Chapter 198: Finally Time
"So this is the noumenite." Rivera said, almost transfixed by the clear crystal in front of her, "It's of pretty good quality too."
"Good quality and good quantity." Kaguya nodded, "That's what Roko risked his health for."
"You didn't have to wait for me to recover." Roko sighed, "Anyway, that should be enough noumenite for the field enchantment right?"
"After seeing Corissa's full enchantment, I'm sure this is just enough." Rivera nodded, "I might need to see her use sanctuary again a few more times to examine the mechanics but we have everything we need now."
"Does that mean you can cast sanctuary now yourself?" Kaguya asked, "Or holy at the very least?"
"Can you fire an arrow by yourself now that you've used a bow?" Rivera shook her head, "No, I doubt I'll be capable of using that spell. At best, I can recreate that sanctuary enchantment somewhere else but that requires the necessary equipment and another noumenite so I doubt it would happen. Nor can I think of any time I would need this specific spell again."
"Maybe if you needed to move Brea's grave again?"
"Then I'll just move this noumenite with it." Rivera sighed, "And don't remind me of her right now..."
"Don't want to think about it?" Roko asked.
"What even HAPPENED back there anyway?" Rivera snapped, "I get that she was brought back to life but it doesn't sound like she was malicious or anything."
"My guess?" Roko shrugged, "The being whose power was used to bring her back from the dead opted for a complete resurrection spell to retain most of her power but also ended up retaining her personality. Without the control of the undead, Brea chose to help instead and ended up returning to the dead in the end."
"You're saying this god made a mistake?"
"Who knows?" Roko said, "All gods make mistakes sometimes right?"
"I thought you humans' gods were supposed to be perfect beings." Rivera frowned.
"Can't really speak on that." Roko shrugged, "Never knew any of the gods personally."
"This is why we elves don't understand the concept of gods." Rivera scoffed, "Why cede power and authority to something with that much power to begin with? You have no way of controlling them. Now your gods left and the only 'god' remaining is doing stuff like this."
"In our defense." Roko said as Rivera let out a deep sigh, "You still have Brea's body. It's not like we destroyed it."
"That's the ONLY good thing to come out of this. And it's not even like we gained anything. We just broke even."
"I mean...could've been worse?"
"Hmph. Regardless, disturbing our founder's eternal rest is going to be a sore spot in our history." Rivera scowled, "Not to mention needing her help to return her to the dead."
"You're gonna teach this kind of stuff in textbooks now?"
"No but those who deride our city certainly won't forget."
"Well, at least those people won't be the dark elves." Kaguya said, "At least...not the ones from Duskwald."
"I still can't believe they're our allies now." Rivera sighed, "The rest of elvenkind aren't going to look kindly upon us."
"Then why go through with it?" Roko crossed his arms, "Not that I'm complaining about your alliances but you had no obligation to help as much as you did. At some point you've become compliant with our views and that was by your own choice. So why make that choice?"
"..." Rivera looked down as she held her head in her hand, "You may leave now."
"No, I think we want to hear this." Kaguya insisted, "You can't pretend you didn't have a reason to do all this. Nobody would believe it."
"..." Rivera silently contemplated her choices, "...I might have felt a bit bad about ruining my daughter's first romance...and life in general."
"Good mother."
"Surprisingly good mother." Kaguya nodded.
"I don't remember asking for your remarks." Rivera growled, "Now get out of here before it gets too late to return to the camp."
Duties fulfilled, Kaguya and Roko returned to camp in surprisingly fast time. The cart drivers must be very used to the route by now. Or the roads had gotten more worn out with use, making them easier to traverse. Either way, they were back by late afternoon to a very heated conversation in front of the construction being done to the cave's main entrance.
"All I'm saying is that greco-roman architecture is going to look real impressive when you walk in." Reaumur said.
"That style doesn't fit for an entrance on the side of a cliff." Helena replied.
"You were suggesting gothic revival! How is that going to blend in?!"
"We can be more subtle about it! It's not like I'm suggesting beaux-art architecture!"
"We arguing over the entrance reconstruction?" Kaguya smiled as she approached them.
"Got any ideas, Kaguya?" Helena asked, "Greco-roman or gothic revival?"
"Let's compromise and say Baroque."
"Entrance still hasn't been cleared, huh?"
"Hey guys." Helena said as Enlil arrived with Ereshkigal, Corissa and Varis accompanying him, "Yall feel better already?"
"Yes, well..." Enlil sighed, "I have to admit, I was quite shaken when the image of my dead wife appeared before me. There is no excuse for me. I'm sorry I failed you, Ereshkigal."
"I-It's fine..." Ereshkigal replied, still a bit reserved though she seemed much better mentally, "This was all my fault anyway."
"It's okay." Corissa patted Ereshkigal on the head, "Nobody died in the end so it's all good!"
"Speak for yourself." Roland mumbled, "My haaaaaatttttt..."
