HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 36: 36. mum again

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Harry, will it be alright if I leave for a few minutes? I need to check on my house and make sure there was no damage and it didn't wake anyone up."

"Sure, Dad."

Severus was back in a few minutes. "Whatever we experienced in here apparently was not experienced anywhere else in the dungeon. Everything's quiet."

Harry yawned and looked at his mum again. "When will she wake up?"

"I expect sometime tomorrow possibly," Severus answered. "Why don't you get ready for bed?" With a wave of his wand he widened the couch so there would be room enough for Harry to sleep on it. "You can sleep here by your mother."

Harry went into his bedroom and changed into his pajamas and slippers and grabbed his robe. He gladly lay down beside his mum. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. How many kids were fortunate enough to get back a lost parent? He quickly fell asleep being very tired after all the day's excitement.

Severus stretched out in his favorite leather recliner. He dozed lightly waking up every couple of hours to check on Lily's condition. He gave her another vial of the Elixir of Power and Strengthening Solution at 4:00, did a diagnostic on her magical core and was pleased to find it was almost completely restored. He decided he would give her the last two vials at eight just to be on the safe side and made a mental note to brew more of both. When he woke at 6:00, he found Lily had turned over on her side and had her arm wrapped around Harry. He would need to wake Harry at 7:00 to get ready for breakfast. Since the first years only had a half-day of classes on Fridays Harry could get some sleep in the afternoon if he was still tired. He was thankful he didn't have that many classes either as he'd only gotten about four hours of sleep. He stayed awake, watching Lily and Harry until 7:00. He got up and gently shook Harry awake saying, "Time to get up, Harry."

Harry woke up and sat up and looked at Lily. "It wasn't a dream, Dad. Mum did really come back."

Yes, she did, Harry."

"Is mum doing better?"

"Yes, her magical core is almost back to normal, but I am going to administer the last vials of the Elixir of Power and the Strengthening solution in about an hour just to be on the safe side."

Harry got up, but seemed reluctant to leave his mother which was perfectly understandable given his history.

"She will still be here when you come back," Severus said softly.

Harry looked up at Severus. How did his dad always know what he was thinking? "But who's going to look after mum while we're gone today?"

"I think I may have the solution for that," Severus said. "You go and get ready for school."

"Okay," Harry nodded and went into his bedroom.

Severus grabbed some floo powder out of the china cauldron on the mantle, knelt down in front of the fireplace and threw it down, stuck his head into the green flames and said clearly, "Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire."

Lucius got up from his desk in his study, came over to his fireplace and knelt down. "Severus, why are you calling so early? Is Draco alright?" He asked suddenly alarmed.

"Draco is fine," Severus assured him. "Is Cissa up yet? I would like to talk to both of you."

"Yes, she's in the drawing room giving the elves their instructions for the day. I will go and get her," Lucius said getting up.

He was back in a few moments with Narcissa. "What is it, Severus?"

"Can you both step through? It will be easier if I show you rather than explain it."

"Of course," Lucius replied, nodding.

Severus stepped back so they could come through. When they stepped out of the fireplace, Severus bade them to follow him around the couch. Narcissa gasped as she saw Lily and dropped to the floor beside the couch. "Is it really Lily?" She asked taking hold of her hand.

"Yes," Severus replied. He explained to them about the visit Harry and he had made to the cemetery yesterday, Lily's appearance and her announcement and what followed. "I would have sworn the entire castle would have felt the shaking."

"What about Potter?" Lucius asked. "Do you know whether or not he returned from behind the Veil too?"

"No idea," Severus replied.

"What if he has?"

"I deal with it if and when I have to, but I'm not going to worry about it until then."

"I would advise you to get Lily's identity established as soon as she is well enough. It should be fairly easy to do. She was an Auror before Harry was born so her magical signature will be registered with the Ministry," Lucius advised. He was a sharp and savvy businessman and had tripled the wealth of the Malfoy estate since his father's death in 1978.

"I have her original wand also. I found it under Harry's overturned cot the day after Halloween."

"Even better and St. Mungo's will have a record of her blood type also from when she was an Auror. The Gringotts Goblins will accept either to establish that she is Lily Potter and entitled to access the Potter vaults."

"I have the key to the vaults. I forced Dumbledore to give it to me when I found out he was illegally using funds from the Potter vaults to pay the Dursley's for taking care of Harry when they obviously were not," Severus replied looking angry at the memory. "I need Cissa's help today though," He turned to Narcissa who was sitting on the couch next to Lily. "Cissa, I have classes all day and I will need somebody to stay with Lily. Can you do it?"

"Of course, Severus. You don't even need to ask."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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