HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 39: 39. the next day

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"If you are feeling up to it, Lily I can take you to see your husband," Severus said.

Lily shook her head. "I don't really have any desire to see him, Sev. His stupidity and arrogance are the reason You-Know-Who found us in the first place. First, he chose Sirius as our Secret Keeper – someone who when drunk blabs everything he knows and then the two idiots got together, behind my back, and chose Peter. I never trusted that little rat and my instincts were right, but James kept whining and saying he was a Marauder and would never betray us."

"We do need to get your identity established as soon as possible," Severus said. "Possibly in the next day or two if you will be ready."

"I will be, but how am I going to establish my identity when I don't have my wand any longer?" Lily asked. She knew the main way someone's identity was established was by their magical signature because it never changed.

"But you do, Mum," Harry said and ran into his bedroom. He came back holding the slender, delicately carved wand in his hand. He gave it to her. "Dad found it and he's kept it for me all this time."

Lily ran her fingers over the carving on her wand that felt like an old friend. She looked up at him and said, "Thanks, Sev."

"You are welcome. Do you feel up to going to Gringotts on Monday?"

"But what about your classes, Sev?"

"We will not be gone that long, Lily and I can have one of my seventh year NEWT students take over my first and second period classes if need be."

"I don't have anything to wear either," Lily said, realizing the nightgown she now wore was the only thing she possessed.

"Don't worry, Lily. I can floo to Twilfit & Tatting's and pick you up some things," Narcissa volunteered. "And then when you're feeling better we can go shopping for a complete new wardrobe."

"Cissa, I would so appreciate it if you would," Lily replied. She knew Cissa had excellent taste in clothing and she wouldn't end up with the frumpy-looking clothes she's worn previously to satisfy James.

"Consider it done. I'll go first thing tomorrow," she promised as she stepped into the floo to go back to Malfoy Manor.

"What about James Potter, Mum?" Harry asked. "Are you going to stay married to him?"

Lily sighed. "I know you've probably always dreamed of having a family, but I cannot go back and live with your father again. He was jealous and possessive; he didn't want me to have any friends of my own – especially Sev, Cissa and Lucius. He insisted I dress in these frumpy- looking robes. When we were forced to go into hiding we fought a lot and I could hardly stand to be around him. To make matters worse Sirius was always over and when he couldn't come over once we went into hiding, James sulked, pouted and was generally disagreeable."

"It's okay Mum if you want to split from him. The way Sirius talked about him and bragged about what they did at Hogwarts and as Aurors I don't think I'd like him much anyway. He sounds like he'd be an older version of Ron Weasley."

"Ron?" Lily said remembering the cute redheaded baby who was a few months older than Harry. "I can't believe Arthur and Molly would allow him to behave in such a way."

"Well, he is very prejudiced against anything Slytherin," Severus said. "I never knew either of the Weasley's as I was never in the Order, but usually that kind of thinking starts at home."

"He got mad because Dad adopted me and I got sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor and he's been nasty ever since. Percy, Fred and George are really nice though. They keep him in line with threats of their mum sending him a Howler."

Severus smiled. "Molly's are pretty loud. The twins have received several of them."

Lily giggled. "Nobody wants one of those." She looked up at Severus. "Do you remember that time fourth year when Sirius got that one from his mother after Minerva got fed up with his and James antics and wrote letters home to their parents?"

"Indeed. I think Mrs. Black's was even louder than Molly's. We got quite a chuckle out of that in Slytherin."

"Sirius didn't want to stay with his parents; he thought they were evil dark wizards even though his father, Orion was an Auror at the time, so he moved in with James when he was fifteen and never went back home."

"He has a younger brother who was sorted into Slytherin a year behind me and he never spoke to him again. Sirius and your father used to hex him."

"Is his brother like Sirius?"

"His name is Regulus, Reg for short, and he is nothing like Sirius. He actually works in Sarah Mullings office as a Child Protection Officer. When a Wizarding child needs to be removed from their home because of abuse or some other serious reason; Reg is one of the ones who goes and takes custody of the child or children. Perhaps, I will invite him over so you can meet him."

"I'd like that, Dad," Harry said. "Maybe I can ask him about his job. It sounds interesting." Harry had been thinking he'd like to work with abused children as a healer or in another capacity.

As she had promised, Cissa bought Lily a gorgeous green silk dress and accessories to wear to Gringotts on Monday and also a warm coat, hat and gloves. Harry spent all weekend sitting by his mum and doing his homework. He's already done all of his homework for Monday and Tuesday and this work was due later in the week. He somewhat reluctantly went back to Ravenclaw Tower on Sunday night.

"Harry seems to be doing very well in school," Lily remarked.

"Well, I have explained to him the importance of establishing good study habits now and how it will help him in the years to come especially with OWLs and NEWTs."


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