HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 35: 35. Draco admitted

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"I hear dad referred to as the greasy bat of the dungeon all the time and it hurts even though I know what he's really like."

"It does hurt some," Draco admitted. "But of course I have to put on my junior death eater's mask for the likes of Parkinson and Zabini and pretend I'm thrilled."

They split up at Severus quarters; Draco continuing to the entrance to Slytherin House. Harry gave the password to the portrait of Salazar Slytherin and he heard a click and the portrait swung open. Harry stepped inside to find Severus toying with a strange wand he'd never seen before. Seeing Harry's expression, he said, "This wand was your mother's. I went to the house the next day after your parents had been removed. Dumbledore had already sent you to live with your aunt and uncle. I went inside and upstairs to the nursery where Lily had died and I found her wand under your cot. I've kept it ever since intending to give it to you when you started Hogwarts, but with all that happened in the beginning it slipped my mind."

"Well, you can give it back to mum now," Harry said. "Draco said once if a witch or wizard dies and they aren't buried with their wand or left it to somebody, the Ministry destroys it."

"That is true. I believe your father was buried with his, but I think the Ministry just assumed your mum's had been destroyed when the roof caved in."

"Well, I'm glad they didn't destroy mum's wand. What's her wand made of?"

"It's made of willow. It's a feminine wood which harnesses the power of moon and water. It has a Griffin claw core for casting powerful defensive spells, charms or hexes. We got our wands at the same time and I remember what Mr. Ollivander said."

What's your wand, Dad?" Harry asked. "I remember Mr. Ollivander saying something about it when we first came into his shop, but I was so excited about getting my own wand that I didn't pay much attention."

"Mine is ebony which is a powerful wood used for the defense, reversal, and dispelling of dark magic. The core is a serpent's scale which is excellent for somebody who wants to brew potions," Severus smiled reminiscently. "I remember Mr. Ollivander telling me I would do great things in potions and I have."

Harry yawned and Severus noticed. "You can lay down and sleep for a few hours and I will wake you when it is close to midnight," he promised.

"Okay, Dad." Harry went into bedroom and lay down. He doubted he would be able to sleep. All the times in his cupboard when he listened to his aunt and uncle praising Dudley, hugging him and making sure everything was perfect for him. He had often pictured it happening with his own mum and dad. Severus came into check on Harry a half-hour later and found him fast asleep. He got a blanket out of the chest at the bottom of Harry's bed and covered him with it. Even though he was still dressed it got cold in the dungeon at night. He went back to the living room and went back to searching through the books in his bookcases seeing if he could find something about what happens when someone returns from behind the Veil, but found nothing. Probably the only ones who would know for sure were the Unspeakables in the Department of Mysteries and of course, they could not reveal anything. Severus went into his kitchen and passed the time making chicken broth in case Lily needed nourishment upon her return. By the time it was done, it was 11:30 and he went to wake Harry. "Harry?" He called shaking him gently.

Harry woke up as soon as his dad called his name. He felt groggy and was surprised to find he had actually fallen asleep. "What time is it, Dad?"

"It's 11:30," Severus answered.

"Wow! I slept over two hours? I didn't think I'd be able to fall asleep at all."

"You did indeed," his father answered as they walked into the living room. They sat down both watching the clock that seemed to move with agonizing slowness and then just as both hands reached midnight the room suddenly began to shake violently. Severus quickly got up and pulled Harry up with him and put his arms around him to protect him. "What's happening, Dad?" Harry yelled.

"I don't know, Harry," Severus answered holding tightly to Harry.

Just as suddenly as it started, the room stopped shaking, but a large vortex appeared whirling madly and casting a light so bright that Severus and Harry couldn't look at it. When the spinning stopped and the light died, Harry saw his mum. She looked at the point of collapsing. Severus moved swiftly and caught her before her body hit the floor. He easily scooped her up and laid her on the couch. "Harry, get me a vial of the Elixir of Power and a vial of Strengthening Solution out of the drawer there, please," he asked pointing at the long table that sat back to back with the couch.

Harry opened the drawer and found the six vials labeled with his dad's spidery handwriting. He gave two of them to Severus who spelled them into Lily's system and then covered her with the heavy blanket he'd brought from his bedroom earlier. He cast a diagnostic charm over her and in a few seconds a piece of parchment appeared beside him. Severus took it and looked it over. He had taken two years of additional training after receiving his potions mastery and was a certified Medi-Wizard.

"How's mum?" Harry asked anxiously.

"Her vital signs are a bit low, but I am assuming that is to be expected. Her magical core is hovering around the dangerous level, but the Elixir of Power and Strengthening Solution should bring that up shortly."

Harry down on the couch beside Lily and took hold of her hand. "Mum's really pretty isn't she, Dad?"

"Yes," Severus agreed softly. "Even when she was your age; she was beautiful."

Something in his dad's tone made Harry look up at him and seeing his expression made him wonder if his dad's feelings for his mum were different than he was admitting to.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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