In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 199: Magic Showing Wizard


Corissa knocked on the door to Roko's hut later that night. Turning away from his desk, Roko welcomed the princess inside and offered her a seat on his bed.

"No other chairs sadly." Roko said as Corissa sat down on his bed, "Most of these homes aren't really equipped to accommodate more than one person."

"That's fine." Corissa smiled, "I'll try not to take too much of your time."

"Hm? Then what do you want to talk about?"

Corissa's smile developed an earnest pain to it as she replied, "I just wanted to apologize. I'm...sorry. I failed you."

"...I don't know what you're talking about."

"You fully know what I'm talking about." Corissa said firmly, "When you were recovering, I could've released the cure a while earlier. You could've returned to your real self a long time ago. You could've joined the fight much earlier. You might've been able to help sooner, maybe even changed how things went down. More than anything, I had the chance to help you and I chose not to. There's nothing I can say in my defense. I've failed you as a friend and comrade. And I'm sorry."

Roko scratched his cheek. It wasn't like he never thought about it. He did recognize what she did. He just didn't see it as a big deal. It wasn't like he could've drastically changed the undead battle. He was still sick and couldn't draw out most of his strength anyway.

"But still!" Corissa insisted after Roko told her as such, "I had the means and opportunity to help you and I didn't! That's a clear failure on my part. There's nothing I can do to rectify that mistake but I hope you'll forgive me!"

Roko sighed, "Why do you want me to be happy, Corissa?"

"Eh?" Corissa looked up, confused, "Isn't that what most people want? To be happy?"

"There's a difference between happiness and self-actualization. Happiness is just a vague emotion we want to seek out. However, it is not the only thing that matters and assuming that is our ultimate goal can turn that pursuit for happiness into something like a drug. Self actualization is the understanding of your own place in the world. Not in surrendering to the place you've found yourself in but realizing what it is you want to do and being able to do it. If happiness is like a drug then self actualization is a medicine made from happiness and tempered with peace. Some people need times of happiness to reinforce the rest of their lives but some people are content with their place in the world and couldn't wish for more."

"...Are you saying you've self actualized?" Corissa asked skeptically.

"Not at all." Roko chuckled, "If I was then I'd know what it is that I want to do. No, I'm afraid I'm not quite at that level quite yet. But I know what it is I have to do and that's perfectly fine for me."

"And what is that?"

"It's doing things only I can do."

"Like sacrificing yourself?" Corissa frowned.

"If it comes down to it."

"Roko, you understand the rest of us exist right? You don't have to always put yourself in danger."

"But you shouldn't be." Roko replied, "Even if you want to be, you all have titles and positions to keep in mind. You're all princesses and knights at the head of entire economical systems. Your lives shouldn't be put at risk without any regard. Put frankly, you're all too famous and too important. That's why there's things only things that a nobody like me can do."

"...Do you really think so little of your life?

"It's not really a thought so much as a fact. I have no fame to my name. My disappearance would mean nothing. I mean in a normal world, I would have been lucky to meet one of you, much less work with all of you like I have. Even with all I have done, you all have done more than me. This camp is already a good example of that. I would have never been able to renovate this camp on my own. This camp wouldn't even be an option without your magic to protect it. In comparison, my suggestion is negligible."

"How is it negligible?! Without your idea, this never would have happened!"

"You say that like nobody else could come up with this idea." Roko chuckled, "Even if that was the case, everyone else's efforts are what makes it a worthy idea."

"..." Corissa looked displeased. She came to apologize but instead, Roko was hitting on every point that annoyed Corissa greatly. And from the look on Roko's face, this was entirely within his plans. Get her to focus on something else other than apologizing. Did he just not want to have to accept her apology? Or did he not want her to apologize? Probably both. This was just his way of telling her that she didn't need to apologize. Because he knew she wouldn't accept it if he openly said she didn't need to apologize. That was Roko. Someone who manipulates people and scenarios to fit exactly what he thought should happen. Even without years of experience discerning intentions in political parties, Corissa could tell that the smile Roko had on was completely fake, just trying to look comforting and casual. That he would only smile in times like this drove Corissa crazy. Changing the conversation so that he never had to accept an apology...and so Corissa never had to apologize. He was every bit as cunning as Alec...but...she understood him. She didn't know why but Corissa could tell all these things about Roko. He was like an open book to her. She could understand him. ...So why couldn't he understand her?

