Heavenly Yaksha Naruto ?


. Kaede was in shock her thoughts were a mess, and little by little a feeling of fear and despair began to take over her.

' . ! ( .... ... No, it's not like that, Kokujin is the best, he is a real man, superior .... But why does he always want me to speak badly about Hiroki ? ..... He was the one who insisted that I send him the videos .... ! And about my husband, It's as if ... No that can't be he is a superior man He has to be ) . '

. .... It seems that you are beginning to see reality Mrs. Kaede, but you still resist ..... Well it must be difficult for you to realize that you exchanged your family and your own dignity for a piece of garbage, and at the same time you yourself became that.

' . ..... Just tell me if you're going to talk about what you know with anyone else ! ?. '

. So you are resigned ? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone I don't have to you already chose your ending it was an interesting conversation goodbye Mrs. Kaede.

. With a mocking smile, the woman turned around and began to walk. Kaede stayed for a few minutes, her face changing between worry and anger, and then she continued on her way.

Several days passed, Kaede followed her routine between working, taking care of the house, her daughter, and her time with kokujin, but little by little the worry became greater the fear that at any moment everything would be discovered and the consequences of it but besides that to a lesser extent but every day a little more, memories of his son began to appear in her mind, Ignoring them at first as she always did she went about her days, but little by little it happened more often Of course she only felt discomfort in the first days, resenting her son for bothering her even when he was no longer part of her life but little by little the words of the woman resonated more and more in her mind and she began to doubt her decisions, after another week she couldn't stand the anxiety and after her fun time with Kokujin she decided to talk to him about the woman.

'. ... Kokujin.

… What ?.

'. ..... A few weeks ago ..... Walking on the street a woman approached me and started talking to me ... The woman knew about us.

... ... And what about that ? ..... Tell me what his body was like.

'. ! ( ….This is serious ) ….. She wasn't ugly but she wasn't very attractive either.

... ..... Ha are you lying to me ?.

'. ! .... no It's the truth .... But she started talking and she knew everything about us not only ours but also the others ... (I don't want to mention Hiroki, I know that unless it's for insult him and humiliate him kokujin doesn't like that I mention him ) ..... She knew about the videos and everything.

. Those words stopped Kokujin's sadistic smile and made him think.

... ..... (How can she know of the videos, this bitch couldn't have said anything to Nobody .... Maybe Nao?, ..... Or maybe) ... .. Go and look for Nao, she must be in the bathroom, also look for Kanako and Ayumu, they are probably in the kitchen.

'. ..... I thought we could both solve it.

... .... Didn't you hear me ? .

'. !!! .... No excuses me, I will look for them, (.... It gets more aggressive every day).

. Kaede left her room and hurried to look for the girls. Once everyone was in the room, Kokujin began to speak.

... It seems that Kaede ran into a woman who knew about us ... Even the videos, so have any of you been talking ? .

:!! ... I haven't spoken to anyone ..... Was it your Nao?

.what ? Of course no I'm not stupid ... Ayumu ?.

. ! No, I haven't talked to anyone about this.

... ... If it wasn't you ..... Maybe that useless Hiroki them ?.




'. .... I asked the woman if he had been my so .. The .... Useless ... But she said that he didn't even know her, that she just got curious and started to observe us.

... ..... (If it wasn't them, and it wasn't the useless one,then who was ?).

. ... Maybe the teacher ?.

... ..... Don't be stupid ayumu the teacher and kaede are the ones who would be worse off if this is discovered.

'. !!! ..... (It's true if this is known, the two of us would have serious problems ....).

...Kaede, do you have that woman's phone number ?.

'. !? No, way would have it ?.

... ... How stupid can you be ? That woman has a lot of information about us and you just let her go? (... Stupid bitch ... I wouldn't have any problems but if this becomes public, Kaede and the teacher could have a hard time .... Besides, it could cause me inconvenience, I don't care about these bitches but training new toys is not that easy ..... I was lucky with these bitches ... I'm starting to get bored of them but until I have new toys I'm not going to let go of them) ... ... Do any of you have a way to locate that useless kid ?.

. The girls realized that none of them had a way of locating Hiroki so they told Kokujin, what they didn't expect was his reaction.

