Chapter 21: Chapter 22
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Extremely quickly managed to overcome the fear, feeling only a slight apprehension before the next dive. And after a while, the Depths of the ocean mesmerised probably only me and the Deep. The water in the water space covering most of the Earth's surface was too turbid. Very quickly it became clear that simple eyes are absolutely not adapted to deep diving.
It's just that light has great difficulty penetrating the water column. The same algae and plants survive only in the first hundred or two metres, beyond that there is simply not enough light for photosynthesis. And if we talk about great depths, their inhabitants, although they have a highly specialised - in the bioluminescent spectrum - vision, they need it only to see each other and to distinguish luminous predators from, for example, potential partners for reproduction.
The yellow and red spectra disappeared first, almost immediately. At the first fifty metres I could see the water in green, closer to a hundred metres the water turned first green-blue and then blue-green, and by three hundred metres all the colours had been swallowed up by the black blue. I could still see here, but below, below me, it was already completely impenetrable darkness. X-ray vision and the light from the laser vision helped. Even a ray of light already gave very good visibility to my eyes.
Orientation underwater presents certain difficulties for a diver. On the surface, a person orientates himself in the environment with the help of vision, and balance is maintained with the help of the vestibular apparatus, musculo-articular sense and sensations arising in the internal organs and skin when changing the position of the body. He is constantly experiencing the action of gravity and perceives the slightest change in the position of the body in space.
But here there is no usual support under feet, from all sense organs orienting a man in space, there remains only vestibular apparatus, on which otoliths continue to be influenced by forces of earth gravitation. But, fortunately, I was not a human being, thanks to superhuman physiology my vestibular apparatus was on a completely different level in comparison with the human one, and I felt myself and my position in the water almost as well as before in the air.
The speed of my flight increased with every second and very quickly I reached the bottom.... but I couldn't see much. The theories that the bottom was home to the biggest monsters of the deep turned out to be only theories. Well, I didn't see anything unknown to humans, not at all. Same whales, same big fish, long fish. their size was surprising, but nothing more. So after an hour I was out of the water off the coast of one of the islands in the Bahamas.
Fortunately, out of seven hundred islands only thirty were inhabited, so there was a place where I could leave my swimming trunks. Yes, extreme diving I had to do with my bare arse, as the swim trunks would not have been able to withstand the strain that awaited them. Snorting at my thoughts on the matter, I pull on my trunks and dive into the water again. In a couple of minutes I had already reached the island with pink sand, where I got out of the water. I reached the sun bed and started to get dressed when the phone rang.
- Yes, Madeline? - I answered it, looking at the kids building a sand castle. The gaze of the boy who was among them was too intense.
- Where are you? - The woman asked in a worried voice, she was definitely in a bad mood.
- In the Bahamas, Harbour Island to be exact. It's a beautiful place, you should visit it.
- Someone gave the CIA the V drug, and they're going to put me behind bars. I need you here.
- You need me? Madeline, that's your problem and I'm not getting involved in it this time," a smile came to my face. - Don't tell me it's a hopeless situation. I'm not going to step over the law because of it.
- You've done it many times before! How would you like it if I turned you in to them?! - Stillwell shouted hysterically. She was having a bad day, showing so much unnecessary emotion.
- Suit yourself, Madeline. But you know the consequences. and so do they," he snorted into the phone, squinting against the sunlight. - 'Just agree to their terms.
- I'll lose everything. I'll be replaced...
- Not if I stand up for you. Trust me, Edgar won't fire you. - I answered her confidently, and then there was silence on the other side.
- You did this, didn't you? - The woman finally said, exhaling softly.
- You're a Homelander, aren't you? - The boy came up to me, to which I smiled and sat down on my knee in front of him.
- Of course I am, but don't tell anyone about it," I smiled, putting my finger to my lips. - Do we understand each other?
The boy nodded enthusiastically, most likely taking my words as a game, and then ran off to the other children. Soon all the kids would know who he had just been talking to.
- Yes. - I heard it on the phone, and my smile only got wider.
