Chapter 4: 4, growth spurts*
At the start of the original My Hero Academia
story, it was stated that eighty percent of the population had quirks. During
my first week here, I noticed a discrepancy between this world and the original
world. Of the quirked individuals, one out of 1,000,000 had another quirk, some
even had more than two. And of the strong, whether they had one or seven, they
would be part of an elite team. Each country had its own. These super-powered
individuals were dubbed superheroes.
And with superheroes, came supervillains.
Now in this world, quirks can develop at any point in time for a person. Normally they
naturally appear between the ages of 4 and 17. The leading theory is that it is caused by puberty. While late blooms are uncommon, it is general understanding that if you don't get one by your fourth year of life, your chances of getting a quirk drop to less than one percent. After talking with Ambrosia, I learned some other interesting things about life in the universe.
From the time I have known Katsumi, I come to understand her. Being a hero is the only
dream she has ever had, and becoming a superhero is the greatest achievement to
earn. She wants to be like All Might. While Izuku and her share the same goal, they have different intent.
Izuku wants to save people, to protect them. Katsumi wants to fight villains, to be challenged.
And for the last month, Katsumi has been scared. A few days from today is her birthday. Even so young, she understands what will happen to her dream if she doesn't get a quirk before turning five.
Today, on April 15th, 2253, Katsumi Bakugo gained a quirk. While I could not see how
it happened, I could hear the popping and congratulations. She starts her original's downfall.
During recess, most of the children crowded around the young firecracker. Days like
these aren't uncommon in a quirked society. Normally quirk usage in public is prohibited without some sort of license, that is unless it is in self defence. A play out of the U.S.'s playbook that most of the world took. However due to the unique position elementary schools are in, they have a licensed quirk counselor on stand-by for these types of events to ensure no one gets hurt.
The kids hounded Kastumi with questions about what her quirk could do, and as they
experimented the cheers got louder. By the end of recess, the lass was glowing with energy. While Fuze had only seen the first couple of seasons of My Hero, she was mainly a One Piece and Jojo fan. We both knew what was coming next.
The day after school went smoothly, she went to the quirkologist to get her ability
examined and when she came back the Bakugos and the Midoriyas had dinner
together, I had come as well. Being a friend of the family. After dinner, I saw Fuze grab Katsumi by the hand to lead her out to the backyard. Thanks to my strong hearing, I heard them speak.
"Kastu, I need you to promise me something." Fuze put her hands on the younger girl's shoulders. "Do you remember when we were playing heroes at recess a couple of days ago? And you hit one of the kids who was cheating." Kastumi nods, looking her in the eyes. "Good. Do you
remember what I told you afterward?"
Kastumi looks down for a second as she grabs the hem of her shirt. "A good hero
listens before punching?"
"Yeah, that." Fuze pats the youngest Bakugo on the head. "Do you know why?" The only response was a shake of the head. "When All Might arrives at a robbery, what does he do first?"
Looks Kastumi looks back into Fuze's eyes. "He talks to the police first."
"Very good." Fuze gives another head pat. "All Might talks to the police to understand what is going on, to know how much strength
he has to use and who to fight. If All Might hit a regular villain someone full force, not only would the villain be super hurt, so would the
people he's trying to save."
Fuze brings a hand to Kastumi's check. "I wan't you to remember this. With great power, comes great responsibility. Will to remember that?"
Katsumi nods vigorously. "Yeah!"
"Good. If you can do that, then you will be one step closer to being the greatest superhero ever." Katsumi hugged Fuze.
A few 'awws' and coos were heard from inside the doorway. It seemed like I wasn't the only one peeking.
A few days later on our day off of school, I headed over to the Bakugo's. Knocking on
the door, Mitsuki opens the door.
"Sup squirt, looking for Fuze?"
"Yeah, she wanted to go look for stag beetles in the park today. Mind if I come in Aunty?" A clever ruse for quirk practice. We walk into
the kitchen, I make sure to take off my shoes.
"Oh, Fuze and Katsumi left a little while ago to play in the park with Izuku. They should still be there." So much for that plan. She grabs something on the counter. "They forget this, mind giving it to them when
you find them?" She hands me a small medical kit, filled with bandaids and
ointments for burns.
