Chapter 402: A Daughter's Sex Ed by Pippaa
"We have a problem?" Hannah told her husband Jeff. They were sat up in bed, reading before going to sleep.
"Do we?" Jeff sighed, not bothering to look up from his book.
"Don't be like that," Hannah moaned. It's a very serious matter involving our daughter.
Jeff rested his book on his lap and turned towards his wife. He always thought she dramatized everything when it came to their daughter Ella.
"What's the matter?" He tried to look interested.
Hannah looked seriously into her husband's eyes, preparing herself to say the words.
"Ella has been coming to me for several weeks now, seeking some serious advice. She came to me again yesterday and I think I need to raise the issue with you," Hannah began.
"What kind of advice?" Jeff's interest began to turn.
"Sexual advice."
Jeff suddenly felt uncomfortable but he didn't want to show it.
"She's eighteen and she's your daughter, Hannah," came his awkward response. "That's what daughters do. It's a good thing she came to you, actually." Jeff returned to his book.
Hannah put her hand out and stopped her husband raising his latest sci-fi fiction adventure. "She's our daughter!" she reminded her husband. "And she didn't come to me to learn about the birds and the bees! Our daughter is ready and wanting to engage in sexual activity. She asked me specifically yesterday how to give a guy a blowjob!"
"Oh," Jeff gulped this time.
"Oh indeed! She says she isn't seeing anybody, but I know she's attending her first house party at the end of the month. A bit of a coincidence don't you think, that she's suddenly keen to learn how to give a blowjob?" Hannah sounded concerned but open to helping her daughter.
Their daughter Ella was a beautiful, innocent busty, blonde who enjoyed all the things most girls her age didn't. Ella loved to read and study. She rarely partied and she was aspiring to be a doctor.
"What did she want to know exactly?" Jeff asked, hiding his curiosity. Beneath the bedcovers he noticed his cock was beginning to wake up.
"Everything!" Hannah laughed. "She wanted to know the ins-and-outs, before confessing she has started watching porn, and practising oral sex on a cucumber for educational purposes."
Jeff chuckled. "That'll explain why she's started eating cucumber."
"Sucking them off more like!" Hannah laughed. "But in all seriousness we need to do something about this."
"Our daughters eighteen, Hannah. There's not much we can do about it," Jeff shrugged, feeling even more awkward, but also aroused at the sudden image of his daughter on her knees sucking a guy off.
"There's a lot we can do about it. We need to stop her watching pornography for a start!"
"She's an adult," Jeff reminded his wife. "Just find out who she might be mixed up with and give her the right steer. At least she's waited this long before becoming sexually active. That's admirable in this day and age. She's taking the contraceptive pill, isn't she?"
"What a typical male response!" Hannah sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not concerned that she feels ready to become sexually active. I just don't want her giving some guy from college a blowjob at a party. We know how house parties go with teenagers and alcohol."
"I get what you're saying but what do you want me to do about it? Ella came to you for advice, not me!"
"Are you not concerned that our daughter might end up in a vulnerable situation? You think the guy would want to stop at a blowjob? She's a virgin! Any guy she messes around with is going to want to take that prize!"
"I'm totally hearing and understanding what you're saying, but again, what do you want me to do about it? What did Ella ask you exactly?"
"She asked me how a woman goes down on a guy. How a guy likes it and how to do it properly. She even asked me if she's supposed to swallow his cum!"
"Jeez!" Jeff gasped. His cock was now rock hard and he had to move in bed to hide his arousal. "I still think this is your department, Hannah. I agree it wouldn't be wise for her to experiment at a house party under the influence of alcohol."
"Exactly. That's why I have come up with a plan."
"A plan? What are you talking about?"
"I think she should perform her first blowjob under our supervision."
Jeff's eyes bulged and his mouth fell open, but no words came out because he was utterly gob smacked and speechless.
"Wh... bu... uh... I... what?"
"I don't want Ella to practice on this boy she is clearly wanting to give head to. She denied there was a boy of course, but I know..."
"Hannah!" Jeff snapped and cut his wife off. "What do you mean under our supervision?"
"I want Ella to learn under my guidance." Hannah was so serious Jeff began freaking out.
"With whom?" he gasped for breath, blinded from the shock and confusion as to where this was going.
"With you," Hannah shrugged, appearing nonchalant now.
"What! You have got to be joking? Did you suggest this to Ella? Have you lost your mind?"
"Calm down before Ella hears you!" Hannah giggled. "She's only in the next room. No of course I haven't discussed it with her yet."
"And you're not going to!" Jeff huffed, finally breathing in relief.
"Hear me out first." Hannah tried to reason.
"No! What you're suggesting is beyond ridiculous! It's immoral! It's disgusting! It's absurd!"
Hannah giggled and gently placed her hand on Jeff's arm. She smirked in a way that usually resulted in her getting what she wanted.
"I think you forget who washes our daughters underwear when you're masturbating into it," Hannah smirked more sinisterly.
"Uh! What!" Jeff was gob smacked once more. He blushed beetroot in anger.
"It's ok," Hannah giggled again. "I'm not mad and Ella doesn't know."
"I... I..." Jeff was in another state of panic before he exhaled the tension and resigned himself to accepting the overwhelming shame.
For Ella's eighteenth birthday Hannah took their daughter lingerie shopping. Ella had chosen a sexy black lace set from Victoria's Secret. She wore it on the night of her birthday under her dress.
Jeff found the lace garments on the bathroom floor the next morning when he went for a shower. Sitting embarrassed beside his wife in bed, he remembered how he picked it up to put it in the wash basket, only for something to then come over him. Something he'd never experienced before.
With his daughters new, racy underwear in his hand, the worn, feminine scent filled his senses. It smelt like his wife. It smelt like any other woman. Only it wasn't his wife or any other woman. It was the scent of his eighteen-year-old daughter, Ella
Then, without any moral control whatsoever, Jeff raised the stained panties to his face and buried his nose into the fabric. He inhaled the smell of stained vaginal fluid and it turned his cock rock hard. Jeff then sniffed inside the bra cups, dreaming about how much firmer his daughters big teen tits were compared to her mothers.