Long black claws came within a millimetre of his face, missing their target. The attacks grew more intense and faster with each passing second, and John continued to dodge at the very edge of his opponent's abilities. In general, he was faster than any of the known supers, excluding speedsters. Those guys are extremely difficult to outrun on the ground when they're accelerating, but that's not taking flight into account. Chuckling at his own thoughts, he dodged again and this time hit back. More accurately, he pushed his opponent to the ground, from where she rose with a feigned grunt. Rebecca exhaled loudly, shaking the earth from her clothes.
- You're too fast. - The woman complained, glaring at him indignantly.
- And you're too predictable. - John chuckled, slightly regretting having to leave the island.
Two days' rest was too short, but it was a good respite after all the events. Annie was of the same opinion, and she couldn't stay on Harbour Island for long either. She was waiting for filming for a new show, which was planned by Vought. John, on the other hand, flew straight to the forest home.
- Where am I predictable?
- Get creative, or you'll be easily incapacitated. Believe me, you're still at the level of a strong but fairly average super. Although, that's by my standards. You'll be able to compete with Noir and Deep Space.
- That's a flattering statement. - Becca rolled her eyes before making another direct attack on him.
- Predictable. - John commented, dodging again without any effort, just the agility of a simple man.
- That's not fair!
- Keep your hands in front of you," the man sighed, taking her hands. - You keep them behind you all the time, which makes your swing so easy to see.
- Okay, what's next? - Becca looked at him with interest, and more importantly with enthusiasm.
- Short but quick lunges are the best here, - continued the blond, showing by example. - In your case, the most important thing is not the fatal blow, but whether you can deliver it.
- What do you mean?
- Let's just say, focus on speed and agility, not brute strength. You need mobility, to put it bluntly. And direct assault is not an option. only as a last resort.
- It's too complicated. - Becca pressed her lips together.
- I know, but you don't have much of an advantage in resilience, and you don't have the ability to be a melee fighter. - John sighed, remembering how effective Black Noir was at that. He'd probably been taught by more competent people, and he'd had to work with what he had.
- So what now?
- Start over. - The blond replied, stepping back a few steps and removing his shirt so Ryan wouldn't have any questions about the ruined clothes. He couldn't help but notice Becky's gaze on his torso for the first couple of seconds.
Further training was much more interesting due to the changes in the girl's fighting style. Her movements became more animal-like, and it showed that she had succumbed to her instincts. This time she was much more inventive, trying to get him from behind. And she wasn't succeeding simply because there was too much noise, which John pointed out to her.
The two hours passed extremely quickly, as if time had been sped up by leaps and bounds. Just as quickly Becca was adapting to her abilities, becoming more agile and quieter. Her strikes became much more deadly, this time she was aiming for the most vulnerable parts of the average person. She most often tried to get to the eyes, neck, legs, and back. But that was what ended up being what caused every single one of her failures, in her attempts to get at him.
- You're too noisy and also still predictable. - John hummed, grabbing her right in a leap and throwing her to the ground.
- And you're also rude. - Becca sighed, shaking the clods of earth out of her hair.
- Really? You'll thank me when these skills save your life," the man said grudgingly. - We're not playing games here.
As soon as the blond was distracted by his words to her, she pounced on him. Becca jumped on him, keeping her claws on him, and took his face in her palms and kissed him passionately. She didn't realise what she was doing, just giving in to a sudden impulse. But strangely enough, she managed to take the blond man by surprise. And John only supported her, soon taking the initiative. He pressed her back against the tree trunk, sliding his palms down to her buttocks, squeezing them in his hands with pleasure. His lips took in the beauty's lips harder and harder, until gradually, slowly he let them go free. Their gazes met and they couldn't get away from each other. The kiss didn't last long at all, rather too fast. So much so that they both wanted it to continue and it would be over in a moment.
- Mum? Dad? - Ryan's sudden appearance made them pull away from each other immediately.
- Ryan! - Becca said her son's name awkwardly, not knowing where to put herself. - Is something wrong?
- I wanted to call Daddy over to play the console," the boy answered, looking at his embarrassed-looking mother and calm father.
- Well, if my champion wants to play, how can I refuse. - John smiled, pulling on a T-shirt and picking up the laughing child in his arms, placing him on his shoulders. The blond walked briskly towards the house, thinking about what to do next with what had happened.
- God, what am I doing. - Becca covered her face with her hands, trying to just ignore the shame that came after her son's shout.