"Sure I can do that Aunty, need me to do anything else before I head over to the park?"
"Eh? Unless you want to do chores then not much. Now get going, I got dinner to make."
Walking out the door I hear a yell. "Dinner will be done in a few hours! It's a roast! I packed them some sandwiches for lunch, they should have one or two for you! Unless that got greedy and ate yours too! Smack 'em if they did!"
"Aye Aye Mam!"
The walk to the park isn't terribly long. The park itself is quite big for a suburban area.
After a few minutes, I arrive, and it only takes a few seconds to find them. My enhanced senses make short work of tracking people down. When I arrived on the scene, I recognized it immediately. Katsumi had fallen into the river and Izuku had extended his hand to help her up.
The girl currently soaked in water clicks her tongue, before a contemplative face grows on her .
"Sigh. I don't need your help." She grabs Izuku's hand as he pulls her up. "But thanks, I guess." I see Fuze start to clap while still on the log they were crossing above the river.
"Wooooo! Good job Katsumi! Nice work Izuku!" The two of them look at her like she grew a second head.
Eh, screw it. I start to clap as well.
Izuku turned five a month earlier than Katsumi. With no signs of Izuku getting a quirk, kids stop inviting him to play heroes
and he started playing with me more and a few others in shogi or go. I started playing shogi as well. Katsumi can be a bit brash, but she stops the kids from bullying Izuku if it happens.
Izuku, ever the optimist, feverishly believes he will become a hero and starts his first Hero notebook. He watches as much hero content as he can and writes down whatever
he can. Even Katsumi is surprised by the detail he writes.
After a year Inko gets a promotion to head nurse at her clinic and can afford a bigger apartment in the same complex. From there she officially adopts me on my seventh birthday and I become Winston Pendragon Midoriya.
Mid-day on the weekend, Izuku, Kastumi, Fuze, and myself are once again in the Bakugo's backyard. And once again, we are practicing with our quirks. Izuku taking notes
and giving out ideas on how we can use them. Quirk usage on private property is
allowed as long as the property owners give their blessing, but if it becomes a public nuisance the police will get involved.
With that in mind, Katsumi can't really make overly big explosions and Fuze can't make thunder to often. Speaking of Fuze, from our training, she can pretty much make any shape from her body, the real problem she runs into is making finer details. Because she is a brawler, so she'll turn her fists into gauntlets or give herself claws.
Fuze naturally understands her lightning abilities due to the nature of devil fruits, so she doesn't need much practice with anything other than turning into lightning by instinct and applying Haki to them.
What Fuze needs practice with is her Haki, the only problem with that is she is keeping that and her flame abilities hidden. She keeps the flame on her back unlit for the same reason, making her supernaturally fast.
At the moment she is practicing her Observation Haki, trying to dodge Katsumi's
explosions while blindfolded with decent accuracy. Much to the fire cracker's dismay.
"Grrrr. How are you doing that!" Growling as she throws explosive punch after punch only to miss. "How about this!" Releasing an even bigger explosion, only for Fuze to duck. "Dammit!"
Izuku sitting on the porch looks at Katsumi's wrist as she's exploding. Thinking about ways to help her out, when suddenly. "Kacchan! Your quirk is explosive sweat right?"
"Yeah, what of it nerd!" Growling at him a bit frustrated.
"Have you tried using your legs!"
If there ever was a moment when you could see a light bulb go off in someone's head,
this was it. "Deku! You fucking genius!" Kasmut sits on the ground and takes off her shoes. For a moment she stares at her feet, then grabs her right leg and starts shaking it. "Pop! You stupid feet! Pop!"
Ever the wild child.
I am trying to get my aura to solidify. While Ddraig wasn't able to in the show, he was able to manipulate it and develop abilities. Since my soul is now the same strength as his, though my body has yet to fully acclimate, only getting me about forty percent before I need to use Avalon's healing ability, It should be possible.
