Heroing is easy. Everything else, not so much.

Chapter 3: 3, Testing the tools

Waking up was a trial. Being killed, meeting a

demon, being reincarnated, turning part dragon, dealing with the police, and proposing to a goddess over the course of half a day would tire out most people. Right? Surely. The rising sun peeking through the partially cloudy sky and my window, I feel the rays of light touch my skin. I have to get up, don't I?

Sitting up from my bed I feel secondhand embarrassment from yesterday and promptly head to the shower to melt these thoughts away with warm water. So glad this place has one, for an orphanage it is surprisingly hospitable. Stepping tub in which the shower is based in, washing my face makes it impossible to ignore the fact

I am, once again, a child. For some odd reason, I can feel as if someone is

laughing at my indignation. I am not sure what's worse. The idea that the demon

is laughing at me, or the idea that the literal goddess may be watching my naked form.

What did she mean by courting? In what manner?

Ugh! Oh, why am I a child? And I am not going to acknowledge the fact my member is abnormally sized for my age. Nope. Not even going to think about it. I have the malleable brain of a child and the experience from my last life that I can use to grow. That is what I will focus on.

Now that I think about it, I am not currently glowing. No red shimmer or anything. Maybe

Excalibur or Avalon has something to do with it? That or the Goddess does. For that matter how do I summon either of them?

The world pauses for a moment, stuck in place as time stops. "So many questions, yet time is forever scarce to man. And so I have stopped it." I whip my head around to the shower tub to see filled with water and a busty blond goddess whose private areas are being expertly covered by bubbles. She

has cucumbers covering her eyes and her legs not quite fitting in the tub are folded in. "Your draconic soul is stronger than your current body, and because of that Avalon is adapting your body to its strength all while

Excalibur is absorbing the aura being produced." She speaks without lifting her head from the tub.

Now that I look at my skin, the scale-like pattern seems to be more pronounced. My skin is still pale and the unfocused eye wouldn't notice. I turn back around to wipe

clean the mirror above the sink. What the?! Are my ears gaining points to them? And my teeth! My canines are sharper.

"Am I turning into a dragon!?!"

"Due to your soul being that of a dragon's, yes. I believe so."

"Wicked." I gush over my looks a bit. What can I say, dragons are cool. Looking in the mirror, I can see the Goddess in the reflection. She had taken off the cucumbers and is now leaning over the edge of the tub, her forearms resting on the edge, and her breasts behind them, out of view. Is she

teasing me?

I can see that almost invisible smile of Her's again. She is. I can feel my face heating up again. This isn't my normal reaction to women, I just can't help myself around her. And neither can my brother either. I go to grab a towel but stop halfway. Two can play this game. I turn around and cross my arms. If her immediate blush as she looked it in the eye is anything to go off of, my play worked, the only problem is I can feel the heat rising over my entire body. It seems like my aura is being released ever so slightly from my body as well. Not the development I had expected to be honest.

She rips her eyes from my third arm to look at my own red eyes. The longer we stare at each other the bigger both of our blushes become and the more aura I release and the harder I become. After minutes that felt like hours, she relents and turns her head away. She pulls out a stone tablet from somewhere

and crosses something off what seems to be a list.

I force myself to look away before I do something that shouldn't be done in a body as young as mine. Damn it. "So, what were you saying goddess?"

"Oh yes." She steps out of the tub a mixture of bubbles and steam cover her heavenly

areas, and the water evaporates off of her porcelain skin. She snaps and two

togas cover us, and the stone tablet disappears. "Your questions. I shall answer them in Avalon." A rainbow of colors washes over us for a moment before we return to the place I saw in my dream.

Pulling me into a princess carry, she walks toward a marble tea table that lays on flat

ground and stands next to aged wooden chairs.

"I can walk on my own," I say trying to look her in the eye over her bust.

"While that may be true, this is more fun." I can't argue with that. The view is nice. We walk for minutes, as we fall into a comfortable silence listening to nature. She places me on the ground as we arrive at the

table, which is sized for her size.

I climb into my seat and see that smile on her face again. Seriously, what is she thinking about?


Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute.


"So, how do I summon Excalibur and Avalon?"

"You simply must remember that feeling when you originally held it."

