Harry Potter: A Different Sirius

Chapter 141: A Legacy Reclaimed

"Greece, I forgot the flyer at school though."

"Well we were glad that you opted to stay home this Christmas."

"Me too, Harry! if you weren't staying home I'd have to play with the girls!" James piped up.

Elizabeth and Lila frowned at their younger brother, they were only minutes older but they held it over him.

Beth fought back a smirk at their expressions, but decided to change the topic. "Are you ready for next week's finals?"

"Yes. Speaking of classes Sirius did you have any luck getting a hold of Jarrod Moran?" Harry asked.

"Sorry, not yet apparently he moves around a lot. Paige and Charlie are trying now though."

"Had to call in a few favors huh?"

"Yes, more than a few actually."

Two and a half weeks later, as the Blacks hosted Christmas. There was a surprise as the President's entourage arrived. Remus Lupin, Andromeda, Ted and Nymphadora Tonks, Amelia and Susan Bones, and Augusta and Neville Longbottom, and Minerva McGonagall arrived with him. They were already hosting Michael, Dominic, Steve and Cassidy, in addition to their security force and Beth's family. Chaos ensued, the boys opted to bunk down in the hayloft of the barn and let the girls have Harry's room. Taylor and James were delighted when the older boys included them in the experience. Gifts were found for the unexpected guests and extra supplies were brought from the Magic Castle but a very good time was had by all. And Sirius got what he considered the best gift of all, a trial date of February 17th in England under the auspices of the ICW.

Remus had brought quite a lot of work with him concerning both the Potter properties and the Black properties. Sirius listened as he gave the rundown on the Black properties and gave the necessary instructions. But when he started on the Potter properties, Sirius stopped him. "Sorry Moony old pal, that's Harry's purview. You'll need to run it past him, not me."

"But I thought.."

"Potter properties have been Harry's to command for the last nine months, three years ago we went over them together a year ago I started letting him make the calls and only corrected him when he was making major errors but he only made a couple at first so I turned it over to him. They are showing a profit right?"

"Well, yes. But.."

"Corral him after dinner, it won't take him long."

Minerva McGonagall was amazed at how Sirius had matured, back when she had been his Head of House she had frequently despaired about him ever amounting to much. But as she watched him interact with everyone, she could see how he had finally gotten past his previous sense of entitlement and had developed a sense of compassion and responsibility. And Harry, well Harry was the embodiment of all of James and Lily's best qualities. She was surprised to note that he moved very comfortably between both the magical world and the mundane. She would have expected him to only know the magical.

On their last day before returning to England Minerva cornered Sirius, "So Sirius, what sort of mayhem can I expect when Harry comes to Hogwarts? I am assuming he's coming, as all Potters have since the founding."

"I… I doubt you'll have much to worry about Min. Harry isn't as big on pranking as you might expect. That's not to say he never does, but he prefers to wait for it to be earned and it is always appropriate and horribly embarrassing. Or if it's a rare occasion general prank, he doesn't have a specific target and it is in good fun for all. Not like a lot of the pranks James and I pulled on Snape. I mean I never liked the guy but in retrospect we went too far more than once, me more so than James. It was mostly James out of jealousy, but a lot of what we did… Well it was wrong.

"I should warn you you'll probably have to put Harry ahead in his classes, he's been studying magic for coming up on two years and he is as smart or smarter than Lily. IF you don't want pranks well, don't let him be bored. I was planning on him continuing his muggle education to help keep him busy. But he'll be a challenging student, and probably top of his class."

"When you say he's been getting training what do you mean?"

"He's been getting lessons in defense since he was three. He's a trained metamorphamagus. He's had occulemency training. He's received a grounding in arithmancy which he excels at by the way, a grounding in charms, transfiguration, and potions. He loves theory, he's very like Lily in that respect. He's gotten some training in creatures and Herbology courtesy of one of our investments. And he's had exposure to alchemy and what I call technomancy oh and he also has learned a bit about Runes. Our latest ripple is we think he's an elemental mage. I'm in process of tracking down a teacher for that one.

"So where would you say he is in the Hogwarts syllabus?"

"By the time he gets there probably third year or maybe even fourth."

"That far?"


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