Placing an aura just in my hand, I think of a solid bubble surrounding my fist. I stand in
the horse stance as I throw a punch at the duplicate one, making sure only the aura hits him. Still nothing. What if I overlap two penetrates in the opposite direction?
Placing aura on both fists, I use penetrate on both of them and slowly connect the two,
knuckle to knuckle. This feeling of two forces acting on each other, trying to force the other back. If I can get the two forces into equilibrium, then I might be closer to solid aura.
"Yeah! It worked!" I look over to Katsumi making tiny pops on the soles of her feet.
That's it I finish this today! I create twenty duplicates and we all start putting our fists together. With twenty-one duplicates thinking in harmony, throwing ideas around, and experimenting in every way possible, I use my duplication ability to the best of my ability.
After seventeen minutes it happens. Duplicate thirteen pulls his fists apart while
keeping the overlapping aura in place, then pushes the aura forward again, reaching equilibrium. Causing a chain reaction as all twenty-one of us, do the same. Shaping and testing the aura.
In the next five minutes, we achieve it. Solid Aura.
Slightly deeper red than normal due to twelve different penetration auras overlapping each other. It does not have mass, but it is solid. It can be used as a weapon, a shield, or as wings. The only thing left to do mold it. To mold aura twelve times a dense.
In eight minutes I figure out how to manipulate it fully, not smooth in any form of the word, but slow and functional. Slow to smooth, smooth to fast.
I don't like doing this very often, especially with a decent amount of duplicates. While I can effectively create an infinite amount, I run into the risk of giving myself brain damage. Avalon can heal all wounds, but if my brain gets absolutely destroyed I'm shit out of luck. So try to limit the amount of damage I take to the brain.
I just absorbed about ten and a half hours of intense focus. That shit can give you a wicked headache.
I try not to rely too much on Avalon, mainly for the anti-aging thing. Plus if I am pretty much unkillable, a fight kinda loses meaning.
Collecting all of my duplicates, I release enough of my aura to form the wings and I push down. My feet leave the ground for a second as the others look in awe. Imagining the wings of a hawk, I push down again and again and again. Fast enough to keep me afloat.
Looking down to see I am a solid meter above the ground I laugh victoriously.
Constantly reminding myself of the flapping wings, I push even harder than before, as hard as I can. I create a small shock wave as I shoot into the sky laughing.
"I CAN FLY! HAHAHAHAHA!" I push again, another shock wave left in my wake. Spinning and turning as fast as I can. Flying into the clouds. Imagining obstacles in my way to dodge through or around. A few moments later I hear the flap of wings not my own. It's Fuze Shooting at me like a reverse shooting star. We collide into a hug, both of our wings proudly standing before embracing each other, making a world of our own out of black feathers and dark red energy.
An hour of euphoric flying later, I returned to the Bakugo's yard. Slowly flapping my wings, trying not to completely botch the landing. Mitsuki and Inko waiting for us.
The former, annoyed. The latter, worried.
Worth it.
Me and Ambrosia were drinking tea in Avalon one morning, she had placed me in her lap. Mind you I am 158 centimeters tall, 5ft 2in. So, I am not that short for my physical age. She is just a super tall woman. The main thing on my mind is a problem that has occurred recently.
Ever since Fuze and I turned eleven, we've hit a bit of a plateau in our training. Fuze can't strengthen her Haki without fighting, but we can no longer spar at a level that would strengthen it without being caught. I can't find anything that can truly test my physical limits. We considered looking for underground fighting rings or picking fights with strong heroes, but we're attempting to be heroes ourselves this time around and decided against it.
Ambrosia and I were talking about how someone with a tree growth quirk a few decades ago grew enough California Redwoods to cover an eighth of the state. When something occurs to me.
"Ambrosia, I can I bring Fuze here? To Avalon?"
"Hmmm." bringing her hand to her face in contemplation. "You could, but that would result in you bonding with her soul in some
capacity. That would also reveal our connection as well."
"Bonding, eh? I'm not sure I should do that."
Ambrosia picks me up and places me on the table next to our drinks. "That does beg
the question, I have been looking to ask." She lifts my chin to look her in the eye. "What is your intention with that girl? She is an old soul like you… You have a history not written in this world… What does she mean to you?"
