Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Those That War, Bleed Water
King Daeron Stark
Riverrun was warm, the streams that ran beneath the castle provided some form of relief for Daeron and those who were within the castle and camped outside its walls, in the form of water and baths and swimming. They had stayed within Riverrun's walls now for a moon planning for the upcoming battle, the one which Daeron deeply believed would be the one that would decided who would sit the Iron Throne for generations to come. Their scouts had reported that Ser Gawen Rivers and Ser Matthew Tully, uncles of Lord Brynden Tully who was currently rotting in a cell at Moat Cailin, had gathered a sizeable host of riverlords at the Stoney Sept, numbering some 4,000 men their plan the scouts said was to meet up with the host being led by the kinslayer Lord Brynden Rivers at Tumbler Falls and from there march on Riverrun. Originally it seemed that the loyalists were to meet at Rushing Falls near Harrenhal and move forward from there, but something had caused a change in plan, something that must have scared the kinslayer, not that Daeron minded overtly, it was all for the better for them.
Ravens had come from the west, the battle of Lion's Ridge had been fought and won and lost by the Ironborn. Daeron's cousin Dagon Greyjoy had led the charge that had broken Tybolt Lannister's men, though Dagon had paid for it with his life, Lord Gormon Botley had taken the Ridge only to be massacred by the host commanded by Lord Devon Tarly, the men under Botley's command thankfully had not been the whole of the Ironborn strength, Dagon had had the sense to send his son and the prime part of their strength back to Lannisport, where the Ironborn had put the Lannister ships to torch before retreating back to the Iron Islands. The Redwyne fleet it seemed had been unable to get to the Iron Islands, needing to help deal with the wreckage left from the burning of Lannisport, Daeron was glad the Redwyne boy would not be able to go toward Pyke, Tybolt Lannister had died from his wounds taken during the battle, and his ten year old son was now Lord of the Rock, the Westerlands would not be part of the fighting for some time.
When news had reached Riverrun of his cousin's death and the result of the Lion's Ridge, Daeron had been subdued for some time, he'd had to spend time with Dacey ensuring his headstrong wife did not do too much to cause herself pain despite her good intentions, he needed her safe and whole, not injured or lying in pain on their bed. Still when the raven had come he had declared that word should be sent to Lords Cassel and Dustin, Cassel was ordered to take his men back home, their ships docked in the ruins of the Banefort were used to ferry the men from the Westerlands, to the Iron Islands and then back home to Stony Shore, most of the gold and plunder that his men had managed to get from their raids of the Westerlands was brought back with them. Torrhen Dustin and his men had marched for Riverrun alongside Robb Reyne and the rebel Westerlords. They had arrived some three days past, bolstering the numbers of troops now at Aemon's disposal to some 25,000. Still their troop numbers were less than that of those fighting for the throne, Lord Rivers had called the Crownlands together along with those forces of the Stormlands, and with Lord Garth Tyrell marching up the Roseroad, soon enough they would be outnumbered. That was why Daeron had called a meeting of his lords' bannermen and those who had bent the knee to Aemon. They needed to discuss their options, and quickly.
It was Hothar Umber, the Lord of Last Hearth who spoke first as had been his custom as of late. "It is clear what we must do Your Grace. The Kinslayer sits at Tumbler Falls, with his sizeable host. That is the host we must worry about, if I may be so bold, I suggest we march out in full force and deal with that host now, before the Flower Lord comes and tries to aid the kinslayer." There were some murmurs of agreement, and Umber seemed well pleased, he was an experienced soldier Daeron knew, still despite his experience and age he was ever the impulsive man.
Something, Daeron's brother Theon, the Lord Commander of the Winter's Guard seemed to agree with. "Whilst Lord Umber's suggestion has merit, do you not think that is what the kinslayer is expecting us to do? Attack his larger host whilst it sits immobile, and then draw the host being led by Tully's uncles to attack us in the flank, and bleed us out whilst Tyrell's host marches and reclaims Riverrun?"