Jeff felt himself shrinking beside his wife in bed. There was no guilt in the bathroom that day, only a desire to relieve himself into his daughters bra cups while he consumed his senses with her scent.
"Don't be ashamed, Jeff." Hannah grinned and slipped her hand beneath the bed covers. "Our daughters body has blossomed, and now her mind has."
"I'm not a weirdo, Hannah. I've never had sexual thoughts about our daughter. I just lost it when I found her underwear on the bathroom floor."
"Shhhh." Hannah was still grinning. She then exhaled an exaggerated gasp when she found what she knew she'd find. "Mmmm, maybe I can help you lose it again?" she suggested.
Jeff grunted as his wife wrapped her hand around his shaft and started slowly massaging his length up and down.
"I know our daughter better than she knows herself. This will purely be for educational purposes." Hannah spoke with authority. "She will of course be in agreement. Free to decide for herself."
Jeff closed his eyes and sighed, relaxing back against the headboard. "Uhhhhh!"
"If all goes according to plan then you'll be blindfolded with ear plugs. You only need to feel the experience. You can think of your favourite celebrity or something." Hannah chuckled. "Ella will only watch and learn. She won't touch a single hair on your body... cock." Hannah chucked again.
You conniving bitch, Jeff thought. He knew his wife could be devious, but even he was shocked at this level of deviance. "Uhhhhh fuck that feels good!" He was wilting.
"Oh fuck, Hannah!" Jeff gasped. He was trying to let go of the image his wife just planted inside his head. But with her experienced hand stroking his cock he couldn't let it go.
"I'll teach her how to handle a cock, a real man's cock, before I teach her how to fellate one."
"We can't do that... uhhhhh fuck! It's not right, Hann... ahhhhh!"
Hannah had quickly pulled back the bed covers and she was now licking the pre-cum from the top of Jeff's throbbing cock.
"It will be a one off and she'll only watch me doing it." Hannah grinned before engulfing her mouth around the engorged head.
Jeff put a hand on the back of his wife's head and raised his hips, making sure she took it to the back of her throat. Hannah gagged for a second then lifted her head. "Are you going to assist me in helping our daughter?"
Hannah didn't wait for her husband's reply. She asked the question then simultaneously sucked and stroked his cock. The speed and sensitivity in which she acted and moved, had Jeff right on the edge, helped of course by the taboo image of her using his cock to teach their daughter how to give head.
"Ahhhhh! Fuck! Fuck I'm gonna cum!" Jeff exclaimed.
Hannah paused briefly again. "I need an answer, Jeff, or I can't let you cum," she giggled, before taking her husband to the brink again.
"That's it! Yes, Hannah! Oh yes! Don't stop I'm gonna cum!" But stop she did.
"Jeff?" she giggled, with her husband's cock covered in her saliva and his leaking pre-cum.
"Fine!" he agreed against his better judgement. "But Ella has to consent and be in agreem... ahhhhhhhh, fuck!"
Hannah again didn't let her husband finish speaking, but she did let him finish inside her mouth this time. She wrapped her lips around his cock and bobbed her head as if she were an eager eighteen-year-old herself.
Jeff thrashed on the bed before holding his wife's head in place, ensuring she swallowed every last drop of the cum he fired so fiercely down her throat.
The following morning Jeff left for work before Ella got up for college. She came downstairs showered and dressed to find her mother alone, sipping casually on a cup of coffee.
"So?" Ella smiled in hope.
"What?" Hannah shrugged and munched on a piece of toast, taunting her daughter.
"What did dad say to your plan?" Ella sat down and poured herself a cup of coffee. "I bet he went mad, didn't he? I bet he's pissed so he went to work early," Ella surmised.
"On the contrary," Hannah smirked. "You be ready tonight at 9pm and I'll have your father waiting on the sofa, blindfolded."
Ella gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. "No way he said yes, mum!"
"You'll see tonight then, won't you," Hannah grinned. Now get your arse to college or you'll be late."
"Wow! I can't believe he said yes! My parents are so cool and understanding!"
Hannah chuckled as her daughter grabbed some toast and skipped out the front door to college. Throughout the day the family of three experienced a varying degree of emotions.
Ella dreamed her way through her day, nervous and excited for 9pm. Hannah nonchalantly went about hers, but looked forward to passing some of her skills down to her daughter. Before leaving for work she texted her husband and lied, telling him Ella had agreed over breakfast.
Jeff was such an emotional wreck after receiving the text that he couldn't bring himself to reply. He spent the day questioning his morals and those of his wife, but the image of Hannah teaching Ella how to suck cock was shamefully overpowering.
That evening the family home had a very eerie feel about it. The conversation around the dinner table appeared normal, but they were each eyeing each other as if trying to work out what they were thinking.
After dinner Ella tried to study in her room, but she was so excited she ended up taking a bath with her latest romance novel. Hannah cleaned the kitchen and then went for a shower in the ensuite.
"Can we talk?" Jeff asked his wife before she showered.
"You'll have to make it quick," she said, undressing.
"It's about tonight," Jeff muttered, watching his wife's sexy curves move.
"It's been agreed, Jeff," she told him directly. Jeff allowed himself to become seduced, watching his wife unclasp her bra. "It's purely educational," she smirked.
"It's not right though, is it?" Jeff complained, but his mind was focussing on Hannah's big tits before she wrapped a towel around her body.
"We're doing it, Jeff!" Hannah remained defiant. "Once I've finished in the shower you need to have one. I want your cock clean as well as hard."
Jeff slumped onto the bed and picked up the blindfold beside him. He looked at it and wondered if he'd even be able to get it up. Sniffing Ella's dirty underwear was one thing, saturating her bra in his cum was quite another, but this, he thought, was on a whole different level.
With military precision Hannah had Jeff sat on the sofa blindfolded with robust plugs in his ears at 8.50pm.
"Don't move," she instructed her husband, before his senses descended into silent darkness.
Hannah called Ella downstairs and the pair of them started giggling like schoolgirls. "Are you ready?" Hannah asked her daughter.
Ella exhaled an anxious breath. "Yes," she answered, her hands shaking.
"I like the thick red lipstick." Hannah winked but Ella blushed. "Just relax. I remember when my mother taught me how to give a blowjob. You'll be fine."
