Chapter 9: Real situation, an unexpected decision
. After hearing Kaede's response, Hiroki took a few minutes to organize the way in which he would give her his conditions, and just when he was going to speak, Naruto felt a presence at the entrance of the house that entered the yard and headed towards the door and a sound of keys opening the door.
Knk. Mom Where are you? We have to talk.
Ked. ! .... (No, Hiroki was about to return, what happens if he sees Kanako and gets upset ? ..... What do I do ? ..... I have no other choice) .... .'
Knk. Mom we have more pro !!! ..... Who ?.
Ked. ..... You don't recognize him kanako .... I don't blame you, I didn't recognize him at first either.
Knk. ...recognize ? !!!! ..... It can't be .... Hiroki ?.
. ... (This is annoying .... Although looking at it another way i will save me time). miss ? ... No Kanako San.
Knk. ! ..... (Is he really Hiroki ?, .... Well he has changed but .... this is a disaster if he finds out that Hiroki appeared out of nowhere !!! .....) ..... What are you doing here ?.
Ked. !!! Kanako, why do you say that ? Hiroki is finally back.
Knk. .... (Are you crazy mom ? Don't you know what Kokujin will do ?) ..... .. . Mom, you know well that Kokujin doesn't want to .....
. .... ( Interesting, so that boy is still with them ... Kaede your lie didn't last long, well that doesn't matter my intention in changing my plans has nothing to do with what this woman is saying, the important thing is to track down whoever it is been watching me ... But this can help me ) ... It hasn't been a day and you are already started lying, I think ... This isn't a good idea after all.
Ked. !!! ... No son ... HIroki wait (KANAKO YOU'RE GOING TO RUIN EVERYTHING ! .... WHAT DO I DO?, ....) hiroki ... No It's not that I wanted to lie, it's that I have no other option.
Knk. !!! ..... MOM I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING BUT YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU TALK ABOUT ..... I don't know what you think this is! ..... HIroki can't do ..... Maybe he physically changed but the .... Brother it would be better that ..... You leave ... Did you forget the last time Kokujin beat you up ? .
. .... No, I haven't forgotten Kanako the truth is I didn't come here to see or try to return to this house, if Kaede signs the papers I will leave immediately.
Ked. !!! Son wait I thought we were ... Looking to work things out no ?.
. ... That's right Kaede, but even though I was thinking about giving you a chance after everything you did to me, you decide to use it to lie to me again.
Ked. !!!! ... No son ..... (It's true, I'm lying to him ..... But I have no other option if I tell him the whole truth he will leave forever .... Kanako, why did you have to arrive right now ? ) .... HIroki looks like you've changed but ..... The truth is that we are trapped.
Knk. !!! MOTHER.
Knk. ... ! MO ... MOM?.
Ked. ... Listen Hiroki, I tried to get out of this but kokujin started threatening us ..... He even got violent, he has the videos ... Even more than the ones you have ... ...You are right if those videos come to light my life ... Or what is left of it will be ruined I could even end up in jail, your sister will not be able to finish school let alone enter in a good university .... At least not in Japan ... I want you to come back ... But that's the problem.
. ... .... I see, so what ? ... Well Kaede can't say that I feel bad or that it surprises me, to tell the truth it could be worse for you .... Tell me, do you have any illness?, or are you pregnant ?.
; !!! What ? Of course not, how can you say that Hiroki?
. ... HIroki have more respect.
. .... respect ? ... Are you listening to yourself kanako ? Also KAEDE, my question is logical, after everything you did.
; . !! .... (It's true, everything I did ... What I've been doing ) ... Son, I have no excuse for what I did to you ... I really want you to come back.
. ... ( This woman is hiding several things from me, but living here gives me good cover ... I'll have to discover it on my own) listen kaede, kanako, our family relationship is completely broken, you two took care of that, I came to end this farce and continue with my life ... But kaede insists, the truth is I don't know what she wants and honestly I don't care ... Very much, I am no longer ... The innocent child that you destroyed, so you better tell me What's really happening or I'll just make sure you sign those papers kaede.
