I'm a Homelander

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The warm sunlight gave its warmth, and the sea breeze gently enveloped my body. It was extremely pleasant to just close my eyes and relax on the sun bed, not thinking about all the problems that could start without it. No need to think about what to do, given that much of what he had planned had already been realised. Rebecca could very well slaughter the entire squad that Vaught might send to them, given her power, which he had already experienced first hand.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the sand, which immediately caught his eye with its unusual colour. Pink sand... That was of course an exaggeration. In fact, the sand here is very ordinary, and its unusual colour is given by microscopic shells, which the surf grinds into small particles and brings the waves to the shore of Harbour Island. This was much more clearly visible to John's eyes, which could see much farther and clearer than the eyes of almost any super, much less a human being.

Farther out, his eye caught sight of water so clear and transparent that even to the naked eye visibility in it reached sixty metres. And in this water was a seductive figure in a yellow bikini, who with a smile was heading towards him. Droplets of water flowed excitedly down her body, and her hardened nipples were visible through her soaked bra. A smile came out on his face as she approached.

- What's wrong? - Annie smiled, interested in the reason for this.

- Has anyone ever told you that you're sexy as hell in a bikini?

- Not in that way," the blonde snorted, resting her firm bottom on a nearby sunbed. - Don't you like swimming?

- I guess... it's something psychological. - John assumed, looking thoughtfully towards the water, which caused him inner anxiety. It didn't scare him, of course; he could still fly across the ocean just for fun. But for some reason he didn't want to go in there.

- Almost drowned?

- Hmm? - He turned his head to her, interested in her question.

- It's just that I knew a kid when I was a kid who almost drowned once. Ever since then, he couldn't stand the sight of... of water in a swimming pool or even a bathtub. The sea doesn't even need to be mentioned," she remembered this with a strained smile, remembering how many people had laughed at him for it.

She realised now that if they hadn't made fun of him so much back then, he would have made a great superhero. His low self-esteem had robbed him of his self-confidence, and he had become withdrawn. And he had a great ability to heal himself.

- I'm a little more. extraordinary, to be honest.

- What happened? Was it when you were a kid?The blonde girl was interested, looking at him with her clear eyes.

- I was five years old. The day was pretty standard. Attempts to pierce my skin by firing various weapons and drilling. Let's just say a very ordinary childhood for the strongest superhuman in the world," John could see the girl's face pulling more and more from shock with each word. - That day, Dr Vogelbaum took me out of my sterile cell in the early morning hours and brought me to a large titanium pool, with a single transparent window.

- It's horrible. - Annie muttered dryly, looking at him pityingly. A very good imagination had given her a picture of these inhuman experiments that made her blood run cold.

- It's not horrible. It's seven hours in there without air until you pass out," John grinned, rising and sitting down on the bed. - Like I said, it's not all as it looks on TV. I'm not just some farmer's son from Texas who decided to do hero stuff. I'm more like a superhero who was raised from a test tube.

- And everyone in the Seven knows about this? - Asked the girl, realising with shock that Homelander's official story was a hoax.

- What do you think? - Smiled softly at the blond, seeing all her emotions right on her face. - 'Even Maeve doesn't know about it.

- Then why tell me about it? - She wondered how she could ever trust such a secret to someone she'd known for less than a year. She wouldn't have been able to.

- Because I want to confide in someone other than Madeline," John admitted. - And as far as I'm concerned. you're the perfect person to confide my biggest secret to.

- I don't believe it.

- What?

- I don't believe you trusted me. - She got up off the bed and stood in front of him.

- And how am I to prove it any other way? - He smiled at the absurdity of what was happening.

- Very simple. Trust me, for real.

Annie said in a completely serious tone, holding out her hand, though her heartbeat gave away her excitement. John took her hand and she pulled him sharply towards the water. And that really displeased him, and even made him stand up sharply on the spot.

- What are you up to?

A frown furrowed his brow, what was happening didn't please him at all.