... Shit, you are only good for fucking ... I don't care how, but locate that useless guy ..... Well at least he has committed suicide hehehe ... Whatever, you have four days one for each one of you ..... Do not let me down .

. The girls were a little surprised by Kokujin's rude wordsb especially Kaede in addition to being scared.

after that Kokujin said he will have a little more fun with them, this time he was very cruel and sadistic

even some of the girls complained except Ayumu, that only caused Kokujin to be even more sadistic and start calling them names like whores and that they should not give him orders and that they should just do their job not giving him orders, After finishing Kokujin got dressed and before leaving the house he made it clear to them that he wanted them to find Hiroki even if he was dead, those last words made Kaede and to a lesser extent the rest of the girls feel a small prick in their heart, When the girls were left alone, they remained silent for a few minutes.

. .... Mom, what are we going to do now? How are we going to find that useless kid in four days ?.

'. .... (And how would I know that ? ... I never thought that Kokujin would react like that, he became very aggressive, at first it was pleasant but then ... It was painful and the insults ... Is that what he thinks of us ?, of me ?... ..... Just one more whore ?, and you kanako .... ) ..... Nao you spent time with him on the street, there were surely places you frequented.

. .... .... Only some parks ... (We also went to the movies and to eat .... We even went to karaoke once ..... ) how about your ayumu ?.

. .... We just walked and sometimes we ate something, the rest was practice ..... .

'. (This is a problem, kokujin is upset and wants us to find him but it's been a while since we last saw him ... Maybe he did ...) We have no other option, Let's look to the places we know.

. Although the tension could be felt between the girls, they decided to put it aside for the moment since they had something much more important to do, Nao and Ayumu left Kaede's house while Kanako and Kaede focused on making a search plan. So three days passed between working for Kaede, school for the other three, their time with Kokujin and the search, but none of the girls had any luck in locating Hiroki or even a clue to his whereabouts, so the four met at Kaede's house to discuss what to do since they only had tomorrow left.

'. So we didn't get anything ... We only have tomorrow.

. I don't think we'll get any leads, but that's not the problem.

. ... I hate to say it but Nao is right, what are we going to do when Kokujin asks us?

. ...Well I think kokujin will understand kanako.

. I don't think so ..... He wants answers.

. ... (This is Kaede's fault) ... Someone better talk to Kokujin today, it's better that we tell him before tomorrow at least then he'll know that that useless guy is really missing.

. ..... And according to you, who should tell him ?.

. Who else kanako, Kaede is the one who went and told him, all this problem is her fault.

. Ha ? Do you want my mother to receive kokujin's wrath ?, you know .... I prefer that you tell him.

. ! ...Are you crazy, bitch? I'm not going to do that. If your mother had kept her mouth shut, none of this would have happened.

. ! Wait, we don't have to fight among ourselves.

. .... You don't know what you are saying, ... ayumu I'm sure that if Kokujin gets violent, you're the one who would enjoy it the most.

. !!! What do you mean by that Nao ?.

. O come on, we all know that you are the masochist of the group ... Well although Kanako is not far away.

. !!! What did you say bitch ?.

. What you heard, Ayumu was taken with a handshake, and you enjoyed being raped.

'. !!!!! What ? What is Nao referring to Kanako ?.

. !!!!! That ? That's not ... !!!, shut up Nao it was you who got us into this.

. .... (It's true with just a handshake ... ). Nao you are being cruel.

. ..... ( you hypocrites are trying to blame me ?) you know I don't care what you think.

. ... Kaede, kanako, Nao, I'm going to try to look for ..... Hiroki a little longer, I still have one day left.

'. ..... (Why didn't you answer my question kanako ? ... Could it really be ? ) ..... Well, I'll try too.

. The girls separated and the next day they made their last attempt, but they didn't get anything and at the end of the day Kokujin called them and told them that they would meet at Kaede's house, and the moment they were all together Kokujin spoke.

. ...Well, what do you have for me? .





. ..... Are you deaf?, speak.

'. Kokujin .... We didn't manage to get anything.