Ked. .... A little Time after you left.
Knk. !!!! Mom, don't do it.
Ked. SHUT UP KANAKO YOU MAY BE HAPPY WITH THE CURRENT SITUATION BUT I'M NOT ... Hiroki after you left ... We continued with our ... relationship with Kokujin at the beginning ... Everything was as usual but.
.Kaede began to tell Hiroki everything, of course she hid some things so she didn't look so bad and even seem like a victim, but for the most part she told him everything, Kanako tried to interrupt a couple of times, but then realizing her mother was making herself look like the only victim so she got upset and also said everything, the two had several arguments and screams but in the end they told Hiroki everything.
. ..... ( .So the appearance of that woman was what caused all the change .... That woman ..... Or supposed woman knows a lot about me, I don't know if she is alone or who she really is but ..... If she does it again I can find out ..... this place will be useful to me, however ) ..... I understand apparently her situation is not to your liking, although that surprises me
Knk. ..... How does it surprise you ? Who would like to be in this situation ?
. To you two of course .... Kaede, kanako, you did something really unforgivable, kanako you were my older sister ... There are brothers who do whatever it takes to protect their younger siblings .... I'm not saying you had to do that but you did the opposite, and you kaede .... Not only did you show your son something that a mother should never have shown him but you did it with the person who tormented him, in addition to humiliating him, that's something that can't be undone ... And you did all that simply for pleasure, the mental torture that .... You two did to me is something you do to someone you hate ..... But what's done is done ..... That's why I say it you have all the pleasure you were looking for you even have other men who want to have fun with you , that's what confuses me, you should be very happy with your situation.
Knk. ..... (He has really changed, his attitude is strange) .....
Ked. ! .... (That's how he sees us, we're just sex- obsessed women ... What did I expect, he's right, I showed him a side of me that he should never have seen ... ) I'm really sorry ... Hiroki, I'm sorry for what I did to you.
Knk . ... I'm sorry too, Hiroki.
. ...No, you are not, but that does not matter, the important thing is what will happen from now on, if what you say is true and I am not sure about it, you want to escape from your situation correct ?.
Ked. !!!
Knk. !!!
Ked . ( Of course he didn't believe us, but) ... I want to get out of this.
Knk. ! ..... (Why do you say it as if you are the only one ? .... You keep trying to look like the victim) I also want to get out of this but I don't know how you could help us, if you make a mistake you will ruin our lives.
. (There's not much to ruin .... It doesn't matter ) I can help you, but understand something, I am not doing this out of love or because I want to save you, I will do this for you .... Of course you have to collaborate, but you will have to do something for me when the time comes ... And if I realize that you are trying to screw me, I assure you that what is happening to you would seem like paradise compared to me so tell me, do you accept ?.
Ked !!!(That feeling ... Something inside me tells me that I shouldn't play with him ... No more) ..... I accept.
Knk. ..... (What was that ? .... What do I do ?, if Hiroki fails we are screwed ... But if he manages to help us ..... I should tell kokujin ? .... Maybe). !!!!!!!!!!!!.
. All of Kanako's thoughts stopped, Kaede was also paralyzed by a horrible pressure, a suffocating feeling as if they were about to fall off a cliff and when Kanako and Kaede saw Hiroki in the face they felt true fear for the first time.
. ___________ Kanako, this is your last chance with Me ... I'll say it for the last time, if you screw me you'll regret it ... If you don't want my help that's fine, I'll take care of helping Kaede and I won't get involved in your business ... But don't interfere with me, do you understand ?.
Knk. !!! ..... (What was that ? ... That feeling comes from Hiroki ? ... How).
Ked. !!!!!! (That was horrible ... HIroki ....).
. ... I hope you understand, Kaede I'll go ... Look for some things I don't know what state my room is in, but you can take out the mattress and clean any traces of your games I'll probably return In a few hours.
