Chapter 21: SAXXY 2277
"You made it, good…
"Wow your voice… it's different. It's sounds like the starlit Vera Keys."
"Do I? It sounds off to my ears… hard to tell. Not to mention it hurts like hell to swallow. Might be I got moved off to this suite… it's hers. That's her over there, got trapped by security like I did. Just took a different way out. I fucking wake up in a medle coffin and now I lost another part of myself. That's another reason to bring an end to the old man." Christine
"Well, Elijah didn't put you in the Auto-Doc… Dean did."
"Dean? Dean Domino? Why would he want to torture me? If he wanted to do that, he could keep his singing career going… or keep staring at me." Christine
"The guy wasn't trying to torture you, he altered your voice to work as a key for an audio-lock."
"To the vault… of course. That makes sense." Christine
"Are you mad?"
"I've… done worse. Much worse… and for more hopeless cause, and will again." Christine
"So what are you planning to do when your mission is done? You have been chasing the guy way longer than the Big MT."
"I'm not sure, I might stay here to make sure no one gets their hands on the tech here. I just know that I can't go back to the Mojave chapter. Look, When I woke up here… however that happened… I had this key on me - I think it belongs to her. Haven't had a chance to use it yet - might open the dresser, or the safe - didn't have time to experiment with it before you arrived. Here you go." Christine
"So you are not going to try to reunite with Veronica? I've seen her when she is above ground she is always looking for a nice dress and someone she misses. Are you just planning to stay here? Are you not going to try to reconnect when Elijah is dead?"
"I can't go back. As much as I want to. I just can't." Christine
"Can I give her a message when I see her again? Tell her that you're here. Waiting at the Sierra Madre."
[Speech Check Successful]
[400 EXP]
"Fine, I can't really stop you. Here let me record a message I'll use your Pip-Boy to do so." I held out my arm. "This is Christine Royce. Hi again. I'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye. I had a mission that I had to do no matter what. I knew I wasn't ever going to come back. If you want to meet again, You can find me at the Sierra Madre. I… still love you, Veronica." Christine ended the recording
"Shame I won't likely see you again when this is all over. I'm never coming back to this place."
"To bad I'm sure to miss you playing a song for me on the guitar. I'm going to sit down for a bit." Christine
[Quest Complete: Last Luxuries]
[15500 EXP]
[41400/71250 to next level]
I then went about looting the master suites. Got the last audio sample I needed. I found another copy of The Big Book of Science, the last card for the Dead Man's Hand, and a chem set that I used to make 5 more stimpaks. The Medigun might be better in most situations but stimpacks still have their uses. I also used one of the Sierra Madre Vending Machines 45 times in a row for the challenge. So now I have even more stimpacks. I'm not going to run out of them before the battle of Hoover Dam again.
[Big Winner]
[1000 EXP]
[Dead Man's Hand]
I used the key Christene gave me to unlock the hallway to the elevator leading to the vault.
"The door to the vault is voice-activated. Which means we need the starlet's voice. Or recordings of it." Father Elija
I had to make my way down the main elevator to the lobby to get the key phrase for the vault elevator.
"You have the last fragment, that is all I need. Now… Go to the main lobby terminal, thread the music sequence together." Father Elija
I made my way past piles of ash that were likely once the ghosts that had wandered in. I used the terminal to get the key phrase "Begin again… Let go." With that I made my way back to Christene.
"You're back. You still want me here, collars and all? Not much for waiting around with a bomb around my neck." Christine
"I've dealt the rest of the crew, and I've got the phrase."
"Shocked that Super Mutant didn't eat you… and don't get me started on Dean." Christene
"Here is the phrase for the vault."
"Looks like even the Old World can't keep you out when you've got a mind to get in. So… I just rasp out some words, and the vault opens? That woman, the starlet… she didn't build this place, why would the builder do that?" Christine
"This place… doesn't feel like a casino. Not entirely."
"I know. The sealed doors, the security… it's almost a fortress. Think that's why we're being ordered to come here and crack it open?" Christine
"Guess it's the object of someone's obsession - or affection."