At that there was even more murmuring, and eventually Lord Torrhen Dustin spoke, the man was a fierce warrior had proven himself during the first Blackfyre war and then again during the Bolton rebellion and even now during the war in the Westerlands. "What would you suggest Lord Theon?" the man asked in his calm voice. "Do you suggest we attack the Stoney Sept then? And put the Riverlord host to the sword and risk losing valuable men and resources to the Kinslayer?"
At that there was even more murmuring. Theon spoke up then in defence of what he had said earlier. "Aye Lord Dustin, I do think it would be wise to attack the Stoney Sept. The Riverlords who are there are divided, we hold the more prominent forces of the Riverlords, we have the Freys, the Mallisters as well as those who sit here on this council. Pray tell me whom do the Throne have? Blackwood, Bracken and Shawney? Those lords have never been friends, hell I will not be surprised if Bracken turns his cloak the minute we descend upon them." At there is more murmuring, and this time it seems more determined as if his lords have accepted that this will be their course of action.
Aemon speaks then and what he says sounds so much like something Daemon would say, Daeron half expects his brother to be sitting where the boy sits. "Aye attacking the Stoney Sept is a good idea, but it would leave us exposed from the rear. How do we know that we can defend ourselves against both the Riverlords and the host the kinslayer has gathered? We don't surely there is strength in numbers?"
Lord Darry speaks up then, the man is old and brittle but still a proud man who sits on this council because of his experience, he fought alongside the Young Dragon at Dorne, and with the Unworthy in Dorne and against the Toynes "We will be able to deal with those riverlords Your Grace. Myself, Goodbrook, Mooton and Ryger know these men better than most, and I can tell you for one thing that they will be divided and not sure whom to follow. Tully is a natural leader, Rivers however, is not." Daeron sees Goodbrook and Ryger nod at that whilst Mooton remains impassive.
"How many blasted uncles does Lord Tully have? I swear each time we meet another one pops up." Lord Umber jests, and the lords laugh at that. Good Daeron thinks let them laugh; he needs them to be relaxed now.
"We have all discussed what needs to be done, and yet our commander is yet to say anything. Your Grace, what have you decided?" Lord Goodbrook asks, always trying to get into his good books, frankly Daeron has little time for the man but still.
Daeron is silent for a moment and Dacey takes his hand under the table, squeezing it reassuringly, he had spoken with her and Theon about what he meant to say at this point the night before and they both agreed it was the right move. "I believe that the concerns voiced here are accurate and correct. We cannot expect to deal with three reasonably sized hosts without the aid of the Ironborn. That is why I have decided that Aemon shall lead a host of 10,000 men to assail the Stoney Sept and take if for us. The Kinslayer will not expect that, he will think that Aemon will want to lead the assault that goes for Tumbler Falls. That will not be the case. Lords Umber, Dustin, Glover and Manderly you shall ride with your strength alongside my nephew. Lords Darry, Goodbrook, Ryger and Mooton you shall ride with me. "
There is agreement and then the council ends, though Aemon hangs back and when Daeron looks at him, he sees the same look of annoyance that would often come up on Daemon's face when he was denied something. "I could command the host on Tumbler Falls equally well nuncle. And why not give the command of the Riverlords forces to me as well? I could win their loyalty just as easily as you or my father could."
Daeron sighs, weary for he knows that this is an argument that could last for a long time, and they do not have the time, nor does he have the patience to explain why he has done what he has done. "I know that Aemon, truly I do." He says softly. "But you must understand, I would rather you fight and win with men beside you who have seen you grow and have fought beside you before, than lords who bent the knee because there was a sword over their heads."
Aemon looks as if he is about to protest but he merely nods and stalks off. Daeron sighs, but the next day when they are all gathered ready to march; Aemon finds him before they are mounted on their horses and simply says. "I shall see you in King's Landing nuncle, when we have won the throne." Daeron nods and then off they ride, to battle, and to seat the rightful king on the throne.
