Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Supplies
The boys had finally reached the town.
The town was circular in shape. The outer circle was where all the businesses were, which had a decent amount of the shops still operating even at this time of night. The centre of the town was a large fountain with crystal clear water spouting out of it with some people just hanging out around it.
Thrain looked around the outer circle and saw that some shops were still open but more importantly the three main shops they wanted to go were still open, these three shops were Bruce's Blacksmith, Madethine's medicine and Alberts Adventuring equipment.
The moment that Thorin saw that the black smith was still open he wanted to go there first since he wanted to get a brand new weapon as soon as possible. Thrain rolled his eyes but agreed they would go to the black smith first. They entered the shop, it had the smell of iron and smoke in the air, the shop had a variety of weapons and armour in stock.
As soon as Bruce who was a shorter man however probably the most muscular man that they had even see saw them he said "I see you boys have fully grown up now, I still remember when you were still small and wanting to go on adventures and your finally going, huh?". "Sure are old man, we're here to get some weapons before we head out tomorrow" Thorin said in response. While Bruce and Thorin were catching up, Thrain went around the store looking for something that suited him.
He looked through his option there were great swords, short swords, rapiers, daggers and all sorts of other weapons. Thinking about the pros and the cons that each of the weapons had Thrain came to two conclusions, a basic short sword or wielding two daggers, a basic short sword would be heavier than a dagger however would pack more of a punch and he could carry a shield for defence as well. Wielding two daggers on the other hand would mean no extra defence but in exchange he would be more agile and would be able to attack quickly because of there light weight . In the end he decided that a short sword and a shield would be a wiser choice as he isn't as strong as Thorin and would need some sort of defence that daggers couldn't offer that.
By the time he had carefully chosen his weapon Thorin had just picked up a great sword with ease, swung it around a bit and was happy with his selection. Thorin didn't like to think to much on these decision and just went with whatever was strong and heavy.
"I see wise choices, well I hope you guys do well and conquer the dungeon". The boys paid for the equipment and wished Bruce a farewell. "Since you chose the blacksmith first, I say we go to Madethine's medicine next". Thorin agreed and they went there next.
The front of the store had a variety of flower growing which gave off a medicinal aroma, some of which Thrain could identify from books he had read. They entered the shop to notice that the aroma got stronger the further they went into the store. The stores interior had some more plants growing as well as shelves of medicines. Thorin decided to stay near the entrance of the store, he didn't mind to much for medicine and thought he could just take on everything with his muscles.
After browsing the stock that was in the store he found some interesting products, mainly salves for burns and other injury's, A type of medicine that you inhale to remove distortion and any mental effects and the most interesting was actually a manual of ways to heal up cuts and open wounds with stuff usually found in dungeons. Thrain thought this would be the best out of all the products that he wanted to buy. The boys left the store shortly after as they didn't know Madethine as well as they knew Bruce.
It was getting so late that they were a bit worried that mother would scold them when they got home but they only had one more shop left so they continued to it.
Alberts Adventuring equipment was probably the most normal of the shops just a simple store with a cosy feeling coming from it. The store had a wide variety of useful things that could be used inside of dungeons. In the end they settled on buying; Rope , Two Core containment box , A box of flint and steel, A bottle of oil, A couple of flashes, some rations and some other things.
Thorin yawned as they were leaving the last store "Can we finally head back home?". Thrain rolled his eyes and started heading back.