"Love makes people do strange things. Won't argue that. It can drive you crazy sometimes if you can't… connect. If they loved each other, and they were together… I suppose that's all that mattered. But she's in that side room, dead, because the casino wouldn't let her leave. And who knows where he is." Christine
"So you ready? The sequence is: "Begin." "Again." "Let." "Go."
"All right. If you go down there, are you prepared… what if you don't come back?" Christine
"What dose that mean?"
"I… just wanted to make sure you're ready. When you go down there, that may be it for us… we won't be needed anymore. The one who made these collars, he'll follow you down there. And he won't let you leave. He's not one for sharing, never was." Christine
"That's why you're waiting to kill him."
[Perception Check Successful]
[2800 EXP]
"I… can't let him leave here. Look, you've done so much, and he's not going to show himself until you go down there." Christine
"Do you trust me? If you do, let me handle this. Let go."
"I can't let go. Every time I've thought about it… I've lost him over and over again. He needs to die… what happened here, with us? He's… he's done so much worse." Christine
"Let him come through the suites, follow me. If he escapes, you'll still be here, waiting."
"Promise me you'll deal with him… if I see him, I…" Christine
"He won't escape, I swear to you."
"All right. All right, I'll… but I'll need to leave this floor. He'll pick up my collar, and…" Christine
"We may never meet again but as long as we remember each other that's enough."
"I… never mind. Let me get the vault open… "Begin again… but know when to let go." Sounds like you. You better deliver my message to Veronica." Christine
Christine walks to the Audio Lock and speaks the password. "Begin again - but know when to let go." "I… I wish you luck in the Vault. Elijah… he's tough to pin down." I watched as Christine made her way out of the master suite and disappeared. I took a minute to loot the safe that had a copy of Vera Key's dress. I would need to get a different one for Veronica but this was one of the few things I wanted to keep from this trip. The gold and cash would be sold, and the weapons displayed. But I might wear this dress someday. I made my way to the lift it was at last time to descend.
[New Quest Added: The Heist of the Centuries]
[All For One]
[10000 EXP]
[56200/71250 to next level]
God this elevator is taking a long time. I took a look over my Pip-Boy to see I had an hour till midnight. Well might as well check up on the group chat.
[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Signed in}
[5000 EXP/2500 points] {Mounthly log-in bonus}
[Oracle of The Metaverse] {Offline}
[Step on Me Dark Mommy] {Online}
[Little Rookie] {Offline}
[Loli Explosion Goddess]{Online}
[ArsenicCatnip] {Dead}
[Your Izuru Kamukura] {Offline}
[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure] {Online}
[Freak of Vault 3]: So I'm trapped on a long elevator ride with nothing better to do then see whats going on.
[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: Don't get me started on elevator rides. There is this one on the Citidel that takes 8 minutes and it gets annoying hearing about random plays that I never have the time to go see. It would better if I had some one to talk to.
[Loli Explosion Goddess]: Ah It feels so nice to have the bath to myself. I just got done with my daily Explosion spell. I've been having fun casting it at this old castle not to far out of town. Kazuma gave it 86 points.
[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: Megumin seeing you having a good time puts a smile on my face. So Blue what are you up to? Besides being stuck on a long elevator ride.
[Freak of Vault 3]: Oh you know got knocked out had a bomb colar placed around my neck. I am currently being forced to pull off a heist on a casino. I'm hoping after I deep six the old man who gave me an explosive bowtie, to have a bit of a break for life threatening adventures. Maybe the next mission we taking from the group chat will have some down time.
[Loli Explosion Goddess]: So I heard about thr frist mission from the Garus. It sounds like it will be fun visiting a different world.
[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: We will see what we get. I'm just glad to be somewaer that isn't in the realm of darkness. And if I finish two more missions I should be able to come and live in one of your worlds.
[Freak of Vault 3]: I wouldn't mind having your company if you want to stay with me.
[Step on Me Dark Mommy]: Ara Ara we will see.
[Freak of Vault 3]: SO GETTING ON OTHER TOPICS. What is the news with what is going with the rest of the chat.
