How A Billionaire's Forbidden Love Shattered Worlds

Chapter 6: A Name That Wasn't His

Chapter Six

James Cooper, head of Cooper and Associates and Williams Hayles, head of Hayles Treasury Advisory were both owners of the Private Equity Group known as Vanguard Strategic Partners. Since the launch of the firm in the past ten years, it has done greatly well in acquiring struggling or growing companies, helping them merge with others, or restructuring them for better gains.

They were also good at ensuring that businesses in financial trouble reorganize and become profitable. James and Williams being professionals in distinct backgrounds had soon made their mark in technology, energy, real estate and manufacturing industries with the lawyer, James ensuring that every deal is line with legal standards, performing due diligence and managing legal complexities. William, his friend on the other hand, being a treasury advisory consultant, focused on securing capital for the firm's investments, advising on market trends and financial growth strategies. It were these distinct backgrounds that had made Vanguard Strategic Partners soared but it was totally different now, the firm's best days were now behind them. The burden of the firm's financial struggle worsened it all. They were still paying debts from earlier acquisitions and the very investments which had huge potentials were now failing to deliver. With no new deals in the pipeline, creditors were on their necks. It was not that there was no single deal before them but according to James, each of them came with it's own numerous legal risks and of course, it was advisable that they stair clear.

One out of the numerous deals was a high value investment opportunity in a tech start up with a huge prospects but this same tech start up lack intellectual property protection. This was what James kicked against. They both knew that they were friends even if they were not best of friends, right before the commencement of the partnership but each owed their figures and interest tight just like every other businessmen.

Their conflict was now very registered outside closed doors as the investors pulled out and deals that would have been signed off were delayed or cancelled. It was very common that if they didn't find a common ground, Vanguard Strategic Partners was soon going to be another failed venture in a long list of once promising firms. This whole contract, Mia wanted to know but her husband was not ready to open up to her.

Chloe was in her room trying to get off her shoes when her mum knocked. She came in with a bouquet. Red and classy with a touch of white. The way Chloe always loved it. She envied her mum at first because her dad had always made it a tradition to present Mia, sweet and lovely flowers on the eve of their wedding anniversary. She paused. It was not that time of the year yet and her head quickly daggled time. Where her mum had seen the flowers she did not know but she was sure that it was not yet the time of the year when James Cooper and Mia Cooper would flock all over each other like young birds just getting to know their names

 "From Wyatt" Mia stated.

Chloe held her breathe. She finally exhaled. Chloe could not say a word but only smiled. She collected it from her mum, now standing, holding it with her two hands, admiring it. There was a note pasted on it and it read: Missing your presence in silence, Chloe" Her heart melted on seeing that. It was the last block of ice that stood strong against love that went away. She did not know what to say or do.

 "Beautiful flower you have got, girl. Don't forget to call him. At least to thank him for the flowers," her mom said before she shut the door.

She grabbed her phone, now with her left hand. Who knows if she was ever going to release her hands off the flowers.

 "Hi Wyatt. I got it. I mean I got the flowers you sent. Thanks "

 "Flowers. I am sorry I never thought you might like flowers. I would have sent a bouquet to you" Wayyt said on the other end

 "Wait. You mean you didn't send the flowers. Like it's not from you?"

 Come on, Chloe. I did not but I think I would soon give you a surprise. Are you alright?" Wayyt asked

 "Sure. I am fine. Have got something that requires my attention now. Bye." Chloe hung up as soon as she dropped.

The person behind the flowers. This was was kept ringing on her mind. Her phone had started to beep. It was Zoe.

 "Lucky girl. Your crush just told me that he sent you flowers. Have you got it already?" Zoe asked.

Chloe could sense the anxiety on her voice. She Faithfully denied Zoe her right of being informed. Zoe called again, countless times but Chloe didn't care. She didn't want to discuss it. Of course, she had a reason to react. Zoe kept her in deep clouds wherein she knew about Chloe being planned to be set flowers by her crush at the University.

She made sure that she did not mention it to his mom or dad that the flower was not actually from Wyatt. Of course, her mum has settled for Wyatt being the benefactor and had told Chloe that the flower was from him because that was what they knew.

Zoe was the one restless. Now, it was Chloe who asked all the questions. Why did Zoe shut her out of the planned gifting? Her crush would not have her home address to give to the courier service if it was not Zoe's handiwork, too. Zoe on the other hand was speechless, she did not know how she could explain to Chloe that what she did, did not at all warrant any turbulence or range from Chloe. But for Chloe, she insisted it does but how could it be? She could not say. They kept making their points until the door opened. Mia entered with a tray which had a plate of cheese and two glasses of juice. The whole arguments. Their defenses. Their counter, got suspended.

 "You said you love the hair you saw on my insta story right?" Zoe started.

 "Yeah. I have only seen it once at the store but that day, I had no cash on me. By the way who was that girl? She looked so beautiful on that hair." Chloe said

 "Thank you, Mom, for the snacks, "They both chorused, and Mia did not hesitate to step out.

 "I wonder how I ended up with a good liar as a friend " Chloe said

 "I don't think I am better than you because with the one you just pulled in front of mum. Girl, you are a genius."

They pounced on the plate of Cheese. No one wanted another to have more of it than the other did. This they carried out with laughter and unrestrained body splash. This went on shortly until Zoe decided to grab the whole plate and ran outside the room with it. Chloe still with her glass of Juice chased her. They ran around the garden with the plate of Cheese. Mia, watching them through the back window couldn't help but laugh at the young adult. She could not imagine the wear and tear of the rope that binded their relationship.

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