Softly grabbing her hand, I answer. "That I am not certain of. In our past lives, I found her as a teenager and brought her into the only life I knew, that of a spy and assassin. But she had no talent for secrecy, so she became our heavy-duty support. But, I've always thought of her as a sister." Sighing for a second before I continue. "Now, after our deaths, she has clung to me every step of the way… There are moments when I stop looking at her as my sister, moments when.. we are close."
"Winston my betrothed, the girl is in love with you. In every sense of the word." She says while moving her hand from my chin to my cheek.
"I know, but I can't be with her. I have you. And I won't forget the memories we formed together." I put my hand on her larger one.
"Oh you silly boy, I have lived longer than any other, you having another in your heart would not hurt me. There was a time in man's history when it was a common practice."
"But even so! I am greedy! I want all of you, how would it be fair for you to share me!" I say while bringing my other hand to my heart.
She softly chucks in response. "My dear Winston, we may have eternity together, I would not mind having another to share it with."
I reach out with both hands, cup her face, and bring it to mine. For the first time in
my new life, I have kissed someone. Filled with passion, our lips met and felt one another. She tastes like honey and smells like a forest of the sweetest fruits and berries. It is intoxicating, the longer we kiss the longer I lose my sense of time. She wraps her hands around my waist as she brings me closer.
Seconds turn to minutes and maybe minutes to hours, I honestly can't tell how long. But as we part her eyes are still closed and a blush covers her face. She opens her eyes she has a look of confused ecstasy.
"Ambrosia, I must make you mine before then. Please just a little longer."
Her only response was some slight giggling. "Hehehehe."
Later that night I stopped by me and Fuze's nightly sparring area. We had built an
imprompto arena out of the Takoba Beach garbage heap. In the farthest section away from the houses, we stacked trash into a large circle, high enough not to be seen by the surrounding people.
I came a bit earlier than usual, so early the sun hadn't set yet. I just sat there, thinking.
Oh, I got engaged to the goddess of the earth! But, I still like you, you wanna go
out? That would end well. "UGGH!" I flop onto the sand. Why the hell did I have to complicate things!
"Having fun down there Winny?" I look up to see the tan girl with black wings and white short hair floating above me grinning down at me, wearing a light blue shirt and black skirt that reaches her knees. Her blue eyes are pretty much the only thing she carried over from her past body. She floats down to sit to the right of me, putting her arms around my right arm. It is a very weird feeling her body. Am I the only one that thinks this is weird?
"Not really, I've been thinking about things."
"Oh? What kind of things?" She asked with a somewhat confused look.
"Look, I need to be honest with you about something." Her face gets a bit closer as she listens. "I think I have developed feelings for
She grabs my face and kisses me with a hunger I have never seen, running out of
breath Fuze repeatedly kisses my neck. She puts her hands under my shirt and
she tries to take it off in between kisses.
"Wait! Wait!" She places her hands to the sides of my chest, into the sand.
She reels back and looks down. "Oh yeah," the imp replied. Using her ability to change forms, she ages herself up to that of an adult. The shirt she was wearing tightens around her enlarged chest, about to burst at any moment, showing lean muscled abs. Her skirt can no longer hide her large and toned ass as I feel her grinding on my member.
Her panties were no longer to size and stretched out to their limit, looking like a thong more than regular underwear. Her black feathered wings enlarged, covering us completely from the world in our own
little sanctuary. Over the years, her shapeshifting abilities have reached an
unbelievable level.
I can feel myself harden as my aura starts to leak out, Fuze shivers the moment it touches her and her crouch moistens against my length.
"STOP GODDAMNIT AND LISTEN!" She brings her face back, blush covering her entire body as she pants intensely looking down at me as a wolf would to a rabbit. If she had horns she'd be a succubus!
"Fucking hell, Fuze. I am engaged!"
"So?" She hasn't stopped grinding. What. The. Hell.
"You are not supposed to be grinding an engaged man!"
Her lustful smile becomes even more devious. "Is that why this engaged man
is..." She gets into my ear to whisper. "Rock. Hard."
