I'm a Homelander

Chapter 22: Chapter 23

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The pop from breaking the sound barrier took a full two seconds, which made me mildly annoyed, considering how sensitive my hearing was. But immediately after came a silence that could be described as truly 'divine'. It was as if my body was inside a protective cocoon, with only the temperature felt inside, though that was no disadvantage to me.

It didn't take long to get to the city at this speed, though I had to reduce my speed to the bare minimum so that the windows wouldn't shatter from the shockwaves. There was one incident, but that wasn't the point. I landed, as was my habit, on my balcony. After that I went to the corridor and then to the lift.

I entered Stillwell's office without knocking, knowing that she was waiting only for me and couldn't be busy right now.

- Good afternoon, Madeline. - A smile appeared on my face as soon as I saw her.

- Homelander," the woman smiled back, indicating the chair across from me. - Sit down.

- This looks like it's going to be a long time. - I sighed dramatically, wrapping my cloak around my arm, settling into the chair.

- No, it won't take long. It's just... - she paused solemnly, which I immediately disliked. - ...I have great news.

- Madeline," I grinned, dismissing her attempts to intrigue me. - Come on, tell me.

- Seven's in the army now! - The woman almost squealed, expecting the same reaction from me.

Except that I had the same grin on my face that I'd had before. Even for a second, but it froze. This simply could not happen, remembering yesterday's situation of the company.

- Congratulations! - I opened my arms, as if going to hug. - But how?

- And this is not the most pleasant news. - The smile fell from her face and she turned the screen of her laptop in my direction, having switched on the recording beforehand.

The quality left a lot to be desired, but that wasn't the main thing, but the events that were unfolding on the recording. It was visible that it was some kind of operation of special forces, who penetrated into the building, where they systematically eliminated all the people inside. They acted efficiently and eventually got rid of the main target in this operation. Further there was a standard search, when in the field of vision of the operative did not appear a man naked at the waist, which had on his chest inscription in Arabic.

The operatives did not hesitate and immediately started shooting at the insolent Arab, who came out to them with a menacing look. Only after a couple of seconds they were convinced that he was not an ordinary man. The bullets had not done him any harm, though they had struck his bare skin. And though the man covered his eyes with his hand, it was done more by reflex than consciously.

What happened next was something that clearly showed the reason why Congress had approved the bill so quickly. A soft yellow light lit up inside the Arab's chest, flaring to an unbearably bright glow in seconds, followed by an explosion. Immediately the frame changed, showing what the drone had filmed outside. And on the video the same man calmly came out of the burning building and looked at the drone, with a clear threat in his eyes.

- What do you think? - Madeline looked at me carefully, all the while watching my reaction.

- How could something like that happen? - I furrowed my eyebrows, glaring back at her.At that moment, I wanted more than anything to strangle the alternatively gifted blond who'd set this whole thing up. I'd known this would happen!

Of course, given the circumstances, there was nothing I could do about what my predecessor had done. Even the Homelander didn't fly to the terrorists himself, only sending packages via Train-A. Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be fixed and would have to build on the situation.

- Perhaps someone had sold the recipe for the serum. - Madeline suggested, leaning back in her chair with a sigh.

- Vogelbaum? - Short replied, remembering the retired old man.

- You're too prejudiced against him.

- Am I? Didn't he suggest we keep Ryan in a sanctuary like a strange animal? - He got up from his chair and walked a couple of steps towards her. - What do you think, Madeline? Marasmus at his age is not uncommon.

- No, he couldn't sell the prescription. - The woman smiled strainedly, squirming in her chair.

- Yes? But that's not what I asked," he smiled openly, looking at her with mockery in his eyes. - Calm down, I was joking. When was the last time you slept?

- Я.... Two days ago. - Confused, she replied, seeing me approaching her.

- See? You just need a rest, for a couple of days at least," I voiced my suggestion, standing behind her. - You can take Teddy and fly to Harbour Island. It's a beautiful place, I'll even give you my own plane.

- Homelander, I can't ...

- I can't take no for an answer! - He told her categorically as he began to gently massage the shoulders of the agitated woman. - And while you're resting, I'll be helping the U.S. Army deal with the problem of super... terrorists.

- I can't leave the workplace. - She used another argument.

- When has that ever stopped us? - With a chuckle in his voice, continued massaging her shoulders.

- All right. - Frowned Madeline, finally relaxing.

