Chapter 5: The Shadow
Chapter Four
There she was, sitting in the living room, recollecting the memories and moments of her date with Wyatt; if there were a thousand things she shouldn't let go of, she was sure this particular one was at the forefront. She imagined what it truly means to love another and commit one's emotions to the play of another human. That was soon going to be Wyatt, or maybe it was already him, but she couldn't tell because she didn't know if it was too early or soon enough.
Chloe knew if she should start to share these moments with Zoe, she could scream and maybe get an event planner to meet with Chloe because definitely, her remark would be, 'We have got an event to plan' Actually, she needed to share this memory with someone. After all, they were too chunky and large. It was not that they were some burden but a sort of majestic time more significant than the wall clock. She has not told her mum. Mia has been inquisitive and badly wanted to know how the event between Wyatt and Chloe went.
Chloe knew this. Mia had called her that morning to come look at a movie showing a young guy and a girl on a blind date. Instantly, she knew where Mia was stylishly heading to. She restrained her words until that scene in the movie passed away. Away on the phone but not in her heart because this was what she had registered on her mind -the same one with Wyatt- and she had been with it since last night when she had jumped into the bed and smiled into sleeping. If her mum wanted to know the stories about the date, she must come forthright and straight; she needed to ask Chloe. This was her thought. Chloe knew that it was not just her mum, but her dad was on the same boat as well, though as when her mum had been updated that she could spill it out to her dad, but she was too stubborn, hence, allowed the two oldies to be in the thick darkness, let alone in their wanderous thoughts.
Zoe came to mind. She dragged herself from the living room, where she had settled into her room inside the shower and had a cold bath. After she was done dressing, she called out to her mum to inform her that she wanted to see Zoe.
"Okay, my darling. Please make sure you return on time so dinner won't get cold. " her mum shouted from her room
It was something else. Something totally uneasy with Zoe. She did not even allow Chloe to have a sit before she spoke about Wyatt. "Here comes the soon-to-be bride!" was what she welcomed her to "the lucky girl who is in love with the planet saver. "This Chloe shut her up. She had not told Zoe that she loved Wyatt, even if she would; she was the one to tell Zoe, not the other way around.
"Come on, girl. It is clearly written all over you. Tell me you don't have butterflies in your heart right now; they all stay there because of Wyatt. "
"Is this how you were told to treat a guest? You have not even offered me anything, or are you willing to."
"Don't even bother yourself. I am not good at that. I can only go to that Kitchen if you pull this anxiety of your date with Wyatt off me."
"You have gone knot", Chloe expressed in laughter.
She had no choice but to spill it. After all, She couldn't keep the memory to herself alone. It was so beautiful that Zoe herself couldn't help but blush and was overwhelmingly excited.
"Chloe, do you know you are evil? Tell me how you had decided not to tell me all this. I think it is high time I stopped being your friend, " Zoe uttered as they laughed more. Again, she had asked, "When is your next date?" This swept Chloe off her feet. This was the most advanced and humorous of all the dramas Chloe had been performing and creating about Wyatt. How was she supposed to know? Would she have told Wyatt that she wanted them to talk over drinks and chips at another bar tonight or tomorrow? Come on, what is wrong with Chloe?
"Clearly, you are going knot." Cloe fired back, but Zoe definitely did not hold it back.
"Whom or what do you think Wyatt is thinking about right now?" Zoe asked. Someone needed to save Chloe from her friend's torture. How would she even possibly know what Wayyt is thinking about right now? Zoe asked. Someone needed to save Chloe from her friend's torture. How would she even possibly know what Wyatt had in mind that very moment or whom his thoughts were directed at wherein she was not Wayyt himself? Even if she had told Zoe, who Wayyt was probably thinking about, how would she be so sure of her own assertion? Chloe needed to get freed from this. Clearly, these questions were beyond ordinary. They came. They kept coming from her friend, Zoe, who wouldn't want to stop. Chloe suddenly started to cough seriously. Even when Zoe had tried to calm her down by painting her upper chest with her hands, it persisted. She ran into the kitchen to get a bottled water and a glass. After pouring in the glass, Zoe handed it over to Chloe, who took it without hesitation. She was still coughing, but now the tempo had entirely died down.
