In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 20: Loose Ends


The date blinks on my Pip-Boy. Fuck I was out for a while. Not the best place to get K.O'd on top of a few skeletons. I got back to my feet and the Radio of the casino switched on.

"You inside. Can you hear me? Power's fluctuating… emergency power. Oh! You are in. Good… thought that might be the end of you. Unfortunately, your… "friends" also found their way here. Knocked unconscious… just like you. Wondering what happened? You were hit by casino security. Detects anything foreign - radioactive, it subdues the "visitor," moves them if needed. Hnh… getting interference from old recordings… the guests who were trapped here… eh, shut that noise off… Looks like the casino moved your "friends" around once inside… might be useful. Or not. Wonder If they came to help or kill you. Still… My signal should work through the speakers, now that you're inside. Heh, heh! Welcome to the Sierra Madre, in all its glory. This is what the Old World stood for, even with bombs about to rain down on them. Now look at it. Beautiful… now its guests are all dead. Better this way. Quiet. How the Mojave should be. Now - with the casino sleeping, it's got places closed off - won't let you go yet. We'll get there, trust me, just need to wake it up." Father Elija

After cleaning out the fountain of SMC and some per-war money. I made my way to the casino.

"This is the past you're walking through. Few have ever seen it. No one else ever will. I worked hard to get here, it'll give me what I need before I leave. And it'll always welcome me back. Now… look for a way to wake this ghost up, remind it it's got guests." Father Elija

On the Casino's ground floor were two security holograms. I quickly pulled out my Sapper and Ap-Sap. I used them to stun the holograms while I looked for and disabled the emitters.

[110 EXP]

The casino's ground floor was now free of all security and monitoring equipment. I was left in a casino with slot machines without supervision. I quickly went to work rigging the slot machines all 10 of them. I was able to raise the maximum number of chips for each machine to 1000 chips instead of 25. I also rigged it so the first three pulls would always give out max reward. I was also able to mess with the payout values. Unfortunately, the max payout had a hard cap of X1000 but that was still x10 times what the max would normal amount would be. I looked over what the maximum pot was before you would be kicked out from the games and planned to exploit the hell out of it with my setup.

[1000 EXP]

Now all I had to do was get the power back online so I could pull off this small per-war money heist. That only took me 30 minutes to pull off. Shoot two radios disable two holograms hack 2 terminals and lockpick one hard lock and force open a very easy lock. I used the terminal to unlock the Electrical Closet. Then go into said closet to flip a switch. In my last life I saw some one bypass all the security by glitching the flip switch prompt by using 3rd person mode to angle the camera in a way that allowed the the trigger to be hit. The lights came on and the speaker system came to life.

"You woke it up… good. Emitter frequencies… lighting up everywhere… Damn recordings… dead echoes in the frequencies… Casino's security is shutting down… opening up its vendor and gambling programs in back casino… Heh! Still might be something for sale. Maybe something can help you now - security's shut down. After you're done looking around head to the lobby, and we'll deal with your… friends." Father Elija 

[Quest Added: Curtain Call at the Tampico]

[Quest Added: Last Luxuries]

[Quest Added: Put the Beast Down]

Time to execute a mini cash heist. I used 101 SMC on a slot machine that had a payout of 99 x bet. I was then rewarded with three comps that I collected before the next step in my small plan. I used the slot machine with 1000 X Bet payot and used 1000 chips for the bet. To get kicked for gambling for winning 1011999 SCM. I then cashed out receiving 1026516 Pre-War Money. Now when I get back to the SINK I can turn that Per-War Money into caps at a 15 caps to 1 Per-War money so in total I had just earned 15397740 Caps. And I haven't even gotten the gold bars yet. 

[Quest Complete: Big Winner: Sierra Madre]

[10000 EXP]

[54830/66700 to next level]

MUHAHAHA… right there was something I needed to do… Right, stop the dumbass downstairs from burning us all to death. I made my way out of the casino room.

