Chapter 34: CHAPTER : 34
"That being said, I have a confession to make," he said sheepishly. He put the tea and biscuits on the table and sat opposite of her. "I've been keeping secrets from you. Not that I didn't trust you," he said hurriedly at her affronted look, "I just didn't want my plans to influence your decision. I'm letting you know now, because I will be disappearing and I don't want you to think I'm dead. You're my best friend and I'd never do that to you."
"Harry James Potter, you tell me right now what foolish thing you have brewing in your brain. What do you mean "disappear"? Where are you going?" she scowled as she placed her hands on the table, leaning forward getting as far into his personal space as the table allowed.
"Alright, Hermione, calm down, when I've explained, hopefully you'll understand why I didn't tell you earlier."
"This better be good," she huffed as she sat back in her chair, arms folded and a piercing glare on her face.
He dropped his glamor, removed his fake glasses, and started to explain. He told her everything about the time travel and the adoption. He spilled how much money was in the vault, what he and George had invented so far, and how they were pranking the bigots. He enthusiastically told her about his counseling and why he felt he had to save his younger self. He only glossed over some of the plans for revenge, since he knew for a fact that she would stop him. He excluded the fact that he had actually talked to Death. He never once asked if she wanted to come.
Her face morphed as different feelings crossed it; first hurt, then denial, then hurt again, then anger, and finally frustration. "I don't ever want to hear you complain about Dumbledore again, do you hear me? You did the exact same thing he did, withholding important information," she snapped, standing up violently and placing her hands on her hips. "How dare you drop something like this in my lap, right before I'm about to leave, that's just like Dumbledore telling you the prophecy right after Sirius died."
"What? No, this is different; I'm not fighting a war. Besides, you were busy with your own problems, what I withheld wasn't life or death information," the immortal teen defended himself.
"That is bullshit, and you know it," she snarled, causing the young immortal to flinch at her uncharacteristic cursing.
Oops, she's really mad was the fearful thought. "Honestly, Hermione, I was only trying to make it easier for you. I was going to tell you before I went, promise."
Silence was his answer, her glare didn't diminish, however you could see her brain working overtime. She dropped back into her chair and folded her arms to her chest. After about ten minutes of uncomfortable quiet, Hermione said, "I can't back out of my job now. When did you plan on going back in time? How sure are you that a new branch will start? I am not happy with you, Harry, but I'll help."
"We're still working out the math for the time travel, there are loads of theories, but I'll give you the notes and book titles we've used so far. We've narrowed it down to two, and with your help we should be able to get it down to one in no time," he said hoping that by letting her think she was helping it would calm her down, but, judging from the growl that emanated from her throat that didn't work, so he hurried on. "I don't plan on leaving until all our inventions are done, with the progress being made in the non-magical world, maybe in a few years."
"Were you even going to invite me along?" she asked, still upset.
"Honestly, Hermione, after how you went on about paradoxes in third year, I didn't think you'd want to." he confessed. "Besides, my equations are for one person, any more than that might cause problems. Now, with your new life, why would you want to? I mean, you get to see your parents again. And live your dream. I don't want to pull you away from that." Given her reaction, he was glad he hadn't invited her along. While she was his best friend, her morals would disrupt his plans.
"Fine, but don't think for one minute I am letting this drop," she snapped, not a bit mollified by his excuses. "Give me everything you have so far, and when I've calmed down, I'll look it over. Know this, Harry, Hydrus, whatever you damn name is, I am very upset with you, however that doesn't mean I love you any less, as a friend, so don't get any stupid ideas. I'll look it over and help, but, if I think for one moment that it will cause a paradox, I will do everything in my power to try and stop you." And by the determined look on her face, he could tell she was serious.
"I get it," Hydrus said, and he started to pull the notes from his pocketspace. "Give me your book-reader and I'll download these." And he then called the books on time travel. He was a bit worried that she would try and come with him anyway, but he would stand firm and go without her. He would just have to be evasive as to when he departed. Maybe it had been a mistake telling her, but like he explained he didn't want to just disappear on her.
"Here," she said when she brought it from her purse. "I don't want the notes on the inventions, but, I want first dibs on anything you two morons create. I'll look those over later, but, for right now I want to make sure you don't go and get yourself killed or worse destroy the world."
"Hermione, I'm hurt that you would even think that," he said with a sad smile. He knew what she meant and was hoping to lighten the mood.
"Oh, don't be stupid," she snapped, "that's not how I meant it. I just want to make sure your equations are correct, not that you're heartless." She then gave her own smile to take the bite out of her words.
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