In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 22: TOURNAMENT ARC!!!

[Primary Missions]

[Mission A: Win the Vital Tournament]

[Mission B: Keep Penny PolendinaI Alive]

[Mission C: Find a new member for the chat group among the residents Rement ]

[Secondary Missions]

[Mission D {Optional}: Keep Pyrrha Nikos Alive]

[Mission E {Optional}: Have one of the fully female members of the chat group take the Fall Maiden powers from Amber]

[Mission F {Optional} Keep Roman Torchwick Alive (He doesn't need to be in one piece)]

[Tertiary Missions]

[Mission G {Optional}: Kill Adem Toris]

[Mission H {Optional}: Kill Cinder Fall]

[Mission I {Optional}: Kill Jacques Schnee]

{Mission Pramiters}

{Area Restriction: This Long Term mission will restrict your movement to within the Kingdom of Vale}

{Time Limit: 1 week}

{Time Dilation: The march of time will never truly stop. But the rate of time can be changed. On short missions, the rate is 1 hour outside the mission and 2 hours within the mission. On long Missions, the time rate is 1 month to 1 hour on the outside. It would take 2 years for a full day to pass back in your home world. Waning to go on missions does not stop the effects of aging.}

{Death: Should you die on the mission it won't mean your eternal rest. 5 minutes after you die you will be sent back to your home world. You will be KO for the next 7 days after.}

{Failure: Fail to achieve the objectives of the Primary Missions. All mission participants die before the Primary Mission is completed}

{Penitles for failure: Locked out of the group chat for a month and locked out of missions for three months.}

{Rewards: Primary Missions 100000 Point/EXP. Secondary Missions 50000 Point/EXP. Tertiary 10000 Points/EXP and you will get to keep your aura and semblance once you leave this world.}

[World Cover Story: You are one of the teams sent by Atlas to participate in the Vital Tournament. You will soon land in Beacon Academy. You have been given a month to prepare for the Tournament.]

[Primary Mission begins in 31 days] 

I felt the rumble of some kind of the ride. Looking around I found Aqua sitting on one of the seats across from me. She was wearing a gray sleeveless blazer dress with a long-sleeved white button-up shirt with a black tie. She was wearing thigh-high white stockings and black combat boots. I saw that the rest of the girls along with myself were wearing the same outfit more or less. The girl with black hair had a gray wizard hat and a cape as accessories. The girl with orange hair had headphones, and a green jacket lined with fur. That girl was hot… fuck I have an Asian fetish look away quickly. The last person was a man in the male version of the same outfit. The man had short spiky hair that screamed anime protag. 

"So looks like we should do some introductions before we land. I'm Hajime Hinata." Hajime Hinata

"My name is Megumin. I have the calling of a arch wizard of explosions." Megumin

"I am Master Aqua. And across from me is Blue." Aqua

"Thanks for introducing me. I guse that just leaves Oracle." 

"Yes, I'm Oracle. Soo this is a different world. So what is everyone's opinions on the mission objectives? The only ones I have an issue with are the killing ones. I don't want a death on my hands." Oracle

"Mission E feels like a jab at me. So who wants that fall maden powers."

"Pass. The abilities of a fall maiden doesn't seem to have anything to do with the art of explosions." Magumin

"I think it would be for the best if Oracle takes the powers of the fall maiden. She is the one who will stay out of the most fights given the fact she isn't even apart of the team registered for the Vital Tournament." Aqua

"Cool I get magic added to my ability list. The only other thing I having going for myself is my Persona." Oracle siad tracing her fingers of a gun shapped device.

"Well if nothing else you can gtfo to safety." 

"I think sense we are in person blue it's time we both drop our online handles. Were all going to working together in meat space. I know you like having that degree of separation form your online self and in person self but we are in person now. We need to willing to give our trusts to the others in our team." Oracle 

"... fine. My name is Mukuro Castle. Please don't give my name to Bell or Garrus. I want to tell them in person."