The fighting begins about a mile north of Tumbler Falls, with men bearing the banners of House Arryn arriving in a mad canter to try and dissuade them from getting closer. The fighting itself with these men does not last all that long, Daeron himself fights like the warrior brought to life, hacking and slashing men to the ground like they are nothing more than flies. Truly though that initial skirmish passes by so quickly that he is not sure whether or not it was supposed to be an actual delay tactic or just an inconvenience. Still they ride on and just as they get toward the encampment of the Iron Throne's soldiers, they are assailed by more men bearing the banners of House Arryn, and this time the battle takes longer than a few moments.
This time there is more fight in the Arryn Soldiers, and once or twice Daeron swears he saw Jasper Arryn fighting close by, though largely he is too preoccupied to notices any of the more recognisable faces. Hacking and slashing as he is, when the fight ends, his sword is stained red, and there are bodies littering the ground, so much so that he has to move his horse carefully to avoid trampling over those who might still be alive. Theon finds him, and they briefly speak before assaulting the main camp. "Beric Dustin is dead brother. Killed bringing down Beron Arryn. The man was trying to get to you."
Daeron nods. "He was a good man. What of Jeyne, how does she fare brother?"
"Well." Theon replies, and rides close by though he is silent, and Daeron sighs, he hopes once this is all done Theon and Jeyne will make up. Life is too short for all these petty arguments.
He looks to his side and sees Dacey there, riding confidently her Morningstar in her hand, bloodied as well as she is. And then a horn is blown and the battle recommences, this time there is no quick flash in the pan, this is proper battle like the battle of Oldstones during the first Blackfyre war. Hacking and slashing, Daeron fights, pushing his body to its limits, he brings men down left, right and centre, his sword getting so covered with blood that one would be forgiven for thinking that it had always been so. He swings and swings his sword, until no more men stand in front of him, he has a brief moment to see how the battle progresses around him, his men are overwhelming those camped here, tents are being burnt and those fighting for the Iron Throne are being massacred where they stand, ridden down or cut down by his men.
And then the attacks continue, hacking and slashing this time men with roses on their armour are brought down by his sword, that can't be right, the Tyrells and their men are still on the Rose road are they not, they can't be here already. Still he hacks and slashes his way through them until he comes face to face with the Lord of Highgarden himself; Lord Garth Tyrell the man wields a battle axe like Daeron wields Ice. When the man spots him he roars and charges towards him. Daeron dodges his axe swing and strikes the man's exposed side denting the armour. Tyrell grunts, and wheels his horse around and brings it back for another attack, swinging his axe like a mad man, Daeron blocks the swing with Ice, and uses his strength to push Tyrell away before leaning forward slightly and striking Tyrell squarely on the chest whilst his axe is still in the air, he pulls back before the man can bring the axe down.
Tyrell continues swinging at Daeron, but the man's strength here has become his disadvantage, the adrenaline coursing through his veins has impaired his judgement, and so Daeron takes advantage of that. Blocking axe swing after axe swing, and then eventually managing to force the axe from Tyrell's hands, he brings his sword back and then in one quick thrust stabs Ice through Tyrell's chest, only pulling the sword out once he sees blood begin to gurgle from the man's throat. When he pulls his sword out, it is so red that he himself has forgotten what colour it was before this battle began.
Tyrell falls from his horse, and still the battle rages around him, Daeron looks around him lifting the visor of his helm up to see what is happening. Dacey has brought down countless men in the time he has been fighting as has Theon, and Asphell. "Theon" He shouts, when his brother comes towards him he asks. "What banners do you see?"
Theon looks around for a moment and then says. "The banners of Houses Darklyn, Hollard, Celtigar, Bracken, Blackwood and Tully brother why?"
Daeron feels fear rise inside of him. "Do you see the banners of any of the Reacher houses?"
Theon shakes his head but Dacey speaks. "Yes my love, there's the rose of House Tyrell, the ants of House Ambrose, the Sun of House Ashford, plenty of banners my love why?"
"Do you see the Three Headed Dragon of House Targaryen?" he asks. "More specifically the white dragon of the kinslayer?"
Dacey shakes her head and Daeron feels his heart sink. But before he can answer any questions his brother and wife have for him, another horn sounds and he sees men charging over the hill, battle begins once more. He swings and hacks his way through the Reachermen, Osgrey men he knows from their sigils and fighting styles. Hacking and slashing his way through them, until he comes face to face with the person he has been looking for, for most of this time. Addam Osgrey, Lord of Coldmoat and Standfast fighting off three northmen at once, turns at the sound of Daeron bellowing his name.
