In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 19: The Worst Night Ever

"So… are we on our way to somewhere else…? A Gala Event, perhaps?" God

"Yeap. Do you know anything about the Gala Event?"

"The Gala Event is the way to bring the Old Man out. He won't show himself until the casino doors are open. So triggering the Event is key… and the key. The question becomes… can we trust each other to do this? We'll see. If we go there, you'll have to give me control. If you bring Dog out, then… I'll make sure you pay in blood." God

"Got an Idea why you and or Dog were assigned to this point on the map?"

"Maybe it's familiar, comfortable. Practice makes perfect. And as much as it bruises my ego, some things require… brute strength. In the right combination. Besides, none of your assembled band of thieves look able to rip a 200 year rusted power switch down like a machete to fire up an entire town." God

"Well given time and the right tools to do it. I could use leavers to help move the switch… But at las the Old Man has already made a plan. Might as well make use of it to lure the old codger out. Welp God let's move."

"Alright let's go." God

God and I made our way to Salida Del Sol. On the way, I was able to pick a lock on a cash register and find another one of Dean's Stashes. God incapacitated a Ghost Harvester and I shot it's head off with a police pistol. I disarmed a trap before making it to the door leading to Salida Del Sol.

[405 EXP]

[29915/62300 to next level]

As soon as we enter the place I spot the frist Ghost Seeker next to a fountain. I quickly take it out before it can throw it's gas bomb… this leads to a small pack of Ghost Harvesters jumping there way over to try to wreck my day. Fourteen bullets and a use of V.A.T.S later lead to the quick demise of the Harvesters and my compilation of the kill challenge related to them. 

[Ghost Eater - Harvesters] 

[1500 EXP]

[31415/62300 to next level]

Looking around the fountain I spot a skeleton on its knee trying to escape a locked gate. I'm kind of surprised it's still in the same pose it died instead of just being a pile of bones next to the gate. After an hour of walking around looting the villa. Killing two more Seekers and Harvesters. I took out a few radios around an area with Red Mist. Finding another two of Deen's stashes and picking the locks of a few dressers finding a computer to turn off some of the speakers about. I finally got God to the Salida Switching Station.

[Salida Switching Station Discovered 10EXP]

[32800/62300 to next level]

"So here we are, A row of switches all lined up. How familiar… these switches won't move themselves, after all… there must be some trick to it. Now that I'm here… what do you expect me to do?" God

"Do you know how to operate the switches?"

"I do… the diagram there tells me what I need to know." God

"If you know how to do it. I need your trust in me to get through this."

"You're right… but trust? Trust is such a… hard word. I prefer mutual need. It's more honest. No, I can help you. These wiring diagrams… I know how to operate the switches in sequence to make fire appear in the sky. I… we just need to make sure that Dog doesn't surface before that happens. To do that… He'll need to be fed. That makes him stay in the Cage." God

"I'm guessing a bunch of pre-war junk food won't do?"

"If it were only so easy to keep his hunger sated. Dog has torn apart a number of the inhabitants of this town… he doesn't prefer them to… other flesh… it'll do for the time. Find some of the inhabitants… it'll require some hunting on your part. Kill them, take some of the remains inside them, bring them back here. They're not easy to kill. But… I have faith in you, and the beast must be fed if you want him to stay in this cage. Two chunks should be enough." God

"Got it be back soon." 

Soon turns out to take 5 minutes and a gas bomb to the face. I hunted two of the seekers and made my way back to God… There is a religious joke some wear but I'm not making the connection.

"You better have brought enough meat. I can feel Dog's teeth tearing at my ribs, hungry to get out." God

"I've two count em to sets of fresh remains here for you. A good way to keep a puppy in its place."

"You're good at fetching… this should keep him where he belongs. For now. I'll wait… send the signal we'll be ready." God

[Quest Complete Fires in the Sky]

[14500 EXP]

[47300/62300 to next level]

On my way back to the Fountain I found a Seeker and a Trapper to deal with, along with a copy of Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor. I popped into the group chat for the daily EXP and points before I met back up with Domino to get him in potion for the part of the Gala prep.

"Was that him floating above the Fountain, the boss man? The one who put these bowties on our necks? Sure dose like to make a presentation… wish he'd keep it down, or else the Ghost People are going to swarm the gates, Vera Hologram or no." Dean Domino

"So what's the Gala going to be like? Will it be a grand spectical or will it only be a low"key" afire."

"Spectacle definitely. Grand definitely not. It may have been grand before the war ended but now all the spectacle is wasted on Ghost People and a Old man while we four will be busy making it work to appreciate the Gala in full. The Gala will light up the casino. Light up the sky… set the speakers in the Villa to play beautiful, soothing music. …and when I say soothing music, I mean the speakers being the state they are, things'll be screaming, all right. Think air raid sirens. That means it'll wake up everything in town like a hornet's nest. Not sure what a hornet is? Forget it - basically, trouble." Dean Domino

"Any idea why the "Old Man" might want you here?" I showed Dean the marker on my Pipboy.