[Loney C-Sec Officer Looking for Adventure]: I finally met Hajime. He has been very busy taking care of his brain dead classmates. He has been restoring the data containing the memories of his classmates. He is interested in joining the next mission to get more points to revive Chiaki. Bell has launched an attack on the red light district to save a fox girl he met and to burn the books on his family's debts. Oracle has been off all day. As for me nothing to report.
[Loli Explosion Goddess]: I'm going to get off. I'm going to fall asleep in the bath if I stay in here much longer.
[Loli Explosion Goddess] {Has Logged Out}
[Freak of Vault 3]: Elevator ride has come to end and I need get moving so bye for now. I might do a quick sign in half an hour.
[Freak of Vault 3] {Has Logged Out}
I walked out of the lift and saw the main vault. I took out the Ap-Sap and quickly took down the forcefeiled blocking the main way to vault. I had to frist go the next room over to garb the last terminal entry for [History's Sake] challenge. I love having a the ability to doble jump as move fast it made getting to the hologram emitters wasn't a fucking fedreal issuse this time around. I debated going farther back to sinpe another raido just for the boost of EXP.
[Roll to resist the lure of 30 EXP.]
[You have successfully resisted the lure]
[History's Sake]
[2600 EXP]
[63800/71250 to next level]
I made my way back to the vault and used the terminal to open the vault. I walked in and the vault door closed behind me. I quickly placed a teleporter to go back to the SINK. I used it after looting the vault for all it was worth armor, guns, and 37 bars of gold it was a bitch to make my way on to the teleporter. Once I did I received a notification.
[Safety Deposit Box]
[10000 EXP]
I was a bit confused. That Challenge was for trapping Father Elija in the vault. Maybe removing all the gold bars tricked the challenge trigger to flag the challenge as complete. Because in a normal game of new vegas you can only get all the gold by trapping the old man. Well I'll take the EXP anyway. It was time for me to level.
[Welcome to Level 31]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
Might as well continue dumping it all into Unarmed.
[Choose a Perk]
[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.
[Friend of the Night]
[Heave, Ho!]
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Rapid Relode]
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Run 'n Gun]
[Hand Loader]
[Vigilant Recycler]
[Quick Draw]
[Rad Resistance].
[Super Slam!]
[Terrifying Presence]
[Math Wrath]
[Here and Now]
[Sneering Imperialist]
[Silent Running]
[Miss Fortune]
[Mysterious Stranger]
[Nerd Rage!]
[Night Person]
[Fast Metabolism]
[Robotics Expert]
[Lead Belly]
[Fight the Power!]
[Light Step]
[Computer Whiz]
[Grim Reaper's Sprint]
[Solar Powered]
[Eye for Eye]
[Mile in Their Shoes]
[Them's Good Eatin']
[Nuka Chemist]
[Spray and Pray]
[Irradiated Beauty]
[Voracious Reader]
[Nerves of Steel]
[Lessons Learned]
[Tunnel Runner]
[Rad Absorption]
[Mad Bomber]
[Piercing Strike]: Piercing Strike makes all of your Unarmed and Melee Weapons (including thrown) negate 15 points of Damage Threshold on the target.
[Unstoppable Force]: Your martial might is truly legendary. You do a large amount of additional damage through enemy blocks with all Melee Weapons and Unarmed attacks.
[Paralyzing Palm]: With Paralyzing Palm, you will sometimes perform a special V.A.T.S. palm strike that paralyzes your opponent for 30 seconds. Note that in order to perform the Paralyzing Palm, you must be completely unarmed.
[Implant GRX] Ranks 1 left
Well this was never a question. I picked the last rank in the GRX Implant.