"Fuck." It takes everything I have not to just shove myself into her and smack that fucking fat ass of hers. "You're fine with this? Really?"
She pulls back again, looking down at me with her eyes lust-filled haze ever so receding slightly. "Winny." She speaks in a breathy voice I have never heard from her before. "As long as I own at least a part of you, I will love you. As long as I get at least my pound of flesh, I will love you." She
grinds even harder with that one, causing me to twitch violently. I can see that satisfied smile on her face when she does it. "No matter what happens, even if you say you don't, I will love you." Her eyes have fucking
hearts in them.
"Fucking hell, Fuze. The woman I am engaged with, she a goddess. Literally, Fuze. She can see us." Her smile turns straight-up devilish.
Putting her barely contained breasts on my chest, Fuze breaths onto my neck as she
speaks. "Then she can watch you turn this devil into mush." That's when the dam breaks. Time stops and my aura crashes into the world. The world turns red, as I start to lose my senses.
In my haze, I don't the footsteps in the sand. "Fuze, old soul, shapeshifter, and the one reaching for my betrothed's heart." Fuze tears her eyes away from me and furls her wings to look at the blond goddess's stoic face towering above both of us. "My love seeks to bond with you, in spirit and body. Will you protect him from the dangers the world will soon face, to fight until your heartbeat stops, to live on in his name as humanity's executioner? To become his betrothed as I am?"
With no hesitation in her mind, she responds. "Yes!" She smiles to herself.
"I don't mind being the devil on his shoulder that protects him from his troubles." She giggles to herself.
The goddess steps closer, leaning over her as she looks down at me. "Now then, what do we do with him?" The smile on her face leaves no question about what she is planning on doing. Fuze understanding as well, looks down at me with the same smile. A smile of pure lust and want.
I can feel my heart beating, and with every beat, the warmth in my blood gets stronger. Hotter and hotter as more and more aura is released. My aura subconsciously takes the form of wings and a tail, even when against the ground. The heat becoming so unbearable, that I equip Avalon.
Ambrosia picks up Fuze as the aura explodes around me. My body turns red as the scales along my body become fully exposed, sharp forward-facing horns grow from my skull and my fingers turn into claws. Using my wings, I push myself off the
ground and to my feet. The full power of my aura bearing down upon the world as the ground around us sinks.
Feeling the weight of my soul as it fully acclimates to my body, I roar un-naturally
low as my aura surges with power. Crimson lightning forms from the dense energy being released into the atmosphere. My clothing begins to rip as my body enlarges until I stand a full head taller than Ambrosia. Fuck that hurt.
My senses have fully returned. "Well, this is new." looking at the girls, I see them in shock. I walk over to the coast and look at my reflection. My whole body is bright red, but my face and palms seem to be a pinkish hue. My brown hair had grown longer and my pointed ears had turned black at the ends.
Plus I have freaking red horns and claws now. I suppose this is what full acclimation is like.
I had theorized that I might take another step closer to dragonhood, but this is really putting my whole leg into the door. The moment I unequip Avalon, I'll probably die. I became like this when I fully released my aura, hopefully, I can reverse it by doing the opposite.
My clothes have pretty much disintegrated, leaving me with only overstretched boxers.
My bulge is so tight against the underwear you can see the veins. The silver lining, is I
look like twenty now. Looking back to the speechless girls, a black and white meteor collides with me. As Fuze and I battle for dominance of each other's mouths, Fuze feels up my scaled chest while wrapping her legs around my waist and I finally grip her succulent ass with both hands. As I dig my fingers in deeper our kissing becomes depraved as I win control of her mouth. Fuze begins to grind against me, I become harder, and my boxers finally tear off.
I feel Ambrosia's large, heavy, pillow-like breasts press against my back squishing
against my wings and sending a shiver down my spine when she starts breathing down my neck. She snakes her right hand around me and Fuze to grab my enlarged, fist-sized balls, giving them a light squeeze making me moan into Fuze's mouth.