"Hmm, your first name means corpse. Thats an odd first name. Well, my name is Futaba Sakura. It can mean two leaves of the cherry blossom. You can call me Futaba or Oracle. Let's all do our best with our missions." Futaba 

"Well, you guys would of found out my name anyways. Our team name is an anagram of our names. Team MCHA it's pronounced as mocha. Great now I want a drink of hot cocoa."

*BEEP* "This is your captain speaking. We are landing in the next 5 minutes please be seated until we come to a full stop. Thank You."

"So we only have a month to prepare for the festival that is not enough time for me to teach any of you magic. Our best plan of action will be to use that time to get used to working together as a team. Work out any kinks in our teamwork so we won't get in the way of each other." Aqua

"Verry well I'll whip you all into working order. I do have the talent of the ultimate team manager at my disposal." Hajime

The group all agreed to this plan of action.

"We won't just be training the whole time we are here right? I want to see the sights and try the local foods. I might have something to show of to my friends when I get back." Futaba

"Without proper rest and nutrition, we won't make any true progress. Don't worry we will have time to have fun while we are here." Hinata

When our group landed we were led to our group's room by a girl with rabbit ears and a girl named Coco. Aqua just teased me about it after the girl left. Stuff about me wanting hot cocoa.

Over the month of "training and team building" we may have gotten into little spats with Beacon's Headmistress over a daily explosion on the forest perimeter. One of us may have hacked the school's PA System to play the song What's new pussy cat on loop for a whole two days before they were able to fix the issue. One of us may have tried to make a certain Loose Cannon but found out if you didn't have the right quest-related component, the finished product would disintegrate leaving nothing but ashes. One of us may have luckily stumbled upon Amber's resting place but due to mission parameters, none of us could yet interact with the fall maiden. One of us not naming names here may have taken their frustration out on a club called Junior's with a key-shaped blade. Causing so much damage the club was going to need to be rebuilt from scratch.

"So let's go over the plan for today again. One last time." Futaba

"We defeat team SNNN in the first round. After that, we split up. Megumin stays in the crowd to cheer for me and Aqua while Mukuro and Futaba make their way to Amber's chamber to take the power of the Fall Maiden. Aqua will be our team member for the final round." Hinata

"Keep in mind when we are down there I will fully lock down any access points so there will be no safe way to reinforce us down there. Mukuro I am counting on you to keep me safe. I would rather not experience death today." Futaba

"No worries I will have both my sentries ready to fight off any intruders I will be armed with my preferred set of weapons. So don't worry I have your back." 

"Got it." Futaba

"It's so lame I won't be able to use my explosion magic during the tournament." Megumin

"Don't worry you will be able to use it during the grim Invasion. Just please try to keep collateral damage to a minimum." Aqua

"I hate the fact we are not trying to stop the grim invasion." Futaba 

"It's unfortunately the best way to lure out our targets for the rest of our missions." Hinata

"So who you'll thinking of giving that chat group invite to?" 

"It's a toss-up between Ruby and Penny." Aqua

"I'm more leaning towards Penny. She could be tots helpful for future missions" Futaba

"I have no issues with Penny being our new chat group member." Hinata

"Looks like we're going for the cool robot girl!" Megumin

Team MCHA left to eat lunch before the start of the tournament.

"For those who are just joining us. Welcome to the Vital Festival Tournament! Broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum. We are currently floating above my lovely home of the kingdom of Vale. If this is your first time watching allow us to break down the rules." Professor Port

"The tournament is broken down into 3 digestive rounds. Teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant. In this tournament the only attribute being tested is skill." Professor Oobleck

"Correct. The winners of the team rounds will elect 2 of their members for the doubles round. Winners of that round will decided between the two of them who will go on to the final round. The remaining contestants will fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom." Professor Port

"And yes Peeter, these are certainly some spectacular spectacles to spectate on. And I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that." Professor Oobleck

"Eh, and why would they? And now let's get back to the match between team RWBY of Beacon and team ABRN of Haven." Professor Port

The match ended with team RWBY as the victor. They won by ringing out Team ABRN. Team JNPR beat Team BRNZ.