AP 250 HP635 DT54 CW 380/450 Caps 0 EXP 2550/75950 Level 31
Barter 100
Energy Weapons 50
Explosives 50
Guns 100
Lockpick 100
Magic 42
Medicine 100
Melee 100
Repair 100
Science 100
Sneak 100
Speech 100
Survival 43
Unarmed 88
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
MannCo Portable Upgrade Station
Atlas Back
Eye of true Perception
Know it All
Matrix Reflex
Too Lucky to Die
Item Fusion
Big Shot
Sword Aura
Pharmacist Without Equal
X8 Sneak Attack Damage
Voice of a Salesman
Intense Training Rank 3
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Lady Killer
Strong Back
Burden to Bear
Pack Rat
Long Haul
Toughness Rank 2
Life Giver
Adamantium Skeleton
Jurry Rigger
The Professional
And Stay Back
Shotgun Surgeon
Better Criticals
Mister Sandman
Action Girl Rank 2
Action Boy Rank 2
Big Brained
Cardiac Arrest
Reinforced Spine
Strength Implant
Perception Implant
Charisma Implant
Agility Implant
Luck Implant
Implant GRX Rank 2
Implant C-13
Implant M-5
Implant Y-3
Implant Y-7
Sub-Dermal Armor
Monocyte Breeder
I debated making the rest of the Heavy unlocks before going to take on Father Elija. But I was in no mood to wait much longer then I had to deal with the old man. After dumping everything I found in the vault on the floor of the SINK. I used the teleporter to go back to the vault. I quickly destroyed the telleporter and made way to the main sever to download all the data one the material recomplier or the god dam magic vending meachens. It was at last time to use the main vault contral terminal. Nope because it can't be easy I had to go to the other end of the vault to disable the security system. I also got to hack a very hard terminal for some more EXP.
[360 EXP]
Now I could finally use the main vault contral terminal.
Sierra Madre Control Network
> Vera Keys
> Vera.
I opened the file named Vera.
Vera, if you're reading this, my fears have come to pass, and this is an apology.
I hope you realized what my last words ment to you. If so, they have led you here, and this place will keep you safe. I know what they meant for me, and I fear they have trapped me here.
I have extracted the previous entry after our conversation tonight. It can't have been easy for you, and I am sorry for all I've put you through in silence. I know while you do not love me, you did not mean any malice in what you did.
The holograms should defend the casino from any attackers, and the hologram beacon in the Villa will broadcast an emergency signal so that others know you are here.
When danger has passed, rescue will come.
I hope you wear able to read this, and know that I loved you.
Frederick Sinclair
After reading Sinclare note I closed the terminal. A green monitor opened up from the wall behind main vault contral terminal. The I was face to digitally projected face with Father Elija.
"You. You're in the vault finally. After all this time. The Sierra Madre… mine. Don't move, don't go into the vault. And don't touch anything else… there may be more traps down there… another security system." Father Elijah
"How did you access my Pip-Boy?"
"You speak as if your fingers have never touched the keys of a RobCo terminal. No machine is foolproof, they are designed to obey us.The Pip-Boy's operating system has vulnerabilities… advantages to those who've studied its construction, even superficially. Although there was a program on you're device that had some odd encryption that was impossible for me to crack. Not that I didn't try. But in the end, it's just a machine, though. Its real vulnerability is who wears it. And that's how you were caught." Father Elijah
"You sure you needed it to escape."
"Proud that you have one? I can hear the superiority. That thing on your wrist - it's a convenience. It tells you where to go, what to do, dull your brain. It may have helped you find the Sierra Madre broadcast, but it's just as much a crutch today as it was in the Old World." Father Elijah
"You have many things to answer for."
"Do I? For what? Your greed? Curiosity? You came here on your own, no one held a gun to your head. I've seen your Pip-Boy archives, your map markers and notes. You followed me here from the Big MT - you picked up the Serra Madre signal just as I did, you couldn't resist. So if you feel I have a lot to answer for… no, the blame isn't on my shoulders. Might as well have put the collar on yourself." Father Elijah
"I wasn't the one hiding all this time."
"Hiding? Hardly. Trapped. You think you were the first one to unlock the casino door? No, I did it… with other hands, other bodies. After that, the casino wouldn't let go. Once I was in, no way out… until your Pip-Boy signal came to life in Villa. Then… then, uh, things changed. And here you are." Father Elijah
"I have a few questions."
"Fine, we have to time now. I'll sate your curiosity. You have done your work. And our interactions have been one-sided, even for my tastes." Father Elijah
"What do you want from the Sierra Madre?"
