Chapter 21: Chapter 21: We're All Breathing In the Fallout
Prince Aegor Stark
There must always be a Stark in Winterfell that was what his father had told him before he had ridden of for war. Aegor had argued with his father, he was twenty a man grown with a child of his own, surely he should have gone south with his father, he would be King one day after all, and he needed to show his future bannermen that he would be able to lead just as well as his father could. King Daeron would have none of it though, had simply taken him aside and told him rather sharply, that this war was not a child's game, and that he needed him here in Winterfell to ensure that everything ran smoothly and continued to do so. Aegor had felt rather resentful of that fact, he was a man grown, only slightly younger than his father had been when the first Blackfyre war had happened, he was not some child like Jorah and Brandon were.
Instead his father had ridden south with the strength of the north leaving some 5,000 men behind to hold the north in his absence, some 1,000 of them in Winterfell alongside two warriors of the Winter's Guard, Rickard Karstark and Derrick Flint. Aegor had been left with overseeing the day to day running of the castle and the north, making sure that there was enough food stuffs in the granaries to last them through the duration of the war no matter how long it lasted, not that he expected Winterfell itself to come under direct attack, it still didn't hurt to be cautious Especially when the early battles had seen Pyke come under siege, hells, Aegor had heard reports that the Rock was under siege from his father's and uncle Dagon's forces, if the Rock could come under siege what was to say Winterfell could not.
The period in which his father had been gone along with his step mother, Aegor had finally had firsthand experience at playing the lord of Winterfell, listening to his people's grievances and deciding what sort of aid should be given to them. The problems brought before him were usually of a mundane nature, issues that Aegor knew would in the southern court be dealt with by the Hand, but this was the north, and his uncle Edwyle was not some southern fool, if Aegor was to rule the north, he would need to show he was willing to be the north, and that was what these sessions allowed him to do. Despite having held court and been the Stark in Winterfell for seven months whilst his father fought the war, he always flushed with pride when Maester Tywin or uncle Edwyle complimented him on well he had done in court. It was quite surreal, if he was being honest, here he was at twenty feeling proud over something that his friends Torrhen and Beric had been doing since they were sixteen.
It was something that had earnt him a lot of jokes from both his wife and his aunt. Delena his wife, was so full of life, he knew he loved her, had done so for some time. They had found that they had much in common; they both liked the good side of life, and were both passionate people, something that led to the fire between them. Their daughter Rhaenrya was such a joy to be around, she had turned two a few days back, and with her mop of silvery hair and dark purple eyes, she was the jewel in Aegor's eyes, he knew he would do anything to make sure she always remained safe and would never come into danger. Delena was pregnant once more, was due to give birth any day now, and Aegor looked forward to welcoming yet another Stark into the world. Whilst Delena said she wished for it to be a boy, Aegor was not particularly fussed, boy or girl he would love this child just as much as he loved Rhaenrya.
Aegor's thoughts took a dark tinge though when he looked at the letter written in his step mother's elegant hand. His goodbrother Aemon Blackfyre had been killed, slain by the kinslayer Brynden Rivers at the Battle of the Stoney Sept, when Aegor had told his wife and his aunt the news, there had been a moment of stunned silence and then the tears had begun. Aegor himself was still in shock, the reports they had been getting from the south had all but suggested that Aemon would win, that the Targaryens would be annihilated. No one had thought he would die, his death had caused Aegor's father to order to retreat of the northern forces with all their plunder from the West and the Riverlands back to Moat Cailin where they currently were. They would be returning home soon enough.
Aegor looked at the letter once more, and sighed. His father would be furious with this, that oath of his would be weighing heavily on his mind. There would be more war and more fighting Aegor knew, for his father was determined to seat the Blackfyres on that blasted Iron Chair. Aegor's cousin Aegon would now be the focus of the Winter Dragon's efforts, and drive to put on the throne. The boy was but sixteen, the mirror image of his father, and tall and proud as well, and not half bad with a sword. Still the boy was not the father, Aegon had not fought in battle before, neither had Aegor, but still there would be more conflicts and more blood. Aegor made a note to remain away from his father for some time when he returned from the Moat.
The only good thing to come from this, Aegor supposed was the fact that the kinslayer Brynden Rivers was dead. The man had been a bane to the north for many a year, with his death, Aegor knew that his father would be more content to lay low for a while, and allow the north to regroup, for father's friend Prince Maekar would surely become Hand now, and Aegor knew that his father and Prince Maekar had been the staunchest of friends before all of this had happened. A knock on the door took him from his thoughts. "My prince." Maester Tywin said tentatively. The man was stopped with age, but his eyes belied his sharp mind, Aegor was very fond of the man.
"Yes Maester, what might I do for you?" Aegor enquired.
