Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 88: Conquisitio Australiae Part 2

[Points: 4,698,413,666]

Stepping out of my transport ship in-between the impromptu column made by my Spartans, I triggered my nano-clothing and switched to a golden and black suit. Dragons that seemed made of gold curled all over the suit and up to my collar. I wore no necktie and simply had a white undershirt sported underneath.

I ran fingers through loose locks of my own hair, its length ending just before the middle of my back. The sun arrayed itself at just the correct angle that as I took steps forwards my hair shone in cobalt hue, my species change shining through in the way that my hair dappled the air around me in a similar colour.

Reaching the end of the column I noted the mental presence of Artoria and Susan behind me, their own outfits mimicking mine if a bit more feminine as they wanted to look cute for me. A blush ran through my face for a second as I felt their eyes on me and their hidden lust, but that would have to wait for later... I told myself as images of our first night together flashed through my mind.

Behind them Klaus and Picard walked out. I had bought them both uniforms from Star Ship troopers, the pitch black one with the swagger to it. Ultimately they had no real rank, but they looked the part of 'generals' or 'admirals' of the star destroyer. Klaus still felt uncomfortable in it even though he looked menacing in its confines. 

I continued strutting forwards with purpose, the Spartans turning and marching in pace with me still maintaining the column. Selene was closest to me on the left whilst Lyria 'The Void' was on my right, the boys were at the back providing security from the federal police that were surrounding the entire area.

Ignoring their cautiousness we marched directly up to the stairs of their capital. A vapid cesspit of vipers stood before me, fangs bared. Their soldiers defended them, not out of respect or honour but out of fear for repercussions. Families were in the firing line and this fact made me almost grind my teeth hatred. Not only had they hunted down their own citizens, they had cowed their own people into fear of loss. This wasn't a democracy, this was a dictatorship masked as a democracy. 

Picard seemed to pick it up as well as a scowl quickly flashed over his features before fading under the façade of civility. Klaus was positively hungry now, his hunger for blood evident in the way that his eyes quickly flashed a bright yellow before fading. 

~Freya... Many of them don't deserve to live...~

His message through thought held within it all of the desire to show them the oppressive boot of a superior force. He had, had, bad experiences with his father before and that was only furthered by his adoption of Marcel who was once a slave. 

I sent him a mental message. ~If they make a hostile move that could threaten Susan or Artoria, eat them. I am not in the mood for shenanigans today.~ A grin emerged on his face, his eyes widening upwards in the action as he curled the corners of his lips... He was choosing targets.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs we looked up to the top, the politicians of Australia all arrayed in varying states of panic behind a red-haired woman. Said woman was rather old, getting near 50 Freya estimated.

"What would you have us call you?" The somewhat angered woman spoke out to her with a concise but annoyed tone.

"Freya, is my name. I come here to represent those that you are supposed to represent however."

A man in a blue suit stepped forwards, the image of the prime minister registering to my memory as he gulped and spoke up, the woman shooting him a vicious glare that he promptly ignored.

"You have no citizenship in Australia. We do not recognise you here. You do not have the right to invade the sovereign territory of Australia... Please, go elsewhere."

Tossing his words in my head a snarl almost made its way to my face. 'That last part was a beg'. In my mind I smiled cruelly as I started a broadcast under my breath. This was now being streamed to the entire world through Twitch.

"Oh? Would you perhaps explain what being a citizen of Australia grants you?" He paled massively whilst the other politician, the woman, stepped forwards to answer.

"To have freedom of speech, to be free to politically express yourself, to live in Australia without concession or limitations... Ultimately, to live with the free Australian spirit!" She sounded as if she was defying someone who was an enemy, someone who was an enemy to all those things...

Force visions washed through my mind as I took many of them into my mind and enveloped them with hatred. The arrests were getting faster and faster, more violent by the second.

"If that is true... Then why is your government currently imprisoning force-sensitive people without restriction? Invading homes and experimenting on those who can do nothing to defend themselves. Australian Citizens, politician, these people with 'so-called' rights are suffering at your hands and your stooges are carrying out this despotic breach of common law before the world's eyes."

The woman turned to the prime minister, the man recoiling a sliver from the collective glance in his direction from everyone. Said red-head turned back to me.

"Even if that is so, which I hope it is not, you have no grounds to come and demand justice as a non-citizen."

'Got you all...'

"By what right do you sit in these halls, cloaked in authority, when you have forsaken the very people you swore to serve? By what right do you claim power, when you have abandoned the principles of common law, the sacred trust between government and governed?"

All of them recoiled like a viper found sipping at the local watering hole for too long by a crocodile... The red-head frowned immediately, immediately understanding she had fallen into my verbal trap.

"For too long, you have perverted justice, wielding law as a cudgel to control rather than a shield to protect. You have forsaken the very foundation upon which this nation was built!" I raised my hands in the air, gesturing to the land around me before lowering them and continuing. 'A government of laws, and not of men', this was once the cornerstone of our civilization. But you have twisted it, setting yourselves above the law, answering to no one but your own ambitions."

A smile twisted onto my face as the knowledge supplied by Reed and Emma Frost surged into my mind, the art of legal matters slipping into my frontal cortex.

"We invoke the ancient maxims of common law, which you have cast aside in your pursuit of unchecked power: 'Lex injusta non est lex', an unjust law is no law at all. And what laws have you passed, if not unjust? What decrees have you issued, if not designed to silence, to control, to oppress?"

