Chapter 3: Vol. 1 Chapter - Yuna
/After Yuna 'exited the 'chambers of the 'fayth', she was 'helped-down the 'stone-stairs, by her 'Ronso-Guardian, Kimahri, as they reached the 'ground-floor of the temple./
"You look exhausted my dear, here nothing a little 'white-magic can't fix" I walk up and tell the 'sweaty and 'exhausted young-woman, whilst casting a 'cure and 'esuna on her, cleansing her and restoring her stamina and energy spent, praying and 'communicating with the 'fayth.
"Ahh, amazing!, thank you friend, I feel so much better!" Yuna thanked me in excitement, gods she looks absolutely delicious, the way her perky-breasts jiggle with each little bounce or 'jerking-movement she was making.
"You are more than 'welcome 'Princess Yuna, my name is Sephiroth, I actually was hoping you could tell me where 'Sir Auron is.. do you know his location?" I asked Yuna after introducing myself.
"No I'm afraid not, we have not heard from him in many years, it had to be ten years ago, when my father brought the last 'calm'." Yuna answered me sadly.
"Yuna, do not be sad, your 'Father was a great man, he gave his life to buy 'ten-years of peace. You have the potential to be even greater Yuna! 'Ten-years is not 'long-enough or 'good-enough for me, I wish to bring an 'eternal-calm to 'Spira'. That is why I became a 'summoner, my wish is to end 'Sin's 'reign of terror' 'permanently', will you join me Yuna? I will find a way, to make it possible, no 'summoner will ever have to 'sacrifice themselves to 'complete the 'final-summoning, only to kill 'Sin' for 'ten-years at a time, that is not 'good-enough for me, what say you Yuna? Is it 'good-enough for you?" I ask Yuna if she would 'join me, in my quest in 'permanently-purging 'Sin', from this world.
"It is not 'good-enough for me, but it is 'Yevon's-Teachings', we must abide his 'teachings if we wish to 'purge 'Spira 'free of 'Sin', and all of it's destruction." Yuna answered me.
"I don't care what some 'ancient-summoner tells people, it's not 'good-enough for me, the 'fayth has answered my call, thats who I 'answer to, that is who I hear crying for help, they are 'tired of facing 'Sin', they wish for me to get 'stronger, so I can 'rid them of their 'nemesis." I tell Yuna my thoughts.
"Think on what I've said, if you ever have any questions, or just need someone to talk to, you can find me here in the village, Lulu it was nice meeting you my dear, Kimahri nice meeting you too, bye Yuna, you all have a nice day." I tell Yuna and the other two 'guardians, goodbye for the day, I've planted the 'seeds' in Yuna's little pretty head, now I just have to wait..
/Another month has passed, Sephiroth has kept up his 'daily-routine every day, 'grinding his 'magic-spells daily, spending time getting to know Yuna, and all of her guardians, playing 'BlitzBall with the 'Aurochs, helping the villagers whenever they need help. All this has brought Sephiroth's 'Status-Panel, to look like this../
/Name: Sephiroth Jenova/
/Age: 18/
/Height: 6' 4"/
/Weight: 240.0lbs/
/Race: Human-Cetra/
/Level: 10 (1000/10000xp)
/Strength: 54/
/Vitality: 50/
/Wisdom: 78/
/HP(Health-Points): (500/500HP)/
/MP(Magic-Points): (780/780MP)/
/Sword-Play: Level-Two (0/2000xp)/
/Boxing: Level-Two (0/2000xp)
/Throwing-Weapons: Level-Two (0/2000xp)/
/Fire: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Water: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Thunder: Level-Three (1/3000xp)/
/Blizzard: Level-Three (1/3000xp)/
/Earth: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Esuna: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Cure: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Protect: Level-One (1/1000xp/
/Shell: Level-One (1/1000xp)/
/Location: Sephiroth's Home/
"Hey Yuna, Lulu, Kimahri, and Wakka, 'what's-up?" I greet the four people as they are walking up to my home, as a group, looking quite serious.
"Seph! There is a Garuda that has been harassing the 'path to the village, we were hoping you could help deal with it. It is the biggest 'Garuda we have seen on this Island." Yuna tells me what happened.
"Alright show me where it is, I will handle the rest." I tell them to lead me to this 'wild-monster, I've been looking for a good excuse to 'summon Valefor.
/After leaving the Village, the group traveled along the 'path, leading to the beach of the Island, until they reached two waterfalls, where the Garuda has decided to make a nest 'overlooking the 'path./
"Wow that is a big Garuda, no matter, 'Rise! 'Valefor!" I tell them as I 'raise my empty right-hand, and 'call-forth my 'Aeon from the 'spiritual-world, to kill my enemy.
"Praise be 'Yevon'! She is so beautiful!" I could hear Yuna 'praising 'Yevon', whilst admiring Valefor's beauty and 'graceful-flying.
"Valefor let's make this quick, 'Energy-Blast the Garuda!" I order my 'Aeon to 'unleash a powerful 'high-temperature 'laser-beam, made of 'pure-nonattribute 'mana, the 'limit-break of the 'Aeon instantly 'pierced and 'burnt a 'barrel-sized hole, right through the Garuda's 'chest-area, killing the 'enemy-monster instantly.
"Great job girl! Here's some of the fruit you like my 'sweetling, go on home and rest for the next time I 'call-on you." I tell Valefor, she did an 'excellent job, then I gave her some more of the 'local-fruit, after eating she 'de-summoned herself to the 'spiritual-world.
"Wow man that was awesome!" Wakka exclaimed.
"It was very impressive indeed, thank you Seph!" Yuna agreed with Wakka, and then she thanked me for completing my task. Meanwhile, Lulu just stared at me, she doesn't speak much, but I'm going to see if I can 'fix that.
As we were walking back I took the chance to slip beside Lulu, as we were all walking I spoke quietly to Lulu.
"Lulu, can you come to my 'place tonight? I would like to cook you a 'home-made meal, if that would 'interest you, does it?" I asked Lulu 'quietly if she would be interested and visiting me tonight.
"And why would you do this?" She asked me while 'raising an eyebrow.
"Would you believe me if I said, I just want to get to know you, the most beautiful and attractive woman, I've ever 'seen." I told her my 'reasoning.
"Is that so?.. hm.. well I guess I will visit you tonight, we shall see if you can 'cook." She tells me, exactly what I was hoping to hear, gonna have to do some good stretching, just in case she gives me the chance to 'ruin her holes.. it is written..