Chapter 77: Chapter 77
I look at the blueprint in front of me and hum a little. We will build the palace on the edge of a cliff, but I will reinforce the cliff using the stone from the Minecraft world. We don't want corrosion to happen, and by replacing the cliff with cobblestones from the Minecraft world, it will not happen.
The city will be the size of King's Landing. The master builder also already drew a blueprint for the city alongside the palace. It will be a city the size of King's Landing, but it will be more organized than King's Landing.
The master builder had already created a sewer system that was easy to maintain but hard to build without my help. However, with the logic of Minecraft, I can build the sewer easily. He also makes sure to mark places where I need to dig for a well for easy access in case of fire in the city. The well will have unlimited water using Minecraft logic. Once again, Minecraft is the savior of my kingdom.
The city will have triple walls. The first one is the outer wall. It will be twenty-two meters tall and five meters thick. There will be twenty-four towers on the outer wall. The twenty towers will be placed around the outer wall. These towers will be twice as tall as the wall and will be fortified to the teeth. The diameter is about eight meters, and we will place one or two ballistae on top of each of the towers.
Two gate towers will be placed alongside the gate in the South and West parts of the city. Each gate will have two gate towers the same size as the eight towers. Just like the eight towers, there will be ballistae or mangonel.
Behind the outer wall will be a massive moat that makes invaders have an even harder time trying to breach the capital.
And don't get me started with the inner wall. It will be thirty-two meters tall, with towers almost twice as tall as the wall. Inside that inner wall will be a Glass Garden for all the plants that have not yet entered Minecraft; underneath that garden will be the hidden farm where all the essential food can be grown. It will contain all the plants that already have Minecraft logic in it.
There will also be the smithy, guard halls, stables, temple, etc.
There are a lot of things we need to build, and even with the power of Minecraft, it will take years for the capital to be done, but it will be a project that I will enjoy. There is nothing that makes Minecraft Player's heart pump more than doing a big project that takes time to complete.
However, before I can start the project, we need to prepare the supplies first. I need a massive amount of stones to build the capital, and I need to produce them back in the Minecraft world.
You know what? I just got a great idea. Instead of using regular stones, I will use the deep-slate variant instead. I have a ton of them back in the Minecraft world. I will use the Deepslate Tiles because they look better than regular stones. Not only that, but it is also more durable than a regular stone.
I am lucky that I have a stonecutter, or it will require many steps to create the Deepslate Tile. I don't have as many Cobbled Deepslates as regular Cobblestone, but the gap decreases after I use a massive amount of it to build the sea wall.
However, it looks like I need to mine more. It is time to gather the boys and start to mine. I need them to mine all those deepslate stones.
"My lord"
I snap from my thoughts and say.
"Come in, Melisandre."
The door opens, and I can see Melisandre entering my office with a letter in her hand.
"There is a letter from Braavos, my lord. It is from the Sealord."
I take the letter and read it. After a few seconds, I hum a little and say.
"Melisandre, how many people are willing to support us in the North if we help them through a hard time?"
"Sadly, the North is a loyal bunch. They will not betray their current lord without a good reason."
"How about famine? And when the royal family does not help them in their time of need."
"Famine, my lord?"
I give her the letter from Ferrego and say.
"It looks like famine sweeps across the North and the Stark asking for help from the Crown."
"And the Old Falcon refuses the plea from his foster son."
"Yup. According to Ferrego, the Stag had already spent most of their borrowed money on building a new fleet to try and fight against us. They even borrow more money from the Iron Bank because of it. However, there is one thing I am confused about. I wonder why Jon Arryn does not ask the Reach to give a discount to the North. He has the power to do that."
Melisandre smiles and says.
"The old falcon does not like shaking the boat, my lord. He doesn't want to use his power to shake the stability of the Seven Kingdoms by forcing one of the strongest kingdoms to do something."
"But the North is their most loyal subject."
"And that is the reason why he rejected their plea. It is better to ask for forgiveness from honorable and loyal subjects than asking help or forcing the ambitious and questionable subjects."
She puts the letter on the table and continues.
"The Old Falcon doesn't want to give House Tyrell more power by giving them favors from the royal family. The Queen of Thorns will use that favor to put her family on the throne, replacing the lion."
Right. When given a chance, Olenna Tyrell will make sure her family sits on the Iron Throne.
"So, it is better to ask for forgiveness from his foster son than giving a favor to the ambitious subjects."
I lean over my chair and say.
"I wonder if we will get allies if we help the North once again."
"Hmmm… That is a sound plan. However, we need to let them be desperate enough to make a deal with us. Friendship is strong, but hunger is stronger than any friendship. Let hunger shake their loyalty, and then we will come in as their savior."
Her smile turns predatory.
"When we gain allies, we will have a foothold in Westeros to take back what is yours. The north is also an essential location to fight against the Great Enemy."
I nod and say.
"Right. Tell Ferrego that we will not help them for now. Tell him that Braavos cannot help with food. Make sure he tells the North that only we can help them with their problem."