"What do I want. Weapons. Security. A citadel of my own. The Madre's all these things. It's a fortress and a weapon. A chance… to… "begin again." Once I unlock its archives, I can carve the Mojave into any shape I choose. The Cloud is unique in my travels. Its proximity to the Sierra Madre isn't a coincidence. Right now it protects this casino, preserves it. It can be used to preserve other Old World relics - and cleanse them, at the same time. And as much as I've researched hologram technology, the Big Empty facility was clear - only the Sierra Madre got Holograms working… properly." Father Elijah
"Properly? You must be kidding me?"
"The Holograms here kill trespassers. That's what I want. Dump one of those emitters in the middle of any battle, there's no defense. It's like holding light in your hands, Can't fight it… only watch it burn. Just one is a portable army. Arm it - anyone stands against you, dies." Father Elijah
"If you secure that, that's all you want?"
"No, there is one last thing I want from the Sierra Madre. Its bounty. The machines that fill its streets, its corridors. They provide, provide almost anything. Perhaps in the Pre-War era, they were commonplace, things to dismiss. Now, they are far more valuable. You know it. They helped keep you alive. Sources of food, supplies… medical assistance, ammo… make more collars, even print currency. Make a nation. The Cloud allows me to wipe the slate clean. Collars ensure cooperation. Holograms - defense. The Vending Machines provide… everything else. The Sierra Madre can kill nations and build them, using its technology with the right applications." Father Elijah
"Well that all works if you can hold it. Vault-Tec has many ways to ensure that they will emerge as the final faction in the Wasteland. Sure you may get the tech to expand, to build your empire but in the end they hold keys to set you back to zero. It doesn't help that you are in twilight years. And unlike a ghoul or Mr.House you have no way to guide your empire for more than fifteen years, at most."
"The Enclave couldn't hold America. Vault-Tec won't even have the same chance to be a long-term threat." Father Elijah
"You're Veronica's mentor. The Elder who lost HELIOS One."
"Veronica… she… survived HELIOS, She would, Resourceful. As for "losing" HELIOS One… that was the only outcome, aside from retreat. NCR, swarming like ants over Old World relics… Hoover Dam… HELIOS… I won't let thouse… children seize anything else. Hardin… McNamara… can't stop them… won't. So I will, with the Old World as my weapons."
"You want to attack the NCR? You might as well toss Ceases Ligone you're already fighting a one-man war on multiple fronts."
"Attack? No, not attack them. Wipe the slate clean. Make the Mojave like it was meant to be… undisturbed by man. I'll send the Cloud, the Holograms. Bring ruin in my hands until only I stand atop the HELIOS One tower again. I'll scour Hoover Dam with the Cloud, rain its walls with spears from the sun… with an army of Old World ghosts behind me, Holograms all. I'll kill them until it's only me, me alone… in a quiet world. In a world that's nothing like what happened at HELIOS One." Father Elija
"Feel free to kill the NCR. If you don't do it one day the Vault-Tec will."
"I know that. Their days were numbered since they occupied Hoover Dam." Father Eiljah
"In the end you are nothing more than a killer that wants mass murder."
"You think I'm a murderer. If I was, I'd set off your collar long ago… the collar ensures compliance, encourages… cooperation. Think about it. Would you truly have gotten into the casino without those collars? No, human nature is against us, always. Did you know… did you know that I had to keep adjusting the collars, keep changing the rules this moment possible? Every time, even with collars clutched at their necks… they would betray each other, kill each other, to get inside the Sierra Madre. It… ir was insanity. They could had it all, it was so close. And… and they kept turning on each other, again and again. Cracking the Sierra Madre was difficult… but cracking greed, that was more difficult. So the dead man's switches went in."
"So you answered madness with madness."
"When your life is tied to another's, sacrifice and cooperation - they can be conditioned, learned, and you can focus on the matter at hand. Greed can be beaten. Contained. Controlled. You know it better than anyone… or hope you do. It doesn't matter." Father Elijah
"You know you could of just used robots for most of the tasks required to open the casino. Nothing would have stopped an Asslutron from moving the switches. A Mr Handy from triggering the fireworks. A Protectron could of just as easily done the work of Dean Domino. You could of found a way to get their parts past Sinclair's security. You found a way to bring the bomb collars with you."
