Harry Potter: Love's Second Chance

Chapter 80: Strength in Unity"

"Where are we going to sleep tonight?" Harry asked as he looked up at Hermione. They had remained in the Room of Requirements when Luna and Neville had left after another dinner together. Currently, Hermione was sitting on the sofa, studying Arthimancy. Her book was magically propped on the arm of the sofa, while Harry had his head in her lap. As she read the text of her book, she absent mindedly was running her fingers gently through the unruly locks of Harry's hair.

"What...oh?" She replied as she looked down into Harry's emerald eyes. She sighed. "As much as I want to sleep with you, I think we need to be in the dorms. Even with Neville covering for you, we can't keep staying in here every evening," She smiled as Harry attempted his best puppy dog eyes. "But I still have a bit of studying to do."

"True," Harry agreed. The fell back into silence again for a few minutes until Harry saw the time on Hermione's watch as her wrist made a another path across his face as her fingers worked their magic through his hair. "One week from right now and it will be almost time to go to the Ministry."

That caused Hermione to look at her watch also. She closed her book and looked back down at Harry. "Nervous?" She asked though she knew he was.

"I keep seeing you getting hit by Dolohov last time," Harry admitted. "If anything were to happen to you..."

Hermione could see the concern in his eyes. "Not this time love. I'm not the same girl who was there last time," She smiled. "They'll never know what hit them. Dolohov, Lestrange...all of them. We'll never have to fight them again."

The two of them stared into each other's eyes for a several seconds, both thinking of that night two years ago. "I should have listened to you," Harry admitted finally. "We should never have been there..."

"And I should have listened to you earlier in the year about Snape. I believed in Dumbledore too much I guess," Hermione replied. "If only we'd had this then," They both knew she meant their soul bond.

They both started thinking of the years that had gone by, of all the things that might have been different, finally Harry shook his head. "Let's not regret it now, let's just make it right. I just want to kick the Death Eaters' butts next week and then spend time with you."

"I want that too," Hermione replied. "But when are we going to be together this summer?" She asked. "Are you going to go to the Dursleys?"

"The Dursley's can rot in hell for all I care," Harry grumbled. "But I'll wait to see what Dumbledore says."

"If he tries to force you to go?"

"What do you think he'd do if every time I get put back there, I end right back up at Grimmauld place again within a day?" Harry asked. "I know how to apparate. Only Mad-Eye can see through my cloak, so just have to wait until he isn't there…"

"I might enjoy the show," Hermione replied with a smile as she thought of Dumbledore's reaction to Harry walking through the front door of Twelve Grimmauld again and again. "As long as they don't realize we can talk in our minds, we can really have fun with him. If he tries to force you stay there magically I'll take it to the Ministry especially if we have Fudge on our side then."

Harry smiled at his wife. "I want you to spend time with your parents," He said. "It's been almost two years since you spent any real time there and even then it wasn't a lot," Harry frowned. That had been this summer, the summer right after his fifth year. Hermione had made it to the Burrow before he had and it had been his shortest time ever at Privet Drive. "Whose idea was it for you to come to the Burrow?"

Hermione thought back two years. "I was invited by Ginny," She finally said. "She sent me an Owl and said you were coming and..." She stopped. "That's when it started last time wasn't it? I wonder when though. I wasn't jealous of Ron's attitude toward Fleur. I thought it was stupid."

"And I wasn't jealous of Ginny when she mentioned to Fred that she had started dating Dean at Diagon Alley, but I did feel something on the train when she said she was going to meet him."

"And Lavender's giggle when Ron took that kid's Frisbee annoyed the heck out of me."

"So last time it happened between Diagon Alley and the train," Harry replied. "Looking back it is pretty obvious though, I mean how did she go from Corner to Dean? She dumped Corner after the Quidditch match less than three weeks before the end of the school year and was already dating someone else before the next year even begins? Especially since Dean was studying for his OWLs all the time after the match. After the OWLs we were all dealing with the Ministry battle."

"Do you think she dosed him with a love potion?"

"Possibly," Harry replied.

"At least they'll be no Burrow this year," Hermione said.

"You'll come to Grimmauld sometimes right? You can take the Knight Bus," Harry asked. "Or apparate."

"Maybe you can come to my house and formally meet my parents," Hermione suggested with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Harry took his wife's left hand and ran his finger over the ring on her finger. He looked into Hermione's eyes. "Is your father going to kill me because of this?"

Hermione laughed. "You're going to battle Voldemort next week and my father is the one you're concerned about?"

"I can't fight back against your parents," Harry replied truthfully. "I don't ever want to put you in a position to choose between us."

"I've already chosen Harry," Hermione replied. "I chose you even before our soul bond. Through jealousy potions and everything else, I've always chosen you," Her eyes were dampening. "I want my parents to love you Harry and I am sure they will, but always know that there will never be a choice to make if it were to come to that."


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