She may not have done the best thing for my son, but her usefulness as a handler I couldn't help but recognise. The last few days had been extremely stressful for her, and it wasn't long before she had a breakdown. I'm going to have to adjust my plans and deal with the people who got their packages sent by Homelander.


Marvin tapped his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel, keeping his eyes on the road. From time to time he glanced at the almost equally thoughtful passenger in the seat next to him. The black man had his own reasons for rejoining William Butcher's crew, despite what had happened seemingly an eternity ago.

He recognised that he couldn't work sitting in some office, keeping an eye on juvenile delinquents. And deep down, he was glad that the arsehole had come to him after all. But that was then.

Now Marvin was angry. He didn't know where their leader was going, but he was still following him. And then he'd been burned by it again. That look on his wife's face as she and her daughter were being led away to safety had been... extremely unpleasant. So much so that when it was all over, the big man decided to end his work for Butcher, lest he lose his family over his mistakes.

- 'Butcher,' M-M called out to the unspoken leader, to which he looked at him questioningly. - We're here.

- I see," Billy nodded, glancing at the motel they'd arrived at. - Let's go.

With a sigh, Marvin got out of the van behind Butcher, with whom they had been sitting in the car for over thirty minutes. Inside the room were Frenchy, whom M-M hated for his erratic decisions, and Huey, who was new to the company. But he was able to prove his usefulness and commitment in this short time.

- Frenchy, did you do as I said? - Butcher asked immediately upon entering the room.

- Of course I did. - He answered with a noticeable accent, and something in his tone did not like Butcher.

- You sure you left that psycho in there? - Billy frowned, already guessing the answer. He read his team like an open book.

- She... couldn't have survived in there. She'd starve to death.

The Frenchman started to make an excuse when he was interrupted with a slap that sent the not-so-athletic member of the team to the floor.

- Oh, shit!" cried Huey, watching in shock. He wasn't in a hurry to get involved, which was good.

- Raynor's men were going to take her away, so that psycho would be physical evidence that Wout was feeding people that blue stuff! - Roared Butcher, already approaching him to continue.

But M.M. didn't stand by, keeping the extremely upset Billy from taking the Frenchman down. As much of a junkie and completely irresponsible person as he was, he didn't deserve such humiliation. It didn't take long to hold Butcher back, he quickly fell behind the idiot, dialling some number. In a couple of minutes the leader of the "boys" was already walking around the room, talking to Raynor in raised tones.

- What the fuck?! What do you mean the Pentagon classified everything about the drug?

- It was like this. The advent of Nakib has done its job and supers are now needed in the military.- What kind of stupid name is that?

- It means "Captain" in Arabic.

- They created that cunt," Butcher said, feeling the anger boiling up inside him. - I've even got the proof sitting in the basement, in shackles!

- The contract's already signed, Billy. They don't care who you keep in the basement anymore. Wout's already looking for you with the feds.

- You gotta be kidding me!

- I'm sorry, Billy. But you're all wanted. Good luck.

- Fuck. - Butcher sighed, realising there was nowhere else to go for help.

- Shall we get out of here? - There was a rhetorical question from Frenchy, while Huey just couldn't realise what had happened. There was silence for a while, which their leader decided to break.

- No, we haven't used our trump card yet. - Billy grinned, putting on his perennial black cloak.

- We don't have a trump card. - Said Frenchy doomfully.

- Wait here, I'll call you.

Leaving the last word to himself, their leader walked out the door, followed a second later by Marvin. It was immediately clear to him that this trump card was extremely doubtful even in theory.

- Don't tell me you're going to Stillwell's. - M.M. asked him, catching up with him at the van.

- I won't.

- What if she's not his weakness? It's suicide.

- Don't you get it, Marvin? We're already dead. - The bearded Brit replied grimly, climbing into the van.

- You're not going to call, are you? You're not even gonna die just to mess with Homelander.

- Keep an eye on those cunts. - He grinned and pulled onto the road, leaving the motel behind.

Marvin stared after the van, realising that this was their last conversation. By tomorrow, Billy Butcher would be dead.


Night is a blissful time of rest and visions. But a night in Tell Rif'at was no rest for one brazen, blue-eyed blond who had been taking things too easy lately. Right now I was looking under my feet, unnoticed by anyone below, hovering above the ground. And there was a lot to see. A building filled with people who were now bagging drugs. And the soldiers that were sneaking up on the structure to start raiding them. And this case wouldn't be any of my business if this wasn't where the V drug had been sent.

