKE MAGIC? OR AN ARTIFACT? WHERE DID HE FIND IT? HOW DOES IT WORK FULLY? IS IT THE ONLY ONE IN EXISTENCE???" He almost fell out of Kancer's arms but she quickly stabilized him
"You seem more interested in my boots than me." Kancer tightened her grip on Theseus
"Well, I like learning alright and I like learning about you too, but could you tell me more???"
She sighs "I don't know how they work fully alright, the boss just gifted them to me out of nowhere, I think they could be magical? I'm not too sure."
Theseus was a little disappointed "Hmm, I'll try and go back to the library later then, I wonder what else is in this world."
Whilst Kancer carried him, Theseus admired the sky, it was a slightly dark blue, it seemed so vast and almost infinite.
"I want to go beyond that, I want to go beyond everything"
Slowly he closed his eyes until he fell asleep.
"Does he really trust me that much to fall asleep in my arms? Realistically now would be the best time to do whatever I want with him… But then again a dead Theseus won't last me very long, tch, what a shame."
After a some time. "Theseus? We're back already, can you stand up?"
"Huh? What? I fell asleep? Wow how long was I out for?"
"Not too long about half an hour."
"I don't even know how I could even sleep from that height and speed, I guess I'm starting to get used to this, anyways what should we do now?"
"You did promise you'd do anything I wanted remember?"
"Right, I did say that..." Theseus seemed nervous.
"So I think we should-."
An Icarian in a very elegant blue suit and a microphone interrupts Kancer "THESEUS THESEUS, YOU'RE THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK I HEARD Oh come on Nelson hold the camera well, anyways HOW WAS YOURRRRR FIRST MISSION THESEUS." As he says this he strikes a thinking-like pose for the camera having his fist on his chin and doing a weird face.
"Uhh, who are you?" Theseus was more than confused
"ME? YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OF ME? I thought everyone knew me but I suppose some poor, uncultured, low-life lifeforms may have not heard of the best interviewer in the world ME! AARON ICARUS COMING AT YOU LIVE FROM THE DARK WEB."
Kancer really seemed to hate the interviewer whilst Theseus seemed confused but was trying to be polite.
"So, uh what did you want to ask me?"
"A very, super important question, is it true that you ran away from your parents to try and live a life on yourself without help?"
"H-How do you know this?"
"What do you mean? You're Theseus Adonis Cirillo Lambros we have to know!" He smirked
"Are you live streaming this?"
"Oh boy were you not taught manners? It's rude to answer a question with a question."
"Yes alright I ran away to live out my dream sure."
"WOAAAHH YOU HEAR THAT FOLKS? THIS GUY THINKS HE'S GONNA BE A BIG SHOT." Everyone watching the live stream quickly typed BIG SHOT. "You never know nowadays, he might just be someone special, OR NOT, anyways you had your first mission today right? How was it?"
"It was fine it wasn't too bad." Theseus seemed uncomfortable.
"Oh really? Didn't you see your high school friends? I wonder what that was like, I bet it was a wonderful reunion full of butterflies and flowers, you who were once so pure now here doing criminal activities, surely they wouldn't mind right?"
"That's enough for today, I'm not doing more interviews." Theseus angrily left
"Well you all heard him, after this we're going to interview an Icarian like myself he goes by the name of Dexter."
Theseus grabbed Kancers hand and continued walking along the hallway.
"Does that happen often?"
"Not really it's quite annoying, he usually does this where he interviews people who are either interesting or new." Kancer slowly seemed more and more depressive
"Sounds like harassment really, the only reason I didn't punch him was because we're in a place like this, and I don't think the boss would be too happy if I did such a thing."
"You're right on that part, Aaron is quite the important guy around here, he can't just do whatever he wants but he can still do enough to annoy you."
"Hopefully that's the last time I'm seeing him, now what did you say you wanted to do?"
"Thanks for bringing it up, I sort of thought you'd move on."
"I don't like seeing you like this, so might as well do something to make you happy."
"Awww Theseus, what a charmer." Kancer latches onto Theseus giving him a great hug.
In the time they spent getting back, Baru and Dagoria were talking to the police at their house.
"You don't have to talk if you're not feeling it Dagoria."
"Nono It's fine Baru, I feel better after spending some time with you, what happened officer was that I had entered the house with my friend here, I thought someone was home when I had entered but no one responded when I yelled, after about five minutes I heard a man grunt and a minute after that they left making a big bang."
The Blau Cop answers. "Hmm, well thanks miss I assure you it will all turn out fine, my colleague is bottling the blood as we speak, within a couple of days we'll be able to tell you whose blood it is, and judging by its color there's a high chance this person is human, since there's a scarcity of them and they usually aren't aggressive, have you come into contact with any human that could have done this?"
Dagoria looks at Baru with an ashamed face.
"W-Well there is one person, but I highly doubt it was them I don't meant to accuse them."
"Dagoria there's no way it was Theseus, I know he's missing but he was a nice guy, why would he ever do such a thing in the first place."
"I know alright but, he's the only Human that I met."
The cop is intrigued "Theseus you say? Well regardless you should be careful, we'll catch whoever did this in no time, I'll do some extra research on Theseus to check if we have any intel on him but in the meantime you'll just have to be patient with us."
"H-Hey officer I know Theseus sure it was for a bit but he wouldn't do such a thing, especially if it's to do with Dagoria, he's our friend."
"Kid you'd be surprised, there's always a good and bad side with people, and that blood is most definitely human."
Baru seemed very upset and Dagoria felt bad for bringing up his name, whatever will they do when they find out.