- I want to see if you really trust me. - Annie answered calmly, pulling him towards the water again. And this time he didn't resist.

Step by step they slowly approached the sea, looking into each other's eyes, and then they touched the water and went further, where it was deeper. It was only when the water almost reached his chest that John felt worse. He began to breathe more often, as if he was short of air. His heart was pounding in his chest like a madman, as if about to break free. Reflexively, even his eyes turned red, alarming the girl.

- John, calm down, I'm right here. - She gently touched his cheek, looking confidently into his blood red eyes.

- There's nothing wrong with me.

John pulled himself together, getting his raging emotions under control. He hadn't expected the influence of the Homelander's memory to be so strong, even though he'd seen it coming. It would be just fine if that was all there was to it.

Soon the water was up to Annie's neck, while John's was only up to his shoulders. They stopped, still not breaking eye contact. The girl exhaled quietly, seeing the fear in his eyes, which he was trying hard not to show.

- Relax. - Annie whispered quietly, taking him by the shoulders. Then she slowly began to lower him down under the water.

John looked at it with shock, but did not resist, trusting the girl. Memories of how he had spent an incredible amount of time underwater, gasping for breath and surviving only by taking a single breath before diving immediately came to mind. The blond saw her looking at him, still continuing to lower him down.

Before he could properly feel his irrational fear of the depths, he slowly began to rise to the surface, lying on his back. Annie held his back, pushing outwards so he could breathe easy.

- Close your eyes... Relax... - The girl's quiet whisper was soothing, contrary to the fact that she was literally drowning him before. - Let the water lift you up.

John exhaled quietly, feeling Annie let go of his back. But extremely quickly he felt that his body wasn't going to sink, in spite of his weight, and with that realisation came great relief. Even though rationally he understood the reason for it, emotionally he still found relief from his anxiety. At one point John even managed to relax completely, only remembering where he was when Annie roused him.


First night in the Bahamas, romance, revelations and suddenly... my trust. Let's just say Annie didn't even need much foreplay after that. As soon as we entered the hotel room, the girl immediately jumped on me, kissing me passionately. We could have continued like this, but we had to interrupt to remove the interfering clothes and sit down on the sofa. The blonde didn't bother to wise up and just sat on top of me. Resuming the kiss, I began to stroke the pleasing curves of her slender body. Not even so much enjoying her as caressing the girl herself. And after a while she began to impatiently wiggle her pelvis, just to rub her itchy crotch a little on my tense cock through my swimming trunks.

I break the kiss again and look into the girl's eyes, Annie was definitely ready by now. Running my palms over her slender body, I wrap my hands around the girl's firm arse to pick up her knickers and pull them down, freeing the girl's crotch.

She clumsily similarly tries to rid me of my trunks to finally get my device, but I helped her manage faster. After which, I position it against Starlight's wet slit, making her shudder with anticipation, and insert it. It felt so good to finally get it in that pretty girl.

- Mgghhhh..." The blonde moaned, biting her lip as she lowered herself onto the excited cock.

Gripping her arse tighter, I made a forward motion with my pelvis. Annie similarly rocked her groin in response. Her pussy clenched eagerly, though not enough to cause me any discomfort. The girl, on the other hand, began to move even faster. I could feel her tension growing, making the beauty practically squirm on top of me. While my own movements were more measured, maintaining a certain rhythm and speed.

- Ohhh..." Annie sighed heavily.

However, she was already highly aroused. The short but sensual surges quickly brought her to the brink, beyond which a wave of orgasm washed over her.

- Ohhhhhh..." she moaned loudly.

And piled on top of me, pressing her beautiful body against me. From under her half-closed eyelids came a bright light, flashing intermittently, then fading, then bursting with renewed vigour. And since I hadn't yet cum myself, I still decided to speed up while the girl paled, savouring the throbbing sensation of an orgasm that was just beginning to subside. But her genitals were too sensitive at this point, and the continued sliding movements gave her more and more pleasure.