Landing neatly in front of the operatives, I smiled openly as I saw them pointing their machine guns at me. My hands went up, showing them that my person was no danger to them. Legitimately, the operatives calm down, recognising my bright suit, with an uncomfortable cape styled on the American flag. They didn't put down their machine guns, though.

- Good evening, guys, - I waved my hand in greeting, acting as friendly as possible. - I'll take care of this myself, if you don't mind. And you can make sure nobody runs away.

- Yes, sir. - Nodded, apparently the leader of their squad.

Apparently he'd already been warned that the Super Seven were now in league with the US Army.

- That's good. I'll be quick.

Taking off smoothly and landing on the roof, I stood at the entrance inside and sighed. Oddly enough, it was hard to decide how to deal with the criminals. On the one hand, they sell drugs, kill people, and generally do evil things. On the other hand, no one is going to take them alive, and in the end they're doomed to die anyway. But I'm not a punishing hand to decide who dies... but I won't interfere with that. Still, the first impression is very important, I don't want to be known as a maniac among the soldiers.

Breathing in, I pushed the door in front of me, confidently stepping inside. The man who was smoking by the stairs immediately threw away his cigarette butt and looked at me with shock. It took him a couple of seconds to come to his senses and at least start to recoil. But it was too late, a sharp blow to a special area of his neck knocked him unconscious for at least ten minutes. What can I say? Having X-ray vision is extremely convenient, if you don't use it in vain.

I walked down the stairs as calmly as I could downstairs, seeing that the sound of a falling body had caused a commotion downstairs. For the silence that had prevailed here before my arrival, it was like a thunderclap. So it didn't surprise me at all that dozens of men grabbed their assault rifles and started firing at me, such a prominent and convenient target.

- You don't fucking learn! - I smiled, trying to shout over the sounds of the gunfire, though I wasn't trying to. I didn't want to blow their eardrums out.

My eyes lit up red, definitely looking sinister from the outside. Bullets hitting my body just flattened out, falling to the ground. Vaught scientists called this effect a biofield, and every physically gifted super had this field, differing only in power.

They did not know the nature of this phenomenon, but one thing always remained unchanged: Supers are as stable as they are physically strong. That is, if a super can lift tens of tonnes of mass, it can't be moved by any human or any other super if it's much weaker than him, even if the former stands still and doesn't resist. That is why no modern weapon worked against Homelander, as the strongest super in history, and thus against me. Even an atomic bomb would be more likely to cause itching than to penetrate my body. So bullets didn't even feel like skin, causing boredom. Whereas the terrorists felt real terror at the sight of two bright red dots in the place of my eyes.

I yawned, causing the bullet to enter my mouth, and spit it out with irritation, determined to get this over with as quickly as possible. Walking confidently up to them, I simply trivialised their firearms. After which he disarmed them using the same method as the first one. Unfortunately, these three weren't the only people who should have been... calmed down.

As a result, stood surrounded by the unconscious bodies of the men and women who were doing the packing. Already at ease, my eyes carefully ran through the room, peering through every corner to see a vial of blue liquid inside one of the boxes. Bingo.

- Captain, I found this," I issued, holding out the drug to the soldier, stepping outside. - And yes, there are about thirty people lying unconscious inside. Can you figure it out? I'll fly.

Passing the drug directly into his hands, he nodded with a smile and flew up into the sky, immediately disappearing from sight. As they say, if you can't win, lead. That's probably why a couple of hours later I was sitting at the conference table with Robert Singer, the US Secretary of Defence. Since I had put Madeline on leave for a couple of days, I should have taken over some of her duties. The bearded old man, wearing horn-rimmed glasses and a smart suit over his decrepit body, was surprised to see me, but he didn't make a show of it.

- And where is Miss Stillwell?

- I'm afraid she has urgent business. I'll be in her place for the time being.

- Superhero?

- That's right, Minister," he replied confidently, withstanding the old man's appraising gaze. - Consider yourself talking to Miss Stillwell's confidante.

- So let's get straight to the point," Singer nodded, taking the V drug in his hand. - The Islamic State isn't exactly the centre of scientific thought. But they made a copy of your drug?

- Unfortunately, they did.

- How did they get the formula?

- We'd like to know.

- Maybe you can guess, Homelander. Maybe it was some kind of tourist. Or Miss Stillwell.

- Don't try my patience, Singer," he replied stiffly, narrowing his eyes, immediately noticing the old man's uneasiness. - You're not the only one who doesn't like what's going on. If it were up to me, everything would stay where it is.

- Then why did you get that drug? Why did you get involved in the operation if you didn't want it so badly? You volunteered.