Fuze breaks out of our kiss as she unwraps her legs and arms to use her wings and
fly up a little to drive her pussy into my mouth, expertly molding her abdomen
around my new horns in order to not impale herself. Wrapping her thick, toned thighs around my head. Ambrosia switches to my front as she pushed us over. As my back hits the water, I only feel Ambrosia Licking my length up and down like a hard candy while she takes her seat on my chest. Even though my back is on the water, I don't feel wet. We are fucking on top of the water. Must be from Ambrosia.
I grab the inside of Ambrosia's plush but firm thighs as I place my right hand's fingers
into her temple, earning a loud moan with her lips around the head of my cock. Curling upwards with my middle and ring finger, and placing my thumb on her stomach where my fingers meet.
Fuze grabs my horns and pulls my head closer to her salivating second mouth. Her
salty liquid leaks from my mouth as I trace my name onto her clit. As Ambrosia takes my entire length into her mouth and causes me to start bucking my hips, I start to squeeze Fuze's now enlarged clit with my lips and hum slightly causing her to arch her back and curl her toes. As I move more intensely, Ambrosia bobs her head veraciously, and Fuze rides my face until we all hit our breaking point.
Fuze squirts her salty mixture into my mouth, Ambrosia releases her sweet frustration over my chest, and I cum ropes into Ambrosia's mouth as some of my white liquid leaks out her mouth and nose.
The sullied goddess releases my still-hard cock and swallows with an audible gulp,
then slumping down next to my crotch. The defeated succubus falls to the side. In my lust I pick up the women, putting the goddess on the ground tits up, and the
succubus on top of her tits down. I push down Fuze's tailbone, squashing her and Ambrosia's entrances together.
Sliding my hardness between their folds, Fuze wakes from her pleasure-induced coma and Ambrosia regains her senses from her white haze.
Ambrosia and Fuze share a look, before digging into each other's mouths trying to taste the last of my cum. I lean forward and rip off Fuze's shirt, then grab her firm and squishy mounds. Molding them in my hands, I pinch her nipples making her moan loud
enough to break her kiss for a second.
Idea. I start forming a duplicate, splitting right above my crotch, and stop when another of my dick and testicles form. Good to know I can do this. It kinda feels like squeezing a rubber ball while it tries to push back.
I penetrate both of them as my rock-hard dicks kisses both of their wombs and stir both of their insides up, Fuze being the smaller of the two is wrecked. Them moaning into each other's mouths is music to my ears. I notice a small line of blood dripping out of their entrances.
With every thrust, I get harder and harder. My penises are deforming their bodies and making bulges in their stomachs with each thrust.
Thrust after thrust I feel them trying to clamp ground my girth, Fuze squeezing like a
vice grip and Ambrosia rocking her hips.
"I am going to plant my seed deep... inside... of both of you," I speak with a rough and ragged breath. "I will paint every corner of your wombs in my… white... cream... Understand?"
Ambrosia breaks the kiss to talk. "My body, m-Ah-ind, and spirit a-ah-re yours to de-ahh-file!" She pants out with green hearts in her
"Fuck me till I break Winston! -Ah-AH- Imprint this onto -AH- my-Ah- everything!" Fuze half speaks and moans out with blue hearts in her eyes.
"Good," I grunt out. My thrust gets fast and their moans get louder as we get closer. Thrust after thrust, moan after moan.
Fuze no longer has the strength to keep her head. "I going -ah- to -ah." Ambrosia's eyes are starting to roll up. "I -ah going -ah bur-ah-st." Grunting as I thrust. "I am-"
"CUMMING!" We all yell as we climax. Fuze and Ambrosia's stomachs visually bulge with my semen. Refusing to pull out, my strength wavers on top of them. "You both are mine. Forever and always." I speak as a dragon insignia is branded onto their ring fingers and a succubus and goddess insignia onto mine. I pull out, and my thick cum gushes out onto their bodies and sand.
Still having energy, I continued to fucked until either of them couldn't form sentences, their eyes rolled up, and their bellies had stretched to make them look nine months pregnant leaking white from all holes.
Deep inside, we all became connected mind, body, and soul.
Having passed out from lust, I awoke to the sight of a still-frozen world. No longer red
from aura, as it had receded into my body by trained instinct. My form has returned to that of an eleven-year-old, I sigh with relief. As much as I don't want to be in this childish body, explaining that would be a pain.