They meet in a clash of steel on steel, hacking and slashing Daeron reads Osgrey's feints like reading a book, managing to intercept the blows before they are formed in the boy's mind. He dents the boy's armour several times, hacking and slashing his way through Osgrey's defences, before he eventually swings once more and takes off Osgrey's left hand, and then in one fell swing knocks the sword out of his hand. A man bearing Osgrey arms tries to come to his liege's rescue but Theon kills him in one swing. Daeron merely keeps his sword levelled at the man's throat and then raises his helm. "Tell your men to surrender Osgrey, Tyrell is dead and you are useless now. Surrender and you may be spared."
Eventually once the men have laid down their arms, and have been taken prisoner and camp has been set up, Daeron meets with Theon, Dacey and his other lords to assess how the battle has gone. Theon speaks. "We lost 8,000 men Your Grace. Lords Ryswell, Karstark and Darry were all killed during the fighting. As for the enemy. As well as Lord Tyrell, Lords Darklyn, Ser Gawen Rivers, Ser Percy Flowers and others were all killed."
Daeron nods. "Did anyone see the kinslayer's banner waving during the battle?" His fear has been going strong since the end of the battle, was he conned into believing something? When no one answers, him other than to shift awkwardly in their chairs, Daeron feels anger begin to boil up inside of him. "Why do you all remain silent? It is a simple question. Either you saw the man's banner or you did not."
Dacey speaks then. "Your Grace, none of us were focusing on finding the banner. We were to concerned with winning the battle. That is why none of us have answered your question."
Daeron merely nods. "We shall wait for word from the Stoney Sept before marching on King's Landing. This council is at an end." With that he walks from the tent towards where Addam Osgrey is being held, not in a cell like the others but in a tent guarded by four men Daeron trusts implicitly. He nods at them and then enters the tent. Osgrey looks a shambles, his hair is a mess, his clothes are rumpled and his body seems bruised beyond comprehension, the stump where his left hand used to be stinks. "Where was he during the battle Osgrey?" Daeron asks without preamble.
Osgrey looks at him and asks. "Who?"
Daeron sighs in frustration. "Do not play the fool with me Osgrey. You know who I am talking about, where was the kinslayer?"
Addam laughs slightly then, but there is no joy in it. "He was never here Your Grace. It was a trick, he did to make you think he would be here. He wanted Aemon to come charging here to be slaughtered by Lord Tyrell or myself."
Daeron feels himself stunned, the kinslayer has outsmarted him, he's sent Aemon to his death. Gods what has he done?
War, war and memories that is all that haunts him nowadays. Before there were visions of a life that he could have lived had he not been born a Great Bastard, but then again when he grew up he knew such a life would never have been his, had he not been born the son of a King, he would have been left out to die in the cold. No, now his dreams are plagued by visions of that battle, the battle that has given him the title kinslayer, even amongst those who never liked Daemon, they were abhorred by his actions even though it saved them their bloody lives, the fools.
And this latest war being raged will cause more people to murmur how it was his actions that has caused the peace in Westeros to end. Perhaps they have, but had it not been for his actions that day at Redgrass, there would be more and more war than there has been now. Baelor lay rotting in a cell somewhere in the Riverlands when Redgrass happened, Maekar would have been far too stubborn to ever admit defeat, and Stark, Stark, gods that man has been the source of Brynden's nightmares for years now. A demon, that's what he is, the Demon of the north, a winter dragon.
He has the command of the royal forces marching towards Rushing Falls, Aerys does not trust Maekar, hell not even Maekar trusts Maekar, not now, not where Daeron is concerned. Brynden would feel sorry for his nephew, if it were not for the fact that, was it Maekar on the throne, he would likely be rotting in a cell somewhere and Shiera, gods Shiera likely would have been sold off many years ago. For some reason Brynden had never truly been able to connect with Maekar, not in the way he had connected with Baelor or Aerys or even his own brother Daeron the Good. Perhaps the peace died with Daeron and Baelor.