"Well, Vacou fans are sure to be hurting after that one. But this next round Atles has come up to bat." Professor Oobleck

"Team MCHA of Atlas has put the crowd on the edge of their seats. I have heard that one of the members might grown a small cult of explosion fanatics. Will this explosive team be able to crack one of the toughest teams I have seen in years? I am of course talking about team SSSN. Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with. And altho he will be representing the Mistral Academy of Haven. I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacou will be cheering him on." Professor Port

"Do your best Neptune!" Wise cheered from the crowd

"Ladies." Neptune catcalled

"Break his stupid face MCHA!" Wise

"Well, girls try to remember hands above the waste." Neptune

"He is at most a 6. Wait his hair reminds me of Aqua… Yeah that brings him down to a 4." Megumin

"Yay he gives off a Digimon protag vibe with those goggles. I'm sorry mate I was always more of a Matt fan than Davis." 

"If I had a nickel for every time I have been flirted with in a colosseum. I would have two nickels. Which isn't much but it's still weird that happened twice. I wonder how Zack is doing, maybe if I ever see him again I will give him that date." Aqua

"Sorry buddy looks like you have been turned down by all the girls here. Well at lest you can going crawling back to Wise." Sun

"But she is flat as a board." Neptune cried into his coat

The arena started to roll through possible battlefield environments. It settled on desert dunes.

"Yeap still wishing for a nuclear winter."

"Oh cool my old turf." Sun

"I hope I don't get sand in my shoes" Scarlet

"Be cool man." Neptune

"Oh, nice the sea. They even have a boat." 

"Holy shit, I love boats. I'm definitely a sailboat kind of guy. My favorite is probably the schooner. Ketches are great, too, It's just not the same configuration appeal. Unless your into racing. Then… I mean that boat is okay. Y'know? It's not terrible, it's not great, it's just okay. And in some ways that is the worst kind of boat. It's boring. Here let me show you some pics of my yacht. You haven't seen a great yacht until you have seen my yacht. Look at this baby I call it the SS NANAMI. Boats boats boats boats-" Hinata

"What's wrong with Neptune? There is foam coming out of his mouth." Ruby

"Forget about Neptune how did Hinata get his hands on that navy captain's hat?" Blake

"How does Nora eat all those pancakes? We don't know and we don't question. I gave up a long time ago trying to understand this world." Yang

"Well, to answer your question Ruby, Neptune is scared of the water." Blake

"3 2 1, Start!" Professor Oobleck 

Neptune attempted to run away from the water as fast as he could. To bad for him he was intercepted by Hinata.

"I find your fear of the water to be just sad. It's a shame you will never feel the true joys of sailing. But I will give you the experience of skipping a stone on water." Hinata

Hinata tosed Neptune across the water to ring him out.

"That looks painful. I wouldn't be surprised if he broke a few ribs." Professor Oobleck

"It looks like Neptune is pretty waterlogged. And Hinata has taken over the ship on the waterside. Wait who left the cannons fully loaded?" Professor Port

"I don't know old friend. But he is using it to split up the rest of team SSSN." Professor Oobleck

"I call forth the powers of the earth to bring my foes to a halt. THRON BIND HOSTAGE" Megumin 

Megumin was able to trap Sage and Scarlet in place. Sun was able to dodge the spell and find a place to hide.

"I'll sector you to the winds. Wind Blades." Aqua

 Sent mass blades of wind to cut the magical thon vines. Causing them to explode taking out both trap members of team SSSN by aura depletion.

"Great It's four on-one now. How did everything go so wrong so fast. It's Neptune's fault. He just had to run away from the water breaking any chance of us getting into any kind of forma-" Sun

Sun felt a heavy pain in his back as his aura was completely depleted in a moment.

"Sorry to pop in unannounced." 

"And with that backstab Team SSSN has been taken out of the competition." Professor Oobleck

"Team MCHA continues to dobles. I hope they will have a bit longer of a performance with doubles." Professor Port

[Quest Complete: Round 1 of Vital Tournament]

[5000 EXP]

[41910/80800 to next level]

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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