I can feel the weight of my women around me. Ambrosia's once again a towering figure cradling my body and placing my head face first in her naked bosom, with our legs
intertwined. Her arms wrapped around my head as if it was a precious gem. Fuze is still in her adult form, curled up like a cat nesting on my back. Her wings have totally enveloped the three of us, making the only black feathers visible.
I don't remember how long the world has been stopped, for all I know it could have been days.
After a passing moment of enjoying their warmth, Ambrosia stirs awake. "My lord
husband, have you enjoyed your rest and restlessness?" She says while playing with my hair.
"It was satisfying." My answer wakes Fuze.
"I hope so! I didn't know that I could stretch that way without using my shapeshift!" I can feel Fuze stretch like a feline on my back and get up. I follow her up to crack my back.
Sitting up Ambrosia rubs her stomach. "I do miss your warmth."
Fuze hugs me from behind as she puts her head on my shoulder. "We have to do
this all the time Winny!"
"I am in agreement with my sister wife." Fuze tilts her head for a moment as she thinks.
Looking down at her left ring finger to see the dragon insignia branding in the having
taken over two-thirds of her finger. "Sisters, eh? Guess I am sisters with the Goddess of Earth. Cool!"
"And I the sister to a young succubus," Ambrosia speaks with a slight giggle. "We should unhalt the passage of time before we once again give ourselves to the carnal pleasures." Bringing a hand to her cheek remembering the activities from before.
Sighing for a second, before I speak. "Indeed, there are things to be done that
don't include trying to impregnate a goddess or succubus."
"You are quite right lord husband."She says with that smirk spreading across her stoic face. "Fuze, my sister wife, if you need to
speak to me in any capacity simply think or say my name. My abilities are neigh omnipotent, my only folly is my limited ability to touch human history. Past, present,
or future. Ask and I shall help, or talk if you want to."
Ambrosia holds up her left hand. "My dear Fuze, I shall return the world to the state it was before my intervention."
Snap. The white stained sand, the imprints of our bodies, and the small blotch of red
both women made prior were gone. The smell of our activities was gone as well. The world was moving and the waves rolling in.
Fuze looks at me. "Welp might as well go home. I am a bit tired still. And sore" Speaking with a chuckle while rubbing her but, before turning back to her original body. And picking up a pair of conveniently placed clothing that looked like what she was wearing before. Courtesy of Ambrosia
I put my set on as well before we head to the Bakugo's. "Should we tell Mitsuki
we're dating or something?"
"Yeah, why not." Responds Fuze without a care.
When we arrived at the house, Mitsuki and Masaru told us they thought we were already
in a relationship. Figured
The years leading to my 15th birthday blur, as we fall into the pattern of 'quirk' training and studying the world we live in. Having grown bored with schooling, I started to study a bit with my duplicates and tested out of all of my classes. Fuze also having a head start in academic knowledge asked me to help her test out as well.
With our school lives pretty much over at the age of thirteen, we focused our efforts on
other things. I took to the stock market and engineering, one for money and the other because I thought it was cool. Fuze looked into physics, to try and enhance her abilities. She is especially interested in electromagnetism and thermodynamics. Tough subjects like those are a lot less difficult when you work on them single-mindedly.
Every so often, we would spar or train with Katsumi of Izuku. With Izuku still not
having a quirk, it was more practical stuff like basic martial arts or how to dodge.
But, during summer vacation a certain visitor comes to the Midoriya household.
A certain capybara in a suit.
Sitting next to the table in the living room I was playing a game of chess with myself, I
hear a knock at the door. Judging by the weight of their steps and the smell they give off, my only guess is that it's some sort of walking rodent. I can only think of a few who it could be, though I have an inkling of why he would be here. I remove all pieces from the board except the four pieces. I move the
white king forward.
"Coming!" Izuku yelled from the kitchen, he was helping Inko make lunch. Opening up the door only to look down and go into shock. "Oh My God! It's headmaster Nezu! Can I get your autograph!?" He asks pulling
a notebook out of nowhere. Bowing deeply, Izuku hands him the notebook.
