Hunter’s Sexy Snippets

Chapter 403: Daddy's Dirty Buttslut part 1 by Neon_Ultra

"Ohh yeah, fuck my pussy, fuck your little girl's wet cunt, fuck me harder daddy, harder! Why do you never fuck my bottom daddy? Do you not like my big, sweet ass? Do you not want to penetrate my tight, hot butthole? Please daddy, see me holding it open for you, please fuck my bum daddy, I promise I won't tell..."

You wake up suddenly, to the sound of a clattering downstairs. You were so close to sodomising your cute daughter in your dream too. Frustrated, you sit up and look at the clock. 3:00am. You blearily rub your eyes and put boxers on. Your daughter, Ana, must be back from her night out and drunkenly making a racket. You head downstairs to check out out the damage, trying to push the image of your daughter riding your cock out of your mind so you don't surprise her with a sizeable tent in your boxers.

You enter the kitchen to see half the pots and pans on the floor. Ana is slowly and clumsily trying to gather them all up.

She looks up as you enter. "Daad! I'm sorryy! Did I wake you up?" She says, in the lusty tones of someone who's been drinking and singing over loud music all night.

You rub your eyes again. "Uh-huh." You say unnecessarily.

"They just all fell out the cupboard." She says, giving you the puppy dog eyes.

"Uh-huh." You say again. Your eyes open a little more as they adjust to the bright lights of the kitchen. Ana was already out by the time you'd got home so you hadn't seen her leave. Now you see she is in one of her usual cockteasing get-ups. A halter top holds her large, pert and thrust out breasts, with as much cleavage on display as she can manage. She is tottering about in her high heels, which complement her petite stature. She is also wearing one of sexiest (i.e. shortest) miniskirts, which shows off what, in your opinion, is her best asset: her expansive bubble butt. At the moment it is pretty much falling out of the thin strip of material that makes her skirt, the lower part of the cheeks clearly visible from the back or even the side, given the jutting out nature of her full apple bottom. Her small frame and size makes her curves appear even more impressive.

"I see you're dressed per usual." You say, a little sardonically. Some fathers you know would not let their teenage daughter leave the house dressed like that, but you know she's an adult and can dress how she likes. Well... that's how you reason it out loud, but the truth is simply that her boner-inducing outfits are just too sexual to forbid. Many a time you've masturbated thinking back to how she looked in them, imagining bending her over, lifting up her miniskirt and thrusting hard in between her meaty buttcheeks.

"Yes daad." Ana rolls her eyes. "We both know you like it more than anyone." She giggles.

You let this comment slide. You and Ana are well used to being cheeky and mock-flirtatious with each other. "Don't you think you're showing a bit too much...erm... skin?" You ask lamely, both of you knowing you're not going to make a thing of it.

"Not really dad, too much where?" She smiles like a minx, and wobbles a little on her high heels.

"From that wagon you're dragging." You grin.

Ana laughs, and spins around so her back is to you. "You mean this little thing?" She clamps her small hands on her cheeks, giving them a squeeze and making you groan inwardly.

"Not so little." You tease. "Those apples look ripe to be plucked."

"Well fuck them then." She clamps a hand to her mouth and giggles. "Oops! I meant pluck them then!"

You don't know if the slip was intentional or not, but either way you're struggling to keep your cock from rising up. "Bit naughtier than normal are we?" You manage, her back still turned to you and her sexy globes staring at your eyes.

"Maybee. Being naughty is fun!" She gives a little bounce, making her asscheeks wobble up and down.

At this you groan outwardly. "C'mon Ana, you're killing your poor old dad here! We need to get you into bed."

"Aw, does my booty excite you too much dad?" She laughs. "You say you need to get me into bed?"

"But of course." You say in a sarcastic tone but actually fully agreeing with her spin on your words. "Your ass is just too much for me, young lady."

"I bet it is." She gives another bounce. "It's too much for everyone."

"No such thing as too much." You say truthfully. You hope she doesn't turn around anytime soon as your large cock is definitely starting to tent your boxers.

"Maybe not for you dad." She squeezes it again. "You've never even tried it out though."

You're not sure if she's still joking about or not by now. "Tried it out?" You query, the image of sodomising her popping into your mind and refusing to leave.

"Everyone loves to give my ass a squeeze in clubs. It got squeezed like four times tonight. I pretend I don't like it but I actually love the attention and it feels good too, getting it touched up. The guys who do it are jerks though. It's never had a really good fondle. They usually pay more attention to my big tits. Can't say I blame them! But yeah... you should totally give my bottom a try, everyone else has! You're missing out!"

"You mean you've... you've done it... there?" Your cock has got to half-mast.

"No daad, you and your dirty mind! I mean everyone else has touched it at one or time or another so why not you too. I haven't done anal though. Nobody has ever wanted to do it." She sounded disappointed.

"I can't believe that!" You say, your eyes widening. Is this actually happening, or is it a wind-up?

"Geez, put your hands on my ass alreadyy. You know you've wanted to for ages." She hiccups.

"And besides, those that were into anal and that and weren't put off by my big ass were put off.. by stuff." She says, hesitantly.

"How could anyone be put off by this sexy butt?" You finally take the opportunity you've longed for and place your hands on her bottom, giving it a big squeeze. It's so full and soft, it feels amazing.

Ana gives the slightest of moans and bends forward, pushing her ass out a little more towards you."That's right daddy, feel my big ass up. That feels niice. You really think it's sexy? People are mean about it."

Your heart beats faster on hearing the word 'daddy'. This kinda thing is straight out from your fantasies. You really hope you're not still asleep, as it certainly feels like a dream. Is it wrong to feel your daughter's ass? Do you even care? You've been thinking about it for too long now to pass up, and in your sleepy, slightly befuddled state you are more than a little excited to see what else it might lead to, morality be damned.

"Of course it's sexy honey, it's an amazing ass. Everyone else are just jealous. They wish they could have such a fuckable ass." You hesitate, hoping you haven't said anything too far.

Ana giggles. "Thankss! I like that compliment. You really think my ass is fuckable daddy?"

You decide to be brave, and pull out all the stops."Of course honey. The most fuckable one I've ever seen. I still don't understand what could put people off it."

"Mmm, keep feeling your silly drunk daughter's ass up. I'm more a tease than anything, I don't pull properly often. The only guys who have come close to being in my bum turned their noses up at it."

"Whyever would they do that?" You can't imagine a single good reason.

"I mean actually turned their noses up at it. They said it was smelly and dirty and that I was nasty. I can't help it though...And they told other people and it was only my friends who defended me. I haven't had sex in like ages because of it. It's not fair. I can't help it!" She sounded genuinely upset.

"Sssh, silly." You're properly groping her ample ass now, and your cock is rock hard. She'd have to see it sooner or later. "They were just immature, kids who didn't realise what a gorgeous girl you are and what your perfect ass is worth, and what anal is supposed to be like. Anal is supposed to be dirty. That's the whole draw."

"Thanks daddy. I did always kinda think that to myself. I mean it's where people poo from isn't it? If you want to have sex there then it's just silly to expect it to be clean... or want it to be clean."

"All natural is always better. Flavour is better. Who wants to eat or fuck something bland? The most popular shower gels are always the ones with all those crazy jungle extracts aren't they? And without spices curries would be nothing. Nobody complains about pussy juice either cause they have a sweet tooth or they're too used to it. But gimme that savoury booty juice any day!"

"I've never thought of it that way daddy, but you're right. I think I'd prefer to taste my ass all funky too, if I was gonna. I imagine the taste kinda being like a greasy Sunday roast dinner, mixed with, erm, beer... like bitter?"

"Pretty much baby. You're an astute young girl." You can tell by her silence that she might not know what that meant, so you plow on, all the while increasing the squeezing and fondling of her hot buttcheeks. "If those kids who turned your ass down didn't want anal sex to be dirty then they should just stick to fucking pussies. Actually, screw that, they can just go and read a book and quit even thinking about what great sex is! Virgins and jock teenagers like them can't ever be expected to appreciate what an ass like yours can give them. They're not real men if they turn their noses up at your rear instead of salivating over it."

