I Became God's Reaper in Another Universe

Chapter 44: Monarch's Maiden Voyage

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Winners: WasUp_IKnowYou (same amount of likes on one post, but WasUp had more overall likes on both of his posts)

Prize: πŸ‘‘ 


*Third Person POV: Aspen*

Aspen reached the Monarch accompanied by Rick, Diane, Ghost, and a few other people.

"So this is what has had you cooped in your office for the past couple of weeks?" Ghost asked himself more than he did Aspen.

"I-it's magnificent," Rick said softly. "The design… it's just like the Vanguard's. A break from the normal mech integrating elegance into a killing machine. What are its specs? Are you also planning on keeping this one a secret like you did the 2 versions of the Apostle? Just what tier is this? It is huge."

Rick bombarded Aspen with questions. A thirst for knowing and understanding Aspen's latest invention was palpable within the old man. Diane walked up to the Monarch and ran her hand across the base of its foot, mesmerized by the intricate decorative golden patterns that ran along the Vanta Black paint.

"You can barely even distinguish the changes in armor slope from this close," Diane said as she turned around to face Aspen. "It is so mysteriously beautiful. Draped in gold and darker than the vastness of space. What is this class called?"

"This is the Monarch class mech frame," Aspen started while making a hand signal.

"But my creator has named me Nyx Aeternum, meaning Eternal Night," a female robotic voice came from the Monarch as it started to kneel.

Rick and Diane looked back at the mech in shock. "Is that an autonomous AI?" They both asked in shock and unison.

A soft chuckle escaped Nyx's exterior speakers as it moved its hand to its chest. "Humans sure are interesting, creator."

Aspen chuckled as well, "That we are. And I remember asking you to just call me by my name. You're my comrade now, not a mere servant."

"Yes, sir. If we think of this in military ranks, you're still my superior," Nyx replied.

"I guess that'll work," Aspen nodded. He then turned around to see everyone else who was accompanying him Slack-jawed. "What?"

"You created an autonomous AI," Jess was the first to break the silence.

"Yeah… so?" Aspen asked, confusion blanketing his face.

Jess reached up and clasped his shoulders, attempting to rock him back and forth but achieving nothing. "What do you mean "so"? Do you not grasp the severity of what you've created?"

Aspen thought for a second, remembering the first time he had created an autonomous AI based on Barbatos. "Oh right, they're supposed to be quite rare, right? But they're not that hard to create."

Aspen's words would have caused everyone's jaws to hit the ground if they could. 

Rick reached up and placed a hand on Aspen's shoulder, "Son, you're telling me you can make autonomous AIs at will."

Aspen thought about every single simulation he had been in. In every single one of them, he had ended up coding his own autonomous AIs with the capacity to have feelings and all. He shrugged as he nodded his head yes.

Rick ran his hands through his hair as he faced away from Aspen and looked up to the sky. "And I thought myself a genius, hahahaha. Boy, your genius might just be unrivaled. Not only are you one of the few pilots who will probably live to reach their full potential of the Omega Tier, but you have made some creations that have taken many decades if not centuries in the span of weeks."

"Right," Aspen nodded finally remembering how his current achievements were milestones for humanity itself while he just saw them as stepping stones. "Anyways, Nyx and I have to make our maiden voyage. So I'll be catching you all on the flip side." 

Aspen hopped onto Nyx's hand before entering the cockpit. Once inside, Aspen sat down on the pilot's chair. He had realized a mistake he had made with the Vanguard during its launch event, one that he had fixed by now. The Tier 4 didn't have anywhere to sit as it was fully controlled through the pilot's actions.

So what he had done was create a system that would retract the piloting chair and all other controls when the command to enter "Mimic Mode" was given. That meant that the way to pilot the Tier 4+ Vanguards, the Apostles, and the Monarch was all up to the pilot.

"Nyx, run a system's check," Aspen commanded as his attire shifted to that of his pilot's suit.

"All systems, check. Houston, we are ready for liftoff."

"Nyx, time to play something from that music playlist I uploaded for you," Aspen said while looking over all systems ensuring everything was perfect.

"Yes Sir. I have the perfect song in mind for this moment. Back In Black by AC/DC."