"Hoh hoh! of course, young man!" Nezu pulls out a golden purple pen, and spins it in his hand, playing the fanfare up a bit before
pulling off the cap and signing his notebook. While doing so, Nezu looks at a page or two of Izuku's 17th hero notebook.
"My my young man, this notebook is quite extensive! Where did you procure this
information? I am sure that some heroes wouldn't know this much about their abilities!"
"Oh, that. I've been a fan of heroes my entire life, and I still haven't gotten a quirk yet. So, I've been trying to research and observe heroes the best I can to maybe help in some other way." He scratches his head in embarrassment.
"Well, aren't you a smart lad! If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"
"It's Izuku, sir. Izuku Midoriya. Also, Thank you so much for the autograph" He says and bows again while Nezu hands him the notebook.
"Ah perfect! I am in the right place! Is your brother and mother here?"
"Yeah, please come in. I will go grab them." My new younger brother leads him to the living room and goes to grab Inko. It still feels
weird calling her mom, I usually just call her Inko.
Nezu looks at the odd scene in front of him, me playing chess against a duplicate. I
move the black pawn to halt the king's advancement on my bishop. At the end of
my duplicate's turn, I take action through him and look towards Nezu. "Hello, Headmaster Nezu. It's a pleasure to meet you." I say with a slight head nod. "What brings you here today?"
Nezu gains a smile on his face. He looks like he is about to reveal how to end world
hunger. "The pleasure is all mine young man. If I am not wrong, you must be Winston Pendragon Midoriya, correct?" He says clasping his paws together. I respond with another nod.
"Wonderful! I come bringing an important proposition for you!" Inko and Izuku make their way to the living room, all be it a bit frantically.
"It's an honor to meet you, Headmaster!" Inko bows, not as deeply as Izuku, but a bit more panicked. "Please, take a seat at the dining room table," She says leading him to the other room. I move the black rook to
corner the white king.
"Thank you Mrs. Midoriya." The four of us sit at the table. "Mrs. Midoriya, I recently found out that Young Winston already has enough
credits to graduate high school, and in light of that achievement I have an offer for him." I raise my eyebrow at that. "Due to Winston being too young to enroll in any hero courses in UA university, I wish to mentor him until he becomes of age."
"EH!?!?!" Yell out Izuku and Inko. I move the bishop and rook back one.
As the two are still reeling from that bomb of a request, I ask the big question. "As intriguing as that sounds, I must ask you why. Why me?" Looking me straight in the eyes with his beady ones, he smiles.
"As you may know I am the Headmaster of UA University. Not only that, I am Japan's
premiere talent agent. I not only seek out potential future heroes, I scupt them into superheroes. And with the world always in need of heroes, I found you and another promising candidate here for my intensive heroing apprenticeship."
Only one other candidate comes to mind for a possible selection in the area. As much as
I would want it to also be Izuku or Katsumi, Katsumi's quirk lacks pure versatility and Izuku spends most of his time researching heroes, not to mention hasn't received All Might's quirk yet.
"Is the other candidate Fuze?" He nods with a knowing smile. Knowing she'd probably go with my decision, he most likely came to me first. I almost forgot to factor in Nezu's intelligence into the equation. The fur ball must have eyes and ears everywhere. I place the black queen on the board next to my king and move it to check the white king.
"Before I give you my decision, when would this apprenticeship begin?"
"Of course, it would start when you would have started high school. All expenses
paid as well." He answers with an innocent smile. "This is a very important decision, and like all big opportunities, I am sure you will need time to consider it."
He places a letter on the table. "This holds my personal contact information, please reach out when you have any questions or your answer."
Pushing back his chair, he walks towards the door leaving Inko and Izuku still stunned.
As he reaches the door, he looks back at my original body in the living room. "By the way, white mates in three moves." He leaves as suddenly as he arrives. Wait. He could only checkmate me if he still had a knight and a queen on the board.
"Fucking hell." How did I leave myself open like that? I can hear Ambrosia's soft chucking in my ear. "Sigh. This is going to be a long few years."