Chapter 27: 27√IN THE MOUNTAIN



"ok bend a little open your arms wide show your claws be aggressive show the look you would have to use when attacking the enemy you shouldn't look soft at all and then attack" on the dark and dump ground which was wet from the later night spring rainfall i instructed as they all roar and jumped to the other opponents doing the tricks Kai taught them as I smile 'they are improving' I continued to scan around "show your claws" I help one of the boys "this is also a weapon" he nods and attacks them "ok one more time" I announced and they continued their practice "energetic huh" I hear a familiar voice beside "dad" I bow a little as he pat my shoulder "they sure are improving" he says as I nod "yeah but they have to be better these days it's calmly dangerous I think we should be more cautious enough and I thought I should train them to be hard enough to face whatever will happen in the near future" this worried me even more.


"well I heard about what happened the people are becoming more worried than they are" father said "am sure this place is the safest no one would dare be here" I confidently said it's been years and years it was in the hide no one ever dared to step in because they all believed it was the 'wolves habitat' ironic right, that was even better reason they shouldn't and that helped us a lot through the years. This forest is thick and dense, desolated during the winter eerie and terrifying at night time,it's covered with a sea of green plant life and moss like growth. It's gnarled roots dipped in and out of the ground and twisted branches reached down fingers grasping thin air. The rustling sounds of small animals scurrying under the thick ferns and twigs with birds twittering and flying tree to tree filled the area it was entirely definition of nature but as good and attractive it sounds it is also creepy this area felt out of existence and scary just perfect for us no one will step in here it's too beautiful to be true.

"wow my son is really competent am so proud of you your mother would be too" I could feel the unspeakable emotions behind those words "oh wow look its break time" I try to change the subject as I walk away "this punk" I hear dad hiss from across as I strode away from him and I sigh "ok break time" I announce while I headed to a specific tent.

This was a special tent where we kept urns of our beloved family pack who we lost, around 100 urns were kept in here as the new one with hyung's ash lay above the rest, these were arranged in the square boards which had been furnitured by mom and so we agreed to keep the tradition. I bow and made my respects as it was a tradition and custom to show our respects to the others in the another realm. After a few minutes i made it out to continue the training, as i scanned the area i saw Mrs.Soo stir in the big pot, sweat was dripping from her forehead due to the firewood heat she had busied herself, this made me smile she was a strong woman but through her eyes she was still grieving over her son but still managed to put herself together this gave me another motivation.

"ok boys and girls it's time for a run" the teenagers beamed this was the favorite part they like about training, before i could move i felt a presence it was familiar but if i checked everyone was here then who....and it's around two or three i was not sure but it felt familiar so i wasn't worried "maybe Jin hyung and stubborn Tae Tae decided to follow up" i mumble to myself and turned back for the run.


I felt rays of mellow sunlight casting onto my bare face and gentle breeze showering it's kisses as a chill began settling in, i heard gurgling sounds of a waterfall maybe a well i wasn't sure which followed with rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze and birds chirping from a distant. As i got more curious i decided to see it for myself as i slowly squint my eyes slowly only to shut them back from the warm sun. Ready enough i looked again to be met with a silence in the van weren't we moving? at the front were Namjoon hyung who had Jin hyung in his arms securing him which made me smile i didn't even realize where i was as i felt warmth and a gentle heartbeat, looking down i was met with Tae's chest as i felt his arms wrapped around me and a blanket upon us, awww this was sweet to how it looked did Tae cherish me that much i felt a familiar feeling in my heart which i stopped feeling in a long time. Wanting to tease them later i slowly picked up my phone and had a selfie with sleeping Tae who in all pictures looked...cute, i turned to the hyungs and took as many pictures i could as they leaned in more hyung is gonna love this i silently giggle not to wake them up, looking back at the driver he was asleep and hyung too 'did we reach?' i continued to looked around, but with black tinted windows i couldn't see a thing so i decided to take a look and slowly i unwrapped around Tae which the cold breeze replaced the warmth which i frowned to it i still loved the warmth, 'not now' i remind myself.

After a lot of struggle like a lot it wasn't easy to keep it down but no one woke up great, just when i pushed the van's door open i was left in awe as i gasped at the sight "oh my nature" my my jaw dropped flat..........

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