"Grandpa really was the first guy you gave head to?" Ella asked.
"Yes, so don't think I don't understand how you're feeling. A blowjob is a blowjob, Ella, and a penis is a penis. At least here you'll learn how to do it safely and properly."
"Ok," Ella squirmed, she was nervous, anxious and aroused all in one.
Hannah was wearing a nightie and a dressing gown, with her blonde hair flowing down her back, and Ella was wearing her heart covered pyjama shorts and t-shirt. Noticing her daughters hard nipples protruding through the cotton fabric, Hannah grinned and placed two cushions down on the floor.
"I'll kneel between your fathers legs and show you everything you need to know. Ok?"
"I can't believe this is happening!" Ella giggled and blushed.
Sensing his wife and daughters presence, Jeff swallowed hard and then his mouth dried up. He couldn't see or hear anything but he could feel everything. He knew somebody was kneeling between his legs before a pair of hands were suddenly fumbling for his belt buckle. The experience told him it was his wife. Jeff sighed in relief.
"Never forget that you're in control from this point onwards. You're about to pleasure the guy, so you need to make him feel that you really want to do this. Any hesitation or nervousness and it will put him off. Or worse, he'll let you carry on then tell everyone how bad you were," Hannah said, pulling her husband's belt apart.
Hannah tapped Jeff's thighs before she started tugging around his waist. Jeff raised his arse off the sofa and helped his wife remove his jeans.
"Wow!" Ella gasped. "I never knew dad was so big!"
Hannah smiled at her daughters response and then the two women watched the throbbing muscle inside Jeff's boxers.
"This is where the real foreplay begins, Ella. Have you given a guy a handjob before?"
"No," Ella replied, her eyes full of anticipation.
"You can put your hand on his bulge like this." Jeff jolted and gasped at the feeling of his wife's hand touching his cock through his boxers. "Let your hand rest there for a moment. It will fuel his own anticipation."
Jeff moaned and tried to think about Julia, the new girl at the office. Julia was a curvy red head with nice tits. But Jeff would never even flirt with another woman, let alone cheat, but he desperately needed to imagine it was anyone but his wife teaching his daughter how to handle his cock.
"You can see how excited your father is becoming. So now you'll want to softly start massaging his erection through his boxers. Notice his reaction. Guys love it." Hannah grinned while Ella blushed and giggled. "When you know what a guy enjoys then you can give it to him. Reach over and have a practice."
Ella didn't hesitate. She eagerly knelt up and reached over her father's thigh. Jeff jolted once more and croaked in shock. He knew it was now his daughters hand massaging him through his boxers.
"Be a bit firmer, Ella. Your father likes it. You won't hurt him." Hannah instructed her daughter.
"Fuck!" Jeff gasped and squirmed as Ella grabbed and squeezed his cock as if she were massaging a stress ball.
"It feels so hard and soft at the same time!" Ella giggled before she continued applying and releasing the pressure for a few minutes.
"Excellent, Ella. Now let go and I'll continue with your tutorial.
Jeff relaxed slightly when he felt the hands change over again. His wife was back in control. He then cringed with shame when Hannah started tugging on his boxer shorts. He raised his arse again and his cock sprang free.
"Wow! Can I touch it again, mum?"
"Would you prefer to do all the physical aspects while I instruct you?" Hannah smirked.
"Would that be ok?" Ella bounced on her knees gleefully.
"Let's swap places then." Hannah approved her daughters request and they swapped places.
Jeff was beside himself now. He felt awkward but not awkward enough to effect his raging hard on. Deep down he wanted Ella to touch his cock again. He was only glad he couldn't see or hear what was going on.
Ella instinctively wrapped her hand around her father's shaft and gently started stroking it up and down. She glanced up at him and giggled at his positive reaction.
"You're learning fast," Hannah chuckled, losing her dressing gown and revealing her own hard, protruding nipples through her silk nightie. "Keep doing that, Ella, and run your hand up and down his shaft."
"This is so exciting!" Ella giggled and her gaze became transfixed on the foreskin rolling up and down the thick gland. Jeff could only groan at the sensation.
"Your father loves it when I softly trace my fingertips up and down his cock. Try it."
Ella did as her mother suggested and gave her father a treat. Jeff began to groan louder.
"Keep doing that but also stroke around his balls," Hannah nodded at her husband's crotch.
"Oh fuck that feels good!" Jeff let slip.
Ella giggled once again. Her pussy was drenched and she'd only just gotten started. Hannah was more than moist to, but this was Ella's night, she reminded herself.
"The temptation or expectation here is to open your mouth and start sucking on the head of the cock, but you'd be wrong to do that, especially where your father is concerned. Kiss around the crotch and groin area while you continue to stroke his cock."
Ella paused and looked at her mother for a second.
"Just trust me," Hannah told her inexperienced daughter.
Ella looked back at her father's cock and then up at his blind, deafened state. His groans and gasps were causing her clit to throb as his cock pulsated in her hand.
"Go on, Ella," Hannah encouraged. "Kiss around his crotch and groin."
"Uhhhhhhh shit!" Jeff grunted, as he felt his daughters soft kisses being planted around his crotch and groin.
"Now kiss and lick the balls."
"Uhhh! Uhhhm! Fuck!" Jeff writhed on the sofa as his curious daughter didn't hesitate to lick his balls.
"That's great, Ella," Hannah continued. "Now gently massage his balls with your tongue, but keep working the cock with your hand. That's it. Keep teasing him into a frenzy."
Hannah was loving it. So was Ella and so was Jeff, although he was having a hard time admitting it to himself, despite reacting to every sensation his daughter was causing in his body. He had no idea what was coming next or when, but it was driving him so crazy with lust that his moral resolve was starting to collapse.
"Do you know where the most sensitive part of a cock is, Ella?"
"The head." she answered confidently in between licking her father's balls. His groans were increasing her confidence by the second.
"Yes, but not entirely. Do you see the underside of the tip?"
Ella stopped what she was doing to look. She slid her hand down the shaft but kept hold of the throbbing muscle. She was becoming attached to it.
"Look at where the shaft joins the head," Hannah pointed.