Maester Tywin enters the room properly then and smiles slightly when he sees what Aegor was looking at, the account books. "You remind so much of your mother my Prince. She would always look through the books when waiting for your father."
Aegor smiles slightly, embarrassed. His mother had died when he was but a boy, but he still remembers her and loves her completely, despite the fact that his step mother Dacey did much to help him heal. "You did not come to talk about the dead though did you Maester? Now what can I help you with?" He says rather sharper than he intended.
Thankfully the maester does not take offense and merely smiles. "Pray forgive me my prince, I am old and often dither. No, what I came here for was to tell you that the Princess has entered labour."
Aegor shoots up then, and says. "When did she start and why did no one come and find me before then?"
Maester Tywin lays a reassuring hand on his arm and says. "Because the pains have just started. Still she is in your chambers."
Aegor stands up and sprints towards the chambers he and Delena share, and when he is not allowed entry he swears violently, but sits down all the same. When Maester Tywin toddles past, he grabs him by the arm and whispers. "Who is it who is seeing to her inside if you came and found me?"
"Daemon my prince. The boy wishes to help, so I let him. He has better eyes than me." Maester Tywin nods.
Aegor relaxes slightly, had it been anyone else he would have screamed but there is something soothing about Daemon that reassures him. Maester Tywin re-enters the room and then the hours trickle by rather slowly for Aegor, he hears his wife's screams of pain and one or twice he seriously considers simply barging in, regardless of propeity. Eventually the screams stop, and he hears the crying of a baby, Daemon walks out then a smile on his face and says. "You may come in now my prince."
Aegor does so and sits straight on the bed, kisses Delena's hair and then looks down at his child. "Say hello to your daughter my love." Delena says softly. "What should we name her?"
"Maege." Aegor says. "Maege Stark."
Maege Stark proves to be a handful, a tiresome baby, crying and awake at all hours of the day and night. Rhaenrya was a good baby and quiet baby, but that does not mean Aegor loves his daughter any less, no he loves just the same and Rhaenrya seems completely fascinated by her baby sister. Maege has Delena's colouring as well, silvery hair and violet eyes. Winterfell seems taken with her as well, delighting in their Prince's joy. Even his aunt seems to come out of her grief to assist in caring for the babe when Aegor is too busy and Delena its too tired. In fact it seems Maege and Rhaenrya help to bring Winterfell out of its state of grief, Rhaenrya Blackfyre, Aegor's niece helps in looking after them as well, seemingly delighting in it as well. Aegor is happy that the shadow of grief that hung over Winterfell due to Aemon's death seems to be lifting, truly he is very happy.
Aegor's sister and goodbrother return from their tour of the north around the same time that Aegor's father returns from war, thus meaning that the castle is swamped with activity. King Daeron and Queen Dacey, look every inch the regal couple when they ride through the gates, dressed in matching sets of dark blue armour, the banner of House Stark - a grey direwolf combatant with a grey dragon on a field of ice white- flapping behind them. When Aegor bows before his father, he hears his father bid him rise and then when his father embraces him, he hears him whisper. "Once all this ceremony is done, come to my solar. I must needs discuss things with you and Edwyle." Aegor nods and then spends the rest of the time wondering what it could be that will cause his father to ask him for a meeting so soon after his return from war.
As it turns out, his father does not wish to speak of the war but instead of the issues that will need to be addressed now that Aemon is dead. "Edwyle tells me ruled well whilst I was away Aegor. For that I am very pleased and proud." His father says, and Aegor flushes with pride once more. "I must also congratulate you on the birth of your daughter. I am told she is a strong and healthy child, who keeps the castle awake most nights." Aegor smiles slightly at that. His father goes on. "Regardless, you know that Aemon is dead, killed by the kinslayer whilst killing him as well. The Targaryens have won this war, but we did much damage to their lands and their lords are not like to forget that. Still there will be more war to come, none of us are fools enough to believe otherwise. As such we must prepare for when it comes."
Aegor speaks then. "If we are preparing for another war, should Aegon not be here as well? After all this will involve him as well."
His father sighs then, the tiredness and heart break of the war clear in that sigh. "Aegon is a boy still, and he has just returned from a trip around the north. No he knows his father is dead, when he is ready he will come to us and then we shall include him a our plans. For now though, let him enjoy some peace and quiet."
Aegor nods though he can't help the slight irritation that he feels at that. Still he asks. "So what would you have of me father? How may I help?"
His father sighs once more and then looks at him. "From now on when the council meets you shall attend the meetings and learn more about the realm which you shall one day inherit, and you will contribute your thoughts to the issues we discuss. Furthermore, you shall spend some time with Aegon, one day the two of you will rule Westeros, it would be good if you actually knew one another." Aegor sighs slightly, Aegon, he likes his nephew well enough but still he has never really spoke to the lad for long enough to have true understanding of him, still he will do as his father asks. Once his father is happy with that, Aegor listens as he discusses various measures that need to be taken to hold the north and the Iron Islands from retaliation from the south. "Edwyle you will of course continue the patrols around the Neck and hold the marshes from the southerners. Those from the Twins are to be questioned about movement in their part of the southern kingdom. Furthermore I want reports on the Iron Islands, Dagon is dead and I do not know his sons as well as I would like to. I need to know my allies for when war comes. Furthermore send word to Velena and tell her that if she wishes to come home she is more than welcome to."