"Damn right it's perfect for the occasion," Aspen nodded as he gripped the controls. "Play the music on comms for us and on your exterior speakers. This is going to be Legendary."

Outside of the mech, everyone stepped back to give Aspen space and to not be affected by the thrusters whenever Aspen took off. The sound of servos readjusting could be heard before being muted by the sound of a Snare followed by a guitar riff accompanied by drums in a steady beat.

For thirty seconds Nyx's frame remained in a bent position as her thrusters started up in a slow dramatic display. When the song finally started, Nyx's frame was propelled up in the air a solid 40 meters with a jump.

🎀 Back in black

🎸 Dun-dun dun-duh-duh (riff plays between lines)

🎀 I hit the sack

🎸 Dun-dun dun-duh-duh

🎀 I've been too long, I'm glad to be back

As Nyx's frame started descending Aspen activated thrusts to full power and the reaction was almost instantaneous as its speed increased to 400 kmh in a split second.

🎀 Yes, I'm let loose from the noose

🎀 That's kept me hanging about

🎀 I've been looking at the sky

🎀 'Cause it's gettin' me high

🎀 Forget the hearse 'cause I never die

Aspen expertly piloted Nyx and flew right past the HQs, did a turn, and stopped instantly before them. His pilot's suit negated the G forces and the strain on the body from stopping so suddenly. He remained stationary in the air for a few seconds before accelerating again in the direction of the factory blowing past everyone at an increasing speed that had already surpassed 1000 kmh.

"It's a masterpiece," Rick said as Nyx's frame disappeared over the ridge as Aspen piloted her out of the valley and headed northwest in the direction of Dedrift.

Inside the mech, Aspen remained scanning the systems for anything that could be off. "Nyx, activate the Optical Camouflage," Aspen commanded. As soon as he requested this, Nyx's frame started disappearing, replaced by reflections of the surrounding skies and clouds.

"Let's see just how far we can push these thrusters," Aspen said as he started pushing the engines into the overdrive function he had designed into it. Nyx's speed increased from the 3000 kmh they were cruising at to 4700 kmh.

"Wooooooh baby, now we're talking," Aspen shouted as Nyx's frame started to shudder under the stress caused by the speed and the friction of the atmosphere, but it quickly subsided.

"Sir, pushing this any further while being this low in altitude could be fatal. I recommend climbing higher to reduce drag and friction or even our first space voyage to push my frame to its maximum potential."

Aspen nodded in agreement with Nyx's suggestions. "Let's head out of this planet for a little while. I've never been to space and I just can't wait to see just what this universe looks like with my own eyes."

An exhilarating smile was plastered on Aspen's face as he angled Nyx's frame to aim upwards. Instead of slowing down, Nyx's speed kept on climbing exponentially the higher they rose. The 29-ton behemoth was dashing through the air with ease, its speed easily surpassing 17000 kmh without any signs of slowing down.

On their way out of the planet, they flew past a Corvette-class spaceship that had just left the space station orbiting the planet of Cenolla. The Corvette's alarms blared as picked up an object moving toward them at 25000 kmh but couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. They could only imagine what it could've been when Aspen flew past them, Nyx's thrusters being the only indicator that something had been there.

It would be about 10 minutes before the crew of the Corvette could identify the UFO as some sort of prototype mech due to the size and closeness of its thrusters. But by then, Aspen had already pushed Nyx's frame to its limits and had reentered the planet's atmosphere.

For now, Aspen rocketed out into space and soon reached a final speed of 42,000 kmh. He tested a few more things, straining Nyx's frame as much as possible without putting it in danger. In one of his maneuvers, Aspen managed to pull 192G's, but thanks to his suit and the cockpit's adaptation to space travel, the effects were completely negated. 

On the way back into the planet, Aspen asked nyx to compare the data collected from this test run to the publicly available data of the Reaper and the Void Sentinel. The top speed of the Reaper in outer-space had been confirmed to be 23,493 kmh before a critical failure caused its engines to fail while the Void Sentinel had been confirmed to have had a top speed of 25,783 kmh before having the same failure.

