Chapter 26: 26 √TRIP


"HEY!!!" Jimin shouts from across carrying a lot of bags.....like a lot of which earned him a lot of unsteady stares from the other models but did he care, no! his eyes only scanned for the specific people who at least cared for his existence "ha...ha...hi" he greets panting hard from the long run, Tae and Jin couldn't even utter anything other than looking at the excited boy smiling "this is for you" he said showing them some bags which he carried and other on Agust'D who was trying to keep up with him "really" Tae said looking at the many small bags "help me" he said to Agust'D who agreed to set up a small table across them somewhere not noisy and crowded, they still had an hour before their journey is set so Jimin thought it was a good idea.

"Tada" he happily signaled his hand towards the small table which looked simple but yet beautiful "wow" Jin began to drool to the sight "wow..i like it" Tae honestly says making Jimin lightly hit him "hey you haven't tasted" he pout "who said i wasn't" he chuckles setting down as Jimin was scanning around for someone "who are you looking for?" Jin asked as he prepared his plate waiting for the others "him" Jimin says pointing to Namjoon who was making his way to them walking gracefully making Jin almost choke to the invisible air, not because of how surprised he saw him but the fact that this man always looked so goddamn hot in anything "wow" Jin mumbled not for anyone to hear but the two boys picked it up smirking to their inner self "hyung you came" Jimin beamed he was happy he would be joining them "what do we have here.....wow looks delicious" he comments as the last statement was directed towards someone with their glance at Jin 'so open' Jimin smirked before breaking the tension "this will get cold everyone let's eat up" he announced deliberately taking a sit near his Tae while Namjoon took the chance and sat beside his crush who smiled cheekily.....

"wow, i love it you cooked?" Tae asks while taking in more food filling his mouth "oh yes i made if for you guys...tsk...what are you five?" Jimin asked taking a wipe and wiping off the food stains from his cheek "i can't help it it's too good" Tae continued to eat more "hey slow down" Jimin warned "hey eat some,..say ahh" he placed a piece of meat in front of his face making Jimin smile no one does that for him. Namjoon and Jin were definitely on another planet "here.." Namjoon shyly pours him a drink and offers like in those ancient k dramas "thanks" Jin takes the water obediently trying not to jump on this man, these small gestures made him want to do more like kiss him right and then.....ahem...he's holding himself not to, the last time he remembers he wasn't the obedient type he was the dominant one and now.....

"aigoo what's with this atmosphere?" one of the girl models asks Lisa who had her eyes fixed on the four who were enjoying their Jimin special food, she was glaring at the younger and confused about Tae why did he act like that towards Jimin and then her he becomes a cold beast, just why she wondered "they must be really close just look at that" they turned to see Tae who was feeding Jimin but taking away the dumpling and placing it back playing at the younger "hey..." Jimin whined "hahh ok sorry here say ahh" this made Lisa fume with more anger she couldn't take it anymore and turned to the friend "i want you help me with something" she smirked and the other looked confused "what is it?" "i will tell you later.."..


"we are going with five vans each van with five of you including the driver too so you guys pick your groups" Namjoon announced and looked around waiting for everyone to group each other, Lisa from across smiled "this is my chance" she ran towards Tae "am coming with you" Namjoon was startled when Jin held his arm "huh"he was utterly confused "i mean am on your group and....." he looked at the two boys who were smiling at each other, before they could speak Lisa interrupted "oppa can i be on your group" she acted cute showing her puppy eyes which was....ignored "oh our group is complete let's go chim" Tae beamed draping a hand around Jimin's shoulder who looked dumbfounded someone choose him, well he was still not used to this kind of new feeling he had to get used to it sooner but at the same time he felt bad for the girl who was ignored but before he could feel any further pity Tae dragged him away "your on our team right?" he asked to confirm "well yes without a doubt" he smiled...and Lisa stomped away yet again

Agust'D and the other men from Tae and Jin helped to carry their bags in handing them more jackets because they were approaching the colder areas, the van's interior look had two taller seats in length and wider facing opposite each other with a gap between them and a small cupboard and two seats at the driver's seat meaning it would accommodate around six people but Namjoon didn't want anyone be uncomfortable so he made sure to lessen the number which worked out just fine such a kind man......

After everyone settling in Namjoon made sure to confirm everyone was doing fine "thanks manager" one of the girls appreciated his good work, after all the mountainous areas were that dangerous but he still managed to offer the best rides "it's ok am here for everyone so don't worry reach safe" he smiled at them as the last vehicle set off. Namjoon got in the van finding Jin reading a magazine and the two boys laughing about something funny on Tae's phone, he got in and alerted the driver to set off who had a partner Agust'D to his left that includes Tae's bodyguards who followed in other vans "oh" Jin sweetly smiled making a spot for Namjoon to take a seat which he did...who wouldn't?...



"hey how are you so quite?" Tae asks catching the two male's attention. He was talking and laughing awhile ago with Jimin but now he went silent, looking down at the younger who had his phone in hand almost dropping and head hanging "were you sleeping" this woke him up as he looked around sleepy making the others coo to how cute they looked for Pete's sake "here..." Tae got a blanket and covered the both of them which made Jimin nuzzle more to the softness the blanket held "thanks" he says in almost a whisper and lays on Tae's shoulder who didn't even push him away "is it more comfortable there?" Tae asks playfully "it is, please let me sleep here" he pout making him chuckle "no one is stopping you" Tae ruffles his soft blonde 'this keeps on surprising me no matter how familiar the scene is' Jin thinks looking at the two and turns back at Namjoon only to find him starring back "oh" he looked away with a blush "the boys....." Jin started "this is getting interesting....i like where this is going" Namjoon says while Jin grins proudly....

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