Chapter 42: Mech Conference Ending
Insert OLD GIFS/PICS here - Most likes wins 😀(A/N: Only TWO Entrees Per Person!) Winner(s) will be announced in the next chapter.
Winners: YungMastuh and WasUp_IKnowYou tied with the exact same likes on both submissions.
Prize: 👑 👑
Upon the announcement of the price, multiple VIP lounges found themselves in an uproar.
"What?!? 170 million credits? That's just barely more expensive than a Viper, but still cheaper than a Ghost-class!" Shouted one of the VIPs in surprise to another, starting a discussion amongst them all.
Another VIP joined in on the conversation, "Ignore the fact that it just put an all-out attack of 7 mechs to shame by crippling instead of killing them. It has some revolutionary technology in its cockpit alone, I wonder what else was put into making it. Its joints, maybe the wiring, oh I'm excited to see its schematics released."
A researcher joined in as well, sharing his piece, "Right? I just know that whatever methods were used, they won't reveal the critical elements. Like the construction of their reactors, just like every company that created an upgrade for the reactors."
A businessman chimed in, "That just means that we'll have to get some people to infiltrate them like it has been done every single time before. It'll only be a matter of time until we know everything about it and can start making our own Vanguards. I mean, they have to divulge their secrets to their manufacturers anyway, we can even infiltrate those."
As everyone started making their machinations to get their hands on either one of the mechs or their schematics as soon as possible, Rick and his assistant were making their way out of their lounge.
"I want to meet with this Azrael. I don't care who he may be or who his backers are, I NEED to know who made this. I need to have a scientific conversation with them. It pains me to admit this, but not only is their mech design absolutely gorgeous, but their innovation and their advances in technology and engineering…. just marvelous."
His assistant nodded as she walked behind him, "Yes, sir. We can head to their booth and meet th-"
Rick cut her off before she could finish her sentence, "No, I doubt after the commotion made that he will head there. Let's head to the entrance of the testing grounds. Hopefully, we can get there fast enough to catch him before he slips away."
Rick and his assistant ran through the wide halls trying to reach Aspen as fast as they could, but by the time they had reached the testing ground's entrance, it was already packed with reporters and businessmen, everyone trying to get a piece of Aspen.
Rick looked around for a moment before motioning for his assistant to follow him. Rick ran through some doors, made a couple of turns, and went up some stairs, finally arriving at the landing pads. There he saw one sleek white VTOL with golden and purple accents preparing to take off. Next to it were 2 other VTOLs in a sleek midnight purple, one to each side of it.
As Rick went to approach the middle VTOL, he was stopped by Takara and Takeshi who held out their arms and rested their hands dominant hand on their katanas at their hips. Rick understood their underlying meaning and stopped approaching, only for the door of the middle VTOL to slide open, and out came Aspen.
Rick couldn't recognize who this man was walking towards them since Aspen was now wearing a pilot's suit that was much different from the one he had used during the demonstration and had a sniper rifle in his hand. The suit itself was a deep black with some red spots on it, bright red fur adorned the areas around the hands and neck, and the visor was a bright red while the rest of the helmet was a deep black with dark red accents. All in all, Aspen looked intimidating as shit.
(Pilot Suit Image Here)
Aspen approached Rick and as he did, he got 2 system notifications.
Ding! Congratulations Host! You have come across a rare pure Soul that doesn't care about anything other than technology.
Ding! Congratulations Host! You have come across a rare pure Soul that doesn't care about anything other than technology.
It is recommended the Host takes these souls to his side. As long as the Host provides them with innovative technology, they will never betray you! I doubt it should be a problem for you, Host.
Aspen was interested in the notifications he got, so he decided to go straight to asking them questions. "Who are you and what do you want."
Rick stood tall while dressed in a gray suit that matched his graying hair all the while he stared at Aspen's visor without any fear. "I am Rick Schwartz, one of the heads of the Reaper Institute of Mech Research and Development. I am very interested in having a talk with the CEO of A.V.I, Azrael Fallcrest."
(Image of Rick Schwartz)
Aspen kept an uncaring tone as he responded, "So are many others, why should he give you the time to talk with him."
Rick was slightly taken aback, this soldier, who seemed to be respected by the 2 bodyguards, did not seem to care about who he was, his title, or his position. "I-I'm just a man who has always loved innovation and creation. I'm just intrigued by the leaps your company has made and I'm interested in talking tech. I have no interest in the market or stealing any information from A.V.I."
"And why should we believe you?" Aspen asked, his tone shifting from uncaring to skeptical.
"You shouldn't," Rick nodded. "But please if you jus-"
"Quit your position as one of the heads of the Reaper Institute of Mech R & D," Aspen told Rick, leaving the man dumbfounded. "If you do, you will prove your commitment to being a man of technology and innovation, and A.V.I will treat you with the dignity you deserve. You'll be let in to many of the secrets and developments."
"H-how can I do such a thin-" Rick tried to speak again but was cut off by Aspen.
"The Vanguard Class was only a mirage of what is to come from A.V.I and from what we will be releasing to the public and will privately use."
Rick's eyes shone at the revelation that this was just the tip of the iceberg. He needed no more persuasion. He pulled up his wrist and tapped on a watch-like device. After a few seconds, a holographic image of a woman in her late 40's appeared. This woman was another one of the heads, and though she appeared to be 40, she was actually 176, and she was also the daughter of the founder of the Reaper Institute of Mech R & D and creator of the Reaper Class.
"Yes? How can I hel-?" The woman, Diana Schwartz, began to speak before being interrupted by Rick.
"Diana, honey, all of my responsibilities fall onto you now. I quit, I'll be taking my great-great-granddaughter with me as well," Rick said to Diana, his daughter.