"No… looks like a rooftop in Puesta del Sol. In better day, nice view Now? It's the last place anyone wants to stand when this event goes off. That place during Spring, Summer, and Fall, a little bit in Winter, is a prime resort spot for Ghost People. Not the best neighborhoods. If we're going there, I'm not going alone. And if you have any bright ideas about telling me to stroll over there - or leave me there? No thanks. As for why? Partner, I'm not this guy's operating with a full deck. My bet? Process of elimination, lowest common denominator. He figures the "Strong Man"'s needed somewhere, even if it sounds like the Strong Man's two minds about it. Plus, I'm guessing wherever ol' Doggy Boy's needed doesn't need smarts. I hope not, or we're royally jones'd."

"What of Christine?"

"Little Miss Silence…? Maybe she needs to be in some place where she can be seen, but being heard isn't important. And me? I've had prime billing in Europe, New York… and this gig doesn't feel like that. Don't get me wrong, I can hold an audience, conduct a score from the rooftops, but I'm guessing I'm the odd man out in this whole heist." Dean Domino

"Odd man out?"

"Odd Man out… dead weight. Someone you need holding the toolbox, the nurse passing the scalpel, the chauffeur driving you to the concert. Any guy with hands is who he needs up on that rooftop. Guess he thinks I don't rate, looking like I do. Poor him. Any reason I wasn't top billing when it came to this endvor on you end partner?" Dean Domino

"Did you want to be alone the longest? Did you want to be left alone with the Big Man? No I'm not chancing either you meeting a terrible fate."

"Verry well let's strike up the band we're off." Dean Domino

On the way to Pueasta del Sol, there wasn't much of interest just a few chips and Stimpacks. Once we went through the door leading to Pueasta del Sol Dean was about to suggest taking a side path through a hole in the wall but we got ambushed by two harvesters and a Ghost Skeeker. I focused on the Seeker while Dean being the crack shot he was gunned down both of the harvesters. I had to follow up with my knife to make sure they wouldn't rise again. I took a quick look through the hole in the wall and the sound of my collar started to beep I quickly moved deeper into the point where the collar stopped making the sound checking around I didn't see a radio on the first floor but I did find a safe for me to pick.

[800 EXP]

I kept one following the arrows that were painted on the walls making my way to a third story of a building that opened up to the roofs that I could walk around on one of the roofs I found a signal that let me listen in on Father Elija and his mad mumbles. God this place is a dam maze. Walking around the upper levels, I heard the collar beep it quickly became finding safe pockets from red mist and radios. I had to run into a gift shop alcove the hologram vendor inside almost gave me a heart attack. I had to run back out make my way to the third floor again I went a different direction only to find that radio that was messing with my collar early I shot it and it was no longer a problem. I am glad I could see clearly through the red mist. I get a feeling I would be having a harder time if I didn't have my perk from maxing out we kept traveling the roofs we were ambushed by more ghost people. Two seekers and a trapper… They killed themselves with there own bombs. That pissed me off since it didn't count toward my challenge. Dean gave me an old look. The iration must of been blatant on my face. I was more pissed when I heard the collar beeping I found a hole in the wall that had a radio on top of a safe next to a terminal. I quickly switched off the raido and picked the safe. Just booze and chips. The terminal was an actual challenge. It took me three tries but I finally was able to hack that computer.

[680 EXP]

The terminal allowed me to activate one of the security holograms and also talked about the crew getting more explosives. When I moved out of the hole in the wall Father Elija commented me being close to the switching station the place I would need to bring the "mute" Christine. Fun fact the Ghost the security holograms kill do count towards my kill count for the challenges. I went from 6/10 to 8/10 for the Seekers. It makes sense to me my sentry that I place counts for the bullets and explosives challenges I did back in the Mojava. As long it had to do something with my actions it counts. We made our way to Puesta del Sol South. Just to get ambushed by a seeker and harvester. Needless to say, I got a little brunt in the process of taking them out. We made our way to an area absolutely flooded with red mist If Dean was around I would of used one of my Panaceas. Took out another radio and found another very hard terminal to hack. That one only took two tries to hack. It allowed for me to activate another hologram. Witch killed the tenth Ghost Skeeker.

[Ghost Eater - Seekers]

[1990 EXP]

[50770/62300 to next level]

We made our way through a ruined cafe and gift shop. If nothing else the places had locks for me to pick and another hologram for me to activate. It wasn't much further till we reached wear the Dean was needed.