His uncle nods and then says. "A letter came whilst both of you were busy with other matters Your Grace. Word from our sources in the south, it appears Prince Maekar has been named Hand to Aerys Targaryen."
Prince Maekar Targaryen
Gods, King's Landing is so stifling now, summer has fast approached and bathed them in its warmth and the foul stench of King's Landing has hit him, just as hard as it did during his childhood. Sometimes he wonders if he is a ghost re-living the past with every passing moment. Sometimes he turns round a corner half expecting to see Baelor or Daeron laughing and jesting, only to find empty space where they once all sat and played and joked and grew up. He half expects to enter his rooms and find Baelor there, hunched over some sort of report or scroll. As he walks the hallways he wants to hear Rhaegal's laughter, but all he can hear is silence.
This has become his lot in life, he has gotten what he has wanted since Aerys became King, he is Hand of the King, but the memories and ghosts of his home haunt him still, just as they haunted him after he vowed to not return to King's Landing ever again. So much has happened, the war has been won, Aemon Blackfyre was slain at the Stoney Sept by Bloodraven, and Bloodraven himself died from his wounds, the news came on dark wings, though half of Maekar was relieved by the news, the other half was disgusted by himself and his thoughts, whatever Bloodraven was, he was still kin, and the fact that his death gave Maekar some form of relief sickens him.
When the news came though, Maekar knew he had to act quickly before someone else tried to seize power and influence. He took control of the council, well that was left in King's Landing and began planning the end of the war, the disbanding of the armies, deciding which lords needed to be rewarded for their part in ending the Blackfyre threat, and which lords needed to be punished for aiding the Blackfyres. As such, when Aerys had pulled himself away from his books for long enough to realise what had happened, he had had no choice but to name Maekar hand, and so he had.
Despite that, there was still a part of Maekar that was still bitter about having been left behind in King's Landing whilst the men including his own son marched off to war. He should have been the one leading the troops, he had argued as much with Aerys and Aelinor, and whilst Bloodraven was dead, and had managed to achieve the ending of the war, Maekar knew what he would have done differently. He would have engaged Blackfyre and then thrown his troops against a shield wall, the forces of the crownlands should have been enough to overwhelm the north but no, Bloodraven in his plot to be sneaky sent the Tyrells and parts of the crownlands to Tumblers Falls, and there that host was broken and prisoners were taken.
There had been no word for Aegon since the battle nor from his sworn sword Ser Duncan, and that was something that deeply worried Maekar, he had sent men out to look for his son and the big hedge knight, and yet there had been no luck so far. He was beginning to panic, and worry that perhaps something had happened to his son, had he come face to face with Daeron perhaps or maybe even Aemon Blackfyre? He knew that Daeron would spare Aegon for their friendship; he was not sure about Blackfyre though. Damn it all he was worrying, and he could do nothing about it, it was frustrating, he had never liked not being in the know, never. Not during Redgrass and not now, especially now he knew what Aerion had gotten himself into.
Aerion, his son who was mad and cruel as Rhaegal had been mad and sweet, had become a traitor, and had joined the Golden Company. His exile for assaulting members of his own family, had sickened Maekar, the boy who had once played at his knee and begged for stories was now a mad traitor. Aerion had not only joined the Golden Company but had also wed Daemon Blackfyre's daughter Shiera, and had gotten her with child, now that in itself was enough to drive Maekar to despair. When he had heard the news from Aerys himself, he had not believed it, surely Aerion would have more sense than that, if he ever wished to come home, surely he would know that now he would never come home, not whilst the Blackfyres and Bittersteel still lived.
Maekar shook his head, he had not seen fit to tell Aleana, no point in worrying his wife over what would happen to their son now. He ran his fingers through his hair, it was beginning to thin considerably, and thought about his children. His firstborn Daeron was a drunken fool, who remained in Summerhall probably pissing away all the gold in Summerhall, a lost cause, Aerion a traitor, Aemon a maester and someone who had sense enough to be a good lord if only he would try and let himself be free, and Aegon gone no sign of him he could be alive or dead, but Maekar would never know. Rhae and Daella were still young girls as far as Maekar was concerned though there had been some interest in their hands, subtle marriages offers from the Velaryons, the Baratheons and the Arryns for both of his girls. At present he was not sure what he wanted to do about that, and likely would not be until they found Aegon.