But finally...

A sharp thrust and I freeze in my current position, driving my cock as deep into Annie as possible, to immediately spurt a thick stream of seed into her.

It reminds me of Becca and Maeve. Yeah, well, I suppose Annie could get pregnant after that. Which is still highly unlikely. But if it does happen, I can control the situation and no longer let my baby hiding situation happen again.

- Haa...cool.

Still, after cumming inside her, I was in no hurry to pull my cock out of the girl. It felt too good inside her to just stop it like that. So, I just stroked the beauty's cheek before kissing her again, and resuming my movements. Our bodies are far more resilient than normal humans, in terms of libido among other things. So there was no problem with us just continuing on, with hardly any interruptions, and no change in position.

I pulled off her bra to savour the girl's beautiful breasts. Young beautiful breasts... I couldn't just stare at them for long, and on impulse, I put my lips to them. Starlight moaned, wrapping her arms around my head, digging her fingers into my hair. I only rubbed her breasts harder, sucking greedily on them while clenching them with my hand. But it was only the oppressive frustration that made my desire grow.

- W-wait..." the girl asked excitedly.

- I'm sorry, was I too rough? - With a sigh, I let go of the girl's breasts.

- A little... ohhhh... - She cummed again, as we hadn't stopped moving the whole time.

And after a while, after making Starlight cum for the fourth time, I decided to change positions. Laying the girl down on the couch, I once again adjusted myself to her tender pussy and inserted, hovering over Annie. She gasped, not expecting me to straddle her thighs and lift them up. Pulling her pelvis higher as I did so, I quickened my pace, thrusting into her vagina with powerful thrusts. I hold back a little less and the girl's sighs are diluted by excited shrieks. She was dumbfounded. After all, I could have easily maimed a normal girl with these thrusts! But Starlight's abilities allowed her to not only endure it, but to enjoy it even more than before.

- Uhhhh... - Tilting my head back, I soon unloaded my magazine again, spilling all the tension inside Annie. Then, without leaving her pussy, I turned the girl on her side and bent her leg and started to fuck her pussy again.

- Maaaa...

A bright flash came out of her eyes again. And, from the final thrust, with which my cock once again spurted a stream of semen, the sofa underneath us just couldn't take it. It snapped and collapsed beneath us.

- Oooooh..." Annie squeaked, breathing hard.

I, on the other hand, lay on my back, exhaling after that, pulling the girl against me. Considering we're here for more than a day..... it's gonna be a busy holiday.


A neatly furnished office, a desk and an American flag in the corner. Just like a CIA deputy director's office. And now Susan Raynor was sitting at the conference table, staring with superiority at the equally powerful woman who held the position of Senior Vice President of Hero Management. On either side of Raynor were the two operatives that were here to witness everything. And while before Stillwell might not have feared an attack from the CIA, now the situation was the exact opposite.

- Miss Raynor, I realise you're savouring the moment to upset me with some news. But please do it quickly. As you realise, I am a very busy man. - With a tremendously annoying on-duty smile, Stillwell muttered, waiting for a reply.

- Oh, of course. Except I'm afraid you'll be busy for the years to come with what I'm about to tell you now, you corporate whore. - Raynor grinned, not at all shy in her expression, placing the vial of blue liquid on the table. It gave her great pleasure to see Stillwell lose her temper for just a moment.

- And what is this?

- As far as I know, you call it drug V. What am I talking about? You know a lot more about that stuff than I do, don't you? - She pulled out a picture of an Asian woman in shackles.

- I don't know what you're talking about. - Stillwell stopped smiling, not understanding why she was being shown a picture of an Asian woman. But she could put two and two together just fine.

- I'm talking about the exposé of the century, Madeline. Vought's stock will plummet, lawsuits will pour in. Criminal prosecution. followed by bankruptcy. And you'll be in an orange suit for fifteen to thirty years. - Raynor said with a smile, looking into the woman's eyes.

