HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark

Chapter 38: 38. Slytherin

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"Okay, Dad."

Lily looked up at Narcissa who had been her lifeline while she'd been in hiding. James, of course had thrown a tantrum about her remaining friends with a Slytherin. "How is Draco doing, Cissa?"

"He's doing fine, Lily. In fact he and Harry are good friends along with a variety of kids all from different houses."

"I got sorted into Ravenclaw, Mum. Neville Longbottom, Greg Goyle, and Vince Crabbe are in Hufflepuff. Draco, Ted Nott, and Millie Bulstrode are in Slytherin. Dean Thomas is in Gryffindor and Hermione Granger in Ravenclaw with me. She a Muggleborn and she's the top witch in our class so far," Harry said.

"Not unlike another Muggleborn witch who I know," Severus added coming back into the room carrying a tray with a bowl of chicken broth on it and a slice of buttered toast that he set down in front of Lily. "Try and eat as much of this as you can, Lily," Severus said gently.

"Dad's a real good cook, Mum," Harry said. "I had to cook all the time for the Dursley's so I guess I'm a pretty good cook too, but Dad lets me cook if I want to and doesn't make me."

Lily frowned at that. She was going to be having some words with Petunia when she was recovered. "Your Grandma Evans always believed a young man, whether he was a Muggle or a Wizard, should be able to cook for himself so when he was on his own he didn't starve to death."

"My mother taught me the basics, but your grandmother taught me a lot more," Severus added.

Lily began slowly eating the broth and toast. The broth was rich and delicious and the buttery taste of the toast was a perfect addition with it.

"Well, seeing as you're in good hands, Lily. I'd better be getting home," Narcissa said, getting up. "I'll stop back tomorrow and see how you're doing."

"I'd enjoy that, Cissa," Lily replied and then joked, "After all I have ten years of gossip to catch up on."

Just then Dumbledore's phoenix Patronus flew into the room. "Severus, I need to see you immediately. Please come to my office."

"Merlin's beard!" Severus muttered. "That man has unbelievable timing!" He turned to Narcissa. "Would you mind staying a bit longer while I find out what he wants?"

"Of course not," Narcissa replied. "Go ahead and see what's so urgent."

Severus went upstairs and made his way to the Gargoyle. "Ice Mice," he said and it jumped aside. He knocked on the headmaster's door. "Come in, Severus," Dumbledore called.

Severus came in his robe billowing out behind him and stopped short as he saw not only Dumbledore, but Minerva, her lips tightly folded; Remus and unfortunately, the Mutt. What the hell was going on?

"Severus, last night I was called to the Ministry because of a disturbance in the Department of Mysteries. Apparently there was a violent reaction in the Veil room that none of the Unspeakables had ever seen anything like it before, but it was caused by someone returning from behind the Veil."

Oh?" Severus remarked. "Don't tell me You-Know-Who has returned! I must say I thought he would return in a more dramatic fashion."

"It was James, Snivellus and now you'll have to give Harry back because his real dad is back," Sirius sneered.

"Really?" Severus said calmly. "In the first place, Black, Harry is not an object to be arbitrarily passed around. Secondly, I believe at age eleven, Harry will have some say in the decision as to whom he wants to live with and as I recall he was none too impressed with either you or his father."

"Snivellus," Sirius growled, his fists clenched as he started towards Severus, but Dumbledore held him back. "Calm down, Sirius. We'll get this worked out." He turned back to Severus. "Harry is a child and he doesn't know what's good for him."

Severus smirked as he imagined Harry's reaction to Dumbledore's patronizing attitude. "I believe I am correct in what I said about Harry having a say in his placement, but you may check with Sarah Mullings at Wizarding Child Services if you doubt me." He turned to go, but then stopped. "By the way, where is Potter exactly?"

Dumbledore frowned. "He's in St. Mungo's due to the fact that the Unspeakables were more interested in trying to question him rather than getting him immediate medical attention."

"I see," Severus replied his mind racing. That would give him more time to get Lily's identity established, but they would still need to act quickly. "Since nothing can be decided until Potter is out of the hospital I believe the best thing for Harry is to keep his living arrangements as they are currently." He left the office and returned to the Dungeon where he found Lily and Cissa laughing and Harry smiling as he listened to them.

"What did the Headmaster want, Severus?" Narcissa asked.

Severus sat down on the coffee table opposite the couch. "Apparently, there was a major disturbance in the Veil Room in the Department of Mysteries and when the Unspeakables went to investigate they found Potter."

"James came back too?" Lily asked. "Where is he?"

"He's in St. Mungo's. Apparently he did not get immediate medical attention as you did."

"Does that mean I have to go back and live with him and Sirius, Dad?" Harry looked alarmed.

Severus shook his head and put his arm around Harry. "That's for Wizarding Child Services to decide, Harry and I am sure Mrs. Mullings will ask for your input."

"Good, because I want to stay with you and mum."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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