"Casino's woken up, paying attention to us. Good. Wondering what happened to your team…? Looks like they got moved to other floors. Interesting, maybe that's why… hmmm, yes… yes. Perhaps the casino recognized specific guests… or guests with a voice or look close enough for them to be… assigned to that floor. We'll see. Had hoped with the power restored, the systems would fully awaken… especially the sound archives. But no… your teammates' collars on each floor are interfering with the systems. It's the white noise filters embedded in their construction they're blocking the casino speakers, the music. You'll need to recalibrate… or destroy… each collar. To do that, you need to get close, re-set the signal - or blow their heads off. I'll leave the choice up to you - my preference? End them now. They're of no use. After all, it's safe to kill them now, provided you make it quick. You see, the collars don't work inside the Sierra Madre… well, between floors. Else, I'd set off the collars, be done with it. So find them, deal with them, as long as you're fast and get off the floor after killing them. The floors… whatever they lined this place with, interferes with the collar frequency… so if you kill them, you should have some time to run. Uh… just not sure how long, may not be consistent. More… less… whatever, it doesn't matter. What we need is in the basement, we need to go to the top first and ride our fortunes down. After we deal with your team on the other floors." Father Elija 

"God he's more long-winded than the brains back at the Big MT." I make my way to the restaurant. Once I entered I heard Dog on the intercom and quickly shot a speaker.

"Going to make casino burn. No more being caged." Dog

"Hurry up and deal with the FEV reject, he's of no use to us." Father Elija

I quickly grab the Sierra Madre Emergency Maintenance Key by the coat check and quickly run to the casino up the stairs past the bar to the Emergency staircase. I use the key on the hermetically sealed door and rush down the stairs to where Dog had caused a gas leak.

"That idiot's opened the gas valves! A single spark - or he sets off his collar, the casino's going to burn. Us along with him. Shut off the gas valves, or that idiot'll kill us all." Father Elija 

I quickly seal the first valve and run to confront Dog/God.

"You…? Master… no, not Master. Dog remembers you. Left Dog in cage, mean to Dog… now, Dog…" Dog

"...hrnnn… will kill us both unless you do something. Never felt him so strong before, he won't listen to my voice. He's… he's…" God

"...hungery. Come here, or Dog will chase you, break you until you no run anymore.

"Dog! Stay! If you don't, Master will be mad!"

[Speech Check Sucesfull]

[50 EXP]

"Hnnf? Master? Master, Don't want Master to be mad… what does Master want Dog to…" Dog

"...hrnnn… listen to you… can't hold him back much longer… tell him… to pull on his chain, as hard as…" God

"...Dog can. What Master wants, Dog can do. Please don't be mad with Dog…" Dog

"Dog, the master sent me. He commands you to listen to my voice now."

[Speech Check Sucesfull]

[75 EXP]

"Master? Master… Dog… Dog is listening." Dog

"...both of us are. Tell him to listen to me. Then we can get out of this… finally… and…" God

" Dog is listening to voice, your voice only." Dog

"Imagine the voice, not as a voice… but as water. Look at the voice now, what do you see?"

[Speech Check Sucesfull]

[85 EXP]

"Dog can see the voice. Looks just like Dog…" Dog

"...and Dog looks just like me. You've hurt yourself. Inside. Do you see now, see…" God

" the water. Dog understands now. Dog knows what happened." Dog

"Then… step into the water, step into yourself."

"If Dog… if Dog goes into the water… Dog can't help if Master gets mad. You were nice to Dog, Dog wants to help." Dog

"He's right. If you merge us, then… I… we… or whatever we become… we can't help you when you reach whatever's at the Sierra Madre's end." God

"And Dog… Dog doesn't want to unremember you, may forget you." Dog

"We will forget almost all that has happened here. You'll be alone - at the Old Man's mercy. Like Dog. Like me." God

"Not having your help doesn't matter if this heals you. Heals your mind and soul."

"You were there all the time…" God

"...alll the time, you were there, and close…" God

"Together" DOG/GOD

"Are you all right?"

"Who… who are you? What is this place?" Anubis

"You're at a casino in a poisonous city"

"That… that was not the answer I was expecting. I don't know you, yet I feel I do, and a feeling of… gratitude. I… forgive me, I… I'm wounded. This chain… this bear trap on my arm… how did I even get this far with these wounds? The pain is excruciating, I… I need to rest for a moment." Anubis

"Go on and rest. I have to take care of something."

"Thank you… for whatever you have done. I will resin here, need to get my strength back." Anubis

[Maintenance Password added]

[Quest Complete: Put the Beast Down]

[15000 EXP]

I quickly turned off the gas valves and got the audio sample from the kitchen's computer before I leveled up.

[360 EXP]

[Welcome to Level 30]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

I'll dump them all into Unarmed.

[Choose 2 Perks]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Friend of the Night]

[Heave, Ho!]

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader]

[Vigilant Recycler]


[Quick Draw]

[Rad Resistance].


[Super Slam!]