"You think so daddy? You're not put off by it then?"

"Of course not!" You exclaim passionately. "I'd salivate all over it!"

"But you haven't got close enough really, you probably will be like the others." She looks back and up at you, pouting, her eyes glistening. She hasn't yet spotted your erection.

"There's no way of that honey. I'd just count myself as a very lucky man! It's already the best booty I've ever felt."

"Really, wow! Do you wanna see it then?"

"Definitely." There's no going back now.

Ana beams and quickly yanks down her white cotton panties. Before she kicks them away you see a brown stain, and your cock throbs almost painfully.

Ana looks behind her as she bends over, your impressive cocktent obscured by her own large, rounded and beautifully naked ass. "Part my big bumcheeks daddy."

You use your hands to do just what she said, and find yourself staring in disbelief. Her exposed ring was not the tight pink hole you had been expecting. Instead you are faced with a lewd brown hole, bulbous and thick rimmed around the edges, looking both abused and cock-hungry at the same time, winking at you as Ana twitches her ass muscles excitedly. You drink in the sight, wondering if it is as moist and burning hot to the touch as it looks. 


After a short while of you taking your time appreciating her asshole, Ana whines. "I knew you wouldn't like it Daddy!"

You laugh good naturedly. "Turn around honey, and look at just how much I love it."

Ana spins around and gapes at the flagpole in your boxers. "Oh my god daddy! Is that your cock? It can't be!"

"Why don't you pull my boxers down and see for yourself."

Ana yanks them down without hesitation and with childlike excitement. She gasps in amazement for a few seconds, her eyes wide. "Woww! It's so big and – and fat! And meaty! I've never seen one so big! Or one that looks so tasty! Mmm it looks delicious daddy!"

Your cock gives a little wiggle as a little more blood rushes through to the head. "You wanna try it baby?"

"Yes please daddy! Can I try and put it in my little mouth?"

"Sure thing honey, go nuts."

Ana squeals with delight as she places both her small hands on it, making it appear even more daunting by comparison. "I better suck on it and make it really wet if it's going to fit in my tight pussy, and especially in my hot little bumhole."

The little guy inside your brain does a dance. You're starting to get into your stride."Aw baby, you want daddy to fuck you? You know there's no going back after that?" You can't believe you're finally gonna make your dream come true. You are feeling very hotheaded in your excitement.

"Well duhh, why would I want to go back to being boring! I want to feel your big boner lodged deep in my booty! You know you want to fuck your daughter's bubble butt, you know it's even dirtier inside." She grins cheekily at you, her face a little flushed.

"Sounds sexy, baby. You better get to sucking then if we're gonna try to fit it in."

"Mmmm... I'm going to like this." She says, as she gets on her knees in front of you, sultrily parting her full lips and moving them towards your cock.

You give a little shiver as her soft mouth touches your meat, and her jaw opens wide as your head moves into her little mouth.

Her eyes cross a little as she swallows your meat further, making her appear adorably dumb. Her warm, wet tongue starts to work your meat as her mouth sucks away at it like it was a lollipop. In between sucking noises, she makes loud noises of contentment, like she was eating a particularly tasty snack.

"You like daddy's big cock in your mouth, baby?" You ask as her head bobs up and down.

She withdraws just long enough to coquettishly say, with a little precum and spit dripping off her lips, "Oh yes daddy! I want to suck on it all the time, it tastes so warm and salty!"

She starts to drool on your cock as she sucks it in and out of her warm mouth, with you spurting out precum onto her eager tongue. Every so often, when her mouth gets too full and sopping wet, to the point where its running down her chin, she gives a big swallow, and she makes a muffled moan as it all goes down her throat, ready to start collecting her daddy's prejizz anew.

"That's a good girl, make daddy's cock all sloppy and wet, ready to penetrate your perfect teen bottom."

"You gonna push it into my hot rectum daddy?" Her big round eyes look up at you like a puppy.

"Yes baby, your juicy rectum is gonna get stretched and filled up with some big meaty daddy-cock. Now get back to sucking and slobbering messily over your treat, silly slut."

She starts to gag herself on your cock, the large bulbous head pushing its way down her small throat and sticky saliva running out of her mouth and coating your shaft and balls.

"Good girl. Make it messy for daddy."

You place your hands on the back of her head and start to throat fuck her, enjoying the hard, sloppy sounds of your oversized cock pounding her throat, making her gag, yet you're also impressed by her ability to take it all.

Your head raises back in pleasure as she deep throats you all the way, even sticking her tongue out under your cock to lick your balls. You hold her there for more than a few seconds, with her drool running out of her mouth to coat your balls, before letting her off and allowing her to take in some deep breaths.

"That was so hot daddy! I love you face fucking me!" Ana's face was bright red, with her mascara running and big globs and strands of precum and spit dripping off her lips and chin.

"Aw, you look even sexier right now. We're gonna have to do that often. But now, stand up, I haven't had enough of that big hot ass of yours."

She happily obliges you, and you reach around her to go back to squeezing her peachy asscheeks, your sticky erect cock rubbing against her midriff.

"Ah, this is a much better position for feeling you up." You say, revelling once more in the glorious meaty globes.

"But not for eating my ass out!" She blurts out. "Joking daddy, of course."

"Why joking honey? You not like having your ass licked?"

She looks shocked. "I've never had it daddy. Nobody would dream of tasting my dirty ass."

"I would." You say, rubbing the crack of her ass with your finger.

Her eyes light up. "Wow, that'd be so cool! I wanna know what that's like! You sure you wouldn't mind?"

"It'd be my utmost pleasure baby. I like 'em dirty like yours. Seems to me all those who want an ass super clean in order to rim it are doing it more because they want to please their partner than them really enjoying, least of all craving, the act."

You kiss her on her full lips, and she kisses back passionately before pulling away, her eyes shining and a big smile on her face.

"That's so coool, cause my ass can get really dirty! You'd love it!" Her cheeks flush again and she looks so happy. She spins around excitedly, pushing her apple bottom out once more at you, and parting the cheeks to reveal her sordid butthole to your gaze. "Suck my ass daddy!"

You don't waste any time. Your face goes straight between her ample cheeks, and you are in Heaven as you taste her ripe, spicy butthole, pouting away for your tongue. You gently lick and tease your daughter's yummy bottom as you increase the pressure of the contact between her hot asshole and your tongue.

You are now french kissing her asshole, sucking on it like an infant sucks on a mother's nipple, as you cover her asshole entirely with your lips and push your tongue inside the clutching abyss of her asshole. The inside of her ass tastes so good and nasty that your pulling on your cock increases dramatically in speed.

Your tongue probes her warm rectum, her large booty completely obscuring your face and enveloping around your cheeks, making it difficult for you to breathe clearly.

"I can feel you breathing all hard and hot back into my butthole daddy... it feels so good."

You breathe harder for her, pushing moist and humid air up into her wetly sucking asshole.

"Mmmm. Could you like.. kiss me? If you like it this much I really wanna know what it's like. It must be pretty hot for you to be tonguing away at my nasty fat butthole for so long."

You move away from her ass."Of course I can, I'm sure you'll love it just as much as your daddy does. It's only fair to share your hot bum taste with you, after all it is yours!"

You stand up and turn her around by her petite shoulders. She raises her head, trying to stand taller in her heels, and you hold her tight as her mouth clamps onto yours and she forces her tongue into your mouth. You nastily kiss and tongue each others mouths for a minute, with your hard cock pushing into her again and your hands groping her bottom.

"Do you like the taste of your ass, honey?" You look into her eyes.

"Yes daddy, it tastes so good! Just like I thought it would, but nastier, which makes me feel so hot and dirty doing it! I love sharing my bum taste with my daddy."

You reach behind her and put a finger directly on her now sopping wet bumhole, gently rubbing it.

"I can't believe that such a wantonly lascivious asshole hasn't been penetrated..." You murmur. "By all rights you should already be a teen anal addict by now with a thoroughly promiscuous rear end."