"You're at the Ghoul's Gala area… now, make him stay." Father Elija

"So this is where I'm supposed to put on the show? Played better venues. Let me tell you. What's that there… wiring? Looks… looks like it's tied to the sound system in the Villa, except for that section there. So… what I stand here, hold the two ends in my hands, and tap them together like cymbals?" Dean Domino

"Think you'll be able to do this safely?"

"Well… "safely?" Around here. That word doesn't come cheap. Look… I strike up the speaker system, there's going to be ghosts all over this place. Any change in the sounds around here… the Ghost People are not big on talking, they are big on listening. Hunting. Killing. More vicious than music critics, trust me." Dean Domino

"Well, the Villa has Holograms everywhere. If I switch on another one to cover this area…"

[Science Check Sucessful]


"Well… yeah. If Hologram systems still work, that'd do the trick. Okay… all right, you call up some of those Old World stiffs, that'd be an audience I wouldn't mind having below." Dean Domino

"K, Let me see If I can find another Hologram."

"Do that, and I'll consider waiting on the rooftop. Maybe." Dean Domino

I opened a door and went down the stairs to find another terminal this one wasn't locked. I activated the Hologram and made my way back up with Dean to have him in place.

"Didn't think much of our chances, now I'm thinking I was wrong. What's the next step?" Dean Domino

"Got both Holograms online it should be safe for you to stay in this position."

"You powered the Holograms up? Well… yeah, that's pretty good protection. Sure worked fine at the fountain, Vera kept the Ghosr People away. But, uh… how do I know the power won't suddenly go out? And… I don't know, this sounds risky to me. For me." Dean Domino

"Vera's stayed powered up since the bombs fell… those Holograms will as well."

[Repair Check Sucessful]

[35 EXP]

"Yeah… well you have a point. I can stay here. But listen… when this thing goes off, try and get into Sierra Madre without me? You'll wish you hadn't." Dean Domino went to his wires mumbling about being second stringer.

[Quest Complete: Strike Up the Band]

[14500 EXP]

[Welcome to Level 29]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I'll max out Melee and put the last 11 points in unarmed.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Friend of the Night]

[Heave, Ho!]

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader]

[Vigilant Recycler]


[Quick Draw]

[Rad Resistance].


[Super Slam!]

[Mister Sandman]

[Terrifying Presence]

[Math Wrath]

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]

[Silent Running]

[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Lead Belly]

[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[Computer Whiz]



[Grim Reaper's Sprint]

[Solar Powered]

[Eye for Eye]


[Mile in Their Shoes]

[Them's Good Eatin']

[Nuka Chemist]

[Spray and Pray]

[Irradiated Beauty]

[Voracious Reader]

[Nerves of Steel]

[Lessons Learned]

[Tunnel Runner]

[Rad Absorption]

[Mad Bomber]: Your intimate knowledge of gadgets and explosives have combined to make you... the Mad Bomber! At Workbenches, you have special Explosives recipes unlocked for use. (AN: I should have put this one down a while back… ops)

Hmm well, I am looking forward to the next level but for now, I'll take Mister Sandman.


AP 250 HP625 DT54 CW 325/400 Caps 0 EXP 3485/66700 Level 29


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 50

Explosives 50

Guns 100 

Lockpick 100

Magic 42

Medicine 100

Melee 100

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 100

Speech 98

Survival 43 

Unarmed 54


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Atlas Back

Eye of true Perception

Know it All

Matrix Reflex

Too Lucky to Die

Item Fusion

Big Shot

Pharmacist Without Equal



X8 Sneak Attack Damage

Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat


Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton


Jurry Rigger


The Professional


And Stay Back

Shotgun Surgeon


Better Criticals


Mister Sandman

Action Girl Rank 2

Action Boy Rank 2

Big Brained

Cardiac Arrest

Reinforced Spine

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Charisma Implant

Agility Implant

Luck Implant

Implant C-13

Implant M-5

Implant Y-3

Implant Y-7

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

[Melee has been Maxed Out]

[Max Stat Perk Choice]

[Sword Aura]: You have mastered the way of the blade. All melee weapons take on an ethereal edge doing 50% more damage.

[Hassou Tobi]: Yoshitsune has smiled at you and lent one of his skills to you. For 125 HP damage to self and 50% of Max AP. Do 8 unblockable slashes with a bladed weapon.

Well, I'm taking Sword Aura. I won't have to sacrifice my HP and AP for an Attack I doubt I'll use often. Like the only guy I think I would use Hassou Tobi on is Caeser's dog, Legate Lanius.

On the way back I didn't have to deal with any ghosts. The holograms made sure of that. I finally made it back to Christine.

"You think he's using the Pip-Boy? To establish the projector connection?"

[Science Check Sucessful]

[600 EXP]

Christine nods then points at my Pip-Boy. I hand over my Pip-Boy wrist for her to look over. She looks over the device for any additional outside tampering she tries to access the group chat for a minute but it doesn't respond to her attempt. She then looks at the map to see where she needs to go.