[Terrifying Presence]

[Math Wrath]

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]

[Silent Running]

[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Lead Belly]

[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[Computer Whiz]



[Grim Reaper's Sprint]

[Solar Powered]

[Eye for Eye]


[Mile in Their Shoes]

[Them's Good Eatin']

[Nuka Chemist]

[Spray and Pray]

[Irradiated Beauty]

[Voracious Reader]

[Nerves of Steel]

[Lessons Learned]

[Tunnel Runner]

[Rad Absorption]

[Mad Bomber]

[Implant GRX]: You gain a non-addictive subdermal Turbo (chem) injector. This perk may be taken twice, with the second rank increasing the effect from 8 to 13 seconds and the uses per day from 5 to 10. Ranks 2 left

[Burden to Bear]: The wastelander with the most gear wins! (... or at least survives.) You can now carry an additional 50 pounds of gear (stacks with Strong Back perk).

This was never a question I'm taking Burden to Bear and the first rank of Implant GRX.


AP 250 HP630 DT54 CW 380/450 Caps 0 EXP 3700/71250 Level 30


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 50

Explosives 50

Guns 100 

Lockpick 100

Magic 42

Medicine 100

Melee 100

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 100

Speech 98

Survival 43 

Unarmed 71


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Atlas Back

Eye of true Perception

Know it All

Matrix Reflex

Too Lucky to Die

Item Fusion

Big Shot

Sword Aura

Pharmacist Without Equal



X8 Sneak Attack Damage

Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Burden to Bear

Pack Rat


Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton


Jurry Rigger


The Professional


And Stay Back

Shotgun Surgeon


Better Criticals


Mister Sandman

Action Girl Rank 2

Action Boy Rank 2

Big Brained

Cardiac Arrest

Reinforced Spine

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Charisma Implant

Agility Implant

Luck Implant

Implant GRX Rank 1

Implant C-13

Implant M-5

Implant Y-3

Implant Y-7

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

Mannco Roulette! The ball spun around the three remaining options. Until it landed on Heavy. I heard the soviet anthem blare over all the speakers in the casino.

I checked my inventory to find the Minigun Shasha, a Sandwich, and a set of fingerless gloves. Despite being next to a workbench I didn't have any of the supplies I needed to craft any of the Heavy's weapon unlocks. But I am in a kitchen so I should be able to craft his launch box unlocks. So I crafted the Dalokohs Bar, Fishcake, Robo-Sandvich, and Buffalo Steak Sandvich. The Second Banana would have to wait until I got back to the SINK. I required the help of… the Biological Research Station. Well, that will have to wait till I kill Father Eljia.

[600 EXP]

I made my way back to the main lobby. To find 3 Ghost Harvesters. Do you know what happens when a Ghost Person gets hit by a wall of bullets? The same thing that happens to most other creatures. They fucking die.

"You've gotten one of the floors reestablished. Good… accessing the music archives now. Two more to go. I was going to bring up the uninvited guest but looks like you have delt with them. Don't try leaving yet. I'll set your collar off if you do.Now i got figure out where that music signal came from…" Father Elija

I made my way up the stairs putting Shasha away. I needed a Sapper not a Minigun. I made my into the Theatre.

"If that Ghoul still alive… correct that. Or break him." Father Elija

I quickly hacked the Front Desk Terminal and skimmed it. I frist went left and shot one of the unshielded speeker then went left opened a locked door made it behind a bar pick the safe and looted the medical cabent and took a few bobbie pins. I then turned around and walk to the spotlight and picked up Vera's Partitures. I found a key inside.

[530 EXP]

"Finally, a friendly face… hey! Partner! Up here. I was a bit concerned when I heard the Russian Anthem earlier. Thought we might be getting invaded. Ahem, in a bit a predicament here… had to duck backstage, take a powder, the audience is a little… murderous tonight." Dean Domino

"So any reason your way back there?"

"I found an unwelcoming audience of Holograms they raised there hands and I ducked backstage." Dean Domino

"Wait holograms? All I saw were blasted, shielded speakers."

"Look… those ghosts are going to come out of the wings behind you in a second, the security types, not the "friendly" bald types. And if you got in here, the door's probably locked tight behind you - so don't back up for the exit, you're not going to make it. Trust me - as soon as you can, run to the door to the left - use the key you got out of the music rag there, and camp out. As bad as things are, it's going to get a lot worse if either of us pops - so get backstage… until we get a better plan." Dean Domino

"Getting backstage is a temporary measure if I can't find the security terminal."