"Better make up for lost time then daddy." She smiles. 


"Let's go up to the bedroom first, it'll be much more comfortable." You say.

"Okay!" Ana grins, and totters out of the kitchen. You follow her up the stairs, staring at her bouncy bubble butt as it wiggles its way up the stairs. Due to the angle and the shortness of her mini skirt, you can see her lovely young shaved pussy, glistening wet from her arousal.

She goes into your room and jumps on the double bed excitedly. She immediately gets on her hands and knees, her back bent downwards and her big ass stuck up in the air, like a stretching cat. She looks back at you.

"Do you want me like this daddy, like a whore?"

"That's tempting as hell but... later honey. I want to fuck your hot pussy first, and I want you to sit on it." You say.

She bounces up, a beautifully happy smile on her face the like of which you've never seen. "Okay daddy, screw my silly pussy before you get to the main course."

You lie down and quickly strip. She starts to do so as well, but you hold out your arm and stop her. "No, I think I want to fuck you in that slutty party outfit to begin with... Especially...damn... especially that hot little miniskirt."

"Let's be honest, it's more of a belt really!"

"Too right... wearing nothing but a little belt to cover your big round teenage ass... what kind of a slut are you?" You ask rhetorically.

"A daddy's slut of course!" She smiles, crawling across sexily and climbing onto you.

Your hard cock is pointing straight up and she presses it at her pussy lips. You feel the warm wetness of your daughter's private parts and breathe in deep.

"Are you ready to fuck your little girl daddy?" She whispers, pouting her full red lips and giving you her sultriest fuckdoll look yet. "You ready for your big...hard...cock... in my tight...little...pussy?"

"I was born ready." You steadfastly reply, every part of you geared to go now, and you place both hands on her asscheeks.

You think to yourself, 'no going back now' as your thick cock pushes against her tight pussy, but as wet as it is it still seems like it's going to take some force to get inside. Ana grinds up and down on her daddy's big cockhead, and it slowly starts to disappear bit by bit inside her. Her hot slutty face is getting redder and redder and you are almost groaning as you feel your fat cock force open your little daughter's hot wet cunt.

Finally you are as deep as you can go, and you start a fucking rhythm, squeezing Ana's sexy ass and sliding your cock in and out of her cumsqueezing pussy.

You pull down her halter top and unhook her push up bra, allowing her gorgeously sexy rack to come free. She leans forward to push her huge sweaty tits in your face, whereupon you proceed to devour them with your mouth and tongue, sucking on the big hard nipples and their soft surroundings, savouring the hot wet meat.

"Fuck!" Ana exclaims. "Suck my big tits daddy. Do you like how busty your daughter is?"

"Oh yeah honey, having such big boobs is so slutty, I love it."

"How couldn't I be a slut with these tits and this ass?"

Your cock is pounding her hard now, her mouth open in pure arousal as your hard meat pumps in and out of her juicy pussy.

She bites her lip as you bite and suckle on her tits."Your huge warm cock feels so fucking good in my hot pussy... I wish we'd fucked before now, I can't believe I've been missing out on my daddy's cock for so long!"

You move a hand to her hair, grabbing it tightly in your fist and using it as a force behind her head to pull her towards you as you pound away with increasing vigour.

"Mmm, fuck your slut, fuck your dirty whore daughter." She breathes hotly into your ear, her eyes semi-closed. "Your huge fat cock feels so good in my tight little cunt. My hot, wet, pussy always ready to be stretched open and filled with cum."

Fuck her dirty talk is sexy, you think to yourself. You take off her top and bra properly, tossing them aside, and roughly turn both of you to lie on your sides, pausing only to pull both her legs up and over each of your broad shoulders. You move both your hands to her back, wrapping your arms tight around her and clasping her to you as close as physically possible, her full breasts crushed into your chest.

"Use my hot little body, use it to jack off." She continues, her full sensuous lips panting hotly away and sending the occasional drip of warm saliva into your ear. "Masturbate yourself with your new favourite fuckdoll. I'm the sluttiest, most cum-hungry fucktoy you'll ever use daddy, and I badly need a big thick load of hot jizz spurted inside me. Use my fucking body to cum daddy!"

She can barely move now and you are doing most of the work, fucking her furiously to the sordid tune of her fucktalk. Right now you can't offer much in the way of replies to her; the immense aroused satisfaction - the pure sexual nirvana - you are finally achieving is so glorious after so long waited for that you can barely function beyond the sheer depraved mechanics of piston-fucking your daughter's tight cunt. All the pent up frustration you've suffered from for so long is now streaming out of you in relief and creamy prejizz, all going deep into the warmest, sexiest feeling pussy you've ever entered.

You can feel yourself on the edge.

Ana seems to sense it too. She starts to work her pussy muscles, clenching them around your cock and bucking away as you hammer deep into her. "I'm gonna make you cum in my pussy daddy!" She whispers excitedly.

You tremble, your cockhead disappeared deep inside her, your shaft coated with her abundant juices which have run all over your balls and legs, wet her mini skirt and even soaked the bed.

"Mmm yeah, cum in your young daughter, cum in my tight cunt. Don't worry about knocking me up daddy, I don't mind. Just fill me up with your hot sperm. I love the feeling, especially if there's a lot of it."

"Oh there's gonna be a lot of it, don't you worry." You pant, and only a few seconds later you ecstatically empty yourself into Ana in thick long spurts. You hold her throat with one hand, choking her a little, and use the other to slap her face several times as you cum hard.

This is enough to send her over the edge, and as she convulses in her own powerful orgasm you see her face go deep red and her eyes burn with the fires of degraded whorish lust as she gets her face abused while she is being pumped full of her father's cum.

Eventually, what seems like an age later, as you slow your deep thrusting to a standstill, you release her throat and she gulps in air thankfully.

"Oh god, I came so good." She whines. "Just feeling all that daddy cum in my wet pussy, I swear there was like a gallon of it!"

"It felt that way to me too, I can't remember the last time I came so much." You breathe hard, your cock still rock hard inside her, stuck in a pool of your own thick jizz.

"Thanks for slapping my silly face as I came daddy, it made it so special!" She smiled and kissed you on the cheek.

"No problem, I thought you'd like that." You grin, and tousle her hair, looking at her sweating, sexually flushed face, and thinking she's never looked hotter.

She looked cheekily at you. "So what's next daddy? I hope you're not done!"

You chuckle. "Honey, we're just getting started."

"Yay! What about my bottom, daddy?"

"What about your bottom?" You tease.

"Maybe you could play with it some more."

"Get back in that slutty position you first had."

Ana obediently gets on all fours on the bed, her arms down on the duvet and her head resting on her arms. Her back is arched up to her round miniskirted butt, which, blossoming out from her slim waist, is held up high in the air, eagerly presenting itself to you for inspection.

You kneel behind her, placing a hand on each of her soft, large asscheeks, drinking in the sight of her dripping little shaved pussy, already closed despite its recent accommodation of your fat cock. You put one of your fingers in your mouth to lubricate it.

She looks back at you both anxiously and adorably, and parts her buttcheeks with her hands for you, revealing her beautifully bulbous brown rosebud.

You place your hand at the entrance and lightly rub her moist virgin backdoor with your wet finger. Her bottom shivers a little in response.

You push forward, and she instinctively pushes outward, and her asshole opens up to your finger, blossoming outward in a widening and stretching ring, an alluring and licentious display. If her fat cinnamon ring had looked exciting before, it looked even better thickly bulging out for you.

You imagine that it must expand in this tantalising way every time she bears down on the toilet. You wonder if those protracted moans, grunts and groans you often hear are any indication of her satisfying pleasure of straining and stretching her butthole in this nasty way. You can't wait to make it gape later.

Your finger is disappearing inside her. It feels dirty, sticky, and warm -- oh so warm -- inside her clutching, wetly sucking anus.

"Does your daddy's finger feel good in your tight asshole?" You ask her, in a breathy voice.