It wasn't a design flaw of the mech, it was just how far the engines designed for its thrusters could push it. Aspen had created new thrusters and engines utilizing the processed Eternium allow that could push way past its limits without any wear and tear.

Slowing down as they entered the planet's atmosphere, Aspen and Nyx descended while heading in the direction of the city of Dedrift. They stopped not too far from the city and hovered in the air. Aspen examined the systems and looked at the energy reserves. After abusing the reactors to feed power to the engines and thrusters for so long, the vast power reserves had only dropped 5% and were quickly rising once again.

"Sir, it is nothing to worry about. According to the rate that my power reserves are rising, it should only take about 1 minute and 34 seconds for the power reserves to be full again," Nyx informed Aspen.

"Sounds good," Aspen replied. "In the meantime, look for some of the most bandits or some paramilitary forces with mechs on hand near our location."

As soon as Aspen gave the order, Nyx tapped into the database of Dedrift. The advanced AI searched for the information without being detected, even using the other brainless AIs of the city's systems for information.

It only took about 20 seconds for Nyx to come up with multiple groups that matched the description of what Aspen was looking for. Nyx informed Aspen of their whereabouts in the desolate and lawless lands outside city walls.

"Alright then, I guess it's about time I picked up my mantle of God's Reaper and went to work," Aspen said as he selected the nearest one for target practice. "Let's see just how you perform."

"Sir, it's insulting to me that you're wondering how I'd do against a bunch of dimwitted groups of degenerate fucks and their mechs," Nyx said with a pained tone. "Some of these groups don't even have proper mechs. They have machines that resemble mechs. Did you forget you made me to fight off an army of mechs that were of the same tier as me?"

"Ok, kiddo. Let's go toy with our food then. Play thunderstruck," Aspen commanded as they arrived at the location of the first paramilitary group. "Scan for any innocent civilians that may be being held hostage."

An electric guitar riff started blasting out of Nyx's speakers causing the paramilitary group to look everywhere in an attempt to find its source.

🎀 "Thunder!"

🎀 "Thunder!"

🎀 "Thunder!"

🎀 "Thunder!"

The guitar riff continued accompanied by the sound of a bass and drums.

"Sir, I have identified 2 people being held hostage. One is Cassandra Cassanova, a Gamma tier pilot and mercenary who's been missing for 2 months. The other is an Alexander Cassanova, a former captain of the Empire of Varkesh forced into retirement after crossing paths with the typical young master. My scans indicate that the man has recently had both his legs amputated below the knee and one of his arms at the elbow."

"Bastards, I can only imagine the things they've done to either one of them," Aspen said as his face morphed with anger.

"They're located in the poor excuse of a structure resembling a building at the center of the camp, so make sure you don't level it."

"Alright, thanks, Nyx," Aspen said.

"At your service."

🎀 I was caught in the middle of a railroad track!

🎀 I looked 'round, and I knew there was no turning back!

🎀 My mind raced, and I thought, what could I do?!

🎀 And I knew there was no help, no help from you!

The bass of the drum became heavier while the forces below looked confused. Some were even nodding along with the unknown song, enjoying it. 

🎀 Sound of the drums

🎀 Beating in my heart!

🎀 The thunder of guns!

🎀 Tore me apart!

Nyx's Optical Camouflage was undone, slowly revealing the magnificent mech floating above the camp.

🎀 (Pause for effect) "You've been..."

The autocannons extruded from Nyx's back as Aspen raised the rifle and aimed it at the biggest mech, A tier 3 Sentinel that was standing guard. The drums exploded as the song reached a climax.

🎀 Thunderstruck!



Aspen opened fire with all 3 of Nyx's cannons, eviscerating every 3 mechs with just 3 shots.

🎀 Thunderstruck!



Aspen kept the barrage going, beams of energy shot out of his autocannons, ripping tents, shacks, and small structures to shreds. Down on the ground, people ran in a panic as hell rained from above. All 14 of the mechs were destroyed within the first 20 seconds of the fight.

"I'm going in, keep me covered from above," Aspen said as he went to grab his DMR. "Fuck," he said as he realized he hadn't loaded his weapons and didn't even have his sidearm with him. "Guess I'll just have to take one from them."

