Chapter 140: From Fencing to Family
Harry stayed very busy with school the summer and fall following the attack but he frequently found himself using the time that he fenced with George to process the emotions the attack had generated.
"So how was this week Harry?"
"Pretty good, had really bad nightmares twice. Drank my "tea" both times. It's strange really. I mean intellectually I've known for years that I had enemies, but I… It just really drove the point home."
"Well you did everything right. You reacted and used your training."
"Any word on the extradition?"
"They finally arrive tomorrow."
"Any word on Sirius' trial?"
"You'd think with all the information they now have it would be easy, but…" George paused, "Get your arm up and parry correctly. You know how, so do it.
"The Wizengamot in England isn't like the Wizarding Congress here. The Wizengamot is made up solely of inherited seats not dually elected representatives. The Minister is an elected position but since the Ministerial candidates are chosen by the Wizengamot-"
"It makes for a very closed system. Sirius has complained about that he and Grandpa both think by adding a second house like the house of Commons that is made up of only elected representatives should help, and introduce new "blood". The only way the Wizengamot gets new blood is by new Order of Merlins and those families kissing up to the ancient and noble houses. What's really scary are the dark families, cousins marrying cousins. I half wonder how many of my fellow students at Hogwarts are going to be showing signs of insanity or retardation due to inbreeding. When Sirius talks about cousin Bellatrix, I get the feeling that that line is way closer than Sirius is comfortable with. He figures between her husband being less than kind, the torture Moldy put his follower's through, and Azkaban her mind is probably long since cracked and fried like an egg on the sidewalk in August." He stopped talking as George engaged his saber in a furious combination of attacks and he was trying his darnedest not to get touched.
A short time later George looked at the clock. "Good job, we're done." he pulled of his mask as Harry did the same.
Sheba who had been watching them jumped to Harry's shoulder as soon as he had removed his safety padding. He reached up and stroked her ears as he made his way to his room for a shower. As they came out of the shower and Harry was toweling Sheba dry, he saw James was sitting on his bed. "Hey kiddo what's up?"
Harry nearly laughed when James said disgustedly "Girls."
"Elizabeth and Lila driving you nuts huh?"
"They want to play dress up. Princesses."
Harry fought back a smirk. Princess dress up was the girls' favorite pastime, and thanks to Sirius' habit of spoiling his children they had a far better than average dress up wardrobe. Which was fine right up until they tried to dress him or James in their outfits. Harry had three very amusing pictures of when the two girls had dragged Sirius into their favorite game. He looked at the clock he had forty five minutes until his lesson with Walter. "Let me get dressed and I'll take you for a fly on my broom."
The little boy lit up instantly. "Thanks Harry!"
That afternoon after his potions lesson, Harry sat down to deal with mail from his numerous pen pals and former teachers. At dinner he was somber.
"What's wrong Harry?" Beth asked. She had seen him when he and James had come in from their flight grinning and glowing with happiness. She was surprised that Harry's mood had changed so dramatically.
"Got a note from Yiska, his wife was just diagnosed with stage four breast cancer."
"I'll check on them this week Harry." Sirius said.
"What's cancer Mommy?" Lila asked, curious at what had caused the change of mood at the table.
"It's a disease sweetie. When it's caught early they can cure it, but when they don't find it early it can kill. Let them know we'll do anything we can, Sirius. Any other news in that pile of mail?"
"I've got a new pen pal, Neville Longbottom."
"That's good, that will be two people you'll know at Hogwarts." Sirius said.
"Longbottom? Any relation to Augusta Longbottom?" Beth asked.
"Grandson, She's had the raising of him as well. His parents were attacked by Moldy's followers shortly after we departed England." Sirius replied. "The Potters and the Longbottoms have centuries of being allies. Had we been able to stay in England you and Neville would practically have been raised almost as brothers, his mum was your godmother."
"Interesting. Oh I got news where next trimester's trip is going."
"Really? Where?"
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