Ana murmurs assent indistinctly, but pushes back at you, her ass swallowing up the rest of your finger.

"That's not good enough slut." You say sternly, taking on a more dominant tone, and you start to move your finger slowly in and out of her, pumping it between her full cheeks. "I wanna hear you say it, tell me you like your daddy's warm finger in your tight bottom."

Ana is squirming, succumbing to your dominant tones with obvious pleasure.

"I like my daddy's warm finger in my bottom." She replies, slightly strained.

"In your tight bottom." You say again.

"In my tight bottom." She repeats.

"I'm glad." You say, pushing your finger in as deep as it can go. "Because I like my finger in there, it feels nice and warm and tight around it, so I think I'll keep it there. Do you mind, baby?"

"No daddy" She replies, groaning a little.

"You don't mind your daddy keeping his finger stuffed in your dirty ass?"

"No, I like ittt." She whines.

"Good, because you don't have any choice anymore. How dirty is your bottom, honey?"

"It's dirty, daddy."

"It feels it, silly slut. An asshole isn't an asshole unless it's dirty. I'm not pushing my finger in you for nothing, I expect to get it warm and filthy and I will be disappointed if it's not."

"It'll get really nasty daddy, I promise. And I'll keep it dirty for you." Ana is breathing harder now, as your finger picks up the natural sordid wetness in her ass, allowing you to pump in and out with increasing speed.

"You better." You breathe, and stuff your finger up to the hilt again. You start to fuck her moist, steaming butthole hard, shoving your finger in and out as her ass sucks away on it. She begins to hump back against your hand.

"Your bumhole seems to like sucking on my finger, baby. Tell me, how does it feel to have your daddy play with your filthy bottom?"

"It feels so nice, daddy." She groans. "My bottom feels so hot and sexy."

"That's because you've got a bottom that wants to be played with all the time. And from now on I'm going to play with your bottom whenever I want."

She moans, realizing with utmost pleasure that you will be doing this more, forcing your finger -- or more - in her tight ass at every opportunity, whether she wants it or not.

"Oh yes." You smile, thoroughly enjoying yourself. "My little daughterslut's poor bottom won't feel empty too often from now on."

As you talk you are jacking off on your cock, which is leaking precum in anticipation of what could come next. "Push your fat bum back against my finger now. Do you like your daddy fucking your bulging bumhole with his finger?"

"Mmm oh yeah daddy, finger my tight wet bum good, get it deep in my dirty butthole." She moans harder, turning herself on with her own words and bucking back against your hand, both of you losing yourselves in the depravity of it all.

"Do you want another finger -- you wanna stretch your fat ass?"

"Yes please daddy!"

"How much do you want it?"

"More than anything, daddy!" She begs. "Please stretch my slutty butthole more!" 


 You push a second finger between Ana's peachy buttocks and into her deliciously warm anus, watching as her fat brown ring dilates and engorges open for you.

"Mmm... you're stretching my big beautiful balloon knot daddy." She whimpers.

"Aw you cute little whore." You breathe, thrusting your fingers in and out of her. "Do you want even more?"

"Yes pleassse."

"Well you're not getting any more." You say, withdrawing your fingers.

"Nooo daddy please! I need it!" Ana whines, seeming genuinely upset.

"I want to keep your ass tight, so I think I might fuck it now." You tell her authoritatively.

This reverses her emotions completely. "Oh yess! I can't wait any longer! Does my bottom look appetizing enough for you daddy?" She holds her asscheeks as wide open as she can and pushes her glistening butthole out, making it pout and wink seductively at you.

"It looks gorgeous baby." You position both of yourselves so you are lying on top of Ana, who has her legs propped up against her bountiful chest again, with your drooling fuckpiece held at the entrance to her soaking, bulging ringpiece.

"Are you ready to penetrate my virgin bottom, daddy?" She whispers, her eyes excited beyond measure.

"I think so honey."

"What do you mean you think so? Don't tell me you're not simply desperate to push that big dripping cockhead into my warm, wet rectum and destroy your daughter's fat, fuckable booty until I cry?"

"My bad, I meant to say just that. I've never wanted something more. Is your hot teen ass ready to be wrecked?"

"It's been ready since like forever. Rape my big beautiful bottom daddy."

Ana shoots you one more fuck-my-ass glance before her eyes roll back into her head and she cries out as you thrust forward, your fat cockhead forcing its way ever-so-slowly into your daughter's slick yet super-tight backdoor passage.

You feel her deep, thick sphincter, her gloriously big and puckered rosebud, open up to your entry. Your daughter's bottom seems very eager and receptive to your advances. It gradually stretches wider, blossoming in size as it enthusiastically seeks to envelop the cockmeat inside, as if its been waiting many years for such a treat.

"Oh god, oh god, daddyyy!" Ana cries as your cockhead pushes past her squelching brown ring and into her tight-as-fuck butt.

"Fuckk..." You groan. "It's so sexy feeling my cock forcing into your warm wet asshole. I can't believe how hot it feels inside."

You push more and inch by inch your cock forcefully slides into your busty daughter's tight bottom.

Her anal tunnel spreads itself wide to your powerful entrance, having no option but to stretch open its previously tight walls to the heated, invading thickness of your shaft.

She is squeezing her large boobs roughly, her eyes tight shut, her face bright red and her mouth wide open but making no sound.

"Keep playing with your busty melons my submissive daughterslut," You command, "and take your daddy's huge dick deep in your teenage bottom."

You keep on, knowing Ana is physically incapable right now of responding. "Do you like being buggered in your sticky anus by your daddy, whore? It's not all in yet bumslut, I know you can take more..."

You grunt as you continue your push, feeling inch by inch the inner walls of the very depths of her rear give way to your pre-cum leaking fuckstick. Ana's mouth stays locked in a large 'O' expression as you finally bottom out in her, as deep as you can go, your balls pressed up against her soft meaty asscheeks and every fat inch of your cockmeat crammed into her eighteen year old rectum.

"Fuck!" You and Ana say in unison. You laugh, while Ana just about manages a half giggle in between her hard breathing as she tries to get used to the log stuffed in her bottom.

"Ohhh, I feel so... stuffed!" She says haltingly, in between large breaths. A big fat cock... in my tight wet ass... it feels amazing! I feel like such a little slut... stuffed with hot daddy cock. It's better than being full of the biggest and hardest of poos!"

You chuckle at this odd but strangely enticing statement. "Oh you dirty girl."

"Yes daddy. I'm your dirty little girl with your huge cock buried in my poor little bottom."

You start to withdraw and thrust, sawing your cock slowly in and out of her fat buttocks.

"Ohh... Does it...feel nice" Ana whimpers, breathing raggedly.

"It's boiling hot baby... never felt an asshole so hot and wet inside as yours." You reply, eyes closed in sheer pleasure.


You increase the tempo bit by bit, your cock picking up the natural moisture inside her ass and mixing it with your precum, and the sounds of sloppy buttfucking increase in wetness as well as vigour.

After a few more minutes of horny incestuous bumlove, you shift to a spooning position. You have no trouble staying inside her during the changeover: her bottom has a suction-like grip on you as if it'll be some battle before it lets you go. It's a good thing that exiting her throbbing anus is the last thing on your mind.

"Do you like this fat cock being stuffed in your horny rectum by your loving daddy?" You pant in her ear, now fucking her from behind.

"Oh yesss, fuck your daughter's sopping wet ass! Pound the shit out of my fat booty! Ohhh!" She starts babbling as you bounce her back and forth on your cock, harder and harder, your hands squeezing her big tits and her soft sweaty asscheeks smacking against your thighs.

Within another minute you are pistoning in and out of your daughter's tight, comfy backdoor with relish, squirting out smooth precum to lather up her anal chute until the sounds of sloppy, sticky buttfucking and Ana's debased animalistic whines fill the room and the senses.

After only a few final minutes of brutal ass-pounding Ana's rising orgasm hits its crescendo and she cums hard, her head rolling around wildly and her big butt pushing hard back against your groin, taking you all the way inside her hot rectum and keeping you there, as she goes through the throes of her orgasm.

