Chapter 19: Chapter 20
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An inconspicuous motel, with fairly thick walls, where his room was already waiting for him. He was an ordinary-looking man, with a small potbelly and a beard he didn't take much care of. He was dressed in a simple shirt and jeans. He was unrecognisable as the little-known hero he was.
- Hello, I'm honoured. - The man jumped up as soon as the famous hero entered the room.
- Let's get down to business, Multiplier. - Homelander sighed, showing that he was not happy to be in such company.
Talking about the services Multiplier could offer would make you lose your appetite. And knowing that, John was even surprised at how many clients he had. And it seems that there are a lot of sick people among the rich, if they do not spare money for the services of the Multiplier.
- Nobody's called me that for a long time. It's just Sam. - The man corrected him embarrassedly, gazing admiringly at the buff muscle of the superhero costume.
- Okay, Sam," Homelander sighed, agreeing to call him by his first name. - Let's get to the point.
- Okay. Ahem... I don't usually get called Super," he sat down on the edge of the bed, bouncing slightly, seemingly happy that his idol was calling him by his first name. - I should mention how identical to the original the clone should be. You just need to understand what you need it for.
- I need a full-fledged clone, with all the nuances that entails.
- It'll take over an hour and. it'll be expensive. - Sam answered uncertainly, feeling uncomfortable saying it.
- Do I look like someone who's going to be petty, Sam? What's the price?
- Three million," Sam replied with a tightening of his lips. - That price usually scares a lot of people away. And the clone itself will have no mind, only naked instincts.
- That's fine with me. It is necessary that the clone's organism be absolutely identical to the original, that's all. That's all I ask.
- Okay, then," Sam chewed his lip and sighed quietly, then reached into his bag and pulled out a plastic bag of pills. - I need some privacy for ten minutes.
- I don't mind. - John shrugged, watching the man lock himself in the bathroom.
The blond couldn't help but follow Multiplier's manipulations, just to make sure there was no catch. The man immediately drank two pills and grumbled and held his stomach for a while. Then the best part began: he leaned over to the toilet and a stream of foamy something that until then had been digested food came out of his mouth. The pills seemed to help get rid of the excess organics in his stomach. It didn't take more than five minutes, which he had time to clean himself up.
- Now we can get started," Sam exhaled heavily, coming out of the bathroom. - Did you bring blood or hair or anything?
- Yes." John answered and pulled out a plastic baggie with a clasp that contained everything inside. It wasn't that hard to get the samples, considering they'd been given to him voluntarily.
- Great. - Sam replied. He took the blood in his hands and after a second's hesitation he drank it and then swallowed the hair as well. His face wrinkled, showing that he didn't enjoy it himself. But that was just the flowers, because he would feel worse for the next hours, when he would curse his decision.
After that we had to wait for about forty minutes, during which the man just sat on the bed. His face was as if he had simultaneously chewed a lemon, was holding back sudden diarrhoea and was experiencing a very unpleasant sensation in his stomach. It was a busy picture, in John's opinion. But if one had the means, one could see much more than that. And the blond saw a clone slowly forming inside the Multiplier, which inexplicably emerged from blood and hair. A strange sight, but fascinating.
Eventually, the performer jerked up from his seat and stood facing the bed before pulling off his shirt and a complete replica of Becky began to separate from his stomach. The sight of a man moaning in pain and a woman separating from him is not the most pleasant sight, at least aesthetically. But after this unpleasant process for both of them, the promised clone was lying on the bed. And in the eyes of the resulting clone there was no mind, just an empty shell. All the better.
- You can go now. - John said to the exhausted man, to which he nodded and walked out the door.
Next John locked the doors and proceeded to the most important thing. He took out the syringe he had brought along with the doses of the V drug and filled it with the liquid. Then, as instructed, he carefully injected the needle into one of the kidneys, waiting for a reaction. And it was immediate.
- Mmmmmhhh!!!! - mooed furiously to the clone as he held her body, which was actively changing. John exhaled quietly, waiting for the changes to end. Still, one shouldn't endanger the mother of one's child if one wasn't sure of the outcome. And the clone would help him with that.
The next day, John placed a large weight in front of Ryan, with the number ten painted on it. John picked it up with his finger and smiled at the boy, under his mother's slightly worried gaze. But Rebecca didn't interfere, realising that he knew what he was doing.
- 'It's hollow inside,' John explained, setting it on the ground. - Try to pick it up.