Only after a few seconds of quiet sighing did she follow the two of them. The shame faded into the background, as did the thoughts of what she had done. As she did so, she found herself thinking more and more about the need to wash herself. Standing under the hot water would be a good way to wash the dirt from her hair and sweat from her body. It did an extremely good job of disconnecting them from everything else.
They reached the house soon enough, as they didn't go far. Upon entering the house, Rebecca immediately went upstairs, locking herself in the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and sighed softly. Such behaviour was not at all typical of her; there was no time in her life when she had pounced on a man like a wild animal. Unless... With a barely audible pop even to her ears, the long claws popped out of her fingers.
- Fury, then. - Rebecca muttered thoughtfully, only now realising how much her newfound powers were affecting her.
She was not happy about this news, but she felt so good that it was hard to describe in words. Incredible flexibility of body, strength beyond any human, and hearing and sense of smell sharpened several times. To say the least, even her taste buds were renewed, so that when she ate, she could taste the whole gamut of flavours. She was different now, she wasn't the Becca her friends, family, and.... Billy.
- I need to freshen up. - Rebecca muttered, deciding not to think about it.
John was concentrating on the joystick buttons as he watched the battle unfold between Homelander and Nubia, the black-clad heroine in Brooklyn that until recently worked with her husband, the Nubian Prince. Things didn't seem to be going well with their familial relationship, but that's not the point. To generalise, they were now working separately and doing quite well.
Her abilities weren't bad, considering she could fly and release lightning from her fingers. But while it looked spectacular, it was inferior to Starlight's light beams, which determined who would be in the Seven. It was the reasoning of the Homelander, that he was directly involved in the selection of the contenders specifically among the women. It's just a fact that heroines always attract the interest of a vast audience.
- And how do you always win? - John pretended to be indignant as he saw thick lightning bolts fired at the Homelander, which was a far cry from reality. Nubia's lightning bolts were simply too thin and harmless even for the average super, let alone the strongest.
- It's just that Homelander is predictable, Dad. - Ryan smiled, looking at his father.
- Really?
- Yeah, he has limited moves that are easy to predict. И... you use him all the time. - Embarrassed, the child replied, seeing it as an unfair advantage.
- I'm just used to it. - The man grinned, at his own uncomplicated joke.
He looked at his son, thinking about the future. He had to teach Ryan something to protect him. Flying in that regard would work perfectly as the first skill he learnt. How to shoot lasers out of his eyes would be best not to show him at all, at least not until he was ten. It's too powerful a thing to control. It was John who could make the beams invisible and even minimise the heat, but the first time they are used, the lasers are switched on at full power simply because of inexperience.
- Shall we play again? We should pick someone else this time. - The man said thoughtfully, looking at the TV screen.
- Yeah. - The kid nodded, already choosing a new character, when the phone rang.
- Yes, Madeline? - Answered the blond man, surprised at the sudden call from Stillwell. She just couldn't be distracted by calls at the moment, completely drowning in business.
- John, I....we need to talk. - The woman's excited voice sounded, and it alerted him instantly.
- Did something happen?
- Yes, but it's not a phone call.
- Okay, I'm on my way. - John answered, hanging up. Something in her voice made him take it more seriously than usual.
- Are you leaving? - Ryan looked at him with sad eyes.
- Believe me, not for long," the superhuman ruffled his hair, deciding to cheer up his son. - Will you wait for me?
- Sure! - The child cheered up.
- Good. - The blond smiled and went upstairs to change.
Before he reached the guest room, Rebecca came out of the bathroom. She looked at him in surprise, immediately grabbing the towel she had carelessly wrapped around her sexy body. So it wasn't enough, the purple towel was short enough that it barely covered her innermost parts. John could hardly contain himself from devouring her with his eyes and still turned away so as not to embarrass her.
- You... you're leaving. - Becca stated, and he could even hear the displeasure in her voice.
She had become more emotional since taking the serum, John noticed. And not that he didn't like it.
- Yes, on the job. - He answered, confirming her words.
- We're going to discuss what happened, right?
- We will.
- Good. - Becca said, even a little relieved, and soon disappeared into her room.
John looked over to where she had just stood and inhaled, smelling the pleasant, sweet, honeyed scent she had left behind. Sighing, he still went to his room and changed into what had become a familiar superhero costume and flew out the window. Needed to find out why Madeline needed him.
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