You feel her asshole throb and pulse around her cock as her pussy pours its juices onto the bed.

Eventually she relaxes, breathing heavily but slowly, and you pull slowly out her ass, which is harder than it sounds as it tries to suck you back into its accommodating depths.

You kiss her stickily on the lips and hold her close, as her deliciously gaping butthole starts to close.

"Did you like that sweetheart?" You ask.

"Oh daddy, it was amazing. The best thing ever! I want to do it all the time! But you haven't cum yet?" She looks at you questioningly.

"Oh I will honey, I was just giving you a moments rest! How about now?" You joke.

"How silly. I don't need rest!" She giggles. "Although... actually I could really do with a drink!"

"No problem." You grin, and head downstairs to get both of you a glass of water.

"Oh, water." Ana says a little deflatedly, as you head back into the room.

You roll your eyes. "You'll be dehydrated, and besides we don't have any of your schnapps or whatever it is you drink!"

"I knoww." She smiles, and gulps it down, while you drain yours, go to the toilet and give your face a splash.

"Can you bum me again now daddy? My poor bottom feels empty already." She says in a girlish voice, the very second you get back. She is back on all fours and waggling her cute bottom in your face.

"Bum you?" You ask, raising an eyebrow and smiling.

Ana giggles. "I heard it from someone. I think it sounds cute and silly. Daddy and daughter bumming away." She giggles again.

"Well, I think the phrase goes well with your silly cockhungry bottom. Ask me again honey and I might just do it."

"Come and bum me daddy! I need it so bad! Please stuff your desperate daughter in her tight sweaty bottomm!"

You watch as your daughter reaches behind her to clutch at her buttocks, pulling them apart with her hands to reveal once more her bulging anus, this time looking even more sordid than before. It is red raw and puckering out from its abuse, gaping a hole about the size of your thumb. It's also slimy with her ass juices, glistening in the soft light with steady globules of precum dripping out from the dark hole and down to her pussy, where it mixes with the outpouring of her sweeter juices.

You position your big cock at Ana's willing backdoor and press the impressive swollen head against your daughter's own swollen butthole. You gently rub your own precum into her distended ringpiece, adoring her excited groans and the way she pushes her asshole out at you, soaking your shaft with her leaking buttsyrup turned creamy from mixing with your copious prejizz, and all kept warm in the deep confines of her dirty rectum.

"Mmm.." She moans. "Rub your big sticky cockhead into my sticky rubbery butthole."

Ana shudders in her sexual anticipation, her engorged asshole opening and closing a little as it tries to clasp onto your meat, attempting to suck it inside.

You prod into your daughter's bubblicious bottom, watching with great arousal in how her cinnamon ring dilates and expands outwards to the pressure in its efforts to take in a most welcome intruder.

Ana lets out a long, blissed out groan as she feels the familiar but never disappointing feeling of her well-used bumhole expand, yet for only the second time in her life from her father's thick helmet popping through into her clutching, heated ass.

Ana, unable to hold back, and with a deeply satisfied cry, then pushes her greedy apple bottom back into your groin, causing your fat cockmeat to have nowhere to go but slide deep into her hot buttery anal depths.

You struggle not to toss your head back in ecstasy, in case you miss the amazing sight before you, as you experience the extreme arousal of your throbbing shaft gripped by a deliriously warm eighteen year old ass, specifically that of your eager little daughter.

Ana is now panting and softly moaning, trying to get used to quality daddy dickmeat once again buried to the hilt inside her bottom. Her big, wide asscheeks are wrapped around your cock and her full, sexy boobies are swinging beneath her.

You are breathing hard, as your daughter's burning hot teenage rectum grips you like a vice.

"Please fuck my bottom daddy." Ana begs needlessly but adorably. "Please fuck my big stupid ass doggystyle and teach me what it means to be a silly fuckdoll buttslut. My dirty brown ring and fat bumcheeks need punishing for wanting to be sodomised by my lovely daddy's horse cock."

You give her what she wants, and almost immediately the room is filled with the rich, tart smells of dirty buttfucking. Ana's messy backdoor fuckhole smells spicy and earthy in its wetness.

"Urghh... screw my perfect fucking ass daddy, ruin my big fat butt!" She yells.

You delight in her whorish moans as you fuck her juicy asshole, feeling it sopping and leaking around your plunging shaft. Her asshole has really opened up to you now, allowing you to go at a breakneck speed, and her face has gone bright red again as her greedy butthole gets quenched by your thick, dripping meat.

"Cum in my ass daddy! Jizz in your daughter's bottom!" Ana suddenly begs you after a while more.

"You want daddy to cum in your pretty little ass?"

"Yessss. I need to feel itt." She moans.

"Okay baby, daddy will help you out."

Your cock is now hammering Ana's tight greasy butthole with reckless abandon, as both your orgasms ride.

After one last breathtaking minute you exhale harshly as you release yourself in her anus, squirting out jets of warm jizz to lather her insides, causing her to immediately go into the throes of ecstasy herself.

"Squeeze the cum out around my cock, be a good little slut and push with your bum as I cum." You pant while you're both orgasming.

She squirms and strains, her silly screwed up face sweating and flushed, and the hot cum starts to run down over your shaft and coat your balls.

You don't stop. Your cock is still plunging into her slutty bumhole, where her pouring pussy juice mixes with the oozing cum forced out of her by a mixture of your thrusts and her ass muscles working away to please you. The sounds of the fucking grow wetter and wetter, the milky cum coating her lower asscheek and the length of your shaft.

The piglike rutting becomes frenzied and depraved as you continue to fuck your daughter's cumsoaked bowels, both of you indulging in the sickly, messy anal sex with wild abandon. You increase your speed, slopping your fuckpole out of Ana's engorged anus as she mauls at her big tits, massaging sweat, not to mention the pussy and anal juices she scoops up from reaching underneath and behind her, into the soft, supple flesh.

"Cum in my big butthole again daddy! Fill up your daughter's silly little bottom with your thick cum!" She commands you again.

You prepare yourself for one final time before you collapse. You were always good at recovery but you have not managed such a feat for a decade. You can only put it down to just how exhiliratingly hot and depraved the scenario is that you have found yourself in.

You let out a loud, drawn out groan as you shoot your final heavy load between your daughter's peachy buttcheeks.

"Yess daddyy! Mmmm give me my second dose of jizz in my bottom!" She moans, writhing about deliriously.


You wake up in the morning to Ana curled up close against you and asleep. She is sucking her thumb and breathing loud and hotly on your skin. Your arm is round her and one of her legs is draped across your thigh. You realise you both must have fallen straight asleep after the last load of cum in her bottom.

Her sexy body against yours, her warm breath and your morning erection means that you don't waste any time. Knowing she won't complain, you move carefully so that your stiff cock is pressed against her steaming pussy. As you rub her clit with your cockhead her body responds immediately, and she gets wet without waking up.

You coat your head and shaft in her juices, before slowly pushing your cock in her wet pussy, holding her tight, with one hand squeezing her bubblicious buttcheeks, revelling once more in your daughter's big round backside.

She squirms as your cock forces open her tight cunt, and, extremely deep sleeper though she is, her eyelids flutter open by the time you are halfway in. She stares happily into your eyes, and you smile back.

"What a lovely way to wake up daddy!" She says, taking the thumb out of her mouth. "Mmm... big daddycock screwing my silly pussy. Can you wake me up by pushing inside me every time? I mean if I don't wake up first and cram your cock in my little mouth."

"Absolutely." I say. "I think we'll be sleeping together from now on."

She smiles, eyes half-closed as you start a pace, pumping your daughter's sopping pussy, lathering the insides with creamy precum.

After a while of sexy daughter-fucking, she rolls away from you without warning, and presents her ass, pulling her cheeks apart to reveal her sordid hole.

She looks back at you cheekily, and you grin and cheesily thumbs up your approval.