"... I could have just used robots… Oh well live and learn." Father Elijah
"So how did you get me here again?"
"Everyone asks that. Should be asking how they plan on leaving. It only takes putting a collar on one to begin the chain. One with a collar may chain another. And that one, another. Had traps all over the wastes. The chains ends with the super mutant. Although with him… the collar wasn't even necessary. He only needed… guidance." Father Elijah
"So someone else with a collar placed one on me? Who?"
"The Mutant. Heh! He swallowed one of the collars… after that, he was mine. The collar wasn't even necessary. All his kind, they exist to be given orders. They're soldiers - simple, stupid. I ask him to fetch, he did… even without the threat of death. Even when I stopped speaking to him, he continued to leave the Villa, gather victims from the mantraps, out of habit. He must have found you in one of them. If so, he's probably forgotten - he only remembers my voice. He put the collar on you, dragged you here, because he doesn't know any better. It's in his nature, greedy and child-like." Father Elijah
"If it was Dog who collared me why didn't he say anything?"
"Dog" Hnh. Appropriate. It's what I called him. You've met him, You know why he forgot - his brain was ruined by FEV, his memory, wreckage. He may know the way back, somewhere, deep down. I doubt it. He tracks by smell and instinct. Still, he could be trained." Father Elija
"Do you know how to get out of here?"
"Of course. I walked all this way. If you're worried… I'll give you a map back - or show you the way out when this all over."
"How did you learn of the Sierra Madre?"
"I wen't to close to the sun and bleed. After that… I wandered, alone. Saw the storms of the Divide, walked among Chiphers of the West. Like you, I traveled to the Big Empty. I heard the signal. The woman's voice, the Sierra Madre, promising a chance to begin again, reverse my fortunes. All… nonsense. I tracked the signal. Came here, scouted the city… using other hands. Kept dying on me, killing each other. You - you got the farthest of all." Father Elijah
"And wear did you find the collars?"
"The collars. They're Per-War tech, I suspect this great land had… compliance issues before the war. It's one of a series of models. The one on your neck? Special, easier to make adjustments. Unreliable in other ways, notably radio interference. I found them at the Big Empty. Almost got crushed by a tunnel collapse on the way out. Were toe others there… a woman. And a man, a courier. The woman was familiar… the other… I don't know what happened to him." Father Elija
[The Whole Sad Story]
[1000 EXP]
"Well as delightful as this conversion has been. I'm waiting for you to come down here."
"No. I am not going to take the chance while I'm so close… not this close, no. Not again… I can wait… afford to be careful. You… you're locked down there. This is the only entrance, and I have free rain of the Sierra Madre. I have time… more than you. Besides, there might be more traps. I'll send more scouts in… yes, other. You're resourceful, don't want to leave anything more to chance." Father Elijah
"Then I'll find a way to unlock the secrets of this vault, take them for my own."
"You've gotten far. Anyfather, try to breach the vault, you'll become a corpse.What's inside is mine. Anyone else touches it tries to take it from me… they'll answer for it." Father Elija
"I already managed to unlock the elevator and get down here before you. Better hurry."
[Lockpick Check Successful]
[600 EXP]
"This casino isn't some caravan safe. And the lock that secures the Sierra Madre vault doesn't hold all it's secrets." Father Elijah
"Fine stay up there and wait. I'll keep busy down here."
"Find a way inside - you can try. The Sierra Madre is a patient thing, and it has outlasted many who've come to its doors. The punishment often equals the reward for those without the foresight to see what's in store. I'll let you test the security, see how you stand up." Father Elija
"You know the Sierra Madre's a huge combination lock. Me I've almost cracked it."
[Lockpick Check Successful]
[600 EXP]
"I've had enough… enough of others stealing from me. I'm coming down, forget the Sierra Madre security, I'll find you myself. Try to break into the vault, I'll set off the collar." Father Eilja
I made my way out of the vault. I used my sticky bomb launcher to set up bombs around the laser turrets. I saw the old man come down the elevator. "Did you really think you could steal from me? The Sierra Madre is mine." Father Elijah
The laser turrets began firing on me. Next, I heard Christine on the radio. "Seeing what I can do to shut those down from up here… come on… come on… Got it two of them down! Can't shut down the others. He has cut-off access. Damit, put him down. Burry him. Whatever it takes!"