I extend my right arm outward from my side and remember feeling that extension of

myself. Closing my eyes in concentration. How I felt to become one with the planet's sword. With a moment of thought, I felt it once more. I opened my eyes to see them both there in my hand. Excalibur Sheathed in Avalon with the bladed end point towards the ground. The holy energy intertwines with mine as unconsciously release my aura.

The sheer amount of my aura has increased substantially. This could be a problem. Looking back to the goddess once more, I ask a question. "Why is my aura increasing so much?"

Bringing her hand to her face again she thinks. "Judging by the strength of your

soul, the more your body adapts to it, the more your soul releases its power. Once your body has finished growing to match your soul, your aura will reach its natural peak. Though with training it may continue to


"I suppose that makes sense. Do you know what I'll look like when that whole process is over?" I bring both holy items and rest them on my lap. Now that I have them like this, both of them are longer than my entire body. Is my strength increasing as well?

 "Excalibur and Avalon are their own entities. You should look like a humanoid fairy like myself, just with some draconic characteristics as well. And yes, your strength is increasing with your changes. Other traits will be growing as well, vitality and endurance to name a few."

"Wait a second! Can you read my mind?"

"Yes. You are my ward now, we are bound by fate and mind. While I can affect the world as a whole, I can not disrupt human order outside of those connected to Avalon. Truth be told, the last person I formed a bond with was the king of Camelot. Though I have never courted someone before, I have found

an interest in romance after your proposal." She spoke that last sentence with a light blush on her stoic face.

Looking down at the blade before me, another question arises. "My ability to

duplicate can duplicate the items on my person as well. And judging from my

memories I can do the same with weapons. Can I do the that with Excalibur and


"No. You can create duplicates of their forms but not the original power that is held within both."

"Darn, I was banking on that. How do I un-summon them?"

"Simply will them away and they will return to your soul, or if you so choose to the realm of Avalon." As a light wind rolls over the land,

she turns her head to look at the horizon. Her hair slightly billowing in the air.

I take a moment to burn this picture in my mind, before coming to a realization. "I

have decided!" She once again looks to me. "I shall name you Ambrosia!"

Softly chuckling at my declaration, she moves a strand of hair that had been misplaced by the wind to behind her ear. "Your will be done. Oh, my betrothed Lord." My face flushes once more, and blood rushes to my lower half.

In an attempt to calm myself down, we talk about all sorts of things. From history to

current events. It is nice being able to talk to someone who actually knows pretty much everything that has happened in ancient and recent history. We talk for what seems like an hour. It is kinda hard to tell time here since I don't think the sun ever sets.

"As much as I hate to say it, it is time I head to school. How do I leave here?" Ambrosia slowly sits up and walks toward me. She lowers herself to my height even in the chair and ever so slightly lifts my chin, kissing me on the forehead. A wave of color washes over me as I find myself once again in the

bathroom of the orphanage.

Looking around there is no evidence of Ambrosia being here. Well, besides the toga I am currently wearing. Changing into my clean school uniform, I head to my room.

Seeing a flock of birds fly by my window reminds me time is no longer stopped. 

"I have to go, don't I?"

Someone starts knocking at my door. "Winny! Are you ready yet? Sister May said you were still getting ready!"

"Yes, Fuze! Give me a sec." I walk to the door of my room and open it, causing a white and black blur to tackle me to the floor.

"Winny! It actually happened!" Even with my enhancing body, I can feel her hug squishing me. "And we go to school together!"

Returning her hug I rub circles around her back. "Indeed, but should probably get going soon."

"Can we stay like this a little while longer?" She looks me in the eyes with those damn blue puppy eyes. "All right." We stay there, on the floor hugging, for a few minutes until Sister May peaks through the door. Sister May is older enough to be my grandma before I died. Though she holds herself well.

"Hey, cuddle bugs! Get up or you'll be late for school" We separate with slight blushes on our faces and shuffle out the door.


The walk to Aldera Elementary is only about 15 minutes and from what I remember, the

area is decently safe, barring the uncommon villain attack. As we walk down the sidewalk, Fuze and I hold hands. She doesn't want to let go of me in any capacity.

"Hey Fuze, are bank robbers really villains? Don't get me wrong, they're still criminals. But are they villains?"