- Okay," Ryan replied uncertainly, noticing his mother's strange state. He grasped the thick handle with both hands and slowly pulled it towards him. A look of tension appeared on his face, with which he gradually lifted the weight up to his chest and abruptly threw it to the ground. - Ha... That's a heavy thing. What's this for?
- I just wanted to make sure of something. Now go home, you can play something," John smiled, patting him on the head.
The child smiled carefree and ran home, only showing thoughtfulness for a moment, while Rebecca walked over to the kettlebell and grasped it and pulled on it. But none of her efforts were enough to lift the kettlebell even an inch above the ground. She stared shocked at the blond man.
- It's seventy kilos or one hundred and fifty-four feet. - Without delay John explained, at the woman's questioning look.
- Twice his weight. - Rebecca muttered dazedly, finally realising how strong her son was.
- In time he'll be able to lift a lot more, it's just a matter of time," John continued, drawing on the way he'd done it with Homelander. - But we mustn't forget that he's still a child and not yet capable of standing up for himself.
- And that's why you're suggesting that I be injected with the drug? - Rebecca asked cautiously, knowing from John's stories that it is not recommended for adults.
- I won't always be with you and you need to realise that, Becca.
- And the side effects? Are there any? - She asked the main question that would give her a definitive answer.
- I've checked everything. There are no side effects if you're talking about a noticeable body mutation.
- If you say so," Rebecca sighed, realising that it was foolish to refuse. Not when her son's peaceful life depended on it. - Is it painful?
- Excruciating. - The man did not deceive her.
- That's where you should have lied. - She muttered, rolling her eyes.
- I don't want to lose your trust.
- Like it's that important. - The woman grinned, who liked the blond man's words, despite their gloominess.
- To me... important. - Said John in response, smiling. To which she didn't respond, but the woman's heartbeat spoke for itself. Rebecca's trust he had certainly gained.
- When can we start? - She exhaled loudly, bouncing in place as if about to leap into the abyss.
- Right now.
- Then what are we waiting for? If it's going to hurt anyway, why put it off? - Rebecca answered, trying again to lift the weight, but again without much success.
- If you ask, - John nodded and brought from the house a syringe with a dose of drug V and some cotton wool and alcohol. - Let's back up a bit so we can't hear the screams.
- You do realise that sounded very ambiguous, don't you? - Rebecca grinned, heading for a remote part of the forest.
- I don't know what you mean. - John smiled, following her. He would have been more worried if he'd been in her shoes.The forest wasn't very dense, but it could hide the man and woman who were doing whatever they were doing. So they found a secluded spot quickly, and then Rebecca had to lie belly-down on a fallen log.
- Is this hygienic? - she asked belatedly, as if she had only just realised where she would be injected.
- We are in the forest, where there is dirt, germs and excrement of small animals everywhere. Of course it's hygienic," John snorted, leading the cotton wool soaked in alcohol around her kidneys. Then he handed her a wooden spatula, straight from the kitchen. - You clench this in your teeth.
- Ha. ha... ha. Very funny, John. It's hilarious. - Rebecca shuddered as she felt the needle smoothly penetrating her skin and then the drug being injected into her. The spatula was immediately in her teeth.
- Done. - He withdrew the needle, immediately noticing the change in his body.
Rebecca literally growled, clenching the spatula in her teeth as much as possible, making a distinctive cracking sound. John immediately settled on top of her to hold her in place. The pain she felt was infernal, her veins flowing with lava instead of blood. The temperature rose sharply and the woman began to growl, scratching the bark of the log very visibly. Gradually these scratches deepened, eventually becoming like the claw marks of some predator.
And no wonder, because in the place of nails black claws, at least eight centimetres long, grew very quickly. But it wasn't just the trunk that suffered because of her ferocity, but John, or rather his clothes. In a couple of minutes she had managed to turn his shirt into shreds with her claws. Her eyes turned red with rage, and she didn't regain consciousness for another ten minutes or so, until she finally passed out.
- Looks like... it was a success. - John spoke in a hesitant tone, watching the claws retract back inside.
Without much thought, he picked her up in his arms and carried her towards the house. She needed a good night's sleep, especially after such a less than pleasant experience in her life. Rebecca slept for almost thirty minutes, during which John didn't leave her bedside for a minute. He'd been looking her over to see the differences from the clone's transformation. And given that the mutation was identical, there were very few differences.