"I see it," Ella nodded.
"I want you to flick that very spot with your tongue. Be gentle but firm and watch your father go crazy," Hannah grinned and watched her husband.
Jeff waited in anticipation for what his daughter was going to do next with his cock. "Uhhhhh fuck! Oh shit! Yes! Again!" he groaned.
Ella giggled and started licking the sensitive underside over and over. Then a droplet of pre-cum seeped out of the tip and she suddenly discovered a new taste.
"It's ok, it's just pre-cum, Ella. That always happens. It can taste a little salty but it will whet your appetite for the grand finale."
Ella wasn't fazed by the taste. She knew it was pre-cum and took it as a sign that she was doing a good job, and continued flicking her tongue up down, side to side and then in little circles.
"Are you sure you've never given head before?" Hannah chuckled.
Ella beamed at the compliment and continued licking and flicking with her tongue. She even licked the tip a few times in search of her father's pre-cum. After a few minutes Ella felt ready, and her mother believed her daughter was ready, to take her first cock into her mouth.
"It's important you listen to me, Ella. There is one cardinal sin when performing a blowjob. You must never use your teeth unless you know the guy enjoys it."
"I've heard that before," Ella giggled, remembering her friends talking about it.
"Stop for a moment." Hannah chuckled at her daughters enthusiasm. She was licking that cock as if it were sugar coated. "Now listen, your father has a big dick and you have a small mouth. So, wrap your lips around your teeth. Practice it." Ella followed her mother's instructions until her lips acted like a soft barrier. "Very good. "Now wrap your hand around the base of his cock. This will help you control how deep you take him."
Ella nodded and came over nervous but still excited. "Like this?"
"Uhhhhhm," Jeff groaned, he knew his daughter was getting ready to take his cock into her mouth. Hannah and Ella grinned at his response.
"Your gag reflex is likely to be a sensitive one." How deep have you practiced with a cucumber?"
"I gagged every time I tried to go deep," Ella sulked.
"That's normal. But it's better to know your limits now, than during a blowjob with a boyfriend or some guy you've hooked up with. Some guys love dominating a woman's mouth. Making her choke and gag. We can discuss that another time. Right now I want you to control how deep you take your first cock without gagging."
"Sure." Ella smiled as her father breathed in anticipation.
"Ok, just like you did before, pull back the foreskin and start stroking it again." Jeff clenched his fists and moaned. "Now wet your lips. Make sure you have plenty of saliva."
"I got it," Ella breathed. She was now ready to finally take a cock into her mouth for the very first time.
"Keep his foreskin down, but don't pull too far on it or you'll hurt him. Remember the head of a guys cock is just as sensitive as our clits." Hannah explained and grinned at her daughters eagerness. "Great, Ella. Now put your tongue between his foreskin and the head of his cock and give it a few swirls."
"Argggggh! Fuck!" Jeff hissed through gritted teeth. Hannah smirked at her husband's reaction.
"Excellent! Now roll your tongue around as you gently pull his foreskin up and down. "Perfect!" Hannah was proud of her daughter. "Suckle and squeeze your lips around his foreskin. You're doing great. Start gently and slowly increase the intensity."
"That's it! Fuck yes! That feels so good!" Jeff panted.
"Now kiss his cock," Hannah breathed off balance for the first time. Her own excitement was starting to show. "Purse your soft lips together and plant soft kisses like before. Don't forget his balls."
Hannah was now fidgeting on her knees. Her pussy was begging for attention but she resisted the temptation to touch herself. For now at least.
"Open your lips slightly, Ella, and gently squeeze the tip of his cock between them. That's good. Now run your lips over his cock with lots of saliva."
"Suck it! Put it in your mouth, Ella!" Jeff begged and cried out his daughters name in a way he never imagined before. Ella didn't wait for her mother's next instruction.
Just like she'd seen in porn and practised on the cucumber, Ella gently sucked on the top of her father's cock while holding him steady at the base of his shaft. The eighteen-year-old had both hands wrapped around her father's cock before she started making slow circular motions around the head with her tongue.
"That's so fucking good, Ella!" Jeff gasped his daughters name again.
Hannah couldn't take much more. She rested his backside on her heels and put hand up her nightie between her legs.
"Create a tight O shape with your mouth and take a few inches into your mouth," Hannah instructed as she moaned and rubbed her clit slowly.
Ella created a tight O shape around her father's throbbing, leaking cock and instinctively started to bob her head up and down. It turned her on so much she began to moan her enjoyment around the clock.
"Yes, Ella! That's it! Oh fuck you feel so good! Jeff praised his daughter. "Go deeper, baby! Go as deep as you can!"
"Listen to your father, Ella," Hannah moaned, slipping a finger into her juicy snatch. "Always pay attention to what the guy is saying to you."
Ella took everything on board and then took more of her father's big cock into her mouth. Still bobbing her head, she used both hands to stroke his shaft from the base.
Hannah slipped a second finger into her aching hole and watched her pretty teen daughter perform her first blowjob. Ella's young, big tits bounced inside her pyjama top as her tight blonde ponytail bounced and swung.
Jeff felt he'd been disciplined up to this point. He needed to do something with his hands. Sitting up, he then reached under Ella and felt her tits through the pyjama top. His daughter jolted and giggled, but she didn't stop the blowjob.
"Take your pyjama top off, Ella," Hannah instructed. "Guys love a woman giving them topless head.
"Mmmmm, yes, Ella!" Jeff groaned when his daughter completely removed herself from his cock and started lifting her pyjama top over her head.
Jeff reached out blind, but he knew where his daughters big tits were. He grabbed then held them before lifting and massaging her tits.
"Wrap them around my cock, Ella! Teach her, Hannah!" Jeff grunted, tweaking his daughters hard, sensitive nipples.
Hannah broke into a wide grin and removed her hand from between her legs. Ella just looked at her mother, giggling.
"It's easy," Hannah told her daughter, slapping her husband's greedy hands away from Ella's swollen mounds. "Lift your boobs and place them either side of his cock."
"Yes! Mmmmmmm do it!" Jeff moaned, as soon as he felt two large, soft globes of flesh engulfing his cock.