[Scinence Check Sucesfull]

[75 EXP]

"Yeah… yeah, right. So… let's see… security's here because the show hasn't started. Guests aren't allowed in, so… guess we need to start the show, Okay… so when they were setting this place up… we had rehearsals… So, find the music, get it to the projector room upstairs, then play it…? Might reset security, worth a shot." Dean Domino

"Dean, the theater speakers are weird to a central sound system, right?"

[Repair Check Sucesfull]

[50 EXP]

"Yeah… yeah, so what? We got bigger problems with the Holograms… no, no, wait you're right. The Theater piped music and sound backstage, which means those little squealers are in the corridors back there, too." Dean Domino

"One problem at a time. Take a breath, try and remember."

"Uh… let's see. Um, once you break right, watch each turn in the corridor, one'll be on your right past my dressing room - and up. Oh, my dressing room - may have left the radio on, right by the table… uh if you could just shut it off instead of blowing it u.. Uh, never mind. And there was a speaker in the prop room, too - on the wall between the entrances. And… well, walk slow there's bound to be more." Dean Domino

"That's the radios and speakers - what about a central sound system?"

"The speakers are all controlled by a central console. It's the farthest from only door out of here… so you'd need to a full circuit of the corridor to get it. Once there, you'll need to shut it down, and I don't have the code. If you have the code, you can turn off all the speakers, amke them settle down. Getting backstage should buy us time, just take it slow." Dean Domino

"Wait - I need to head the door to your left or my left?"

[Intelligence Check Sucesfull]

[600 EXP]

"What? Oh, my left - your right. So, yeah, run to the door on your right. Heh, almost got you killed there. Us killed there." Dean Domino

"Dean I'm going to need a long break before I deal with all the killer radios and the emitters say about an hour before I'm ready to deal with all that millarcky."

[Barrter Check Sucesfull]

[50 EXP]

"Fine, fine I have waited years to get into this building. I can wait an hour for you to recompose yourself." Dean Domino

I made a brake for the door to my right. Opened and closed it behind me. I then got to work on a Hologram emitter behind me. And as I said I took that hour break. And I'm glad I did. I died once looking for a radio in Vera's room. I spotted it a moment too late. I redid the dame corridor and was able to shoot the dame radio that killed me the first time around. I pick up the holotape for the projector and Vera's master key. After using the terminal to disable the rest of the speakers I ran past the Holograms up to the projector room and started the tape. As the holograms were being reset by the tape I looked around the project space to find a copy Lying, Congressional Style. I sat down and read the book caping my speech skills.

[Speech has been Maxed Out]

[Max Stat Perk Choice]

[I can't stay mad at you]: Your crimes are forgotten slowly over time bringing your standing with a faction back to neutral if you haven't done something unforgivable and been caught. Examples are killing Caesar, the Elder of BOS, the President of the NCR, etc… etc.

[The Negotiator]: Get double rewards for speech and barter checks. And 4X EXP!

I took the Negotiator. I can't stay mad at you is great but it won't save my rep when I destroy the BOS in the Mojava or kill Caesar. I took a lttle break in the porjector room beyond reading the skill book then made my way towards Dean Domino.

"Now, deal with the Ghoul. This has gone on long enough." Father Elija

I made my to the backstage door and opened it to see Dean "Those electric ghosts aren't the kind of audience I like at the best of times - at least the ones in the Villa had manners. Don't even know how I ended up here… guess the casino still recognizes guests even after all this time, huh? How's that for history." Dean Domino

"Truly loved get shot at by Pre-War ghosts."

"Look, I'm more about the short goodbyes then long thankful speeches… but I appreciate you bailing me out of a tight spot there - partner. I know you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart. So let me give you something a little more practical - a way we both come out ahead." Dean Domino

"I'm listening."

"I'm not an idiot. I know the reason I'm in here now is because of the old guy - and you. And you're wearing a collar, so I trust you a little more than the old guy. He's more controlling than I'd like. Thing is, here's where being my partner pays off. See, I know how to get into the vault." Dean Domino

"Do tell."

"There's a private elevator, Sinclair's elevator. It's up in the Executive Suites, in Vera's room. Not a coincidence. Vera. She was… my other partner, before the Bomb. Took some legwork. Some convincing, made it happen." Dean Domino

"How so?"

