Chapter 1: Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - ‘Spira’
/In a 'Universe named 'Final-Fantasy-Ten', 'far-far away, on a 'Continent 'known-as 'Spira'../
/Spira is a 'continent resembling a 'large-island. In terms of 'climate, Spira ranges from 'tropical-islands (Besaid and Kilika) and a 'scorching-desert (Bikanel Island) to 'temperate-towns (Luca) and the 'icy 'Mount-Gagazet. Spira's population is made up of a variety of six races: humans divided into 'Spirians and the 'outcast 'Al-Bhed 'faction, 'Hypello, 'Cactuars, 'Ronso, and 'Guado.
The world is 'terrorized by a supernatural-monster the people call 'Sin' that appears 'invincible. The temple of 'Yevon' teaches that the monster is a 'physical-manifestation of 'mankind's 'sins, and following the 'temple's-teachings and 'atoning could 'purge it. 'Sin' has been 'plaguing' the world for a 'thousand-years, the only moments of 'respite from it's 'horrors being the short and temporary 'Calms', brought upon by 'summoners who embark on 'dangerous-pilgrimages to visit the 'temples of Spira' to attain the 'Final-Aeon', a 'magical-creature of 'legend said to be 'strong-enough to 'destroy 'Sin.
The 'aeons' are 'supernatural-creatures 'called-forth at the 'behest of 'summoners, and 'manifestations of the 'fayth's-dreams: 'human-souls trapped in 'statues that reside in the 'temples of Yevon'. 'Yevon' was a powerful 'ancient-summoner whose 'teachings people now follow to 'purge the world of 'Sin', which includes 'subservience to the 'temples and 'ban on all 'machina. When the 'religion of Yevon' 'arose in the 'Machina-War's 'aftermath a 'thousand-years ago, 'summoning became one of its 'core-dogmas. Yet, after every successful 'Final-Summoning by a 'summoner who completes their 'pilgrimage, 'Sin' always 'returns./
/Location: Besaid-Island, six-months before Tidus arrives on the 'Island./
"Cunt-Punch! Fuck! My fucking head!" I scream out in 'pain', as I 'suffer what feels like 'absolute-torture, memories being 'crammed-into my brain, and the 'burning-stinging 'pain I'm currently feeling all over my entire body, 'inside and out, causing me 'tremendous-pain.
"Ugh! That sucked 'donkey-dick'!" I yell out in relief, as the torture finally 'releases' it's 'grip-on my entire 'being, whilst 'looking-around at my 'surroundings.
"Ouch! Hm.. I'm Sephiroth!?.. but the 'gods' have sent me to 'Spira'!?" I question out-loud to myself, since no one else was 'around, whilst 'combing through the 'memory I recieved to my 'brain.
"Status!.." I 'shout the word 'Status, whilst thinking the same 'word inside my head, 'bringing-up a 'holographic-display, 'showing my 'status-panel.
/Name: Sephiroth Jenova/
/Age: 18 'years of 'age/
/Height: 6' 4"/
/Weight: 240.0lbs/
/Race: Human-Cetra/
/Level: 6 (0/6000xp)
/Strength: 42/
/Vitality: 40/
/Wisdom: 69/
/HP(Health-Points): 400/400HP/
/MP(Magic-Points): 690/690MP/
/Sword-Play: Level-Two (0/2000xp)/
/Boxing: Level-Two (0/2000xp)
/Throwing-Weapons: Level-Two (0/2000xp)/
/Fire: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Water: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Thunder: Level-One (1/1000xp/
/Blizzard: Level-One (1/1000xp)
/Earth: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Esuna: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Cure: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Protect: Level-One (1/1000xp/
/Shell: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Inventory: One 'Nodachi, Two Throwing-Knives, One 'full-set of 'light-metal armor, consisting of 'shoulder-guards, a 'breast-plate, 'vambraces, and 'leg-guards, One-Thousand 'Gil/
"Alright, so I am inside 'Sephiroth's body, with all his memories of 'SOLDIER 'First-Class' trainings and 'teachings, I have 'Sephiroth's weapons, armor, and abilities." I say out-loud to myself, then I start walking 'down the 'dirt-path, 'cutting through the 'jungles and 'waterfall-covered 'landscape.
"Besaid-Village, should be close, the Island can only be so big.." I say, as I wonder how much farther, I will walk until 'being-able to see the 'village.