I used my sticky traps to destroy the rest of the turrets. "Ah, Pre-War junk! I'll put you down myself.
"Is… is this thing on? You hear me down there? Trying to help you out here… disable the speakers, play a little music… and that's more like it, got a beat you can swing to. And they won't set off your collar anymore - just hit the other guy where it hurts." Dean Domino
The speakers began to play the same song that was needed to save Dean earlier. I had thought of what would be the best thing to deal with Father Elija. Killing him with Holorifle would be ironic. It was the weapon gave me at the start of this whole mess. But it wasn't fighting enough for me. I decided if he wanted to take the treasure of the Sierra Madre. He would join the treasures. I used the Saxxy. It only took me three swings. I watched in fascination as the old man who was a pain in my ass over the last few days was turned into a statue of gold. His weight became too much for the catwalk to take and he fell through. His greed for this place made him sink to its depths.
[Cash Out]
[10000 EXP]
My bomb collar began beeping. The basement was exploding in all directions. Well since Father Elijah no longer had to be lured down here. I can remove the bomb collar with the Red Tape Recorder. I took out the AP-Sap.
"Wow last time I saw this many explosions I was running the testing facility. Right so let me just take down this force field. And done." Wheatley AP-Sap
I quickly made my way to the elevator. I did my daily check-in for the new day. 08/14/2277. By the time I made my way to the top, everyone had already left.
[Quest Complete: The Heist of the Centuries]
[50000 EXP]
[Questin' Mark] Complete 5 Quests 5/5
[2500 EXP]
[69210/75950 to next level]
The clouds had started to disperse. The radio signals for the other collars had gone dead. They were no longer needed. The Fountain had only one last message to give before I left.
"Wait a minute before you go. I… We hope you have enjoyed your stay. Farewells can be a time of sadness. Letting go difficult. As a guest of the Sierra Madre, you know that truth more than anyone. Frederick Sinclair believed that one's life could be made new every day. That fortunes were more than wealth in your hands. Love. Life. Family. Those to care for, and those who care for you. To those who knows these joys Sierra Madre holds very little, they don't already have. Out in the world beyond these walls. That is your chance to begin again. I hope you will return in happier times. Until then the Sierra Madre and I will hold you in our hearts." Vera Keys final message.
I placed my teleporter down and went home to the SINK. I striped out the assassin armor I picked up from the Villa. Then took a 4 hour shower. I didn't care that I wasting water I needed to clear my head after all that. I dry up then fell on my bed and slept off the exhaustion. When I woke up it was 5 AM on 08/14/2277. I got dressed in my Spy outfit. Then went to the SCIU to buy what I needed for the rest of the Heavy Unlocks for the low price of 2 bars of gold. Well most of then I had to use the Biological Research Station for the … big banana… I felt like bashing my head against a wall but then the Atuo Doc would complain.
I crafted: Iron Curtain, Natascha, Brass Beast, Tomislav, Huo-Long Heater, Family Business, Apoco-Fists, Killing Gloves of Boxing, Gloves of Running Urgently, Bread Bite, Warrior's Spirit, Fists of Steel, Eviction Notice, Holiday Punch, and Second Banana.
[3750 EXP]
[5000 EXP]
[Heavy Full Set Unlocked]
[Reward + 1 Endurance, 7000 EXP, Key To The Inventory, Heavy Outfit]
[Welcome to Level 31]
[Assign 17 skill Points]
I'll max out Unarmed then place the left over points in explosives.
[Choose a Perk]
[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.
[Friend of the Night]
[Heave, Ho!]
[Junk Rounds]
[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left
[Rapid Relode]
[Bloody Mess]
[Fortune Finder]
[Run 'n Gun]
[Hand Loader]
[Vigilant Recycler]
[Quick Draw]
[Rad Resistance].
[Super Slam!]
[Terrifying Presence]
[Math Wrath]
[Here and Now]
[Sneering Imperialist]
[Silent Running]
[Miss Fortune]
[Mysterious Stranger]
[Nerd Rage!]
