Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 87: Conquisitio Australiae Part 1

On a usually sunny morning along the sunshine coast, a shadow was cast from the distance, blocking out much of the beach's sunlight. Coldness filled this space... Not just a physical temperature change but one of mood. Something was looming in the distance. 

This was the moment when hundreds, thousands, of Australians looked up into the rising dawn, finding a massive grey shape propelling its' massive self above the ocean. Waves swelled below and sprayed up onto something that was too immense to fully comprehend. 

Minutes passed in panic as these citizens quickly phoned relatives, called the police and several other panicking actions. Cars zoomed through the streets, causing accidents all the while planes and helicopters made a desperate dash for landing sites, their pilots marvelling at the object on the horizon. This shape was getting closer with a speed that looked impossible.

Military spotters set on roofs were aiming lasers and devices at it, inspecting it for any weaknesses. Drones were flying in the air, attempting to penetrate the immense radio jamming and electronic jamming coming from the ship. UAVs emerged from clouds every now and then as they attempted the same as the drones... Both failing ultimately. 


"Prime Minister! The military has visual contact on the threat America warned us about!" A fat woman with spectacles dangling on the end of her large nose cried out into a personal meeting between the leader of Australia and the President of America.

A sigh escaped the speakers of the Prime minister's computer, the President of America rubbing his eyes whilst someone spoke into his ears. Stopping after a moment President Obama steepled his hands and spoke with candor. "You are on your own in this Abbott. I hope you can survive this." The call ended whilst another few people stepped into the room, dressed in Australian Military uniforms.

"Prime Minister, the object has been found out to be a space-vessel from the game Star Wars the Old Republic." Abbott put his head in his hands as sweat pooled at the edges of his brow.

He spoke with some chagrin and frustration, his feelings churning just beneath the surface. "Will any of our allies aid us?" The general didn't even speak, the silence giving the leader all he needed to know.

"We help America in all of its wars and aid them in the Pacific and yet we are left to defend ourselves in our greatest time of need..." Sombreness spread through his expression whilst the generals repositioned themselves on the opposite side of the table, the laptop being closed by one of them as the fat lady was pushed out of the room.

"Sir, I suggest we do not take any military action. Based on the intelligence from the Game we can expect this ship to be capable of destroying our entire air force."

The Chief of the Airforce spoke up, his embellished uniform glimmering in the faint lights of the room. 

"The American information says that they sent the best of the best in a Squadron of fighters to do reconnaissance in force... They only have three confirmed airmen from a squadron of 24 F-16s."

Abbott dragged his fingers down his face before looking them in the eyes. "So, we just let them walk right over us and simply dominate the Australian people!?"

The two military chiefs looked at one another before nodding. 


The door opened as the Navy Chief walked in, his face looking grim as he rushed up to the desk.

"Prime Minister, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines and Taiwan have refused to help us."

There was a lull in the conversation as hopelessness imbued everything. It seemed there was no help coming for them. The Army Chief hummed to himself before speaking up, his expression lingering with hesitation.

"There is another option Prime Minister..."

"That is?" The leader didn't even hesitate to ask.

"I was communicated with by a group named, Hydra. They seemed willing to help..." The prime minister straightened his back before looking at the other two branch heads. Those other heads widened their eyes and looked shocked, insulted and almost disgusted.

"Arrest him. Court Martial him. He is working with enemies of the state." The Army Chief took a step back but was tackled by the other heads, their muscles still strong below their fancy suits.


"No, you are insane... Insane to think that we would trade one enemy for another more insipid one. Take him away, we will take no action against this vessel... Let's hope that negotiation can work."


I stood on the command bridge of the Star Destroyer, the recessed consoles alight in dark reds as HK droids operated everything with ruthless efficiency. Standing to my sides were Picard, the official captain of this ship, and Niklaus.

Picard had been apprehensive to use force against the Australians, but after explaining what was occurring and the actions that were being taken by the government... He changed his mood and quickly got to commanding the droids. Slowly, it seemed he was coming around to my perspective, my actions reminding him of his younger self when interacting with hostile forces. 

Niklaus was the opposite, he always revelled in slaughter and bloodshed. This time however he was calmer, more calculating, he saw this as a step to get to his own ends... The enhancement and empowerment of his family. We had spent little periods of time together from when I summoned him, but I felt a connection to him in the way that I too would do whatever was needed for my family.

Artoria and Susan were down below amongst the HK units, asking questions about the technology and systems, the droids getting tired of their queries. Those two were trying to distract themselves from the mission we were on, the take over I was planning being rather abrupt for them. It was a delicate balance I felt... On one side I had the urge to slow down and be methodical, yet every human around me wanted action to be quick. Calling them humans was still new, but it felt the most apt in my current state.

The Spartans were speckled around the bridge, their weapons being those used by the UNSC in basic operations. Cassian was talking to Selene as the two began interacting with some of the officer HK droids, communicating the various possibilities of the operation and strategies for recovery of myself should I get captured in some way. Garrick by directly behind me, his massive hulking form framing my own 'weak' looking form. A warthog's Gatling gun graced his back as his helmed visor scanned the people around me.

Data was helping Picard as Elijah was discussing different aspects of ship command, the Vampire curious about skills that he had never gotten the chance to learn. Itachi, Hope, Frey, the rest of the Mikaelson family and most of the Uzumaki/Uchiha clan were back at the HQ just outside of New York... Their goals were to take in every refugee they could, hold off the American military and secure communications with the Justice League and any remaining elements of Shield. 

Now there was only the slow arrival to Canberra... The Star Destroyer moving past the beautiful skyline of Brisbane as fighters flew in the distance, watching our movements. Scanners confirmed fires all across the city, making my mission feel all that more important.