- What do you want?

- For starters, no superheroes in the military.

- The bill has already gone to a vote, which will take place any day now.

- And you're gonna withdraw it. To rework the concept or whatever, I don't care. But it's not going to happen. Let's return to the status quo where we are the law and the power in this country. And you're the opezodolics dressed up in colourful tights, parading around in front of crazy fans. Are we clear?

- I'm gonna have to take this up with my superiors.

- Well, run along, Forrest," Raynor smiled as she watched the woman get up and walk out the door, then turned to the men, "You may go.

As soon as they were out, Raynor got up from the chair and settled into her favourite chair, the one she'd been busting her ass for for years. Why not relax in it, since she deserved to, given what was going on. But she was not allowed to relax for a minute, the secretary, who should be standing at the door of the office, came in.

- Mrs Raynor, Mr Butcher wants to see you. - The girl said uncertainly.

- Let him come in, and no visitors or calls. - The woman replied, looking at the bearded Briton with a sigh.

- Well, hello, Raynor," he sat down unceremoniously on a chair, putting his foot on his leg. - How did it go?

- It was fine. - The woman replied, not wanting to see the bastard in the black cloak right now.

- So my demands will be met? - Billy smirked, as only he knew how.

- How did you manage not to get in front of them? As far as I know, they have no idea who's running this whole thing. - She looked at him questioningly, not intending to answer right away.

- Let's just say I have my ways. - Billy leaned in, looking her in the eye.

- I know your ways, Butcher. - Susan snorted, eyeing the Brit suspiciously.

- You didn't answer my question.

Butcher frowned, looking at her with the same look that gave her the creeps. At times like this, it's best not to play with him.

- You can't just put a Homelander away like that.

- What if I brought irrefutable evidence? - The man wouldn't give up.

- Billy, we don't have anything we can use to not only catch the bastard, but to defend ourselves against him," Raynor sighed, irritating Butcher. - Unless you can find some kind of gun to do it with. Or something you can use to put pressure on him.

- And if I do?

- You're screwed. - The woman pressed her lips together, realising how much trouble such a search would cause. But she couldn't stop him either.

- I see, I will wait for your call that all the necessary documents are prepared and we can start working. - Butcher got up from his chair and soon walked out the door.

- Gone English, predictably. - Raynor hummed, leaning back in her chair. Just as long as that bastard didn't ruin everything. And it was time she got busy getting rid of whoever had organised the bloody terrorist attack on the passenger plane.

Butcher calmly left the office and made his way to the lift, soon finding himself outside. Walking to the car park, he settled inside the van, where he met M-M's gaze.

- So what's up? - Asked the black-clad big man, tapping the steering wheel impatiently.

- Everything is in order. Our demands will be fulfilled tomorrow. - Butcher grinned.

- Did you tell her about the Homelander? - M.M. asked, only to get a very expressive look in return. - I didn't.

- Apparently he erased all the footage from the cameras, so you don't have to worry.

- Not to worry? Butcher, he knows us by sight, and he probably already knows where I live. Not to mention you and Huey," the man resented his calmness. - Without Raynor's protection...

- He'll find us either way," Butcher frowned. - Your family is already safe, so be glad. They'll be untouchable in a few days.

- That's what they call outcasts. - M-M sighed, leaning back in his seat.

- What do you think I am, a professor? How was I supposed to know? - Butcher was indignant.

- Why would a Homelander want to know that? - M-M suddenly asked, breaking the silence. - 'It's some sort of game where he lets his prey go on purpose so that he can then...'

- That's not his intention, we just happened to be there. The cunt would probably take it to Raynor himself, even without us. You heard him speak.

- So what now?

- We've got to go somewhere.

- Where?

- Mallory's.

- Are you sure? - M.M. asked uncertainly.

- What do you think? - Butcher looked at him seriously. Soon the van touched down and pulled out onto the road.


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