A knock on the door shook him from his thoughts. He saw Ser Tom Costayne of the Kingsguard was stood in the doorway. "Yes Ser, what is it?" He asked.
"The king requests your presence at the small council meeting my prince." Ser Tom replied. Ser Tom had been in the Kingsguard for some forty years now, a strong man built like an ox, who had served under Maekar's brother, and father. That he had not been named Lord Commander of the guard simply showed just what sort of machinations Bloodraven had played and held over his brother.
As he walks to the small council chamber, Maekar finds himself wondering what could have stirred Aerys from his books and scrolls. His brother has never been known for showing so much of an interest in the affairs of state, as shown by the fact that despite thirty years of marriage Aelinor is still without child. He dreads the day Aerys stops breathing, for then his punishment will be complete. He worries even more when he enters the small council chamber, and sees the grim expression on all of the other lords faces, have they had word of Aegon? "Your Grace." He says before bowing.
"Sit Maekar," Aerys says and so he does. Once he is seated. Aerys speaks once more. "I thank you for coming here at such short notice my lords. But in light of the ending of the war, I thought it would be most prudent if we discussed what needed to be done. Maester Justin."
Grand Maester Justin is an old man and frail but his voice is strong when he speaks. "Thank you Your Grace. As of today, we have received word from seven of the main houses who fought for the Blackfyre pretender in the war. Houses Reyne, Lydden, Costayne and Peake have all agreed to come to King's Landing to face the King's judgement."
Michael Stone the master of whispers spoke then, his voice silky and deceptive. "So nice of the houses to agree to come and face the king's judgement. When they should have come and thrown themselves at the feet of the king and begged for forgiveness."
Maekar grits his teeth at the man's words. He has never liked Stone, has mistrusted him as much as he mistrusted Bloodraven. Still when Lord Ullrick Dayne the master of laws speaks, he feels himself tighten his jaw even more. "It is good that they realise that their cause is lost. I still feel that we were to lenient on them last time the war broke out. I feel that it would be right to have House Reyne made an example of deeply so."
Lord Domeric Bolton the master of coin spoke next. "I think House Reyne should be made an example of as well. They were the leading house to side with the Blackfyre pretender. Make an example of them, and when Stark tries to raise the north once more, the houses will hesitate to join him. House Osgrey should also be brought under examination as well."
At that Maekar cannot hold his tongue any longer. "Go for House Osgrey, and next time the Blackfyres invade you will drive half of the Reach into the hands of the Blackfyres and Bittersteel. Addam Osgrey did the Iron Throne a great service during the war, to reward him by questioning his loyalty is not the best way to do that. No leave Osgrey out of this, and focus on House Reyne. Is Robb Reyne still breathing?"
At that Michael Stone chuckles. "Oh yes My prince, he still breathes if barely. Perhaps we can use him to negotiate the release of Lord Tully?"
Maekar grimaces. Lord Tully was still held in his cell in Moat Cailin, his uncles had been slain during the war all three of them. "Very well, what terms shall we give for his release? Daeron Stark shall want favourable terms once more."
Aerys speaks then. "I will not give more to that traitor. He is responsible for the deaths that have plagued Westeros. More so than Brynden or Daemon Blackfyre. If he wants leniency for those that fought for the black dragon he can bury those hopes. Those lords that fought for Aemon Blackfyre shall be pardoned but shall have most of their lands confiscated from them and shall give hostages to the throne to ensure their loyalty. Robb Reyne shall be held in the black cells until Lord Brynden Tully is freed from his cell. Those are the terms that shall be given to Stark."
Maekar grimaces, he knows Daeron will not accept those terms and yet there is no way to make these lords see that. And so he merely nods and then asks. "Who shall be going to present these terms to Daeron Stark then?"
All the lords look at him then and Aerys says softly. "Why you shall brother. Daeron Stark will listen to you, no one else will be good enough."
Maekar sighs, and nods his head in agreement. And so letters fly back and forth, and two moons after that discussion Maekar rides forth with some 100 men towards the north and Winterfell, wondering what sort of reception he shall receive this time around. When they reach Moat Cailin, a letter is given to him by the castle maester, and in it he reads words written by Aegon! His son was separated from Ser Duncan after the battle of the Stoney Sept, thankfully though he was still with his shaved head, and so managed to make his way back to King's Landing, having arrived about two weeks before the letter arrived.
Maekar is in a much better mood then when the gates of Winterfell come into view and he gets down from his horse and greets his old friend. "Daeron."
"Maekar." Daeron replies.
"It has been a long time my friend." Maekar says.
"Aye that it has. Come now, we shall catch up first, and tomorrow we can discuss why you have come here." Daeron replies.
And so it is that on the second moon of the 216th year after Aegon's Landing that Maekar Targaryen a Prince of the Blood arrives in Winterfell, for a second treaty between dragons and wolves.