Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Into The Dungeon
As the boys were heading back to their home. The path ahead of them seemed to be slightly more dark and ominous.
Thorin's instincts suddenly kicked in and he drew his great sword and held it out in front of him in a sort of blocking stance. The sound of two metallic objects hitting each other came from the right of Thrain as soon he heard this he looked over to see a dagger falling to the ground, seeing this he drew his sword and shield, he had a bad feeling about this.
"Hmm, when I saw them in the town I thought they were inexperienced, little 'adventurers' " A smaller than average man came out of the darkness. Thrain could see that the man wore a cloak that had a hood and mask that hide his identity. Then a second man came out of the shadows, He didn't wear a cloak instead he only wore a mask but he was more built and taller than the first man "I guess your getting old" He chuckled.
The first man frustratedly threw a second dagger at Thorin seemingly wanting to prove he hadn't lost his edge but once again they were blocked. "Well may as well get the show on the road" The second man said drawing a long sword. The man approached Thrain, Thrain could see out of the corner of his eye that the first man had pulled out two daggers and was already attacking Thorin.
When the second man got within distance he raised his longsword above him and slashed down at Thrain. Thrain's eyes opened wide seeing the attack knowing he couldn't block it, he stepped to the side narrowly dodging the incoming blow. Seeing how Thrain had dodged the slash, the man promptly changed the swords angle and striking at Thrain's shield.
Thrain was pushed back with the shield somehow managing to withstand the blow. Thrain assumed it was due to the sword losing some power while changing the trajectory. Thrain fully concentrated on the man he knew that this guy was an expert, probably many years older than himself. The man lunged forward stabbing towards him. Thrain now properly concentrating could see the sword and let it slide off his shield, however he knew he couldn't just be on the defence so he slashed at the mans neck. The man withdraw the his sword and tried to parry the blow while stepping slightly backwards.
He did manage to parry it but not entirely. Thrain could see a bit of blood dripping down the black clothes. The exchange of blows went back and forth for a while, the man clearly fed up with this rushed in for a downwards slash with his full strength. Thrain promptly proceeded to fully focus on the sword that was heading right at him, it seemed to slowed down giving him time to come up with a plan. He noticed that the man stomped down with his right leg as he swung his sword but also noticed that the left leg wasn't really holding the mans weight at all. Almost as if his left leg was injured in some way. Thrain decided to place his life on this bet.
As the sword was coming down Thrain lifted his left arm up which held his shield in an attempt to block as much damage as he could and with his right arm he poured all his power into a slash at the mans right leg hope to at least knock him off balance changing where the sword would land.
The sword was just about to hit the shield but suddenly a bolt of pain ran through the mans body throwing of the swords trajectory. Thrain had been too successful and slashed straight threw the mans flesh and bone and cleaved it cleanly in half. The man cried out in pain covering his leg with his hands blood pouring from it. Thrain looked down at him feeling guilty for what he just did and was about to pull out some rope to tie him up. The man then glared at the boy so intensely and pulled out a white rock and bite into it.
The man was dead.
Although Thrain didn't kill him directly he couldn't help thinking, "We could have run away, I could have tied him up, I could have stopped him grabbing the rock, I could have ...". Thorin placed his hand on his brothers shoulder. Thrain turned to him clearly distraught. His could see another corpse, that of the smaller man who had also died with the white rock in his hand.
The boys looked at each other Thorin saying, "You didn't kill them. Even if you did he would have killed you, you don't need to feel guilty". Hearing that Thrain went to hug his brother while bawling his eyes out.
Some time passed after Thrain had calmed down. The boys knew that this was only the beginning they were going to have to kill in the near future to survive. They resolved them selves knowing that it was either them or the enemy.
As they got home they decided it was too much of a hassle to be scolded, so they decided to sneak their way in. Making it to the bedroom they patched up the scratches and bruises that they received in the previous battle as well as touching up on the weapons epically Thrain's shield. Thrain then yawned, exhausted from the long day.
"You did this to me, You're the reason I'm dead" Thrain could see a rotting man on his bed. He reached down towards Thrain's head. "AHHHHHHHHHHH".
Thrain opened his eyes groaning in pain. He had fallen off his bed, he couldn't quite remember what he was dreaming about. Afterwards Thorin also woke up due to all the noise Thrain made. They headed downstairs and grabbed some breakfast that their mother made, eating way too fast. It was finally time, they grabbed all their items and equipment and headed out towards the Dungeons entrance.
On the way there Thrain pulled out a book and read a bit of it, The first page talked about the overall structure of a Dungeon. A Dungeon was made up of four parts, The Lobby, Some sort of man made structure whether it be a tavern, house or castle interior, The wild and The boss room. Thrain focused on The lobby's section, It was always the top level of the dungeon that looked like a dirty temple. The inside of the temple typically had some seating areas for people to prepare for the dungeon and a giant circular staircase in the middle of it. It also had a note at the bottom of the page stating that 'if a group did not walk down at the same time they would always mysteriously get separated'.
The finally reached their destination, Thrain looked up from the book. The temple was in front of them. Thrain and Thorin walked up to the two giant doors that lead into the temple and looked back, they saw their family and a couple of familiar faces such as Bruce sending them off. They looked at each other with determination and pushed on the doors.
The doors creaked open.