"Did my asshole ever look nice and pretty daddy, or was it always this fucked up and distended?" She asks, flexing it out at you.

"I'm not sure baby, maybe one time you had a pretty innocent pink asshole but after all your huge thick poos, and now your daddy's hard cock, I'm happy to say that now you possess an abused-looking big fat rubbery brown butthole like I've never seen."

"I'm so glad I do. I love it. I look at it in the mirror all the time. I think it looks cute. I bet it looks even cuter now, bulging out for my daddy."

"Oh yes honey, you and your fat juicy butthole look so fucking cute right now. I haven't seen a cuter sight in all honesty sweetie."

"Mmm I bet daddy. Watch me push it out even more for you. Do you like my engorged steamy asshole? Getting all hot and red, masturbating to your daughter's huge ugly bumhole puffed out in your face?"

"Fuck yeah, push that hot fuckable ass out for me you nasty little girl. Oh baby, I can see your anus getting damp."

"I know daddy, it's gonna get wetter and wetter for you. It always gets moist when it's excited and I'm straining to push it out. It makes my thick hard poos easier to force out."

"I bet." You say, and reach out with your finger and touch it, rubbing your daughter's moist bumhole.

"Does my engorged asshole feel all rubbery and hot daddy? Finger my greasy fat butthole. Do you like your daughter's obscene pouting bumhole, all fat and sticking out like a whore?"

"I do honey, your fat suckable asshole is a temptation impossible for anyone to resist!"

"Then suck on it daddy, suck on my slutty butthole and taste how warm and dirty it is."

"Oh fuck yes." You say, and move into position. Your face buries itself between your daughter's big fat asscheeks, feeling them squeeze around your face until your mouth hits gold, or rather, pay dirt: Ana's dirty brown butthole, burning hot from her own libido. It tastes gorgeous. You begin to lick and suck your her asshole with wanton abandon as your her moaning increases in intensity.

"Oh fuck yeah." She moans. "Suck your daughter's dirty warm asshole. Eat my filthy ass. Do you like the taste daddy? Do you like the taste of your own daughter's dirty wet butthole?"

You 'mmmph' in agreement as Ana continues her nasty talk.

"Stick your tongue in daddy. You've cleaned the outside of my asshole now get in there and clean the inside. Give my nasty bum a thorough workout. I bet the warm inside of my ass is real nasty, it needs my daddy's wet tongue to make it nice and sexy. Yeah that's it daddy, tongue my fucking ass! Eat the honey from deep in my juicy rectum. Fuck your daughter's bottom with your hot tongue just after you fucked my pussy."

After another minute of deep rimming you pull your tongue out of her slick butthole with a wet noise. "I think I'm in love with your juicy asshole, baby." You pant, trying to catch your breath.

"Only 'think', daddy?"

"Alright I know I'm love with my daughter's greasy butthole. Not to mention your tight, horny rectum."

"Make love to it then daddy."

You aren't about to disappoint her. Ana's bottom is really wet now, and you pull away properly, your mouth all covered in her dirty ass juice. You can still taste her smelly brown hole on your tongue and you savour the nasty flavour as you move up behind her, pressing your big cockhead hard against her sopping wet brown asshole and pushing forward.

With a slight cry from Ana you watch as your cock slowly starts to open up her tight ass and slide in. She moans as she feels her ass once again being stuffed full of thick cock. There is a great pressure on your cock as her ass grips it tight, but you continue to stuff your huge cock in your daughter's ass, both of you utterly revelling in the feeling.

Finally you are as deep as you can go. Her bowels clamp round your heated cock, and the cum that you left in her from the night before lubricates it so when you start a motion going your cock comes out sticky and wet.

The sounds and smells of sloppy hot assfucking soon fills the room, turning you both on to even greater extents.

"How does it feel to have your butt stuffed with your daddy's fat cock, babyslut?" You ask Ana as she groans deliriously and furiously rubs her pussy.

"It feels so good daddy! I feel like there's a massive log of poo in my bottom. It's stretched my poor bum so much and it's so deep inside! Pound my hot teenage anus daddy, fuck it hard and deep and get your big cock covered in my warm bumbutter."

"You gonna taste my cock when it comes out darling?"

"What a silly question daddy. Of course I want to suck on it after it's been buried deep in my gorgeous anus, and gotten covered in my tasty bumbutter. Mmm I love that word. My hot bumbutter, smothering my daddy's cockhead and leaking out around it and coating your balls as deep inside me you pump it into a mush."

"Yeah baby, I like it too. Your sexy bumbutter feels so thick and warm around my shaft. I bet your buttsyrup will get even tastier when I've mixed it with dollops of my creamy jizz."

"Oh yess, I'd love that! Mmm fuck my bottom deep daddy."

You start to fuck her ass slowly, relaxing her butthole with your massaging cock. You decide not to fuck her rough like before, but give her a deep, short and sensual penetration, only withdrawing a couple of inches at a time, taking great pleasure in rutting away so far into her rectum, the previous deposit of cum squelching out around your shaft. Your embrace her, holding her to you in your arms, and she kisses you with longing passion as you slowly ream your daughter's sticky bowels.

"I'm so glad I started buttfucking you." You say simply.

"Mmm. So am I, so much. I don't know how I survived before. Daddy-daughter buttfucks are special."

"They sure are. You like it when I make love to your bottom, baby?"

"It's already my favouritest thing in the world daddy. I love it when you fuck it rough and hard like before too, and treat me like a nasty slut, but this is just so lovely and special, just you and me, my daddy making love to my bum and making it all warm and wet. I feel so loved and adored. Being held so close in your big strong arms while you lovingly pump your little girl's bottom as deep as you can and get all warm inside me."

After another ten minutes of incestuous buttfucking, you half close your eyes as you pump harder into Ana's anus, about to blow your large wad up your darling offspring's buttocks.

You feel your testes churning, and after another few aggressive thrusts you can't hold back any longer. Ana's bloated, dilated asshole sucks away at you as you let out a deep bellow, pouring out fountainous surges of your ballmilk to fill up her bowels like a waterhose.

She lies there, flexing and winking her butthole, letting the odd globule of cum squeeze out but reaching out with her finger, scooping it up and pushing it fiercely back inside, then taking her cumslick finger and sucking on it noisily.

You move up to her face and push your cock, dirty from being deep in her ass, to her cumslippery lips, and she happily takes it into her mouth. The cock was still hot from her ass, and no doubt tasted carnal and sexy. The taste of her ass makes her incredibly turned on. She takes the cock deep in her mouth, sucking hard to get as much flavour as she can.

"Mmm suck your daddy's fat cock." You moan. "You seem to love the taste of your dirty little butt. There's gonna be a lot more where that came from. I'm going to give you a lot of filthy ass flavours to taste from now on." You withdraw the cock from her sticky lips, a strand of cum-thickened drool attaching her to it.

"I hope so daddy! I love the taste of my ass, I can't get enough! But right now I want your cock back inside me. I'm so empty!"

"Okay honey." You get her on all fours. "I can't believe I just can't get enough of my little daughter's juicy bowels. But your sticky wet bowels just feel like Heaven when they open up to your daddy."

"What's not to believe daddy? Who could resist my big bottom, when it's just so warm and dirty wet inside? My slutty bottom is so full of sticky hot anal jam and bumbutter today, it needs mushing up really bad. Can you help with that daddy?"

"It's my pleasure baby, you want your filthy teenage rectum pounded up? You want to engage in some sloppy hard anal with your daddy?"

She waggles her bottom at you, looking all innocent."Yes pleeaase."

You elicit a piercing scream from Ana as her sensitive butthole spreads obscenely open, invaded as it is by a thick root of swollen, veined meat. You make no attempt to cease your push, sinking your cock right into the fat-assed slut's clutching bowels, the tight walls of which are given no chance to adjust, simply stretched out as they are driven into by your daughter-pleaser.

You feel your hard cockmeat plunge into what feels like thick, warm honey, encased in the close confines of the tight hot water bottle that is your daughter's delicious teen anus. Maybe the buttfucking somehow brings it out from deep inside her as her ass muscles relax to a pounding cock.