- Don't tell me you've been sitting around all day waiting for me to wake up. - Rebecca wrinkled her nose, turning her head toward him. She didn't feel the pain anymore, though the memory of it was too vivid.
- It had only been thirty minutes and everything had gone well. I just wanted to make sure... you know, never mind. - John dismissed it with a nonchalance.
- You'd better tell me, I'm dying of curiosity! - The woman was justifiably indignant, though in jest.
- Well, I was afraid you'd go into a rage again.
- Rage?
- Yeah, like growling, red-rimmed eyes and trying to kill everyone. You ripped up my T-shirt. It's my favourite. - He decided to be honest with her, adding a touch of judgement to his voice.
- Okay," Rebecca stretched out her hand, looking at it with interest. - I kind of remember doing that.
John watched with interest as she exhaled with concentration and smoothly released the long claws from her fingers. Rebecca looked with shock at what came out of her fingers, black claws that by their mere appearance suggested apprehension. And when used...
- Fucking hell, I thought it would hurt. - The woman mumbled dazedly.
- You look like you're really in shock. - John snorted, the first time he'd ever heard her say that.
- How do you get them in? - She asked the blond, but he just shrugged. - Okay, I'll figure it out.
- Make it quick. - The man smirked, seeing the claws retract into his fingers as she spoke. It seems to work on an intuitive level, like his heat vision, that under no circumstances can shoot without the superhuman's knowledge.
- You know, it's like riding a bike. Only even easier. - Rebecca smiled, releasing and retracting her claws back into place without any discomfort. Which only confirmed his hunch.
Suddenly, she jumped out of bed and ran to the ground floor, and he followed her to the courtyard of the house. She had become much more flexible and faster, jumping deftly over the stairs. And he had nothing to do but follow her. And she picked up the weight with a smile and even started playing with it, tossing and catching it on the fly.
- That's so cool! - Becca exhaled enthusiastically as she continued to play in front of the two onlookers.
- What's going on with Mum? - Asked Ryan, who had also come out to see where the woman had run off to.
- The first forty years of childhood are the most difficult in a girl's life. That goes for boys, too," John smiled, under the indignant gaze of the "girl". Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated and after reading the message, he turned to Becca. - 'I've got to go, work related.
- All right," the woman nodded at him, and he nodded back and went into the house to change.
- A simple girl from the countryside wanted to change the world... - A voice-over said, over a montage of footage.
- Since when are "hopeful" and "naive" synonymous? - Starlight's voice came through.
- Despite her struggles, she made herself known so loudly, so sincerely, that her voice broke through with an unbridled roar! Hear her story! Before your eyes she will rise up and fight back, for all of us! Citizen Starlight! Produced by Vaught. - Ended the monologue to a pop song from Katy Perry, revealing the title of the new show.
- Why do I feel disgusted? - Annie pressed her lips together, looking at me after watching the commercial.
- Even the absolute truth wrapped up in a TV format becomes cloying and even..... not so true. - I hummed in response. I was reminded of various scandalous TV shows that exploited the grief of ordinary citizens, showing their complicated and sometimes disgusting family relationships.
Sighing, I collapsed on the sofa. I could afford it, considering it was my private suite. Annie only smiled at my actions and lay next to me, looking into my eyes. Too long.
- Will it always be like this?
- Yes.
- I wouldn't call you an optimist. - The blonde snorted and was silent for a few seconds, just staring at me.
- What?
- You have these deep blue eyes. like a physical attraction. I get goosebumps. - Annie shared her thoughts, kissing me gently on the lips.
- Interesting observation. - I grinned as we pulled away from each other.
- You know, there's a beach in the Bahamas where the sand is literally pink. - The girl said thoughtfully.
- What's it called?
- Pink Sand Beach," Annie smiled embarrassedly, snuggling up to me. - What if we flew there?
- Why not? Only in that case you'd freeze to death. - I snorted, reminding her of the experience of flying with me, grinning at the girl's indignant face.
- I was talking about the plane!
- I figured as much," I smiled at her, pulling the blonde to me as she tried to pull away. - Come on. I'm ready.
- You are? - Annie asked hopefully.
- Absolutely. - I answered confidently, expecting another kiss in gratitude.
- Then why are we lying around? The sooner we get to the airport, the sooner we'll be on the beach! - The girl jumped up, looking at me expectantly, not seeing the disappointment on my face.
- Okay, you got it. - I rolled my eyes, remembering that I kind of have my own private jet that was provided by the company.
For once I was using it for its intended purpose.
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