Harry Potter: Hydrus Black

Chapter 35: CHAPTER : 35

He relaxed and downloaded everything she asked for. He even gave her one of the working laptops and showed her how to transfer information from the reader to the computer. He produced a list of everything George and he had completed and said he would let her choose what she wanted. When she left she gave Hydrus a warm hug, which made him very hopeful for the future of their friendship.

A week later, on his way home from his tutoring session, the young immortal spotted white blond hair coming around the corner to Grimmauld Place. He turned to see one Draco Malfoy glaring hatefully at him. He called himself all sorts of stupid for having his glamor still up, but he had been distracted on what he learned that day and how it was going to help him.

"Thought you could hide forever, did you, Potter? How dare you steal my inheritance!" Malfoy shouted as the raised his wand, pointing at his enemy's head.

He quickly ducked down an alley to keep the fight away from the non-magicals. "I didn't steal anything, you inbred moron. Sirius left everything to me in his will," he yelled back as he cast a Muggle-repelling ward and then the strongest shielding charm he knew, hoping the git didn't use any Unforgivables.

He did have fleeting thoughts as to how the runt had found him; Did he get the information from his mum? But the Fidelius should have blocked that. Did he follow me from the library, if so, what was the Pure-blood doing in non-magical England? These thoughts flew from his mind as he ducked a Dark curse.

"Liar!" screamed Draco. "The Black fortune was mine and you stole it from me." Then his voice took on a condescending quality and he sneered, "The goblins will spill anything for the right price, and with you their number one enemy, it was easy to learn what you did to trick them into taking the gold."

Hydrus peeked around the alley corner. Draco looked mental with rage, his face splotchy red; his eyes wild as they looked for were the dark-haired wizard had hidden. It gave Hydrus the faint reminder of Uncle Vernon.

"It is entirely your fault that my family is now poorer. Not that it matters anymore, when you're dead, I'll reclaim what is my rightfully mine." Seeing where his opponent was Draco's jugular popped as he swung his wand and shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

He ducked and fired the Entrail Spilling Curse back. Shite, he's playing for keeps.

The two fought viciously in that alley, Draco with self-righteous rage, and Hydrus in defense. The rage made Malfoy stupid, causing most of his curses to miss, and the immortal's studies made him the better opponent, his spells were accurate and Draco was soon a bleeding mess. It was too bad the blond man didn't fall. His anger must be keeping him standing, the young immortal thought as he ducked one more wildly cast spell.

Minutes passed with deadly curses being thrown from both sides. The alleyway was looking like a battle zone. Scorch marks were defacing the brick walls. Trash containers and debris were used as obstacles, causing them to explode; making it look like a whirlwind had passed through. Neither boy was backing down.

Then the dark-haired teen had a thought, he wanted to ask Death some questions about what had him so distracted that he was caught in this fight in the first place. So, maybe he should let the idiot strike him with the Killing Curse. With that in mind, he started taunting his childhood enemy.

"Poor little Draco, his family is losing money. You should be kissing my feet for making you and your father's dreams reality." He ducked another Dark spell and sent a non-deadly curse back; now that he waited the ferret to throw the Unforgivable his spells were less aggressive. "You and your kind now have everything they ever wanted. Aren't you afraid that rumors are true and I'm the new Dark Lord? Do you think you can kill someone as powerful as me?" he asked in a haughty voice, knowing that Malfoy would never believe him.

"You, a Dark Lord, don't make me laugh," the blond scoffed as he threw another curse.

Hydrus, seeing that it wasn't the Killing Curse, spelled a trash can in its path. He didn't want his body damaged.

"What's the matter, Malfoy, not powerful enough for more than one Killing Curse? Here, I'll even stand still long enough for you to try again," he mocked as he lowered his wand and came from behind the dumpster he was using as a shield.

Enraged at the derisions, Malfoy threw the curse and the young immortal fell. That scared Draco enough to flee the scene, coward that he was.

He was once again in the grey space; he called out to Death to come to him. The tall thin deathly pale man joined his Master. The two sat rigidly in conjured chairs. Death not wanting a Master and Hydrus knowing that the deity was limited on what he could say, neither one was comfortable. So, the conversation that followed was stilted.

"You wished to see me, Master?"

"Yeah, I wanted ask a few questions. Will you be able to answer them if I ask in the right way?"

"There is much I cannot tell you," was the vague reply.

"Right, so I'll just ask and you answer anything you can. I was going over the sums and have come to the conclusion that a new branch will start. Is this correct?" the dark-haired wizard asked.

"You are on the correct path."

"So, will all the deceased souls be copied over, or will they just leave this realm into the new one?"

"No one leaves my realm."

He nodded at that, it was one of his conclusions. "This isn't your realm?"

"No, this is simply a middle ground between the two."

"Wait, you told me this was the Land of the Dead," the young immortal accused.

"It is."


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