Without a second thought, the cockpit opened and Aspen jumped out from 400 meters in the air. Before he reached the ground, his suit's boosters activated, drastically decreasing the speed at which he impacted the ground. 

Aspen scanned his surroundings as Nyx moved around in the air, scanning for more targets. Aspen found a rifle on the ground with a severed arm gripping it by the barrel.

"You won't be needing that anymore," Aspen said as he freed the rifle from the hand. He then took out its magazine and took a quick glance at the ammo count. "Full 40-round mag, not too shabby."

He quickly reloaded it, switched its firing mode to semi-auto, and racked the slide, putting one in the chamber, "Locked and loaded."

"Sir, if I must, that's just cringe," Nyx teased.

"Shut up, it was fucking cool," Aspen said back while walking with the rifle aimed, switching stance and holding positions when he came across a corner. 

"Sir, there are no targets near you. But once you enter the building, you will have 2 men aiming their weapons at the prisoners, 3 to the left of the door, and a last one in the far left corner of the building behind the 2 men with the hostages."

"Copy that," Aspen said as he sprinted the remaining 70 meters toward the building. Once he got to the door, Aspen didn't breach it. Instead, he knelt down on the left side of the door frame. Waiting a few seconds to catch his breath, Aspen then slammed his fist against the metal door, denting it and sending it tumbling off its hinges.

As soon as he did that, gunfire erupted. Aspen waited patiently as bullets flew above his head and struck the wall. Once he heard a click and the gunfire stopped, he walked through the door. He immediately took out the 2 men behind the hostages with a single shot each. 

He swiftly spun on his heel and opened fire on the three to the left, leaving only the one in the left corner left. The man made eye contact with Aspen mid-reload and ducked behind cover. 

"Nyx, just one single shot from the autocannons to his part o-"


Aspen didn't get to finish his sentence as Nyx shot a single time, dust was sent flying everywhere on the inside of the building. The last man was turned into pink mist that merged with the dust of the debris. 

Aspen walked toward the hostage couple, seeing the man was on the older side while the woman was younger.

"Hostages confirmed, Nyx, let's get ready for extraction, they need immediate medical attention," Aspen spoke to Nyx while checking on the man and woman.

Nyx landed, causing the ground to shake a bit. Aspen carried the unconscious man and the barely conscious woman over his shoulders to Nyx. Nyx's frame bent down, allowing Aspen to get into the cockpit. 

"Nyx, mimic mode, then autonomous mode," Aspen commanded as the interior of the cockpit retracted leaving space to be comfortable in. "Head to the nearest hosp- no back to base."

"Are you sure about that, sir?" Nyx asked.

"I'll take 2 people knowing some of my secrets over the universe knowing of the existence of this mech frame for now," Aspen replied as he inspected the man's wounds.

"Affirmative, Sir" Nyx took to the sky, her optical camouflage activating immediately as they basted toward the HQ, leaving behind a destroyed camp littered with body parts and destroyed mechs.

A few minutes after leaving, a VTOL arrived at the location of the camp and hovered around the camp before landing. Out of it, stepped a man in a suit accompanied by soldiers. They scouted the area before coming back together. The man in the suit then took out his datapad and started a call. 

After a few seconds, the holographic image of Ajax appeared hovering over the datapad. "Speak, what is it?"

"Sir, one of our proxies, The Rowlers, was attacked without warning. Whoever did it did so with extreme precision and caught them off-guard," the man in the suit said. "We couldn't find their hostages anywhere, so we presume this was likely a rescue mission."

Ajax took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. "Stay on the lookout to see which mercenary group goes to claim the prize for rescuing that old hoot and his daughter."

"Yes, sir," responded the man in the suit before terminating the connection.

"Hey, boss, why are we taking orders from that idiot when we work for the Volkov group," asked one of the soldiers as they entered the VTOL.

"Because our young miss has been lovestruck with a fucking psychotic buffoon," the man answered as he sighed and took his seat.

"Just another day in this backwater system," said one of the soldiers as he also took his seat. "Can't wait for this deployment to end so that I can go back to working in the main system under sir Viktor. I regret accepting this job only because it paid more." 

Word Count: 3278 Words πŸ‘






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