"Oh get over it." Helena rolled her eyes, "You got your sword back at least."
"That's the LEAST that should've happened." Roland growled, "My poor sword. Wielded by a brute like him."
"I dunno, your sword seemed to be enjoying being used by Roko." Momo called as she climbed down from the mountaintop to join them.
"What were you doing up there?" Roko asked.
"Just a bit of check up." Momo replied, "The lake has a glass bottom after all so we could peer inside the main chamber at least. No more undead seem to be inside. So that's probably good. Brook's using the secret exit to get back inside and check on the damage. And make sure no one's been trapped since the incident. She just confirmed that she was inside now so we should get to clearing the rubble soon."
"Got it." Roko nodded.
"Back up there for a minute." Helena said with a smile, "What do you mean by the sword enjoying being used by Roko?"
"Oh, you know." Momo chuckled, "It's one of those things that only warriors understand. Like, I can't explain it but I think the sword liked being used by Roko."
"That's not what I saw." Roland crossed his arms.
" know..."
"No I don't know." Roland scowled at Momo's insinuation, "What are you talking about?"
"There were a lot of zombies everywhere so maybe you didn't get a good look."
"Uh huh." Roland said, unconvinced of Momo's sincerity.
"Anyway, I'll just start working on this rubble now." Momo said as she smoothly went off to start clearing the entrance.
"Oh, I'll help." Reaumur volunteered.
"Well, all's well that ends well, right?" Kaguya chuckled.
"Oh yeah, whatever happened to your research?" Helena asked Enlil.
"Burned it all." Enlil shook his head, "Though by the look of things, the research disappeared along with the god. They were all blank books when Brook came back with them. Burned them all the same though. Waste of years of research but I'm more than happy to make a clean break with that kind of magic."
"And you, Eresh?" Helena asked, "What are you going to do now?"
"I...I've had enough of that kind of magic now too." Ereshkigal looked down, "I don't know what I'm going to do but...I'll just...try and behave from now on."
"I have one question though." Roko spoke up, "Why did you do that?"
"You want to know why?" Ereshkigal scowled, a hint of her former defiance leaking through her meekness.
"I think it's important to be put out in the clear." Roko nodded, "What did you try to summon your parents for?"
Ereshkigal shrunk back, more out of embarrassment than fear and mumbled something that everyone leaned in to try and hear. With everyone's attention on her Ereshkigal began to blush a deep red, struggling to get her words out until she forcibly blurted,
"Jealous?" Corissa and Enlil blinked, confused, "Of who?"
"That...girl you guys keep talking about."
"Yeah." Ereshkigal sighed, "I keep hearing about how this human girl is the same age as me but helped saved all of your lives and learned all this stuff from her parents and is so mature so I..."
Ereshkigal trailed off, unable to stand her own childishness. In comparison, everyone else seemed to be smiling at her.
"Aw, look at you being cute all of a sudden." Helena grinned, "Who know you could be this cute?"
"It's okay, Eresh." Corissa said as she patted Ereshkigal's head, "We all get jealous sometimes,"
"Do we?" Roko frowned.
"But that's not a good excuse for the trouble you caused." Enlil nodded, "You need to apologize."
"I knew it." Ereshkigal sighed, "I'm sorry."
"Apology accepted but I wasn't talking about us."
"You need to apologize to Aida too."
"I need to apologize to a girl I've never even met before?!" Ereshkigal frowned.
"Of course. If your jealousy has caused someone trouble, then you need to apologize. Making amends with the target of your jealousy will help you grow as a person, even if they're someone you've never met before."
"But why apologize? She doesn't even know I exist."
"This isn't about what you have or have not done to this girl. It's about your own personal growth."
"...Then how am I supposed to apologize to her?"
"Well, you can meet her." Helena replied, "She lives in Memoria Auspice with us so we can invite you over once we get back."
"Wasn't this place like really far away?" Ereshkigal frowned, "I think it took like more than a month later for you all to arrive than you were expected to."
"W-Well, there were some circumstances behind that." Helena laughed softly, "But not to worry, our school exists in a pocket dimension like the Tree Cradle. We can send you a portal right to it once we get back."
"Are you allowed to do that?"
"We'll make it happen." Kaguya nodded, "I'm sure Zadkiel won't mind either."
"...Then...when are you going back?"
The humans all looked at each other.
"'s been like maybe two months since we got to Arbrea?" Helena thought aloud, "And we're supposed to be here for at least a year right? least 10 more months?"
"Hm, that's surprisingly soon." Ereshkigal grimaced, "I better start preparing."
"Surprisingly soon she says." Helena chuckled, "Elves really are on a whole new level."
"Hey guys, we've finished clearing the rubble!" Momo announced.
Turning towards the entrance, the broken stones had indeed been cleared away, opening the way back into the caverns.