The only good thing so far is that Bittersteel is too busy fighting in the Disputed Lands to be able to send any aid to the Blackfyre pretender. The Arryns will be meeting them at Rushing Falls, with their full strength, or so the young Jasper Arryn has promised them. It remains to be seen, this Arryn is not the last one who fought in Daemon's war. It will be interesting to see what happens. Beside him Shiera stirs in their bed, the one woman whom he would give it all up for, she would never give it up for him though. She revels too much in the attention given to her, even now, she remains young and beautiful whilst he is ageing and scarred.
"Must you go?" She murmurs sleepily.
Brynden is surprised to see her looking up at him. "You know I must. I am the Hand of the King, tasked with leading the King's armies when the king is unable to do so himself. I must go."
"Why not send Maekar instead? He could do just as good a job as you. There is no guarantee you would come back alive Brynden. Both Stark and Blackfyre hate you, they would do all they could to see you dead." Shiera says.
Brynden sighs. "Maekar cannot be trusted to do his all to keep the kingdom's armies running effectively if he goes against Stark, their bond runs deep. No it must be me and I will not fail."
He knows Shiera does not believe him, but thankfully she does not question him anymore and they make love once more that night, and the morning afterwards. And Brynden thinks that when he comes back from this, he will propose to her once more, and this time she will accept, he has seen it in her eyes and the way she hangs onto him more intently than she did before. As he gets ready to leave, there is a knock on the door and Ser Jenson Storm of the Kingsguard announced Maekar. Brynden sighs, what could his nephew wish to say to him now?
Maekar merely stands in the doorway for a long moment, before he closes the door and says softly. "So you are to be marching today then?"
Brynden nods. "With the strength of the crownlands, the Stormlands and the Vale soon to join us." In reality Lyonel Baratheon had not been willing to raise his whole army, but Maekar does not need to know that.
"You know Aegon will be with the army as well?" Maekar says softly.
Brynden nods, so this is what his nephew has come to speak with him about. Aegon and his sworn sword had been banished from King's Landing sometime ago for aiding the escape of Daemon Blackfyre, but had been called back when the war had become out of control. "Yes Maekar I do. And I promise you, I will do all I can to make sure he remains safe and out of harm's way." Maekar nods and then leaves,. Brynden sighs, will things ever be easy between the two of them? Perhaps not, but at least in this he can try and do his best to protect some part of his family. Once they have been blessed by the High Septon and Aerys has bid them well, they set of from King's Landing 20,000 strong and ready for battle.
Their first stop is a holdfast bordering on the Isle of Faces, where the Order of the Green Men rest. Most of the lords become uneasy around here, and with good reason, for this was where Daeron Stark was declared King in the North and where the blood oaths that are being fulfilled today were created. Still there is one person Brynden needs to see before they can advance any further, and so he pays a small fee, and takes a boat into the centre of the island, where the man he needs to see greets him. Tall and strong just as he was in his youth, the man wears a hood to hide his face, though Brynden has an inkling as to whom he may be. "So you have come at last Brynden Rivers. I thought you would not be brave enough to come here." The hooded man says.
Brynden looks at the man and then says. "I have come because I needed to come. Bravery has nothing to do with it. I know Stark was here when he was crowned and that you spoke with him then. Now I need your advice as well."
"Ah, now this is something no one could have foreseen. Bloodraven the sorcerer with a thousand eyes and one, asking for advice." The man chuckled. "Well go on, do tell me what it is you wish to ask me."
"Stark believes we shall be marching on Rushing Falls with the army, but to go to Rushing Falls would place to great a distance between our army and that of the Tullys. I need to know which place would be better to go to." Brynden says.
The hooded man sighs. "The land has changed much since I last rode into battle. Back then there were dragons in the sky and it was easy to manoeuvre troops through. No, Rushing Falls will only hinder you, and you wish to hit the Blackfyre boy where you know his uncle will not think to send him. Then you must send the army to Tumblers Falls and go yourself to the Stoney Sept."
