Chapter 79: Strategizing with Sirius
A little while later Harry and Hermione met up with Neville and Luna in the Room of Requirements. They quickly brought them up to date on what had happened in the last few hours with Umbridge and McGonagall.
"How'd your Defense practicals go Neville?" Hermione asked.
"I...I think I did okay," He replied. "I had a couple of problems with the counter jinxes but I think I passed."
"Excellent," Harry said. He turned to Hermione. "Let's tell Sirius what happened today and see how he's coming with the plan," He pulled out the mirror and was staring at Sirius a few seconds later.
"How's it going Pup?" Sirius asked.
"Well we think it was a great day," Harry quickly explained what happened at the Ministry and in the courtroom. "So Umbridge is going to be facing some very serious charges."
"Sounds like it. So McGonagall is in charge now?"
"Yeah and she knows we are married, but she isn't going to tell Dumbledore."
"Still want to be there when Albus finds out and Ginny and Ron...heck I'll take Molly."
"By the way, the night my parents died...what happened?" Harry asked.
"Why do you want to know?"
Harry and Hermione explained what McGonagall remembered.
"Hagrid and I were at your parents' house very soon after it all happened. He left on my motorcycle not long afterwards, while I went searching for Peter," Sirius said. "And McGonagall said he didn't get to the Dursleys until the next day?"
"That's what she remembers."
"I don't know," Sirius replied. "Something happened. That trip is only a couple of hours at the most."
"Maybe he spent the day there putting the wards up and making the deal with the Dursleys," Hermione said. "And then he modified McGonagall's memories for some reason."
"Wait," Harry said as the conversation he had had with Dumbledore two years previous came back to him. "He said he put the spell on me and she sealed it by taking me in."
"But Professor McGonagall didn't mention Dumbledore casting any spell on you, so when did he do it?" Hermione asked. "Supposedly you came via Hagrid directly to Privet Drive and those few moments were the only time Dumbledore saw you."
"Another Dumbledore lie?" Harry asked.
"Looks that way."
"If he survives this war, I am going to kill him," Sirius snarled. "Lies and memory charms. What is that old fart playing at?"
"We know he made a deal with the Dursleys. Miranda told us that," Harry said. "So he didn't want anyone to remember that deal or whatever else happened that day," Harry felt more anger rise in him at the Headmaster. He remembered how Dumbledore had played his anger and sorrow over losing Sirius perfectly to keep him blindly following his directions leading toward Harry's death.
"Let's figure that out later Harry," Sirius said. "Want to know how we're going to kill all of the Death Eaters next week. Personally I think it's brilliant in its simplicity," He started telling them what he thought needed to happen. "So what do you think?"
"Brilliant Sirius," Hermione said. "That is brilliant."
"What about Dumbledore," Harry asked. "I just wished we could do this without him, but with Voldemort..."
"We can," Hermione said. "As long as...yes it will work."
Sirius and Harry both were looking at the witch with questioning glances.
"Remember what you just told Ollivander? Voldemort still doesn't know what happened between your wands," Hermione explained. "He has no reason to expect it to happen again. Lock his wand up dueling him again. You can keep him like that until the Minister and half the Ministry is there; not only will their opinion of you rise if you can out duel Voldemort right in front of them, but it will crush snakeface's ego to lose to you instead of Dumbledore, especially in front of people."
"Brilliant Hermione," Harry said. "And if he does get lucky and hits me with the killing curse again, I can rise from it a second time and still cause problems for him."
"It looks like we have a plan."
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