Heir of Primordial Darkness & The Shadow Realm

Chapter 9: Saying Goodbye

"What is that?" Blake found himself asking, hesitant to let a strange thing into his mouth.

"Nectordrops, it'll help speed up your healing abilities. It won't heal you completely, but at least you won't die of blood loss" Achlys said, dropping the golden raindrop-shaped thing into his mouth, after unwrapping it. It tasted like caramel and milk. Blake wasn't complaining about the taste. Plus, he could feel his body begin repairing itself after each chew, before he swallowed it and it turned into even more warm, fuzzy energy that continued to heal his body.

"What were those things? Why were they chasing me?" Blake tried for some answers. He figured he deserved them. Thing were moving and happening too fast. He wanted — needed — answers.

"Chaos Hounds are predatory beings of pure chaos… They serve a master — An old master —- They wanted to kill you," Achlys said, as she closed the backseat doors, climbed into the passenger seat and began looking for something she found a second later — a burner phone. She began texting something, but, before she could press send, she looked at Blake. "They travel in packs — They'll be more. C'mon, we have to hurry."

The sound of Cimon fighting had died down, and vanished completely eventually. Blake was momentarily worried for his cousin, but a moment later, Cimon could be seen entering the driving sea with no scratches seen on him, breaking barely a sweat.

What did I do to justify someone sending literal Death Hounds out to kill me?" Blake asked, horrified.

"Chaos Hounds," Achlys corrected. "Death Hounds are much more cute and deadly."

Blake wasn't too sure what to do with that. "Right..".

"And you did nothing," Cimon stated, eyes on the road, as he sped them through traffic like a maniac. "It's your dad's fault. His enemies want you dead."

"My dad?" I've never met the bastard!" Blake shouted in a fury.

"That's how it is with the gods, Blake," Achlys tried to calm Blake down. "Their enemies become their childrens' enemies, and that's why they don't typically interact with the kids too much after their birth unless they're from a Legacy family, in which they're trained to fight monsters since birth. It helps keep their enemies from detecting you — And the monsters, too, of course."

"Wait, wait, wait. 'Gods?' With an 's'? As in, more than one? What?" Blake was flabbergasted.

"Your dad's definitely a god, Blake," Achlys tried explaining flatly. :All three of our dads' are… Albeit, different deities, but deities, no less. And yours is a powerful one, if whoever his enemies are would send hounds from the Realm of Chaos after you and hunt you down…".

"What the Hell is going on?!" Blake thought his head might explode. What he didn't know was that if he were an ordinary mortal, his head very well could have.

"Look, Blake, the gods are real, and sometimes they have kids with the mortals, or with legacies, like our mortal parents, who are each from a House, a family of divine descendants," Achlys said flatly. "You're one of them. We need to get you to a safe place. Can you get some clothes from your house, and be out and ready quickly?" To which Blake nodded. "Good, then Cimon will go with you. When you guys come back, we'll head to a friend's place who has the best healing powers we know of and will be willing to heal you."

Blake realized they had arrived in the driveway of his foster home. None of the lights were on. Not one. Figures.

Quickly getting out of the car Blake went around back and entered the backdoor with a hidden key, with Cimon quietly following behind him. He wasn't surprised he spotted no one on, nor none of the lights on, as he made his way to the second floor, where he pulled out the ladder leading to the attic and then went up with Cimon waiting down at the base of the ladder.

Blake packed his clothes and hygiene and all his essentials, which all fitted in a duffle bag he slung over his shoulders, as he made it down the attic stairs in record time, he paused at the base.

"You ready?" Cimon asked at Blake's pause.

Blake just shook his head. "Hang on. I gotta check something."

Blake made his way to Little Bella's room, before silently swearing to himself that he'd be back. Then, he made his way over to Korey's room to do the same, but, just as he was about to leave, Korey spoke.

"Are you running away?" he asked, sounding barely awake.

Blake wasn't sure how to answer him. He knew Korey had attachment issues because his older brother ran away when he was just 5, and the CPS managed to save Korey from their father, but he wasn't sure how to tell him his situation without triggering his trauma.

Eventually, he found his words. "I-I'm.. I'm just going on a little trip," Blake said. "I'll be back. I promise. In the meantime, look after Bella for me, okay?"

"Ok," Korey yawned, groggily. "I promise,"

"Go to sleep. I'll be back before you know it," Blake left the room, heading down the stairs, and out the door, with Cimon following him. They made it to the car, and, without much words exchanged between them, they were off.

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