Brynden is not sure about the wisdom of that, but he has learnt not to question the advice of the man, and so he merely nods and then at the war council that night announces that the army shall be marching for Tumblers Falls whilst he himself shall be marching for Stoney Sept alongside Ser Jenson and Ser Bryce of the Kingsguard and 1,000 men. He sets out that morning for the Stoney Sept, and it takes him four days to reach the town, where the banners of House Tully fly proudly, unbroken as of yet, a sizeable army has gathered under the banners of the Tullys, some 4,000 men led by Lord Brynden Tully's three uncles, Steffon Blackwood, Ser Matthew Tully and Ser Gawen Rivers.
If they are surprised to see him, the lords have the good sense to keep quiet about it, and instead they spend a great part of time discussing battle plans and the news that comes in from the Westerlands. Lord Steffon Blackwood seems dismayed by news of the death of Tybolt Lannister, and it is only then that Brynden remembers that the man's sister is wed to Lannister. Tully and Rivers however are more concerned with what to do about the host at Tumblers Falls and who leads them. "Lord Darklyn leads them. The man is smart and capable. Besides once the Reacher lords join us I shall send them off to Tumblers Falls."
"You are confident Stark will fall for the trap though my lord?" Ser Matthew Tully asks.
"Yes. They have won many victories now, both Stark and Blackfyre shall be over confident and that shall play into our hands., Besides Ser Gawen and Lord Blackwood shall be going with their men to Tumblers Falls as well." Brynden replies.
Sure enough, the moment that the Tyrell host arrives they march off for Tumblers Falls, and Brynden waits for the host of northmen to arrive here at Stoney Sept. It takes two weeks but eventually they arrive, and with them the black dragon comes forth. The day of the battle, Brynden summons the commander of the Raven's Teeth. "Stand on the ridge and wait for my signal before firing is that understood?"
The man nods and then battle begins. Hacking and slashing, hacking and slashing. The armies meet in a clash of steel, armour and blood. Men die screaming for their mothers, their fathers, their wives and their children. Brynden fights on hacking and slashing his way through the northmen and whatever forces his cousin sought fit to bring with his nephew. He hacks a man's arm off, and then stabs another man's eye out. When he goes up against a man bearing the sigil of House Umber, he fights like his life depends on it, hacking and slashing his way through the man's defences and then hacking the man to pieces. Brynden himself receives numerous cuts and bruises his own armour dented in several places and yet still he fights on.
On and on it goes, hacking and slashing, cutting and parrying blows. Brynden's sword is bathed in blood, his armour stained with dirt, blood and mud and something else he'd rather not think about. Around him, the sounds of battle echo, the bells of the sept are ringing, and still all around him men fight and bleed and die, for one cause or another. And then there he is, the pretender charging towards Brynden with his guards streaming after him. They begin their dance, swinging at one another, getting one dent then another, Brynden feels his age begin to catch up with him, but still he fights on. Swing once, block once, swing twice, block twice, a pattern develops and on and on it goes, until he slips up and he feels a sharp pain in his side, and feels blood begin to trickle down.
The fighting continues though, one swing, a block, another swing and a miss. One more swing and a hit, the armour denting loudly in the air, his ears ringing. Blackfyre is bleeding now as well. One swing, Brynden's arms are aching now, the pain is excruciating the blood is seeping out of his wounds. Blackfyre seems to be in just as much pain, still on they go swinging and blocking until he feels steel pierce his armour, he looks down briefly to see the boy's sword stabbed right through his armour, blood seeping out of the wound, when the boy groans in pain, Brynden recognises the sword through the boy's own armour. So it seems they have done each other in. As the world begins to go black, Brynden thinks of the irony of the swords of the conqueror and the Dark Queen being the ones to kill their descendants. As he slumps off his horse, the battle continues to rage around him, but neither Brynden Rivers nor Aemon Blackfyre will take further part in it. The sixth day of the seventh moon of the 215th year after Aegon's Landing sees both Brynden Rivers and Aemon Blackfyre die from their wounds and their duel, which will go down in history. But neither will be alive to benefit from their near legendary status.