"Thank god." Enlil nodded, "I was getting a bit tired of sleeping in those refurbished huts. No offense to you all, the cave just has better lodging."
"Well now you've just made it personal." Helena smirked as she placed her hands on her hips, "Now I'm going to deck out all the huts with top quality furniture."
"I don't think that's a good idea." Kaguya said.
"Why? It's not like I don't have the money."
"Yes but there are a lot of huts. You can't possibly decorate them all with your parent's money."
"Fine, I'll decorate one hut. But I'll make it real fancy. Including the exterior. Actually, that might be a problem with how the huts as a frame. Then I'll make an entirely new house!"
"Is it even a hut at that point?" Brook said as she arrived at the entrance with Klaus following her.
"Oh Book!" Reaumur said, "And even Klaus is here! Good timing. Roko, can I borrow you for a moment?"
"Huh? Sure." Roko said as he walked over.
"Brook, Klaus, come with us too."
"Okay?" Brook raised an eyebrow as the three depart from the group to a more quiet side of the mountain.
"Okay." Reaumur said as she sat down on a rock, "So I'm sure you have been thinking of this yourself, Roko, but we have to make things clear and concise when it comes to handling blink dogs. So I'll just say it right now. Roko, I think it's best that Brook takes care of Klaus."
"Wait, what?!" Brook cried out in surprise.
"Roko's life is more sedentary than most of us imagine when we think of everything that has happened." Reaumur explained, "He does tend to spend a lot of time nose deep in books or standing around practicing magic. It's just not active enough a life for a blink dog owner. Meanwhile, Brook, you actually worked really well with Klaus back in the fight last night and with your position as the ambassador between the elves and dark elves, you'll probably be doing a lot of traveling between our two homes. That's a much better lifestyle for a blink dog."
"Wait, since when was I the ambassador?!" Brook cried.
"Who else is it going to be?" Roko scoffed, "You have a direct connection with Polaris. There is no one more qualified to be the link between these two races than you."
"Roko, you have no complaints?!"
"I never owned Klaus to begin with." Roko said as he held out his hand for Klaus to lick, "He and I just found ourselves working together really well. But I do tend to be less active than Klaus needs me to be so I've always thought he was going to have to return to the dark elves eventually. Klaus doesn't seem to like being just a pet either. He always did seem to have am ambition that I could never really provide him. As the partner of an ambassador between two races, I think he might actually be satisfied."
"Even though I think Klaus clearly likes you more." Reaumur giggled.
"Well, I'm going to leave this forest eventually anyway." Roko said as he patted Klaus, "And I can't bring him with me."
"You could've. But like I said, I think human lives are too peaceful for blink dogs. Elven lives are too peaceful for blink dogs too. We dark elves train them to help hunt so we've managed to domesticate them pretty well. But I agree, Klaus never really seemed content just working for anyone. But I think he'd look very handsome standing next to you, Brook."
Brook took a second to take in all this information, "...You know I'm also a trained assassin right? I might have to do subterfuge and stealth missions."
"That's perfectly in the skillset of blink dogs." Reaumur nodded.
"Skillset nothing. They can teleport." Roko scoffed, "Even if they can't bring you with them, they're still an unpredictable element in everything. That's an irreplaceable asset to have."
"That's true." Reaumur agreed, "The only things you really have to pay attention to is keeping them active and watch out for Displacer Beasts. They are natural rivals to Displacer Beasts and they'll zone in on them if they ever sense one. But other than that, they're very loyal and very intelligent."
Brook looked down at Klaus who looked up at her. The dog seemed to look favorably on her...or at least neutrally. Which was a big difference from the stark indifference or almost disregard he had for everything else. Brook looked hesitant but it was clear the more she looked at the dog, the more tempted she became.
"I-If you want to come with me, I'll love your help." Brook held out a hand towards the blink dog.
Klaus barked and placed a paw in her hand, the two shaking to officiate a new partnership.
"Oooo, I always wanted to own a blink dog!" Brook said as she hugged her new partner, "But they just don't like being with elves usually."
"W-Well, I don't think normal blink dogs dislike most of the pet business." Reaumur laughed softly, "Though Klaus might be an exception to that."
"O-Oh!" Brook said as she quickly pulled away from the somehow disgruntled looking dog, "Sorry! I guess you don't want to do that very often?"
"Not in public at least." Roko said, "Though to be safe, I'd probably stick to head pats and rubbing. Maybe throw in a few scritches and belly rubs when you're alone."
"G-Got it! Phew, owning a blink dog is hard work."
"Klaus is a bit more of a handful but he's very capable." Reaumur laughed, "I'm just glad to see he's finally got a good owner."
"Feel free to visit me when you're around." Roko said to Klaus, "I'll try to make some time for you before I have to leave the forest. Though that may not be for a while longer."
Klaus barked affirmatively.
"...So should I buy a leash or something?" Brook asked.
"Brook, they can teleport."
"I-I know! I was just asking!"