"Push your boobs tightly together and bounce them up and down. Just like that." Hannah sat back on her heels and resumed playing with herself as Ella gave her first tit-wank to her father.
"Your tits are perfect for this!" Jeff gasped, laying back into the sofa while his daughter bounced her big, firm tits around his cock. "Lick the tip while you do it!" he demanded.
Hannah began to bounce off her heels, rubbing her clit and moaning quietly beside her daughter and husband. Ella was aware of what her mother was doing and became jealous. She wished she could play with herself to.
"Keep going, Ella! Daddy's gonna cum!"
"Make sure he cum's in your mouth, Ella," Hannah sighed. She was on the brink of her own orgasm. "You must swallow it!"
Ella lost herself and dropped her tits. She then slipped a hand into her pyjama shorts and started rubbing her clit frantically. Still holding and stroking her father's cock with one hand, she took him back inside her mouth and bobbed her head.
"Yes! That's it! I'm gonna cum, Ella! Daddy's gonna cum down your throat!"
Jeff put a hand on the back of his daughters head and found her ponytail. He wasn't searching for it, but he grabbed it anyway and started thrusting his hips. With his free hand he grabbed one of Ella's big tits and squeezed it at the same time.
Hannah knew her wild plan had gotten out of hand, but she couldn't change it now until she came herself. The scene before her very eyes was intoxicatingly taboo to say the very least.
Jeff was still deaf and blind but he had his cock buried down his daughters throat. Ella was choking and gagging but her orgasm was also on the brink. Then Hannah came.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Ohhhhhhhhh..." she exploded and continued to rub her clit hard and fast until the pleasure subsided.
Hannah's guilt slowly began to creep in, but it was too late. She opened her eyes in time to watch her daughter having an orgasm, immediately followed by her husband grabbing the sides of Ella's head.
"Here it comes!" Jeff grunted, filling the room with more grunts and groans.
Hannah moved quickly to her daughters side and willed her to keep swallowing her father's cum.
"Don't think about it, Ella. Just keep swallowing. Your father produces a more than average load. You're doing so well."
Ella focussed and swallowed over and over as the cum kept on shooting into her mouth and down her throat. She noticed how warm and salty it was, finding it didn't taste as bad as she expected it to.
Suddenly, it was all over. Jeff released his daughters head from his grasp and every aspect of his being collapsed. Ella finally raised her head, gasping for air. Her eyes were a little watery and she looked shocked and exhausted.
"Are you ok, darling?" Hannah asked, truly putting her daughters feelings first since this all started.
Ella wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and nodded. "That was fucking amazing, mum!" she then laughed.
"Get yourself up to bed. I'll see to your father."
"Thanks, mum," Ella smiled and hugged her mum, still topless, before grabbing her pyjama top and running upstairs to her bedroom.
Hannah stood up and removed Jeff's ear plugs and blindfold. "How are you feeling?" she smiled.
"Good," he sighed. "Fucked up mentally and drained physically, but good. We can never do anything like this again, Hannah. I mean it!" Jeff said, standing and pulling his jeans up.
"I understand," Hannah giggled and went to lock up the house before going to bed.
Jeff woke early the following morning and went straight to the gym to clear his head. What he allowed himself to be talked into was disturbing, he thought, but enjoying it on the level he did horrified him.
His daughter Ella reminded him of her mother on so many levels. None of which were sexual until he found her lingerie on the bathroom floor. Now his daughter reminded him of his wife on every level.
Returning home from the gym, Jeff found a note from his wife, letting him know she'd gone food shopping, and she was going to pop in to see her mother. Hearing his daughter pottering around upstairs inside her bedroom, he crumpled the note up in anger, and then quietly made his way upstairs into his bedroom. Quietly closing the door behind him, he got undressed and jumped into the en-suite shower.
Images of the previous night came flooding back, or rather the feelings did. As Jeff washed his body he became erect, but the last thing he wanted was to start masturbating over his daughter. He tried to blank it out but it was a struggle, so he turned the shower to cold water only. The sudden cold shock seemed to do the trick. He stepped out of the shower cubicle refreshed and alert, back in control of his thoughts.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Jeff flicked his head around and quickly put a pair of shorts on. "Just a second! I've only just gotten out of the shower!"
"It's ok, dad," Ella came walking in. "I can't see anything anyway," she giggled.
"Ella! What are you doing?" Jeff exclaimed.
His eighteen-year-old daughter was standing before his very eyes wearing a dressing gown and a blindfold.
"Don't tell mum, but put this on," she giggled, tossing another blindfold across the room. It completely missed her father and landed on the bed.
"Ella, listen to me. We can't do this... what we did... you know... last night. We just can't."
"What if I stay blindfolded this time, and you don't, so you get to see everything?" Ella suggested. "I just wanna practise again, daddy," she giggled again.
"Ella!" Jeff sighed and put his hands over his face. He couldn't believe what was happening. "This isn't right. Last night was your mothers crazy idea. You can't just come in here and...." Jeff immediately stopped talking and as if an invisible cloak of paralysis was pulled over him.
Ella had dropped her dressing gown to reveal her young, teenage body, clad in the lingerie her mother bought for her eighteenth birthday. The very lingerie Jeff had masturbated into. But that wasn't what was on his mind.
"You look incredible," he gasped, instantly blinded by his lust.
On shaky legs, Ella walked towards her father with her hands fumbling behind her back.
"Don't do this, Ella. Please don't," Jeff gulped.
"Don't do what, daddy?" Ella croaked, trying to appear confident as she unclasped her lace bra and dropped it from her body.
"Oh lord! Please say this isn't happening!" Jeff begged the heavens above.
"Don't you like my tits anymore, daddy? Ella smirked, unable to see, but knowing where her father's eyes were fixed.
"You shouldn't go around teasing men, Ella. I might be your father but I'm still a man!" he warned his daughter through gritted teeth.
"That's what mum said," she giggled, standing a metre in front of her father in just a skimpy pair of black lace panties.
Jeff glanced the full length of his daughters firm curves and kept his teeth gritted in silence. Her tits were perfect, he thought. Full, round and firm. Her nipples were pointing hard at him. surrounded by dark, large areolas. He wasn't thinking about a blowjob. He wanted to fuck his daughter now.