"Roko..." Corissa said, " not value your own life?"

"...I've yet to find a meaning for my life." Roko replied, "Without meaning, my actions have no meanings either."

"That's not true." Corissa shot back, "If that was true then you wouldn't be nearly as active as you are."

"You didn't let me finish." Roko said with his stupid fake smile and level voice, "My life has no meaning but I'm certain other people's lives have meaning. What I do I do to support others. That is the only thing I've been doing since I came here and it's what brought me this far. It's not what I expected from my life but I can't deny it's effect on me. That doesn't mean I will help just anybody to do anything they want to do but it's more than what I thought I'd do with my life. It has meaning, it has value. It's something worth risking my life over."

Corissa bit her lip. She knew the value of helping people. It was something she dearly wanted to do too. She wanted to tell Roko that no help was worth trading his life over...but she knew she would just as readily give away her life to help even a stranger. But still...but still…

Corissa stood up, her mind unwilling to argue further. Roko had the heart, the stubborness and worst of all the reasons to justify his actions. And her? She was just a mess of confused annoyance. Everything told her to just leave the conversation. She didn't want to interact with him anymore. It was exactly what Roko wanted but Corissa was too exasperated to continue. She walked away but she paused at the doorway, before she left,

"...Do you have a hobby?"

Roko chuckled, "Helping others is not my life's purpose. It gives me meaning but it cannot define me. It's...a distraction you could say. A hobby."

"Tch." Corissa turned back to the door and walked out.

Early the next morning, Roko woke to find a platoon of robed elves setting up what seemed to be like cressets along the perimeter of the encampment. Except instead of fire in these standing torches, there was a white-ish, almost clear crystal in the basket. When he questioned them, they just said they were ordered to set this up by Rivera. Further questions suggested that Rivera was indeed here as well so Roko started to make his way towards the cave entrance only for Rivera herself to float out of the cave with a triumphant look on her face.

"Oh. Hello Roko." The prodigal elven mage looked down at him with a satisfied, almost smug look, "I suppose you want to know what's going on?"

"You've finished the sanctuary enchantment?" Roko guessed.

"Bit of an obvious question isn't it?" Rivera replied, mood unaffected by Roko's nonchalance, "But yes. The sanctuary enchantment is complete and we've finished with returning Brea's grave to it's new resting place."

"I'm pretty sure they aren't but those crystals being put outside the camp aren't noumenite are they?"

"Nope. Just quartz. They're good at extending the range of field enchantments."

"So where's the noumenite?"

"Hmmm..." Rivera looked playfully down at Roko, "That's a secret. But I will say that it's hidden in the same place as Brea's grave."

"In the main cavern?"

"In their pocket dimension." Rivera laughed an obnoxious smug laugh, "Though even if you find it, you may not find the noumenite either."

"Sounds like you're pretty confident in your work." Helena said as she walked up to them, "Must be quite the handiwork on your part."

"Possibly the best work I've ever done." Rivera nodded, "Shame none will ever lay eyes on it."

"Not taking any tours?" Kaguya said as she arrived with everyone else.

"Not right now." Rivera replied, "Though it is tempting."

"Yikes." Brook winced, "Mom looks almost 100 years younger."

"What do you mean by that yikes, Brook?"

"Nothing." Brook said, putting on her mask.

"So..." Momo spoke up, "If the enchantment is done does that mean..."

"Yep! Your work at this encampment is now over! You can return to Granreveria!"

"Don't you all celebrate at once." Rivera said, her cheer taking it's first hit in this conversation.