As I come over a 'crest of the hill, whilst walking on the path, and I 'laid-eyes on a 'very-small village. "Great! Civilization!" I shout to myself, then I continued on 'trudging-along the 'path, making 'my-way towards 'Besaid-Village. The only 'village on 'Besaid-Island', located near the 'continent of 'Spira.
/After Sephiroth 'walked-uninterrupted, by random 'wild-monsters or any villagers, 'fifteen-minutes 'later, as Sephiroth 'Neared the 'edge of the 'Village/
"Luzzu! Look! Hey! Halt Stranger!" I say, as I notice a very-tall and large man, with long-silverish white-colored hair, wearing a full set of armor, carrying a 'extremely-long 'katana, 'approaching our village.
"Wait Gatta! He seems friendly, Hello stranger! Welcome to 'Besaid-Village, my name is Luzzu, this is my 'fellow-crusader Gatta, how can we help you friend?" I hear Luzzu tell the stranger our names, then he asked the 'stranger, what his name is.
"Hello, my name is Sephiroth Jenova, I admit I have gotten lost, is there a 'Temple of 'Yevon', in this village?" The stranger introduces himself, then asks if we have a temple.
"Yes ofcourse, you are more than 'welcome to 'visit the 'Temple of 'Yevon-Besaid', right there, at the end of the center, of the village." Luzzu told the stranger, as I just sat and watched, their conversation, I do not trust strangers..
/Upon Sephiroth 'entering the 'Temple of 'Yevon-Besaid', after speaking with the 'Crusaders, Luzzu and Gatta./
"Greetings, I am new to the Island, I hope I am not disturbing every one's peaceful-worship." I say to the 'older-monks, gathered around the 'statues of 'High-Summoners, surrounding the 'insides of the 'Temple.
"Nonsense, young man, come, all are welcome to worship 'Yevon's 'teachings." The oldest and most 'authorative-looking monk told me, all who come to 'pray are 'welcomed.
"Thank you 'Sin's toxins have finally been 'cleansed from my body, 'Praise be to 'Yevon, but now I find myself 'washed-up on this Island, thank you my friend, I just needed a little strength from the 'fayth'.. I will 'pray' now, thank you again.." I thanked the old man, then I 'spun him a story about 'Sin's 'Toxins, I quietly 'stepped-over to one of the statues after that.
As I slowly 'knelt' down, to rest on both knees, whilst 'kowtowing with my 'forehead pressed 'flat-against the 'stone-tiled 'floor, of the 'Temple. "Mother..? Can you hear me?.. Why have you sent me here Mother?" I start to say quietly, I know some of the monks can 'more than likely' hear my words.
I can sense a 'magical-presence, down in the 'bottoms of the 'Temple, I'm hoping the 'supernatural-creature or 'magical-being can hear me.
They more than likely 'feed on 'magical-capable humans or 'human-variant species, so I'm pretty 'positive I can 'lure it out, with my 'absolute-pure 'mana.
"I've done what you asked mother, I've faced 'Sin! What do you want!?" I start to say a little louder, now talking loud enough to disturb others, causing one man to 'turn his head in particular.
"Young man! Wait! O' Praise be 'Yevon! The 'Fayth! Is out of it's 'chambers! Alert the 'Deacon!" The old man was about to give me a lecture, I believe so, atleast until the 'Aeon or 'Fayth, that resides inside the 'Temple of 'Yevon-Besaid, was now standing 'before me.
She was in a 'manifestation of a 'young-girl, I knew her name was 'Valefor.
"Valefor! Where is Mother!?" I say, trying to make it seem as though the 'supernatural-being' was a 'sibling of mine.
"Why can't you speak!?" I shout asking, knowing fully-well she was just a 'collection of the 'dead-summoners souls, and she did not have the ability to 'speak, like humans 'speak anyway.
I reached out my hand, 'urging my mana to form a 'pure-mana 'floating-sphere, 'luring the 'Aeon, with my 'magic into 'tricking it into a 'magical-summoning-contract, an 'ancient-cetra, 'long-lost 'magic.
"Praise be 'Yevon'! The stranger is a 'Summoner'! Let everyone on the Island 'know of this immediately!" I hear the 'oldest-monk, the first one to speak to me earlier, say to the 'monks 'gathered around watching my 'magical-contract with their 'fayth', 'go-down' so to say.. it is written..