"Did your mother put you up to this?" Jeff battled with his emotions and desires.
"She said I could practice giving head on you as long as you were ok with it," Ella shrugged, suddenly feeling vulnerable in her blinded, exposed state.
"You need to leave my bedroom, Ella, before I do something we both regret."
Ella hadn't heard her father speak with such dominance and threat in his tone since she was accused of stealing money from his wallet. She had stolen it, but she was only ten years old at the time. It sent chills up her spine which resulted in her nipples becoming sensitive and her clit throbbing. She inhaled a deep nervous breath but said and did nothing.
Jeff walked past his daughter and opened the bedroom door. "You need to leave, Ella. Please! Pick up your bra and dressing gown and go back to your bedroom!" It was an order.
With her back to her father, Ella hooked her thumbs in at the sides of her lace panties and began to pull them down.
"I mean it, Ella! This isn't right!" But his daughter ignored him and bent forwards at the waist. "Oh Jesus!" he murmured, as he watched his daughter peeling her panties down her legs.
Her young, eighteen-year-old, virgin pussy came into view. Like a ripe, succulent peach, it's tightly closed lips had Jeff's mouth watering.
"This is your last warning, Ella! I mean it!"
Ella trembled, but her fathers threatening tone further aroused her. What's he gonna do? She asked herself. Make me suck his cock? She grinned at the prospect of repeating last nights fun.
Jeff was angry. Angrily aroused by his daughter teasing him on a level that would get her in trouble with any other straight guy on the planet. He watched her turn around to face him as she held her hanging panties by the tip of her finger.
She stood there in silence, blindfolded, waiting for her fathers reaction. Jeff glanced the length of his daughters body once more and inhaled a deep breath through his nostrils. Her mound was shaven and he could see the hourglass figure his wife used to have. Ella giggled when she heard the bedroom door close and her father exhale in frustration. Sexual frustration. She then jumped and unintentionally dropped her panties when she heard the door lock.
"Don't move, Ella!" It was another order.
She daren't move. This wasn't learning how to give a blowjob. This was exciting on a different level. Ella remained still, listening to the sounds around her. Jeff went to his side of the bed and pulled the drawer out. Inside, there were several items he and his wife often used on each other. Jeff took out the handcuffs and closed the drawer with a deliberate bang. Ella shuddered when she heard the sound of jangling. It reminded her of a big bunch of keys, only she knew it wasn't that. She tried to rack her brains but then gasped when she finally knew. Standing behind her naked body, her father lifted her left arm and wrapped a metal handcuff around it.
"Handcuffs?" she gasped, fearful all of a sudden.
"I thought you liked playing games, Ella?" her father taunted her and cuffed her other arm behind her back.
"Bu... wh... but what are you gonna do?"
"Whatever I want to do. Whatever I feel like doing."
Ella gulped, feeling a level of arousal and fear like never before. "But..."
"Shhhhh!" Jeff told her, placing a finger against her lips. "Unless you want to be gagged as well as blindfolded and cuffed." Ella shook her head no.
"Your mother taught you how to suck cock against my advice." Ella's breath became shallow and nervous, but equally aroused. "Now I'm going to teach you what happens when you tease a red-blooded male."
Jeff spun his daughter around so she was facing the door with her back to him. He then brought his hands up the front of her body and cupped her big, firm, teen tits.
"Mmmmm, you remind me of when your mother was eighteen. She loved teasing guys to," Jeff hissed into his daughters ear.
The hairs on the back of Ella's neck shot up like pins. "What are you going to do, daddy?"
"I just told you," he whispered into her ear. "Whatever I feel like doing. This is what happens when you offer yourself up like a whore, Ella."
Ella gasped as her father groped her big tits. He dug his fingertips into her soft flesh and inhaled her scent. A soft sigh then escaped her lips when he started kissing her neck and rolling her nipples.
Instinctively, Ella flapped her wrists behind her back, wishing she could grab her fathers cock through his shorts. Jeff chuckled and let go of her tits. He then removed his shorts and kicked her feet apart, before slipping his hard length through the gap between her young thighs.
"Uhh!" she jolted, feeling her father's hardness slide through her legs. His cock rubbed against her wet slit before it popped out at the front of her body.
"Mmmmm, your tight cunt is greasing my shaft already. You're going to be a good little slut, just like your mother was when she was your age."
"Uhh! Uncuff me!" Ella moaned, flicking her hips and rubbing her slit along her fathers shaft. "You don't need to restrict my hands!"
"I know I don't," Jeff chuckled at his hot, wanton, struggling daughter. "I'm going to teach you a lesson in power, Ella."
"God that feels so good!" she sighed. Her pussy lips were so wet they began to open and massage her fathers shaft as it massaged her pussy. "Power?" she wondered.
"All females hold the real power when it comes to sex, Ella. But at your age you're too willing to show your tits, open your mouth and spread your legs for any guy who makes your heart flutter. You don't realise this power until you've been fucked over by too many guys... too many players."
"That won't happen to me!" she groaned.
"I'm going to show you what happens when you fail to control that power. When you give it over so easily without fully understanding it's meaning and consequences. I'm going to show you what happens when you meet someone like me who knows how to take control of you."
"Oh my God, please uncuff my wrists and let me suck your cock again, daddy!" Ella was boiling with lust now.
"See what I mean? You're too eager. Be patient, Ella. You'll be sucking my cock and a lot more shortly."
"Urrrmph!" Ella wiggled in frustration. She only wanted to get on her knees and suck her dad off while she rubbed her clit. She wasn't prepared for what was to follow.
Jeff spun his daughter back around to face him and grabbed her big tits once more. Ella screeched then giggled as her father caressed her soft mounds firmly in his hands. Her breathing became laboured. She was super sensitive and turned on with her hands cuffed behind her back.
"How many boys have you let feel you up, Ella? How many times have you let a guy play with your tits?"
"Only three guys, daddy," Ella breathed.
"So I'm your fourth?"
"Yes," Ella breathed again.
"You love teasing guys, don't you? Walking around with your cleavage pushed up and on display. Making no attempt to cover your tits." Jeff hissed, seduced and possessed by his daughter.