. Hiroki gave Kanako one last look and left the house leaving the women with a lot to think about, there was silence for a minute until Kanako spoke.
Knk. What did you do mom ? ...
Ked. ..... We don't have anyone else KANAKO .... Also what I said is true, I don't want to continue with this type of life.
Knk. ... AND YOU THINK HIROKI CAN HELP US, HE WILL BRING US MORE PROBLEMS, HE IS JUST ... AND ANY STUPID THING HE DOES WE WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR ... I think I know where that useless guy got his stupidity from. !SLAP !.
Ked . ... I'm already fed up with your disrespect kanako..... This whole problem... You were the one who started it.
. Knk. !!! (Me?... This bitch) I may introduce you to Kokujin but you were the one who opened her legs
. ! SLAP! .. YOU.
.Ked . Because of your damn plan... . Rinnn Rinnn!!! ....It's him.
Knk. !!! ... What does the message say?
Ked. ... A new client ..... The usual hotel in an hour .. .... Both.
Knk . ..... Mon. .click.
Ked . !!!
Knk. !!!
. I forgot the documents ..... Something happened Kaede? .
Knk. ! .. (I HAVE TO STOP This ) ..... Nothing happened.
Ked. Kokujin sent a message ..... ( No kanako, Hiroki is the only one who can't help, it's a feeling I have the same one that told me not to do what I did ..... But this time I will listen to it ) ..... He wants me to go to a place where someone is waiting for me.
Knk. (STUPID ..... MOM YOU ARE ).
. (Mmmm so she he is telling the truth .... ) Well Kaede I didn't expect it to be so soon but we will start right now, this is what you will do.
. The first thing Hiroki did was ask Kanako to give them privacy, she tried to insist but Kaede told her to go up to her room, when she tried to start an argument Hiroki used a controlled amount of bloodlust making Kanako get scared and go up to her room, after that he explained the plan to Kaede who had several doubts and some problems with it.
Ked . .... ( That is very dangerous if the .... Client finds out or if Kokujin finds out I will be in a lot of danger and not only that ... I don't want Hiroki .... ) So .... Hiroki there is no other way ? .
. .... (How stupid are you Kaede ?)
This is the least dangerous way Kaede (I don't want to eliminate that idiot until I'm sure who's watching me, plus ...) this is no longer just a fight between school kids, child prostitution, extortion, plus how many times you has had been recorded ?, how many videos does that idiot have ?, how many do you are in with minors ?, do you understand ? Even if I take it upon myself to beat up that turd and manage to get him to leave you alone, what about the others ? .
Ked. !!!!! .... (It is..... It is true and it has been recorded several times ..... Some were orgies ..... Nao, ayumu, and other young girls ... It must have at least 7 or 8 videos without counting the ones he recorded to torture Hiroki ..... And what do you mean by ) ..... Hiroki, what do you mean by the others? .
. .... Kaede, do you think all the guys who had sex with you and the others are just idiots ? ..... Especially those who like to fuck with minors ? Most likely, there are guys with economic power and connections in that group ... That idiot decided to enter the major leagues of trash, that's why if you really want to get out of that you have to do things very well and get dirty (more than you've already done) this is the most effective way Kaede.
Ked. !!!!!!!!!!! (Kanako is right there is no way hiroki can help us ..... I don't think anyone can .... I not only destroyed my family ..... I destroyed my life and my daughter's life, we have no way out .... But at least ....) HIroki ... I will sign the papers, thank you for trying to Help me anif me ..... I ruined it sniff kanako ..... She is right, but you still have igh a chance to live ... I (destroyed my life and that of my daughter but at least you can escape ..... Son) forget about us Hiroki.