"Sinclare was already puppy-eyed, so all I had to do was the introductions. She smiled, fluttered her eyes, showed a little leg… and he built this whole place for her. Made her the key to his vault, like a joke, cause of her name. Her fake Hollywood name. Except Sinclair didn't know I'd been there first. I could twist her whatever direction I wanted. All she had to do was get inside the Sierra Madre for the Gala, then use her voice to open the door. After that… smooth sailing. Would have been the biggest heist in history. Sinclair left holding the bag. Ruined." Dean Domino

"So I guess bad timing happened with the bomb."

"The Bomb. Vera got sealed in here. A few hundred years go by, give-or-take. Almost the end of the story - then you came along. Now we finish the job. Rob the Sierra Madre, rip out its heart. Last chapter of Frederick Sinclair, close the book." Dean Domino

"What was your issue with Sinclair?"

"Issue? All high-and-mighty. Lording it over everyone. Acting so self-righteous, like nothing could touch him. He was the one with the Issue. Never got mad at anything. Nothing seemed to shake the fat bastard. Even after… his life kept getting dragged through the dirt. Always kept looking for the bright, shining future in everything. So… I decided to take everything from him." Dean Domino

"And what did he do to you?"

"Do to me? What. weren't you listening? He thought he was better than me. Don't believe me? Look around. This big casino, this colossal monument - think it was for some woman? No, all ego, all self-righteous-in-lights, fit him perfect. Had to take him down a few pegs, bring him down to my level. "Begin again?" Some things you don't get up from… I was going to prove it." Dean Domino

"So Vera Key is the key?"

"Her voice. I could of just used audio samples in the right order. But then that old man showed up. You showed up. Then… that woman showed up covered in scars. The one who makes all the hand signs, a little tight around corners of her mouth. I put her in the Clinic, tuned her like an instrument. If she heals up, it's not going to be her voice speaking any more. That is, if the Sierra Madre didn't get her. If it did well, back to plan A." Dean Domino

"And if she is alive?"

"Then she can make some beautiful music. I'm not banking on it. So here's the short of it - piece together Little Miss Vera Keys' song in the right order? Sierra Madre opens its legs, we're in business." Dean Domino

"Alright Laters, I'll see what I can do on my end."

"Go knock yourself out. I'm just going to catch my breath a bit. That performance… Well, more pressure than I was expecting." Dean Domino

[Quest Complete: Curtain Call at the Tampico]

[15500 EXP]

[22155//71250 to next level]

I took a quick look around backstage and found the Ace of Clubs. One step closer to the dead man's hand. I made my way out of the Theater.

"Another fragment good. I almost have all I need from the music archives. Once you have the lst fragment you can thred the fragment together at the main terminal." Father Elija

I use my Diamond Back to make quick work of the ghost people. I enable the security hologram so I didn't need to be the one fight the next wave of these cloud zombies. I then returned upstairs and took the lift to the Executive Suites.

"Find the mute and deal with her. She's somewhere on this floor. Floor's buzzing with emitter signatures. Watch out for Holograms." Father Elija

"If it's who I think it is, this is Christine… recovered. In what looks like an Old World hotel room, high class, two rooms - exit's sealed. All doors are locked down, security's activated - and emitter signals are lighting up over this floor. I'll do what I can from here. Floor's got holographic security. Not latest tech, field of view targeting system, primitive. Familiar." Christine

So begins the the maze of collapsed hallways, red mist, lock doors and Holograms that won't shut up.

"I'm going to die here, amongst the ghosts. I… I'm still being recorded by the holographic system. I came so far to be here… now, now I just want to leave. Please… let me leave. We all pay for what we done. I'm so sorry Sinclair, sorry I should have trusted you. Let go? Let go of what? Sinclair? Sinclair, where did you go? Why did you leave me here? Why… Sinclair! Sinclair! The doors, they… they sealed. I… I can hear the other guests, screaming to be let out, to let go. Sinclair is that you? Sinclair! Sinclair, I'm trapped, please. Oh god, the security systems won't let anyone me out. They're keeping me here!" Vera Keys's Holograms voice endlessly looping while I made my way through this dam maze. 

I finally made my way through to the master bedroom. I finally made it to Christine.

"This is Knight Christine Royce, of the Brotherhood… Christine Royce. The quick… the quick scribe… jumped over the lazy paladin. Ugh… feels like a sore throat - after chewing on nails. Chris-tine. Chris-tine. Hello. Hello. Hello. Sounds like I smacked a mile of cigarettes." Christine.

I knocked on the door. "Housekeeping."

… I have always wanted to say that.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.