She tilts her head for a moment. "I wouldn't say they are, I mean sometimes you just need some quick cash. We've done that a few times ourselves. I think being a villain is all about presentation! Like wearing a colorful suit or something."

"Honestly that makes sense. I do wonder where all of the thieves and petty criminals get that sort of stuff." Thinking for a second I come up with another question. "So, do you think we should be villains or heroes this time around?"

"Let's be heroes this time! Plus it'll make Katsu and Izu sad if we were villains!" Her smile always seems to blind me. Now that I think about it we should probably get together and figure out our abilities.

"Fuze, we should probably test our abilities. Wanna hang out later and experiment?"

Her eyes gain stars in them. "It's a date!"

As our walk towards elementary came to an end more and more kids filled the street and

shuffled to classes. These classes are as dull as you would expect them to be for someone with the mind of an adult. I just spent my time practicing manipulating my aura. You're not supposed to use your quick in school, so I

bent the rules a little and practiced with my hand to varying degrees of success. I can vaguely isolate it to my hand now and from my observation, I can change the hardness of my aura to varying degrees of success.

During recess, I grabbed a go set and played against a duplicate of mine. I have never

been good at it, but I might as well learn some tactics and strategies. Fuze looked like she was taking notes on our games. She, Izuku, and Katsumi sometimes joined, but it seemed like Izuku and Katsumi were more interested in playing heroes. While playing I was also testing out my duplicates. The

duplicates and I were sort of a hive mind, but I was at the top. I could feel and communicate with the other me, but they are capable of their own thoughts. We can hear each other, but we aren't always talking.

That is pretty much how school went. At the end of the day I walked with Katsumi and

Fuze home, Izuku joined us for a bit but had to split about halfway. I asked Mitsuki if I stay over for a while, and she just stared at Fuze and me for a second. I can guess why. Fuze has either been holding my hand or Hugging me at all times of the day. Whether it is in class or playing chess.

Mitsuki shrugged and asked if we needed anything. We shook our heads and left for the

backyard. I could hear Mitsuki calling Sister May, guessing that I hadn't told her yet. She was right on the money with that one.

Katsumi followed us out. "Are you gonna play house!?" She yelled as she asked.

Me and Fuze share a look. "Nah, not right now. We wanna test out our new quirks."

Fuze confirms with a thumbs up and a "Un!"

Katsumi looks at us in wonder. She hasn't gotten her quirk yet, hopefully, we can steer

her way from becoming asshole #1. "Can I watch!?" She asked in excitement.

Fuze and I shrug. I respond with a "Sure." I go first and release enough aura to surround myself. "Okay, one of you two throw something at me." They both through pebbles at me. They both hit in the chest. "I said one of you!" Katsumi throws another pebble. "Sigh."

Alright, that didn't work. How was I able to do it before then? I tested it earlier by tapping underneath my desk with my aura. Maybe I need to touch something and not something touching me?

Now that I think about it, Ddraig couldn't harden his aura. He could detach it and apply penetrate to it. We can test that later,

let's look at boost first. Hmm, why don't we do this Naruto style.

I recede my aura for a moment as the girls look in confusion. I feel the pull of duplication on both sides of my both as two duplicates split from my body and two more from the three of us. With the six of us, we release our auras. Each of us only produces enough to cover our bodies like before.

"Wooooow." comes from the girls. All right, I've noticed that each of us doesn't have a different pool of aura. We share the same aura.

Ambrosia, can you please pause time for a second?

The world stops. "Asking for favors already?" All six of us look at her. "I will keep the world stopped, as long as I get one of you for the time I am here." I shrug and walk over to

the towering goddess. She quickly picks me up and hugs me like a teddy bear, face first into her bosom. Suffocation by breasts has never been so appealing. But I have other stuff to do right now. I wiggle around to look at my duplicates. Wait, looking from one of my duplicates I can see her blushing.

Seriously, what is this woman thinking?


SIX?!?!? I CAN'T HANDLE SIX! I CAN BARELY HANDLE ONE! All right, I'll just grab one of them and focus on that one. As one of them approached I quickly grabbed him and hugged him as close as I could. hehehehehehehe.