"Sorry Chloe... But Wayyt's eyes were filled with emotions?. " Zoe came in again. At this point, Chloe knew that the trick she pulled would not deter Chloe from talking about Wyatt and the date. She sparks up her feet and runs into Zoe's room, locking her out.
Zoe was at the DHX Domestic Airport, where passengers could sit. Her eyes moved from the planes on the tarmac to the people scattered around the room. She crossed her arms over her chest whilst the hum of the crowd lingered. Her eyes glanced at two security officers. Their uniforms were crisp, and their expressions unreadable -as one of them murmured something into the radio clipped to his shoulder.
The guy sitting close to her was dressed in a Blue suit with a red knotted tie. He was approached by a man way above his age - much more mature. It looked like the man had sighted the guy from a distant place and, hence, had now approached him to exchange pleasantries.
"Hey," he said as he walked up to this guy "Waytt Hayles, nice seeing you. What's with you?" he offered a handshake
"Pleasant surprise, The Agent", Wyatt responded. "Uh... I am just waiting for someone. "
"Great. See you some other time." he said as he parted the Wayyt's shoulders before leaving.
"Wyatt Hayles." Zoe's mind registered after the man had left for some seconds. She turned to the guy immediately.
"Hi, humm... " Zoe hesitated, not knowing how to put it before the guy. "My name is Zoe. I am sorry if it seemed like I eavesdropped.." Zoe continued, but did she really eavesdropped? Because the 'Waytt Hayles' the man had mentioned was loud enough for someone close to him to hear. Although, she must have to come this way. "I am just inquisitive to know if you are Wayyt Hayles, the Environmentalist, Chloe's friend?"
"Yeah," Wayyt responded instantly. "You know Chloe?" he asked
"Come on, that shouldn't be counted as a question, but not to worry." Zoe said humourously. "Chloe is next to Thomas, sincerely. I need to do a selfie. If not, that girl wouldn't believe that we indeed met."
"Sure," Wyatt nodded as he drew much closer to her. It was just a single shot, and in a few seconds, they were done. That was when a lady walked towards them.
"This is Alex, a colleague..." Wyatt introduced to Zoe with a gesture.
"And.." he tried to recall Zoe's name.
"Zoe!" Zoe helped.
"Yeah, I'm so sorry" Wyatt said to Zoe. "that's Zoe, a friend of a friend" They shook hands immediately Wyatt had finished
As they left, Zoe pulled out her phone, her fingers hesitating for a while before dialling Chloe's number.
"Hey, Zoe! You are in town, now?" Chloe's voice was light and slippery as usual
Zoe said holding on to the strap of her bag tighter. "Yeah, I just arrived at the Airport," she paused briefly "but Chloe... You wouldn't believe who I just saw.."
Zoe exhaled "Wyatt"
"Wyatt?" Chloe's voice had become stiffened. She was in disbelief "How, where?"
"At the Airport, " Zoe explained. "I literally bumped into him. And I know you wouldn't have believed easily so I took I took a selfie with him." she quickly sent the picture and waited.
A few seconds passed before Chloe's breath hitched through the speaker "Oh my God. That's really him" her voice dropped rightly. A combination of surprise and something else, Zoe couldn't quite place.
"Yeah," Zoe muttered. "But that's not all"
"What do you mean" Chloe hesitated.
"Chloe, there was a woman with him. He said she is his colleague at work. Her name is Alex"
Chloe was quiet for a while. "Okay... And?"
Zoe sighed "I don't know, Chloe. The way she was around him- it felt like more than a work thing. She was too comfortable. The way she smiled, the way she laughed.... I don't know. Maybe, I am just reading too much into it now, but it made me feel so uneasy "
There was a brief pause. Chloe did not respond right away. Zoe could tell that she was trying to process her words, carefully.
She exhaled. Her voice very cautious "Do you think theres something going on?"
"I don't know." Zoe admitted. "I don't want to assume anything, but I know what I saw. She was confident - too confident, Chloe." she bit her lips, her mind recollecting the scene. "I just ... I didn't like it"
"I don't know what to think, Zoe. But I believe you. This isn't something you would say for no reason."
"I get it, " Zoe said gently "And I'm not bent on influencing you to jump into conclusions. Just be aware, okay? Something about her didn't sit right with me."
"Yeah, Okay. I will keep that in mind." Chloe sighed.
She hung up.