. ! ..... ..... ( I didn't expect this ... So there is still some mother's love left in this woman !!!! Hughh .... This feeling again ... Maybe ?, ... I don't know if something failed or if it was intentional but ... A part of you still exists in me, doesn't it Hiroki ? ... you really are an innocent boy despite everything they did to you ..... Do you still want to protect them ? ... I don't know if I'm talking to myself but I'll tell you that that is the attitude of a weak person .... But out of respect for a good soul like yours I will do this for you .... But don't expect it to be good because I'm not good ... Not anymore ) ..... KANAKO COME DOWN RIGHT NOW.
Knk !!!! ( What does he want now ? .... ) .
Ked . !!! Hiroki ? .
. KANAKO came out of her room and approached Kaede, for her part Kaede was confused.
. .... ( I'll probably regret this ... Shit I'm already doing it ... ) Kaede, kanako, what you did is unforgivable and deep down you know it.
Ked. !
Knk . !
. Kaede I understand that as a woman it is normal to want a man's attention, but you chose your son's fucking abuser, and not only that you became nothing more than a sex toy and to top it off you decided that it would be very fun to insult and humiliate your son to the point of fucking in his own room, sending him videos of your sexual escapades, and even desecrating the memory of your own husband in addition to destroying the ring he gave you as physical proof of his love and commitment to you ... And all for to please a fucking sick man ..... And your darker side.
And you kanako, you were supposed to be my older sister, that doesn't mean that you have to protect me but at least not screw up my life, you did the same thing as Kaede ... And don't tell me that you are sorry because I know it's not true, you only regret the consequences of your actions, not what you did.
. Kaede tried to think of an excuse but instead of coming up with one, she was just filled with memories of everything she did, what she did to her own son, while Kanako felt something similar but due to her immaturity due to her age or her current situation, she just looked away. Kaede for her part lowered her head and looked at the ground.
. ..... This is your first and last chance .... (Stupid boy, this is a waste of time ... ) I'm going to help you but you owe me a favor ... A very big one, you'll probably never be able to repay me ... For this to work you have to do what I say, there can be no mistakes understand ? .
Ked . ! ... ( He.... Will he give me a chance ? ... After everything I did to him ? ...) hiroki, I really appreciate it but I don't think you can help us .... I don't think anyone can.
Knk . .... That's right .... Thank you for the intention, but you will only bring us more problems .... I don't want to be cruel, it's just the truth.
. ... (What the hell is this kindness ? ..... Hiroki's memories show me that this two ..... Women enjoyed torturing him with mockery and at times ...) If it were the majority there would be no way to change this situation but I can do it, I am not being naive nor arrogant ... If you do what I say you can get out of this situation.
Ked . ... Hiroki .
Knk . HIroki you will only make things worse ... Please.
. .... Let's say it failed, what do you think will happen ? .
Ked . .... We will be punished ..... Worse than last time.
Knk. No, mom it will be much worse, Kokujin has become more ... Cruel (plus he asks about Hiroki from time to time, if he finds out that he tried to help us ... ).
. ... I understand but I see that you have not yet understood the magnitude of your problem, kokujin is your current owner and I mean it literally ..... At least for the moment, you are an entertainment product for pigs, you will be used in all kinds of sexual games ... You are doing it aren't you ? .... Tell me, that asshole hardly has sex with you anymore, right ?.
Ked . !!!!.
Knk . !!!!.
Ked . ... ( When was the last time I was with him ? .... !!! It's been more than two weeks now ... And he no longer does many of the things he did before ..... ).
Knk. ..... ( ..... He hasn't touched me in a week and ..... He doesn't kiss me anymore ) .... What does that have to do with .....
. ... So it's already started, it's simple you were just his toys but you were his personal toys, now that several man have played with you, you are no longer his personal toys now you are a used toys ... And soon you will be broken toys.
Ked. !!!!!!!!!.
Knk . !!!!!!.
. ... Soon you won't be fun even as a means of earning money, the pigs will soon get bored of you and at that moment ... Well, you can imagine it right ? ... If you don't get pregnant or contract a disease first, so I ask you again do you want to do something about it or will you just wait for that inevitable end ?.