. ..... (They are useless ..... Or maybe they got him and are protecting him ? ... No these bitches, they abandoned everything for me ... But that woman ... What if Kaede is lying and trying to scare me so she can get her son back somehow ..... No . .. But something doesn't add up, maybe you're lying to me Kaede ?) Really Kaede, you can't even get your son ?, and you guys didn't do anything either ...

. At that moment Kokujin stood up and grabbed Kaede by the neck and started squeezing, Kaede got scared and tried to separate her arm which made Kokujin get upset and squeeze harder.

. ....Are you trying to resist Kaede ?, are you trying to disobey me ?.

!. !!! No kokuj.

. Kaede did not finish what she was going to say as Kokujin squeezed harder. Seeing this, the three girls got scared, but Kanako came out of her trance.

. Kokujin, what are you doing? , you are hurting her, let her go ! .

. ... (Are these bitches revealing themselves ? ..... So it might be them).

. Kokujin used his other arm to grab Kanako by the neck.

. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GIVEN ORDERS TO KANAKO ?... IT APPEARS ..... I've been very accommodating to you, it's time I showed you what happens when you disobey me.

. Kokujin proceeded to take the two of them and throw them to the ground, then he abruptly took off their clothes and he took off the strap of his pants and began to whip them hard.


. Nao and Ayumu were paralyzed with fear, watching as Kokujin whipped Kaede and Kanako, who screamed, begging him to stop. After a few minutes, Kokujin stopped and looked at Kaede and Kanako.

. Haa haa, ..... I hope you learned you lesson .... As for you two Nao, ayumu you already know what happens when you disrespect me right?.

. !!!! ..... (What the fuck just happened ?, I knew he was aggressive but ..... This is something else ... He lost contro l ... I'm in problems ... I have to make him see that I am on his side) .... Kokujin, ... You are right to punish them but ... What if. .... If they go to the police ?.

. ... They won't do it right ? If that happened, maybe those videos that they enjoyed making so much could end up on the internet, can you imagine Kaede?, Kanako?, what would happen ? .... Especially you Kaede .... Ha, I'm a little excited, let's have fun.

. And so Kokujin began to have sex with the girls, but on this occasion he was very violent to the point that it was no longer pleasurable even for Ayumu since after seeing what he did to Kaede and Kanako she could not consent, Ayumu was a masochist, no a sadistic one, at the end kokujin said one last threat to the four and left the house.

.End of flashback.

'. ! ... After that..... He became more violent and cruel..... He treated us worse every day.

. !!!! .... (A woman with all that information ?if I was a stalker i would understand but why did she confront Kaede ?).

. Naruto was processing all the information, and despite that feeling of anger and pain that he felt without knowing why, he focused more on what Kaede said about the woman, while Hiroki was completely focused trying to decipher how that woman knew so much and her reasons, Kaede just watched Hiroki watching how he was immersed in his thoughts, she didn't know what he was thinking about but she hoped that by telling him the truth, or at least almost the whole truth he would think about changing his decision, after a few minutes Kaede couldn't stand the anxiety and spoke to Hiroki.

'. .... Son... Hiroki, ... I know what I did was wrong but I'm really sorry.

. .... (Does this woman really think I'm buying her lies ? that she's sorry for what she did to me ?!!! ...Did she do it to me ? ....What was it ? that ? ..... No for now I have to concentrate on what is happening right now ..... I had planned to end any connection with these people and be able to do things more freely for that, i chose a bastard to supplant ... But if there is someone watching me and not only that but doing it without me realizing it, i has to be someone very dangerous ... If I make a wrong move I could have serious problems in this reality there are not only sorcerers, there are also many other dangers... I have to think things through better, besides ... . ).Mrs. Kaede, can I sit down? I have to think.

'. ! Of course..... Take the time you need.

. Hiroki sat down and just stayed silent thinking for almost ten minutes. Kaede wanted to say something but she was afraid of disturbing him and making him leave, just when the silence became unbearable Hiroki spoke.

. .... Well, Mrs. Kaede, I have a proposition for you..... This proposition is not negotiable, so listen carefully and think carefully. Do you agree to listen to it?

'. .... (What will he ask of me? ... NO IT DOESN'T MATTER if it's for him to come back and... Maybe he can help me and Kanako, I'll accept) Yes, Hiroki, I'll listen to you carefully.

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