I’m Sephiroth!? Wait!? Where’s Shinra Corp!? I’m In Spira!? What!?

Chapter 2: Vol. 1 Chapter 2 - ‘Valefor’

/'Temple of 'Yevon-Besaid'/


"I apologize everyone, I have found 'strength, sent from the 'Fayth of 'Yevon's-Teachings'. Who is the 'leader of this village? I would like to obtain permission to build a home here, if that is possible." I said 'sorry to everyone in the 'temple, then I asked if there was some sort of 'mayor or any 'kind of leader in the village.

"I am considered the leader here, I am 'Deacon Maeka, we can find you a 'plot of land, to build a home no problem at all, we can even have some of the men, around the village help you. Come follow me to meet Wakka." The old man introduced himself, then he turned and 'led me out of the temple, and back into the small-village.

/After 'Deacon Maeka introduced Sephiroth, to Wakka, the old man left to return to his temple. Leaving Sephiroth and Wakka walking towards an 'edge of the village where the 'plot of land, for our 'Main-Character to build a 'home upon is./


"Well thanks Wakka! I will visit the 'Crusader's-Lodge you mentioned, and 'procure all the supplies I need to 'clear this 'plot, and build me a 'home. Thanks again friend." I tell Wakka after he led me to, my new 'land, where my 'future home will stand.

"Nice meeting you Sephiroth, I'll be around if you need anything, being a 'summoner's-guardian is a full-time job, on top of that I still help patrol around the village and beach, theres many 'wild-monsters around, be careful if you go out alone especially at night." Wakka told me as he was leaving.

/After purchasing all supplies he would need, such as the axe, or saw, he needed for his 'home-building 'project, Sephiroth returned to his 'plot of land./


"Alright, let's do this! 'Rise! 'Valefor!" I shout out, as I 'summon my 'first-Aeon, Valefor, causing 'her to 'appear out of 'thin-air, 'flying-through the 'skies above the village.

"Praise be 'Yevon!" I hear a lot of the villagers all 'exclaiming, their 'praises for 'Yevon and his 'teachings.

"Valefor! I need you to 'cut-down all these trees, I want this 'plot of land 'clear. Thank you girl! You're the best!" I tell the 'Aeon what I needed done, then I thanked her, and let her know how much I 'appreciated her 'hard-work.

"Squeak!" The 'large-magical 'predator-bird, made a bird-like noise, as she used her wings to 'summon 'wind-blades, to 'chop-down and 'clear the land.

"Perfect! Here have some 'pure-mana, it's your reward, now you can go back, thank you sweet-girl!" I tell the 'bird, as I 'petted her 'sharp-beak, and handed her a basket of 'freshly-picked fruit.

"Sqwack!" She said bye, after 'swallowing the 'basket of fruits 'whole, then she 'returned to the 'spiritual-world.

/A week after the 'first-summon of Sephiroth's 'career as a 'summoner, Sephiroth's 'home was built and finished, with all the decorations and utilities he could need./


"Wakka! Thank you again my friend! You're a good man my friend!" I laugh as I thank Wakka, for helping me 'build, and get everything I needed for my house.

"It's no problem whatsoever, I'm glad we got another strong defender for the village, you never know when a 'monster-tide will happen, we must always be prepared." He tells me.

"Indeed my friend, this is a 'village 'worth dying to 'protect, I like it here." I tell Wakka my 'feelings on the 'subject.

"I will see you later, I have to go check on my 'summoner, she's training as an 'apprentice-summoner here at the 'Temple of 'Yevon-Besaid, she is 'High-Summoner Braska's only daughter, Yuna, I will bring her by sometime to introduce her to you. She could use some advice from a 'full-fledged 'summoner, like yourself." Wakka tells me, about his summoner, whom I already know all about.

"Sure Wakka, you are all 'welcome at my 'home anytime, have a 'good-day my friend." I tell him goodbye, then I got back to my 'plans for the future, so many plans. My system informed me, I have six-months time, till the 'protagonist, Tidus, of this 'universe, is 'washed-ashore, onto 'Besaid's-Beach.

/Sephiroth started a 'daily-routine, consisting of 'breaking his morning's fast, then 'jogging up and down the 'paths, leading-to and leaving-from the village of 'Besaid'. Killing any 'wild-monsters, that dare cross his 'path, greeting anyone he sees, as he makes his 'morning-patrols as he calls it. It's really just getting exercise and getting familiar with his surroundings, everyday, every morning, focusing on 'training his 'magic-spells mostly. Then when the day reaches midday, Sephiroth will return to his 'home, he will cook him something for 'dinner-time, after that he will visit the village and check the 'Crusader's-Lodge to hear any news that comes to the 'wayward-island of 'Besaid, pertaining to any sort of interesting-information, for its boring on 'Besaid-Island. After meeting the rest of the Besaid-Auroch's other than Wakka who is the captain, of the 'BlitzBall-Team, Sephiroth started 'practicing 'BlitzBall with the team, during the after-noons at the beach by the 'waters that 'surround the Island. Before the 'Sun 'goes-down for the day, to turn into 'night, Sephiroth and the rest of the 'Auroch's will return to the 'Village, before dark. This routine has gone on for a month, until Sephiroth grew bored, and decided to visit the 'Temple of 'Yevon-Besaid', to hopefully meet the young-beautiful Yuna./

/Location: 'Temple of 'Yevon-Besaid/


I enter the 'local-temple and look at the residents of the village, all going about their 'worshipping of their 'religion. I notice there is a 'smoking-hot, huge-breast carrying, 'gothic-emo 'Sex-Goddess, who I know is named Lulu, she is a 'black-mage and another of Yuna's many guardians.

I make my way towards her, 'locking-eyes with the 'busty-beauty, after I 'grew near her. I opened my mouth to tell her.. "Hello 'young-beautiful 'miss, my name is Sephiroth, I am a friend of Wakka, are you also an 'guardian to the daughter of 'High-Summoner Braska?" I asked her, after 'complimenting her 'beauty and introducing myself.

"Well yes, I am a 'guardian of Yuna, the daughter of 'High-Summoner Braska, my name is Lulu, it is nice to meet you Sephiroth, I have heard about the new 'summoner living in the village, I'm assuming that is you, am I right?" She asked, after confirming her identity, and the identity of her 'summoner Yuna.

"Um.. Yes I am the new 'summoner they speak of, I guess, I wish to meet Yuna if that is possible.. do you think that would be ok?" I ask Lulu.

"I'm sure Yuna, would love to meet a 'full-fledged 'summoner, she will 'more than likely' have a hundred questions for you as well." Lulu tells me, as the doors 'leading down to the 'chambers of the 'fayth' slid open, revealing my 'prey', a beautiful-slim young-woman, around 'eighteen-years of age, 'long-silky and dark hair.. mm.. she looks tasty.. it is written..

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