- Do you know why people used to be heroes, Mr Singer?

- Enlighten me. - The minister leaned back in his chair.

- That's when a determined and strong-willed man was exalted above the rest, when he became not a trembling creature, but a right. So they were called heroes," he smiled, seeing his interest in a subject he was familiar with. - I have always admired such stories, such people who took everything into their own hands. But their time is gone and now the heroes are chosen by a corporation, one of a kind.

- What's the point of all this?

- The point is that no one but superheroes can go up against Nakib and other superhumans. No machine gun, grenade, rockets and other husks will be able to harm them in any way. The time of the old heroes has passed, Minister," he leaned towards him, looking straight into his eyes. - It doesn't matter how the drug got into the hands of the terrorists. What matters is that without Wout and her heroes, there is no way you can protect this country.

My gaze travelled carefully over Robert's face, seeing a shadow of emotion that was as clear to me as a grimace of pain. He had no choice, and he was well aware of that. And I would have to attend another Seven induction event this night. And unfortunately, I didn't have a choice either.


Annie watched in boredom as very important military people celebrated the fact that the army had a partnership with the Vaught Corporation. People showed joyful smiles that were soaked in hypocrisy. All sorts of men approached her regularly, trying to attract her attention, to charm her. And in every word addressed to her, there was envy and desire. Except that these emotions were not directed at Annie January, but at Starlight. A heroine who radiated a bright light, nothing more.

- What's wrong? Did one of those old men hurt you? - His blue eyes watched her carefully, looking for signs of something only he knew about.

- No, John, everything is just fine. - The girl smiled sincerely, glancing at the only one among the crowd who saw her as just Annie.

- I see something really beautiful in this hypocritical society right in front of me, don't you?

- Are you asking for a compliment? - Annie replied, trying not to look into those alluring eyes.

- I don't deny it.

- Madeline's not looking too bad today. It's like she's younger. - The blonde pointed at the woman, watching his reaction with interest.

- You cut me without a knife, Starlight. That really hurt. - The Homelander replied with amusement, comically clutching his heart. His and Stillwell's gazes crossed for a second, which looked suspicious at the very least.

Suddenly, the soft music from the piano interrupted, drawing his attention back to himself. He looked towards the musical instrument with anticipation, and his gaze drew her attention there as well. Starlight turned around intrigued, seeing Black Noir sitting in front of the piano, which at the same moment he actively played it. He immediately picked up a rather fast tempo, in contrast to the slow and background music that was playing before.

- He's playing the piano! - Starlight almost shrieked as she looked at John.

- He seemed to be in the mood today.

Annie could no longer hear the blond, concentrating on the music, which seemed to radiate joy, lust for life, a sunny mood. And as if wanting to share it as soon as possible, it played so rapidly that at times it became an indistinguishable mess. But then she slowed down, seemingly trying to show her beauty to the few listeners.

- It was beautiful. - Annie exhaled, even feeling the impact of such a short but beautiful piece of music played from the heart.

- It's Chopin, or rather Waltz Minute," John said, drawing her attention. - Unfortunately, it gets boring quickly, for my taste.

- How can it get boring? And you know classical music? - The girl was surprised.

- No, I don't. It's just that Noir plays it every time he wants to lighten the mood," the blond explained. - It's hard not to know what a colleague you've been working with for twenty years is playing. That answers both of your questions.

- I already realised. - The girl elbowed him, which made him recoil.

- How low I've sunk, getting punched even by my subordinates. - John snorted, pretending to hold on to the "damaged" place. But he stopped playing immediately, as if he'd heard a sharp sound.

His gaze immediately focused on Stillwell's back, which stood nearby, by the table. And from the spilled drops of champagne on that very table, it was not difficult to determine who was the source of the sound.

- What's wrong? - Annie asked worriedly, noticing the man's strange behaviour.

- Nothing. I just... I have to step away for a moment," replied Homelander, turning his attention back to her. - I won't be long.

- Take your time. There are men in uniform here that I can pass the time with until you get back. - Annie smirked, glancing round the room indicatively.

- Don't test me, Annie January. I might get jealous. - John grinned back, heading toward Stillwell.

He nodded to Maeve, who was habitually surrounded by men who were hovering around her. He returned his gaze to Stillwell's back, immediately looking through her. It was obvious that the woman was agitated about something, and given her recent conversation with Stan Edgar, who still deigned to spare a few minutes for the event, the reason for that was something weighty indeed.


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