I make sure that none of my dups moved from their position. Explaining time-stopping

sounds like a complete hassle. Either way, the five of them start releasing aura again.

"Ambrosia, earlier I was leaking aura. When we were both in the bathroom." I can feel my face heating up. Well, all of them. We all heard that. "How did that happening?"

"The mind and body are a reflection of the soul. And as such, when your soul was feeling so much... Desire..." As she spoke her light blush became deeper. "Your soul began to produce more aura to help...

Fulfill them..." Ambrosia hugged me a bit closer. "Excalibur can absorb your aura as is, but it uses another process to store it by converting the aura into prana. Your aura is extremely volatile, and it dissipates from

entropy almost as fast as it is produced. While Excalibur can use your aura for

its main function of amplifying Magical Energy, I showed Excalibur how to

reverse the process. Resulting in massive energy loss, but also an energy that

is less volatile in nature and can be stored for longer periods of time. From your aura's increased production, Excalibur's ability to convert without superheating the world around it was outpaced."

"In theory, could Avalon create me a magic core and use that to help with the burden of converting my aura into prana?"

Ambrosia gains a troubled look on her face. "Yes, but such a drastic change to both your physiology and soul would be a long and arduous process. Something I would

personally have to operate on... The idea of hurting you in any capacity does not sit well with me."

I grab her hand and squeeze gently. "Then let's put that idea aside for the time being. The main reason I asked you to halt the world was to test another ability I have. I have the ability to double my power. Could you stop any residual aura from seeping into the area around us?"

She squeezes my hand back. "That I can do."

Looking back at my dups I yell, "Boost test #1" I take a deep breath and yell "BOOST!" While focusing on my aura. All aspects of my aura double. "Boost test #2!" Duplicate one yells it this time. His segment of aura doubles, but not the entire pool like mine did. "Transfer test #1!" I yell out, "TRANSFER!" My doubled pool returns to normal size but duplicate two's pool gains the difference, as he was the one I transferred it to. I can feel duplicate one's pool has only gone down a fourth. This means the doubled pools are not mutually exclusive. Good to know.

From an hour or so of testing, I feel confident in my knowledge of boosting. Very nice. I also found that I can boost pretty much without limit, the only caveat being my body can't hold it very well. Duplicate three started bleeding from his nose on the seventh boost, and he couldn't keep the aura within his body

either. I asked Ambrosia how far the aura extended, and she said it reached the

edge of the prefecture. From my understanding, Avalon only extends to the

bubble around my person. Meaning that only those close to the original are given the protective properties. Boost can also affect both Avalon and Excalibur, mainly from them being a part of my existence now. I can use

Excalibur pretty much as a battery if need to. The only issue I can think of now is dealing with excess aura. For now, I will just have to contain it the old-fashioned way, training.

"All right Ambrosia, I think this is enough for today." She releases me. As I land on the ground I hug her once more. "Thank you for

helping me out like this."

"It is nothing, Winston. I am glad I was of use."

The smile that reaches my face is large and brings joy to my heart. I walk back to my previous position and bring my aura to the level it was at before.

And time moves once again.


My days start to follow a pattern of waking up, talking/flirting with Ambrosia, practicing at school, and hanging out with Fuze after school. Then my changing features started to become more and more noticeable.

After a month my ears have grown significantly in length, each around 15 cm.

6 inches in freedom units. My teeth are sharper, and my canines almost look like those of a vampire. While my skin has remained pale when I physically touch something the almost invisible

scaly pattern on my skin becomes more visible. The scales turn into a bright red around the areas of contact. From what I can observe, my scales are usually invisible,

only leaving very faint outlines of their pattern, that is until they make contact with something.

I haven't found anything that can physically hurt me yet, and it seems like they get stronger as I age. I can still feel everything. In fact, my senses have become even sharper than I would have thought. I can pretty much hear everything on the block, I can see across the entire city. Touch, smell, and

taste have become stronger as well. I have to wear nose plugs in the elementary building. I have somewhat developed a taste for meat cooked on the raw side as well.

I also have started to notice my aura vaguely taking form of wings and a tail when I

release it without thinking.

Inko brought me to quirkologist again and they renamed my "quirk" to Dragon Aura. Seems right on the nose.

Then it was the day, the day that Katsumi got her quirk.

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