"It's not like we don't want to return." Helena chuckled, "It's just that some parts of the renovations we're responsible for isn't done yet."

"Are you talking about that mansion you're trying to build on this land now?" Enlil asked as he and Ereshkigal appeared from the cave behind Rivera.

"Maybe." Helena replied slyly, "Regardless one of us should probably remain to finish things up."

"Doesn't sound like you're volunteering." Momo noted.

"I would love to stay but I've got some things I want to add to my dissertation before I forget them."

"About the dark elf transition?" Brook asked, "Did we learn anything new?"

"Kind of. Those ghosts of Ereshkigal's possible parents said she turned because she 'became an enemy of all of elvenkind, a dark elf'."

"'Became an enemy of all of elvenkind' huh?" Kaguya mused.

"So if we take that as a definition of dark elves, that means elves that have decided to act in a way that makes them an enemy of elves become dark elves." Roko picked up on the explanation, "That does line up with what the king probably was trying to do with the modifications to the Tree Cradle, to forcibly unify all of elvenkind into an organized force."

"Weren't the dark elves being used for labor?" Momo asked, "Why would they make race traitors work for them if they're so dangerous?"

"You'd be surprised how tame a populace can be. Besides, it was probably seen as a kindness to let these dark elves contribute to their society, at least to the elves."

"Mmhmm." Helena nodded, "So I wanted some time to add that to my report. Which means I can't stay. So any volunteers?"

"I'll stay if you so need it." Kaguya laughed, "There are still things I want to improve about the greenhouses and the crops for the field haven't even been planted yet."

"Don't forget about the fish." Corissa added, "We need to refill the pond with flora and fauna."

"I can do that too, don't you worry." Kaguya nodded.

"Well, all that can wait til after the party." Rivera said.

"Party?" Roko frowned, "What party?"

"The party to celebrate the final resolution for all of the problems that started once your arrived here." Rivera explained, "The grave, the orc invasion, the ghost session, everything. It's all finally tied up and finished. For the most part anyway. So I'm hosting a party in the celebration hall tonight."

"I didn't think you were the type to host parties." Roko said.

"Well, it was one of your princesses' ideas but I wasn't going to argue."

...Everyone turned to look at Helena.

"Ya caught me." Helena raised her hands, "It was me. When was the last time we had a party?"

"Duskwald I think?" Momo answered.

"That was forever ago! We can have another one! A lot has happened since then so we have a lot to celebrate."

"Yeah, I could use a party after the night of the living dead." Momo chuckled.

"Are...are we invited?" Ereshkigal asked.

"Of course you are!" Helena grinned.

"I'll thank you not to invite people to my party without my word." Rivera sighed, "That said, you two are invited, though you'll have to come at night."

"At night?" Roko frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I've invited your precious dark elf friends to this party as well." Rivera replied, "However, sharing a party floor with dark elves will still not sit well with some elves so there are two phases to this party. An early twilight party where the elves will be given the time to party as they like. And a late night party when the dark elves arrive. Elves are invited to stay for the second half but they must be willing to cooperate with dark elves."

"Small steps." Brook said, "Though we had surprisingly little difficulty setting up this celebration. Perhaps some still remember how Reaumur's crew helped out in the orc raid."

"Hmm..." Roko thought aloud, "I'll probably show up for the night party. I presume you two will be there as well and I don't really have any particular elven allies that would only show up for the first half so I might as well just wait til everybody I know is there."

"Aw come on Roko, you can't just skip half of a party." Helena nudged him with her elbow, "You should take this chance to make connections. I'm sure there are plenty of elves who would like to meet a hero like you. Right Corissa?"

"Hmph." Corissa turned away from Roko, pouting very adorably as she refused to acknowledge Roko's existence.

Helena blinked in surprise before she turned to look accusingly at Roko who just laughed nervously.

"Doesn't matter to me so long as you all show up eventually." Rivera said, not noticing the strange behavior, "This party is for all of you so it would be best if you all actually showed up for it."

"We'll be there." Momo said, "Eventually."

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