"Can you feel how greasy my anus is inside daddy?" She whispers in your ear.

"I can feel it baby, I can feel it squelching away. I can't believe my daughter is such a sloppy buttwhore."

"Since today that's all I want to be daddy. Fuck my sloppy, squelchy, stretching asshole and cream me good."

You fuck your daughter's ass harder and harder, with a fistfull of her hair, a hand slapping her jiggling asscheeks, and her big sweaty tits swinging beneath her.

"Mmm yesss!" She cries, fiercely banging her bottom back against your groin with each thrust. "Fuck my warm and messy teen bottom and teach me what it means to be daddy's silly fuckdoll! Punish my horny brown ring for wanting nothing less than to be sodomised every second of every day non-fucking-stop like the pretty little buttslut I am."

Her sex talk has got your libido on fire, and you change position so you don't cum too soon, lying down on the bed and having her straddle you reverse cowgirl. She makes as if to immediately sit her ass down on your cock, but you steady her.

"Not so fast...suck my cock with... no baby, suck it with your butthole. Do you think you can do that honey?"

"I think so daddy, I'll give your big cock a blowjob with my hot bottom." She slides very slowly down, letting your engorged cockhead just inside her rubbery brown ring before sinking down a little, pulling up a little, sitting down a bit more.

"That's a good girl, suck daddy's cock with your warm sloppy wet butthole... Push your juicy brown hole down on daddy's cock."

Her asshole slurps away at your cock, drawing it deep inside with suction and squeezing it tight for a second before pulling itself free, then bearing downwards once more in the superb anal blowjob -- your daughter's special buttjob -- that you are receiving.

After a few minutes of this slow Heaven, you spin her around so she is facing you, and grab her fat buttcheeks. She moans as you start to fuck her properly, pushing her up and down on your lap with your hands and you upthrusting thighs slamming into her butthole.

"Bounce me up and down on your cock daddy.. bounce my little round bottom up and down like your little whore! Your silly buttslut daughter loooves bouncing on her daddy's cock, all safe and snug in her hot teenage bottom."

As she is bouncing up and down on your cock, your thick shaft fucking in and out her sticky, sweaty buttcheeks, her warm bumbutter runs down your legs.

Her hand moves to her rear, and she groans as she feels the mess she is making.

"You wanna taste your sloppy whore butthole baby?" I ask, squeezing her tits now. You wanna taste your bumslut juice on your father's cock?"

"Fuck daddy I wanna taste it so bad, my slutty rectum feels so wet and full, I can feel my juices running out of my pounded buttpussy, covering your cock and drenching your balls, I wanna lick and suck it all off... suck on the butt lube that's dripping off your balls, making a 'your-daughters-a-buttslut' puddle beneath us."

"Well here's your treat..." You pull out of Ana's clutching anus, pushing her on to her back. You hover your sticky, dirty cock over her face, and smile as you see her tongue stuck out and her eyes closed in absolute anticipation of tasting both her daddy's cock and drooling precum, and her own nasty ass syrup. 


Ana moans in adoration as you feed your soiled cock, hot and fresh from deep in her bowels, into her mouth. Her tongue bathes your shaft as her lips wrap around it, and she sucks on it greedily. Her eyes are closed in pleasure. Her uniquely messy blowjob approach causes her to dribble drops and strands of spit and pre-cum all over her face.

"That's it baby... suck daddy's cock hard, take it deep... make daddy cum in your little mouth." You pant.

You lightly slap her face a couple of times, and smear the mess around her face. She is rubbing her pussy hard and squirming about.

"There's a good little slut... show how good you are at sucking cock... make daddy cum."

She has one hand now stroking and squeezing your large balls. She opens her eyes and you withdraw for a second. She takes a big swallow of all the pre-cum you had squirted on her tongue.

"Cum in my mouth daddy! Gimme your fatty, creamy cum." She begs. "I want it so thick it's like eating yoghurt! I want my happy meal daddy, I wanna slurp it all about in my slutty mouth... Coat your daughter's greedy tongue with your hot fucking load of jizz!"

You sink back into her anticipating mouth to a loud contented sound from your daughter. Your cock is sucked even harder now, all wet and nasty. You squeeze her big tits from behind you and she massages your balls and prostrate, eager to be used as your cum receptacle,

After another minute of the sloppy incestuous blowjob, you groan as you pump thick, gloopy dollops of cum into Ana's little mouth. She swallows slowly and deeply, only when her mouth is full. She does this three times, such is your load, and gives a big 'mmmph' moan after each swallow.

When you are done, you pull out and sit off her, and she smacks her lips happily.

"That was was gorgeous daddy!" She says, rubbing her sticky wet face and popping the fingers in her mouth to lick clean. "It was the thickest, tastiest cum I've ever had! I never wanted it to end."

"Anytime, honey." You say. "I like giving my daughter her morning milkshake."

"Morning yoghurt you mean." She beams.

It is several hours later and you have both had breakfast and lunch, and, it being a Sunday, you have been reading while Ana has been watching some of her trashy daytime TV programmes.

You couldn't stay away from each other for long though, and now, after you have been faced with Ana irresistibly wiggling her big booty at you, you are both back to rutting away, this time on the big sofa in the lounge.

"Mmm molest my tight wet bottom, daddy" She whimpers. You have gone straight to fucking her asshole.

"Yes...yes... Fuck me like a piece of meat... fuck my fat ass meat." She pants as you fuck her harder, in the spooning position, her fat buttcheeks nestled into your groin.

"Does my dumb little buttslut like being daddy's meatfuck?" You say, grinding deep into her squelching anus.

"Mmm, I love it when you call me dumb and stupid, daddy. Makes me feel like a silly fucktoy, just used for my dirty ass."

"You wanna be a cumdumpster too, dumb slut?"

"Oh yes pleaase." She whines. "I wanna be my daddy's cumdumpster so baddd. Fill my nasty holes up with buckets of your warm jizz and then just push me away once I've served my purpose. And when you come back punish me if any has leaked out... no matter how hard it is to keep it inside my bottom when my silly anus is gaping wide open after being wrecked so bad."

"You busty little cumdump daughter." You say. "I'll fill you up with cum again and again until its pouring out of you."

You continue to ream her sloppy brown fuckhole, your big cockhead rapidly disappearing and appearing in and out of your daughter's juicy sphincter while you aggressively slap the jiggling sides of her expansive buttcheeks.

"Uhh! Oh! Fuck my fat ass!" Ana yells out. "Fuck my big fat ass... reward me for being such a bottom-heavy tease! Always having my big booty falling out of my clothes, always shaking it for attention, always bouncing up and down like a silly dumb cumdumpster."

"This is your reward for being a slut." You grunt, pounding between her sweaty buttcheeks.

After a bit more beautiful anal abuse, you pull out only to sink straight into Ana's other hole.

"Ohhh!" Ana cries in ecstasy. "Yess! Pound my slutty little pussy daddy, fuck your silly daughter's tight wet cunt!"

Your pace slows, as you don't want to cum yet, and you screw her soaking pussy with deep, measured thrusts.

"Oh you are so fucking hot." You groan, mauling her huge teen boobs.

"I know daddy."

You fuck her pussy for another minute before she pipes up again.

"You know how I used to cry a lot as a kid daddy?"

"You still do if I recall right." You respond jokingly.

"I know daddy, that's because I like being a crybaby."

"Let me guess, you wanna be a silly crybaby when daddy is inside your bottom, or your little pussy?"

"Yesss... I want you to make me cry when you're fucking me."

"How stupid." You say, lightly caressing her cheek.

"I know I am daddy."

"And how do you suggest we go about making a cockhungry slut like you cry from fucking?"

"Just slap my face a lot and call me names, make fun of me, make me feel like a stupid baby, pull my hair, make me beg, make me out to be just a dumb cumdumpster..."

"You are a dumb cumdumpster baby. That's all you're good for."