"Your duty, as enshrined in common law, is clear: 'Quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus approbetur', that which affects all must be approved by all. Yet you have governed in secrecy, betrayed the public trust, and sold the people's sovereignty without their consent."

"You stand accused by the very principles upon which this land was built. You have broken the sacred trust between ruler and ruled. And by your own abdication of duty, by your own betrayal of the people, you have forfeited your right to govern."

All of them looked close to running down at me and trying to kill me where I stood, yet they could do no such thing amidst my onslaught.

"Thus, if you are to ask: 'what right do you have to come here and tell us what to do', than I would ask, what right do you currently operate upon, since you are all usurpers of the people's rights under common law?"

No answers were given as all of the soldiers present looked at one another. There was a lull within this massive space as everyone digested what I just explained. Not only had I come here without violence, I had spoken of legal matters that were entrenched so deeply in the basis of their legal and constitutional system that it left most of them stunned.

The stream chat was going berserk as many Australians cried out in support of me. Many normies that didn't understand the complexities of government and society were whining at me, but I couldn't care less. Despite my attention being split I didn't fail to notice the soldiers around the politicians nod to one another, their minds slowly filling with determination.

As I narrowed my eyes at them I noticed a single politician step out, a pentagram shining within his eyes as he started to speak Japanese.

"Waga inochi o sasageru wa, kage no tame. Yami ni shizumu mo, te wa taezu michibikan!" 

Within seconds I lifted my hand and lifted him off of his feet into the air above, his body exploding out into flame as a fiery demon curled and lashed out in his place. A hand symbol seared into the atmosphere above whilst the fleshy amalgam of flesh that was once a politician of Australia writhed in mid-air, my telekinesis locking him in place with impunity. 

"Kage ni ikiru wa, onore o itsuwaru koto. Waga yaiba wa yami o tachi, shin no michi o shimesu." I spoke the language which I had learnt from Reed for the first time, the poetic nature of this line striking harder than I was used to from English poetry.

Finishing with a crisp 'ooo' sound I clenched my fist and watched as the demons body crunched and then started to pop, the bones and flesh condensing into a wet and fleshy ball.

Holding the fist for a second or two after I knew it was dead I let go of my hold with a flick forwards, my fingers opening out as I whipped my hand out and back towards myself... As if I was disposing of a dirty paper wrapper from a fast food joint.

Flesh plummeted to the ground and thwacked against the cement, a fleshy slurping noise resounding as blood oozed over the ground for a few seconds, until it turned to ash and the entire area began smelling of sulphur.

"Klaus." The man stepped up, his eyes looking at burning remnants of what he could only consider to be a demon. "Yes...?"

"Find out who works for an organisation called The Hand. Anyone that fails to answer properly or who fails your test. Well. You already know what to do." His grin turned almost homicidal as he strutted forwards, his hands behind his back like an officer inspecting his troops... Or more aptly, a predator searching for its next meal.

"Now, now, what do we have here? A demon!? Hiding amidst you all? I'm shocked! Aren't you Freya?" He turned to me with mock shock, the grin seeming more and more genuine as the politicians gazed at him and their once companion with dread.

"Very!" He flashed his fanged teeth before rounding back on the politicians, his gait taking him up the stairs slowly and methodically. He was prowling their inhibitions and actions. Several politicians looked nervous, but a single one stepped out, beginning the phrase again...

"Waga inochi o- aughhaa..." Klaus blurred over to him, grabbing his throat and lifting him up from the ground, his yellow eyes insidiously piercing into the pentagonal irises of the man.

"So scary...! Are you perhaps going to shred your form now and turn into another paste ball for us to clean later?" His words were venomous as the man slowly choked within his grasp.

"No? No answer?" He held his free hand up to his right ear, mimicking someone trying to hear properly. "Pity, I would have liked to hear your explanation..." He dropped his arm and simply flicked his left wrist, a defining crack booming across the grounds as all of the SAS turned on their own politicians and aimed their guns at them.

'Oh, nice!'

"Hah-hahahaha! Your own forces have turned against you! I guess you were really correct about these gnats Freya...!" He joyfully stepped back, as if to observe this change in circumstance, his smile meshing mischievously with his red hair in a way that echoed the trickster god himself, Loki. 

"I wouldn't lie about scum like this." The red-head female politician stepped forwards, her eyes glued to the demon's remains before glancing back to me, licking her lips as she did so.

"The Australian government capitulates to..." She stopped, searching for a word, until she just bit her lip and spoke up, "To you. P-please, all I ask is that you allow the people of this nation to have freedom and peace..." She shivered as the corpse of the demon and recently killed man burned into ash and drifted on the faint winds surrounding them all.

"Naturally, as I have quoted the common law, I shall enshrine it in the new government. Detention of all force-sensitives and mutants will be repealed effective immediately. Any institute found still holding them by the time that the government has fully been reformed, will be charged with treason." Klaus smiled at the top of the steps whilst Artoria grinned, desire pooling out of her like a tidal wave. Susan was no better than her counterpart, I could already feel her hotness at how I held myself.

"Wonderful! Then it seems that Australia is worthy of change!" Klaus stepped down, walking past me and widening his eyes with a wide expression of emotion, his body language dripping with ruthlessness and blood lust.

'The Mikaelsons seem to have been much more useful than I have them credit for...'


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