"Blame mum," Ella giggled. "She's the one who suggests most of my clothes when we go shopping."
"That figures," Jeff muttered, lifting and dropping his daughters heavy bust.
Ella screeched again when she felt her body jolt towards her father. Jeff clamped his mouth around one of her hard nipples and sucked greedily, before inflicting the same intense sensation on the other one.
After a couple of minutes of licking, sucking and teasing his daughters nipples, Jeff pushed forcefully down on her shoulders.
"Go on then, Ella! Suck daddy's cock! Just like you wanted!"
Finally, Ella thought. She fell to her knees with a thump and her tits bounced. Jeff grinned with sinister intent and pulled her head back by her ponytail.
"Please uncuff me," she begged.
"Open your mouth you little slut! I'm going to give you what you came for!"
Ella gasped, but as she did her mouth opened and was immediately filled with cock, her fathers cock, straight to the back of her throat. Ella then spent the next five minutes learning how to deep throat a man's cock. By the end of it Jeff was further beyond his control, and his daughter was gasping for breath, broken by the brutal face fucking she'd just received.
"Now get on the bed!" Jeff ordered, pulling Ella up by her hair and leading her towards the bed anyway.
"Now can you uncuff me," she complained.
Jeff didn't reply, but he did release the handcuffs, only to then handcuff his daughter to the bed.
"Tell me what you want, Ella! What would you like daddy to teach you next."
Ella gulped and spread her legs. Jeff grinned at his bound and blindfolded daughter. Her big tits were rising and falling as she panted, and her shaven teen mound was open wide on display.
"We think alike." Jeff chuckled and laid down between his daughters spread thighs. "Has anyone ever tasted this tight pussy before, Ella?"
She shook her head no, high on adrenaline, waiting for her father to be the first person to go down on her. Jeff obliged, dropping the dominant psycho act while he tasted his daughters sweet eighteen-year-old pussy.
"Uhhhhhm! Yes! Oh my God! Ummmmm!" Ella cried out. "Oh my God that feels so fucking good, daddy!"
Jeff went to work on his daughters hole. Licking up one side and down the other. Teasing her outer folds before flicking her clit with his tongue. Ella went crazy, wriggling about as her pussy cried out and ached to be penetrated.
Knowing full well what he was doing, Jeff teased his daughter a little longer before sliding a finger all the way up inside her. He groaned at how tight she was, knowing she was going to struggle taking his cock. Ella moaned at the tightness around her fathers finger, making her feel good, unaware what it was going to feel like to be really stretched in about five minutes time. Jeff lapped, licked, sucked and fingered her pussy. He needed Ella to be soaking wet and super relaxed for her virgin hole to stand any chance of taking his cock.
"Oh my God I'm cumming, daddy!" Ella screamed the house down. Jeff moaned into her wet pussy, tasting his daughters gushing pussy juice.
Ella thrashed about until everything finally calmed down. She blinked her eyes and shook her head, but she could still only see darkness. With her breathing almost under control, Ella gasped when she felt her father moving on the bed and holding her legs open.
"What are you doing?" she panicked.
"I'm going to fuck you, Ella. Daddy is going to fuck you and turn you into a real woman!"
"No! Anything but my virginity! I'm saving that for... a guy I'm seeing!"
Jeff wasn't about to rape his daughter, but he wasn't going to let her know that...yet. He positioned his cock at her entrance and slowly rubbed it up and down her slippery tight slit.
"Oh fuck! That feels amazing! No, daddy!"
"Relax, Ella," he grinned, knowing it was only a matter of time. "I won't take your virginity if you don't want me to. I'm just going to bring us both off by doing this."
"Ok," Ella sighed in relief. "It does feel good!" She breathed and relaxed.
"Of course it does," Jeff continued grinning and rubbed the tip of his cock against his daughter's throbbing clit.
"Fuck!" Ella grunted and flicked her hips. "Oh fuck!" she cursed again, when she felt her fathers thick bulbous head press down on her clit before it slid firmly down the centre of her pussy.
"How does that feel, Ella?" Jeff kept grinning; any minute now he knew she'd be begging him to stick his cock inside her.
Ella's eyes rolled up into her head as her fathers cock spread her lips apart and stimulated her tight hole. She groaned the moment she thought it was going to enter her, then moaned in frustration when it didn't.
"It feels too good, daddy!" she complained.
"What does, baby?" Jeff licked his lips and watched his cock getting wetter and wetter.
"What... you're... doing to me," Ella sighed and threw her head from left to right.
"I'm only massaging you with my cock until you cum, baby. Do you want me to stop?" Jeff chuckled quietly.
Ella's pussy was now gushing. She was ready to get fucked and they both knew it. Jeff continued rubbing his cock through her glistening slit and over her clit before rubbing back down again.
"No! No! Please don't stop until I've cum again!"
"As you wish, Ella."
Jeff grinned mischievously and watched his daughters tits softly bounce as he rubbed his cock over her tight pussy and rocked her body up and down.
"I need... I need..." Ella started pleading.
Jeff rested his cock against his daughters virgin opening and pressed into it very gently with just the tip.
"What do you need, Ella, huh? Tell, daddy what you need."
"I need you inside me," she gasped softly, completely submissive.
"You want me to fuck you?" Jeff had to hear her say it for a couple of reasons.
"Yes. Fuck me, daddy."
The power trip was enough alone to bring Jeff to the brink. Having his virgin daughters consent caused his balls to tighten and his cock to harden that little bit more. Leaning forwards, Jeff reached out and pulled the blindfold from his daughters head.
"This is a special moment for you, Ella. You need to remember this with your eyes as well as your feelings."
Ella looked lost, blinking her eyes until they adjusted to the light. She then focused on her father on his knees between her legs.
"Can I lose the handcuffs now?" she hoped.
"No. You'll be safe but I need you like that."
"Because you look so hot and vulnerable. Because you're a virgin and right now I'm not your father."
Feeling confused, dazed and drunk on lust, Ella accepted her fathers decision and tried to relax, waiting for THAT moment.
"Are you ready?" Jeff whispered and pressed a little firmer, pushing his cock into her opening.
Ella winced and gasped. "Yes."
