Heir of Primordial Darkness & The Shadow Realm

Chapter 8: Chased By The Hounds of Chaos

Turning around, Blake saw three dog-like creatures the sizes of pumas, with blood red fur and menacing red, predatory eyes. They had smokey red, apparition like bodies and multiple rows of teeth the size of talons. They radiated chaos incarnate and the gravel around them on the ground seemed to warp along with the air they breathed out, as if they were unnatural creatures that even the universe had no control over.

Horror struck Blake like a dagger, inducing a temporary paralysis in his body, which gave the creatures a head start to rush his way. He was paralyzed a whole of three seconds before he came back to himself. He knew that he couldn't let these creatures get to him or he'll be dead long before he even could escape their jaws.

Upon seeing the creatures rushing his way, adrenaline once again pumped in Blake's body as he did not wait for no one as he peddled as hard and as fast as he could, steering his bike in and out of traffic before heading into the wooded area —- A shortcut to his way home.

Despite desperately pedaling, however, one of the beasts managed to use its speed and power to catch up with Blake, using its talon-like claws as leverage to rip his back wheel tire. Blake was catapulted through the air, falling face first into the ground after rolling a few times, reopening whatever wounds had already began healing from his confrontation with Josh Allen earlier, while also creating minor scrapes and cuts across his arms.

Rolling over, onto his back, Blake managed to do so just in time for the beast to leap at him, not letting him do a proper assessment of his injuries.

Hands outstretched, shielding his face, Blake managed to buy his head some time at the expanse of his arms, blocking the creature from biting his face off. That did not, in fact, stop it from bitting into Blake's arms though, causing Blake to scream in pain as it did so. With tenacity, the creature bit into whatever body part it could get it's drooling talon teeth into, his face, his arms, his chest.

Pain branched inside of Blake like a tree in a forest fire. It felt like his nervous system was on fire. Some areas of Blake's body had already begun shutting down due to the excess pain.

Multiple cold, chilling howls reminded Blake that there were three of these strange dog-like creatures, and the one on top of him made him realize that he had yet to escape from even one. He knew that if the other two arrived before he could escape this one, there'd be no hope for escape whatsoever. He'd be torn to pieces!

'I need to get out of here!' Blake managed the coherent thought before using his backpack to smack the red, smoke-like creature in the snout, repeatedly. He then chucked it, surprisingly causing the creature to get slammed onto the asphalt area of the road, causing traffic to pile up behind it.

Blake ran for his life. He ran, with everything he had in him. He was not dying on his birthday. Even with his shitty ass luck, there's no way he was gonna let the universe let that slide. He'd live just to spite the universe. The hell!

He had hardly gotten far, however, when the creature leaped and tackled him, its claws digging into his shoulder blades and its fangs wanting to bite into Blake's neck, which he had covered with his hands. The two tumbled.across the woody forest ground, many pedestrians scattering around yelling "Dog, dog, dog, dog!"

It was about to bite into Blake's neck when headlights crashed into it, causing it to ricochet off Blake's back, and into a nearby tree.

"Blake!" Achlys screamed, making her way out of the her black Range Rover, her hand clutching the rings on her fingers.

"Achlys! Stay back! There's two more coming!" Blake tried to warn, but instead she rushed over.

"I can take care of myself! Besides, you're the one that's hurt!" She rushed to his side.

The ever vigilant Cimon eyeing the unmoving oversized dog before turning to the two approaching dogs in the stance. "We need to move…," when he saw Blake's condition, Cimon tsked. "I'll handle them by myself. You get Blake into the car. There's some Nectordrops in the glove department."

"But—." Blake began.

"We can handle ourselves," Achlys repeated, as she began dragging Blake to the car. "These Chaos Hounds are predators. They'll hunt you to the ends of the multiverse to get you when they have your scent. It's best to kill these Hounds of Chaos before they can report you to their Overseer — They usually travel in packs of anywhere between 20 to a hundred. It's suffice to say that you'll be torn apart before their back up arrives. Now, let's at least stop the bleeding."

"Chaos Hounds? Is that what they're called?" Blake asked, eyeing the unmoving dog. "They're big."

Then, to Blake's shock, Cimon did something that should've been impossible. A light appeared from the ring on his finger, and, from it, a 12 foot long, brown shafted, black-bladed spear appeared in his hand. It had intricate designs on it and a single cloth tied to it just below the spearhead, on the shaft. It had a faint grey aura flowing from it.

Blinking a couple times, Blake watched as Cimon ran to face the approaching monsters — Right, Chaos Hounds —- all by himself.

Blake tried to say something, to warn him that they were dangerous, but, before he had the chance, Cimon vanished, appearing suddenly in front of the second hound, whose spear was already through its skull. —- It was dead before he plucked the spear out of it. —- Then he turned to face the third hound, as it leaped at him, ready to disembowel him, but he held it back with the shaft of his spear.

"Cimon will be ok," Achlys sighed heavily, as she struggled to help Blake into the car. "Let's get you in the backseat… You better not bleed my seats red with your blood, cuz, or you'll regret it."

Blake just blanched. He wasn't sure what to say in response to that. He was still shellshocked by what he'd seen Blake do and the events that led up to it. He could only nod as he was haled into the back seat of his cousin's range rover, where Blake watched as Achlys went to the front seat, into the glove department and pulled something gold and hard out of it.

She made her way back over to where Blake laid sprawled along the backseats, and motioned to open his mouth.

"What is that?" Blake found himself asking, hesitant to let a strange thing into his mouth.

"Nectordrops, it'll help speed up your healing abilities. It won't heal you completely, but at least you won't die of blood loss" Achlys said, dropping the golden raindrop-shaped thing into his mouth, after unwrapping it. It tasted like caramel and milk. Blake wasn't complaining about the taste. Plus, he could feel his body begin repairing itself after each chew, before he swallowed it and it turned into even more warm, fuzzy energy that continued to heal his body.

"What were those things? Why were they chasing me?" Blake tried for some answers. He figured he deserved them. Thing were moving and happening too fast. He wanted — needed — answers.

"Chaos Hounds are predatory beings of pure chaos… They serve a master — An old master —- They wanted to kill you," Achlys said, as she closed the backseat doors, climbed into the passenger seat and began looking for something she found a second later — a burner phone. She began texting something, but, before she could press send, she looked at Blake. "They travel in packs — They'll be more. C'mon, we have to hurry."

The sound of Cimon fighting had died down, and vanished completely eventually. Blake was momentarily worried for his cousin, but a moment later, Cimon could be seen entering the driving sea with no scratches seen on him, breaking barely a sweat.

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