"Mmm yes daddy. Like that. Just keep being nasty to me while fucking me hard and I'll cry like a baby when I'm near cumming 'cause it'll all be so intense."

You start slapping her face, very lightly at first, then getting harder and harder, as you fuck her heated wet cunt. You switch position until she is on her side but facing you, so you can look her in the eyes. You hold her tight against you, your arms around her back and on her ass, and her legs wrapped around your waist.

"You want daddy to cum in your pussy?" You murmur.

"Yesss daddy."

"Say please, dumb slut."

"Please daddy! Please give me your cum!"

"That's not good enough fucktoy, I want you to beg."

"Pleeease daddy! I need it! I need to feel your big cock spurting buckets of hot thick cum in your dumb little daughter's womb!"

"Silly baby." Is all you reply, as you keep slapping her face, watching with disguised delight as it gets redder and redder and she gets more and more worked up.

"Noooo! Daddyy! I need your cum so bad! Fill up my tight pussy, make me daddy's cumbunny! Pleaaase!" She is whining more and more, looking like she is having a tantrum, making pathetic noises inbetween her moans as you continue to hold her close to you as you lovingly pump her soaking teenage pussy with your cock.

"Do you know dumb you look right now? With your father deep inside you, watching you beg and squirm because you can't get your cum?"

"Do I look stupid daddy?" She looks at me expectantly.

"You look so stupid baby. That's why I'm slapping your red face so much. You look like a vacant fucktoy."

"Your fucktoy wants cummm daddy, pleaase."

"I might consider cumming in you if you cry for daddy like a good little baby."

"I wanna be a good baby for daddy... you're gonna make me cryyy."

You start to fuck her hard again, keeping to short strokes deep in her pussy but forcing yourself in with rougher, faster thrusts.

"You still want daddy's cum, slut?"

"Yess please daddy! Jizz in your daughter's slutty cunt!"

"Not so fast, cumbucket. Tell me what you are."

"I'm a whore, daddy."

You give a stinging slap across her face and she yelps like a wounded pup. Her eyes glisten. "Yes, but that's not good enough. What kind of a whore?"

"I... don't know daddy. I just need your cum in me!"

Another slap, and you grab her hair in one hand and keep it pulled taut enough that it hurts her. Tears spring to her eyes.

"Shut up fuckslut. I decide when and where to cum, not you."

"I'm sorry daddy! I'm just so desperate... and I'm so close!"

"I don't care fucktoy, you're just my piece of meat to use as I please. Tell me what you are again."

"I'm your piece of meat daddy. Use and abuse me, just rape my silly pussy."

"That's what I'm doing baby. What are you good for?"

"To fuck..."

You slap her hard again and yank her hair. Tears start to run down her cheeks, and she's making mewling pitiful noises intertwined with heightened moans and short ragged breathing.

"I'm... I'm only good to be raped daddy, I'm a silly bigtitted slut, just a walking, giggling cumdumpster for any and every guy that can get an erection. Rape your slutty daughter daddyyy. Use my cunt for your seed."

"Tell me how stupid you are baby."

"I'm so stupid daddy... I'm a stupid whore."

"Everyone makes fun of you behind your back for it." You whisper into her ear.

"I know daddy... they all laugh at how dumb I am, and call me a massive whore behind my back." Her face is wet with her tears, just as it's apparent from her sounds that she's also approaching orgasm.

"They all just think about when they can rape you."

"Oh daddy.." She's sobbing now, her mascara is running down her face, which is glowing the colour of beetroot. "They can rape me anytime daddy, I'm too dumb to understand its wrong... I just let them pull my panties down and force it in me."

"That's all your good for. Cry for daddy. Your face looks so stupid right now baby."

"I'm crying while you rape my pussy daddyy... I'm gonna cummm!"

"Good girl, cum for daddy while crying. I'm going to give you what you wanted now, lots of thick creamy family jizz deep in your womb."

"Ohh daddyyy..."

You give her one last slap and pull her hair hard as you finally give in, emptying your cock milk into your daughter's wet, warm pussy. Ana writhes underneath you in absolute ecstasy, feeling her orgasm overwhelm her as she is finally filled up with what she's been so desperate for. Spurt after spurt comes out of you and Ana is almost screaming she is moaning so loud.

"Oh daddy! Yes! Cum in me! Fill my slut pussy up! Cum in your stupid daughter-whore's womb! Knock me up daddy! Knock up your dumb crying daughter!" She is babbling nasty fucktalk, so lost in the moment that she doesn't even care what she is saying. "Make me your useless breed slut daddy! Keep my pussy filled to the brim with jizz and knock me up again and again!"

"Daddy's knocking you up baby!" You pant as you continue to pump her full of boiling hot semen.

When you have finished filling her up, you stroke Ana's deeply flushed face, making your hand wet from her cheeks and gathering her still falling tears with your fingers, as she is panting hard, trying to recover from her orgasm.

You're still deep in her pussy, your cock still slowly leaking out drops of cum, to add to the pool already there.

You move your wetly salted hand behind her and push inbetween her meaty asscheeks, and straight to her rubbery and sweaty butthole, which you lightly rub.

"Oh daddy..." She sniffs, her big teary eyes opening wide and looking wondrously into yours. "You're rubbing my bumhole with... with..." She bites her lip as her eyes welled up again. "You're making your crying daughter's little butthole wet with my own tearss."

"That's right, I'm gonna use your slutty tears to lube your asshole up so I can rape your tight bottom next." You collect her fresh tears with your fingers then move them back to her ass and roughly force two fingers in without warning, making Ana wince despite her post-orgasmic state, and give a choked sob.


"Your tears are warmed up in your dirty anus now baby. I think you're ready for daddy's cock."

"No daddyy... my poor bottom isn't ready for your big cock... I'm still not used to taking it theree!" She begs. Her asshole has closed tight since you fucked it just before.

"You better get used to it, whore." You growl as you move your slimy cock out of her pussy and push the head against her resisting butthole, both of you still locked in the same sideways embrace, her legs still around your waist. "Your big round ass is daddy's property now, it's mine to rape and yours only to offer to me as an alternative to your overused pussy."

"OWWWW!" She squeals as your cockhead forces uncompromisingly through her stubborn chocolate ring and inside her, pushing her salty tears deep into her bowels.

"You know you love it, slut. Your stupid fat ass is begging to be ruined."

"My little bottom isn't stupid or fat is it daddy?" A large teardrop runs down from her eye as her long lashes give a big blink, and you sordidly lick it off her face, enjoying the taste.

"Of course it is you dumb buttslut. Whenever I saw it I knew it wasn't normal, it was big and fat and sticking out obscenely, and any busty teenager that carried a butt like that deserved to be taken advantage of, and to get fucked and treated like a common whore by everyone with a pulse." You laugh derisively as you up your pace, reaming your daughter's sweaty, tear-soaked butthole.

"Lots of people screw me because I'm pretty, daddy."

"Ha, you make yourself look pretty with all that makeup. How dumb, spending hours making yourself look pretty but everyone else just laughs at you and sees you as a dumb makeupped slut with big tits and a fat ass."

"Oh daddy... you're being so nasty, you're making me cry so much. Please keep raping me, I deserve it, spending ages making myself look so pretty. Slap my stupid face as you fuck my sloppy ass. I know everyone just wants to rape me, even my own daddy can't resist my slutty look."

"I know honey, I do love all your holes. Aww, and look how adorably stupid you look! Such a silly little cumdumpster, getting off on her daddy's cock in her bottom, with cum leaking out of her pussy that everyone likes to take turns on."

"And I let them daddy."

"Of course you do, you're just another dumb, giggling slut with big tits. And everyone knows it. And now, now you're gonna get what you crave and get so desperate for."

And with that you shoot your second heavy load inside your daughter's ass.

It takes a good few minutes for both of you to recover. You both lie back on the couch. You feel done for, but very satisfied.

"I love you baby." You say.

"I love you too daddy..." She smiles at you. "Now stick your face in my horny ass and taste my dirty butthole again!"


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