"Neither Dean or Dog have the technical aptitude to man the Switching Station?"

[Intelligence Check Sucessful]

[600 EXP]

Christine nods then gets up to follow points at me and uses both hands to mime after you. I wonder why Christine doesn't use the clipboard to communicate but I guess that she thinks Father Elija might have eyes on this place. We make our way to the Switching Station. It was a quick trip because between Dean, the Holograms, and myself the Ghost People were a no-show. When we got into the Switching Station I saw Christine shiver and shake for a second. I placed my hand on hers letting her know it was going to be okay we would get through this place together.

I spotted a messed-up circuit breaker and took some time jury-rigging it so we could have power and lights back on in here. That also turns the speakers back on… Welp this going to be a headache to deal with. I doubt I have the time or the needed parts to disable the speakers here. The first two were easy to deal with. The third one required me to open a metal door and run back out of range of the speaker before I could look for the speakers point of origin. I ran through doble jumped across the catwalks till I saw a locked door that I quickly picked inside I hacked a computer and disabled the rest of the speaker system. It didn't take long for us to get to where Christine needed to be. I then take a minute to hack the remote maintenance terminal getting it set up for Christine. 

[600 EXP]

"Alright, I've got the remote maintenance terminal up and running for you so you shouldn't need to go down in that dark confined place." Christine smiles in thanks. "So are you going to be okay here?" Christine holds out her hand to me. "I'll be back for you, alright?" Christine slugs me on the shoulder. "I mean it. Stay alive until I get back."

[Quest Complete: Mixed Signals]

[15000 EXP]

[20400/66700 to next level]

"The bell tower. That's where you'll trigger the Gala Event. It's a ways up. I'm sure you'll find a way to climb there." Father Elija

[Quest Added: Trigger the Gala Event]

I left after doing a loop to make sure I didn't miss anything. I found a copy of Dean's Electronics unfortunately I have already maxed out my repair skill so for now it will have to be a decorative book when I get back home. I took the stairs back out the way I came and started my trip to the bell tower.

I had no issues getting to Salida del Sol North. Found a few ghost people and used my Holorifle to make sure they would never get up again. For being an energy weapon this gun is so cool it fires hard light holographic cubes. I start my hunt for a snow globe.

(rolls nat 1 on d100)

[Luck Check Sucessful]

[1000 EXP]

I feel my feet guide me to the location of the snow globe and another of Dean's Stashes. After that I find three more of Dean's stashes just looking around. But then I got so fucking lost it took me twenty minutes to get back on track. God this place is just nothing but traps! I found myself swarmed by three trappers… I look down at the bodies around me on the ground. 

"THIS PLACE FUCKING SUCKS!" I walk down a set of stairs next to a boarded-over gate to find the final of Dean Domino's stashes. And what might you ask is inside??? C4 and a detonator.

[Dean's Secret Stash]

[1500 EXP]

[22900/66700 to next level]

I turn around and walk up the stairs to hear my discovery alert go off.

[Campanas del Sol Discovered 10EXP]

My compass was filled with red all around. I made my to a wine cellar… Let's simplify this. Through the cellar around the balcony and ascend the later of the bell tower to be in front the control panel to start the Gala event. Well, and killing all the things and getting hit by a few of the goddam bare traps because you can't be fucked at the moment to give a shit about the world around you because you're in the FUCKING SPANISH NAME ASS VILA.

[Ghost Eater - Trappers]

[1500 EXP]

Fuck off notifications… know what breath it's fine just breath. I just need a moment.

"Can you hear me…? Damn transceivers… Let me link the collars to the speaker in the tower… then… there." Father Elija 

Taps come over the speaker. Then at the end two slow taps. I give two taps back in reply. "Ready. The both of us. I'll keep Dog locked in his cage… you just open the Sierra Madre." God

"What are you waiting for? Rubbing it in? Strike up the band already. Careful when you do… you think the Villa's bad now, you haven't seen anything yet." Dean Domino

"Show's about to begin. People, take your places."

"Finally. Now, the gates will open. And so will the skies." Father Elija 

A siren blares, spotlights along the casino come a light and some so-so fireworks are launched. When looking around I see hordes of ghost people crall their way out of every direction. I decide to book it for the casino doors. I no longer had a need to kill the ghosts for EXP so they were all just a waste of ammo to deal with them. This place is a fucking nightmare to navigate. But I make to the fountain to notice my collar is beeping I run fast to get through the now open gates to the doors. I open them to see the rest of the crew knocked out on the ground.

[Quest Complete: Trigger the Gala Event]

[Questin' Mark] Complete 5 Quests 5/5

[20000 EXP]

[42900/66700 to next level]

I see as gas rises from the ground and everything goes black.

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