"It'll hurt for a second but then you'll only feel pleasure. I promise."
"Ok, daddy."
"There's a good girl."
Jeff pushed a little deeper and felt his daughters hole stretch. The resistance was tight, very tight, and they both gasped. Ella closed her eyes and pulled on the handcuffs.
Knowing she was about to lose her womanhood sent excited shudders of anticipation throughout her aroused, teen body.
"Uhhhhhhh... daddy... uhhhhhh... yes," Ella wilted. Nothing was going to interrupt this special moment between the pair, and Ella knew she wanted it more than anything now.
Jeff concentrated and watched his daughters reaction. Her eyes had drifted closed and he thought she looked like the hottest thing he'd ever see in his life. Handcuffed to the bed, completely submissive and complicit. Her eighteen-year-old body, virgin ripe and smooth, perfectly conditioned and responsive body was begging to be penetrated with cock.
He pushed into his daughters body slowly and tried to control his groans as much as possible. Ella moaned, looking so beautiful and sexy. Her mouth opened as she breathed and her pretty face looked so innocently aroused.
Jeff continued pushing his rock-hard cock, his thick, oversized cock, for a virgin anyway, a bit at a time into his daughters tight juicy pussy.
"Hhhhhhuuuuuuh!" Ella inhaled suddenly and deeply. "Uhhhhh!" she then exhaled in a moment of discomfort. Her hymen was gone forever.
"Rrrrmmmhph!" Jeff groaned through gritted teeth, the moment he felt and pushed through his daughters thin wall of soft tissue and into her vaginal canal.
Jeff had never taken a girls virginity before, every girl he'd ever slept with, including Ella's mum, his wife, had already spread their legs for a guy before him.
Ella started gasping quietly and softly, knowing she was no longer a virgin, then she started panting as she felt her insides being pleasurably stretched. She'd never felt this wet before, and Jeff couldn't believe a pussy could feel so tight around his cock.
He pushed deeper inside his daughter, groaning as he stretched through her soft, tight pussy. The wet internal walls contracted around his shaft, gripping and pulling him deeper inside. For Ella it was a different but equally enjoyable experience. Her fathers cock rubbed and stimulated her in ways she never thought were possible.
Then finally, Jeff was buried to the hilt. All eight inches of his solid, throbbing, male meat was buried inside his daughter, the tightest hole he'd ever put his cock inside.
Jeff rested there for a moment, allowing his daughter to relax and get used to the feelings and sensations... and his size.
"How are doing there, Ella? Are you ok, baby?" he breathed, his body shaking slightly.
"Yes, daddy," she breathed back, finally opening her eyes and smiling. "I'm doing great!" she giggled for a second.
Jeff smiled and began to slowly move his hips backwards and forwards, side to side in small circles, allowing his daughter all the time she needed. All the time her tight pussy needed to get used to the feeling of being stuffed with cock.
"I don't want this feeling to end," Ella moaned. Jeff grinned and continued gently grinding his hips.
"Neither do I, baby," he smiled into her eyes, filling and rubbing her insides.
Ella's tight pussy began to make noises that matched her breathing. Sucking and squelching as her father pulled back and began to thrust in and out by only a couple of inches at a time. As his daughters moans became louder and needy, he thrusted a few more inches until he was able to pull back with just the thick head of his cock inside her.
"You feel amazing, baby!" Jeff grunted.
"So do you, daddy!"
"Daddy needs to fuck you now, baby. Are you ready?"
"Yes!" Ella gasped. The anticipation of having a thick cock, ready to fuck her properly, had reached fever pitch. "Fuck me, daddy!"
With a deep animal like grunt, Jeff pushed the full length of his thick cock deep inside his daughter. In a split second he was balls deep again. Ella cried out in pleasure. Her father pulled back then drove into her again, Ella repeated her cries of pleasure, over and over again.
Back and forth Jeff fucked his daughter with deep, gentle thrusts. It didn't take long before Ella started crying out in ecstasy, but her father didn't stop, he couldn't. Watching his daughter lose control during an orgasm only made him move his hips faster.
Ella was delirious. She was screaming and gasping while her pussy spasmed out of control. As Jeff increased his strokes he realised his daughters orgasm wasn't going to subside. It just kept going.
Ella's eyes rolled around like she was high on some potent drug, before she wrapped her legs around her fathers body and started demanding he fuck her harder. She wasn't even aware of who she was, where she was, or who was fucking her. The sensations were so intense she just didn't want them to leave her body.
Jeff wished he could release his daughter from the handcuffs and fuck her in so many different positions, but his cock wasn't going to let him pull out until he had properly finished fucking his daughter.
Two orgasms later, one after the other, Ella's body failed her, and she went limp. Her legs fell from her fathers body and she just laid there like a doll, a sex doll.
Jeff groaned and grabbed his daughters tits. The contrast between Ella's soft, teenaged breasts and her tight, wet teenaged pussy had him grunting like a wild beast. He ploughed away between her legs until suddenly, he tensed.
Ella groaned and began to move again, but not with the same energy she had before. She felt her father reach and stop in the depths of her pussy, then something warm accompanied his groans of ecstasy.
That warmth flooded her insides. The throbbing and pumping adding more warmth each time. As her fathers groans became quieter and his breathing displayed a calming satisfaction, Ella smiled. She knew her father had just filled her with his warm, sticky cum. It brought her a different level of satisfaction.
Minutes later, father and daughter were laying in each others arms. No handcuffs, no words, just two naked bodies comforting each other. Then it came to a shuddering halt.
"Bravo!" Hannah said, walking into the bedroom clapping her hands. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist," she then giggled.
"Sorry, dad," Ella blushed, squirming out of her fathers embrace and off the bed.
Jeff sat up in total shock and disbelief. His cock flaccid, and covered in his daughters love juice, he was speechless.
"How was your first time, darling?" Hannah smiled, hugging her naked daughter.
"Amazing," Ella replied. Hannah beamed and kissed her daughter on the head. "I'm glad to hear it. Now get yourself cleaned up. We have another day of shopping ahead of us."
"You both set me up!" Jeff complained.
Ella left the room with a big, guilty grin on her face, leaving her mother and father alone. They surely had important matters to discuss.