"Huh? Father, stop it with the jokes, you're too old for these childish things," Diana replied as her face shifted from one of surprise to disinterest.
"Honey, I'm being 100% truthful right now. It hurts my pride and ego to say this, but A.V.I has made leaps in technology that we currently can't even begin to understand unless they explain it to us," Rick said with a bitter smile. "I never cared for money and now that my family is set for generations to come, I have no worries about leaving my creation behind. I am a man-"
"Of science and technology, I know father, I know,*sigh*" Diana sighed as she completed her father's sentence for him. "Diane is just like you father, so I understand why you had her as your assistant and why you're dragging her with you. Her thirst for knowledge burns just as bright as yours, if not brighter."
Diana rubbed her temples before continuing with her words, "I'll process the paperwork. As one of the heads, I'm forced to say this. Effective immediately, you are no longer associated with Schwartz Industries and the Reaper Institute of Mech R & D. You too Diane."
Rick's assistant and great-great-granddaughter Diane Schwartz, was a gorgeous woman of about 5'2 with a little bit of scarring in the pattern of lightning on her left cheek from an experiment gone wrong when she was a child. Hearing her great-grandmother's words, she got close to the holographic projection with a small smile on her face and spoke, "Thank you 'amma."
(Image of Diane Schwartz)
Diana frowned as she replied, "Don't thank me, you brat. You have no idea the headache you both have just brought upon me." Diana took a small pause before smiling softly, "But I'm glad that you get to chase your dreams and expand your horizons, my little shooting star."
"Honey, thank you for understanding," Rick said with a bitter smile And I'm sorry for the fallout you'll have to bear."
Diana nodded with a small smile, "I know you are father, but as you have always said, 'Knowledge knows no alliances nor limits.' I hope you have truly found something worth your time."
And with that, Diana cut the connection. Rick looked at Aspen and asked, "Is this proof enough?"
Aspen nodded, "It is." He then stretched his hand out, a gesture Rick replicated. As the two shook hands, Aspen welcomed Rick, "Welcome to A.V.I, 'Death's Guide.'"
Rick smiled as he leaned in and replied in a hushed voice, "I'm undeserving of the title, 'Angel of Death,' or should I call you 'Reaper,' or maybe Aspen Del Santo will suffice."
In a split second, Aspen's demeanor changed as he let go of Rick's hand, his right hand flashing as he gripped him by the neck and lifted him off the ground.
"'Appa," Diane screamed as she attempted to dart forward, but was stopped by Takara.
Rick struggled to get his words out while Aspen held him up in the air, "I… mean... No ill… intent…."
Aspen let go of the 230-year-old man and he dropped to the ground, gasping for air. "Explain yourself. How do you know? Who else knows?"
Rick rubbed his hand around the front of his neck, "I never forget a face, especially not the face of one of the 3 pilots alive with Omega potential. You may have changed to some extent, but I still know that face, your actions are exactly the same, your stance, you're still the same man I had once met."
Aspen's helmet, which was a part of the nano suit he had bought from the system, retracted, allowing his face to be visible. "Bullshit, that man you know died months ago."
"Yet here you are standing before me," Rick pointed out.
"No, the Aspen Del Santo this universe knew of died in battle after the deaths of his family through the betrayal of one of his most trusted friends on April 4th, 3278," Aspen replied.
Rick furrowed his brows, "Then who are you?"
"I… I am what remains," Aspen said, pausing momentarily. "A man with no limits, no restrictions. A man with clear orders to eradicate a part of this universe."
Rick slowly stood up from the ground and dusted his clothes off, "I see. You're not the Aspen I met, he wouldn't never been able to do what you've done with A.V.I. I've met many dangerous men in my long lifetime…. But you, you mister Del Santo… you surpass them all."
"Not because you're physically strong, not because you're a killer, no, because in your eyes I see something I've only gotten a glimpse of in my own. Knowledge… knowledge and wisdom far beyond what any man, any mortal, should possess."
"I'm sorry for my transgressions and my way of speaking to you, but I meant what I said when I claimed I was a man of technology and innovation. I can see it in your eyes, you possess the key to the future in your mind. You… you will bring this galaxy to its knees… you… you scare me. But knowledge is the greatest weapon, and I yearn for it."
Aspen stared into Rick's eyes, Jarvis letting him know that everything this man said was the truth. "I understand your thirst for knowledge. But you're walking down a dangerous path. Before your time there were many great thinkers, one said that 'Science has made us gods even before we are worthy of being men.'"
"You're a 230-year-old man who barely appears to be 50. You must be tired of living since you must know that the pursuit of knowledge is often more dangerous than its absence. The Bible also states in Ecclesiastes 1:18 that 'He who increases knowledge increases sorrow.' Are you willing to take the risk of knowledge by coming under my wing?"
"I- you can't even begin to imagine half the things I would do for new knowledge," Rick responded.
"Even if the price is your lovely great-great-granddaughter?" Aspen asked as he raised his rifle and trained it on Diane's head.
Rick stepped in front of Aspen's rifle and put the barrel to his head. "No, I guess there are things I'm not willing to do."
Aspen stared the old man in the eyes for a while before smiling as he lowered his rifle, "I was only testing you. A man who's willing to give his family away in the pursuit of something dangled before his eyes is no man at all. You choose to sacrifice your life before the life of your descendant. If you work for me your life will hang in the balance of the information you reveal. Are you willing to accept these terms?"
Rick nodded slowly, "I am."
Aspen patted the elderly man on the shoulder as he said, "Then welcome to A.V.I."
Word Count: 2325 Words 👏