"Freya, the droids are saying that they have detected vast quantities of mineral deposits across this continent. They also are confirming that there is no activity from any military bases near to us." Picard spoke in a way that I'd never have expected to hear. He was being plain and speaking clearly, without preamble or moral conviction... It was as if I were not speaking to the older version of himself and instead the youthful self that he had repressed due to the rigors of time. 

Letting the shock fade from my brain I answered back. "Good. Then we make straight for Canberra. We want to make this as bloodless as possible. Our actions hold the weight of our intentions, if we attack without provocation than we are no better than them and show the world as such."

With that intention we slowly crept over the border between Queensland and New South Wales, the border section darkening as the Star Destroyer passed overhead. All of the UAVs were gone now and the distant cities were now observable from the naked eye... 

Half an hour passed and we finally passed inland of Sydney, on a direct path to Canberra which was set on the top of a hilly plains with a river running south of it and a large artificial lake in the middle. We passed over some dry looking mountains as green forests turned in eucalyptus forests, which were darker... And the finally we reached our goal...

A large structure that looked built into a hill, though it seemed more like it was built and a hill was placed on top of it... We did an arc around the beautiful bustling city, it's planning making it look heavily efficient and beautiful, almost as if in direct opposition to the way Brisbane or Sydney were made. Grey a clouds swooned in the sky above as we parted them with our movements, our ship descending towards the very front doorstep of the Parliament House of Australia, flags whipping upon their poles as my ship slowly came to a halt a thousand metres above the capital building.

"Selene, get ready, we're going to go say hi. Klaus, your coming with me. Picard, you too... Data will stay with the ship, don't worry." I turned and started walking, the entire Spartan team grouping up around me as the other summons of mine looked at each other. Klaus shrugged and followed, a shit-eating grin gracing his face at the idea of watching politicians shit themselves. Picard was less enthusiastic, but still followed, his eyes turning back to look at the bridge every now and then.

A shuttle was ready for us all when we got down to the hangers, stepping out of Turbolifts. HK units were readying it and making the last checks when we stepped into the same craft that had been used by Darth Vader to land on the Death Star in the movies. Tie fighters lifted up to either side and merely hovered back and forth in place whilst we all boarded. 

Finally, when Picard locked himself in the craft lifted and we made our way down to the surface.

'Guess it is time for me to go speak to these clowns.'


As an SASR or SAS member, Dave, or Dave'o as he was known to his friends, had seen a lot in life. From the dark decrepit corners of societies over-seas to the awe inspiring halls of foreign capitals, he had seen it all. And yet, this day surprised him. 

A bogie had flown over the top of the capital of Australia without challenge, the damned thing strutting through the air with all the flamboyance of a peacock trying to attract its mate. Grey as it may be, it was an intimidating construction of materials that were unknowable... He suspected that researchers would be melting over themselves just to get a peak inside, let alone get a material sample.

It was supposed to be a normal day... Yet it wasn't. He would complain, but he had been requested by high command to escort the Prime Minister down to meet the 'guests' along with the majority of the members of parliament. 

'Heh 'meeting' ' that was a joke. Based off of their technology it would be akin to throwing himself before the bullets just to let those in power survive a fraction of a second after him. That was his job though, so he walked beside the scum that manipulated Australia and were currently orchestrating a mass arrest and experiment of Australian Citizens... What could he do about it? Nothing, that was the answer. He kept his eyes forwards, keeping the illusion that he was all about their defence.

"What is going on Tony...?" Several politicians roiled around the current leader of Australia, the man himself looking up at the ship with immense discomfort radiating from him.

"Why isn't the military engaging them!?" An aboriginal woman hissed as she watched the ship halt above the capital building, weapons painting the ventral sections of the ship, currently pointed down at the capital. 

Tony Abbott looked defeated and tired beyond measure.

"Nothing we could throw at it would work. And currently, it seems that all of our allies have abandoned us. America has currently cut off communication with us." Shocked gasps and voices filled the walk as Dave'o churned the information through his head.

'Huh, so that's why these bastards are doing some exercise...' He looked up at the ship, the open square at the bottom of the ship shimmering with movement as three ships exited from inside and flew down at moderate speeds.

He halted at the edge of the stairs down the very front of the building, the Prime Minister stepping about beside him with grim determination, the two men glancing at one another before returning back to their duties.

The ships landed as the two escort ships howled something awful, the noise sounding unnatural and almost demonic, before whisking themselves up into the air and vaguely setting up a guarded formation above the capital building.

"T-This is ridiculous! You just intend to hand the country over to a foreign force as if it was nothing!?" A red-haired woman with moderately wrinkled skin and somewhat green eyes shouted out her, mood more fiery than usual as she witnessed the large transport land.

"Not, if I can help it Pauline. But, the Americans were unable to face them down and lost an entire squadron of fighters just from first contact. The only thing that may take it down is a nuclear device, and we don't have any of those."

She paused and paled, her words coming out shaky now. "Don't you think that is why the world isn't helping us!? They want to launch nukes without any personal repercussions!" The entire assembly of politicians paled and began to panic, the federal police and SAS around them keeping them contained in one place.

"I-I... What are we to do...? It has come to us... I wasn't in control of it."

The doors to the transport opened, six eight foot tall armoured figures stepping through and creating a column for whoever was inside to step out past. 

"Shut up! I'll talk with them! You are a piss poor Prime Minister..." Pauline stood forth, her temperamental personality flaring up as she watched a woman descend down the ramp.

Dave'o had tensed when he had seen those soldiers. His instincts told him there was something wrong with them. The confidence they walked with and the complete sedate nature in which they strut to their positions in enemy territory gave him horrible flashbacks to his grandfather when he was a kid, a WW2 soldier who had faced the Japanese along the Kokoda track. 

'Fuck... they aren't just trained units...'


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