[Night Person]
[Fast Metabolism]
[Robotics Expert]
[Lead Belly]
[Fight the Power!]
[Light Step]
[Computer Whiz]
[Grim Reaper's Sprint]
[Solar Powered]
[Eye for Eye]
[Mile in Their Shoes]
[Them's Good Eatin']
[Nuka Chemist]
[Spray and Pray]
[Irradiated Beauty]
[Voracious Reader]
[Nerves of Steel]
[Lessons Learned]
[Tunnel Runner]
[Rad Absorption]
[Mad Bomber]
[Piercing Strike]
[Unstoppable Force]
[Paralyzing Palm]
[Slayer]: The slayer walks the earth! The speed of all Melee Weapons and Unarmed attacks is increased by 30%.
Time to pick up Slayer.
AP 250 HP650 DT22 CW 380/450 Caps 0 EXP 9110/80800 Level 32
Barter 100
Energy Weapons 50
Explosives 55
Guns 100
Lockpick 100
Magic 42
Medicine 100
Melee 100
Repair 100
Science 100
Sneak 100
Speech 100
Survival 43
Unarmed 100
Small Frame
MannCo Supplies
MannCo Portable Upgrade Station
Atlas Back
Eye of true Perception
Know it All
Matrix Reflex
Too Lucky to Die
Item Fusion
Big Shot
Sword Aura
Pharmacist Without Equal
X8 Sneak Attack Damage
Voice of a Salesman
Intense Training Rank 3
Black Widow
Confirmed Bachelor
Cherchez La Femme
Lady Killer
Strong Back
Burden to Bear
Pack Rat
Long Haul
Toughness Rank 2
Life Giver
Adamantium Skeleton
Jurry Rigger
The Professional
And Stay Back
Shotgun Surgeon
Better Criticals
Mister Sandman
Action Girl Rank 2
Action Boy Rank 2
Big Brained
Cardiac Arrest
Reinforced Spine
Strength Implant
Perception Implant
Charisma Implant
Agility Implant
Luck Implant
Implant GRX Rank 2
Implant C-13
Implant M-5
Implant Y-3
Implant Y-7
Sub-Dermal Armor
Monocyte Breeder
[Max Stat Perk Choice]
[Lucky Punch]: 37% chance to cripple an enemy limb in one punch.
[Chi Blocking]: Quickly temporarily disable foes with a flurry of blows. The effects last 2 hours for anyone who doesn't use a form of energy control (Chakra, Kai, Qi, Chi, Mana, Soul Power, etc). The effects last 4 hours for anyone who uses any form of energy control. This will also block all forms of energy control for 4 hours.
I want something that's nonlethal and gives me a form of Martial Arts. So I'm taking Chi Blocking. I'm sure to run into someone with magic eventually and with this I'll have a quick way to shut them down.
"I still have one last job to do before I'm completely done with Dead Money. I have to find a scribe and give her a message."
It took me a goddam month to track her down. I finally found her at Grub n' Gulp Rest Stop. We had a long talk about this and that. I just so happened to have a spare dress I had gotten when I went to the Ultra Lux. She thanked me and taught me the Scribe Counter. It then came down to what I had to tell her. I had collected Eiljah's final message from the abandoned BOS Bunker.
"I found Elijah."
"You did? Where? Oh my God, I mean… I thought… I don't even know what I thought might have happened to him. But… you don't have a "this is good news" expression on your face." Veronica
"I had to kill him before he hurt others."
"You killed him… But… it doesn't matter. He died when we retreated to Hidden Valley. I didn't expect to see him again, no one did. Did he say anything when you mt him? Anything… anything at all?" Veronica
"There's something I wanted to pass along."
"Where did you get this? Guess I was right about bad news, huh? Same look Elder McNamara always gave me when I was up for promotion." Veronica
"Can you unlock it for me first? He was vague on that point."
"Yeah. Yeah. Thought as much. He'd been fading away for a long time. Would you mind if I looked at the message?" Veronica
"Let's watch it together."
"Alright then." Veronica
[Elijah's Ramblings]: Elijah obviously intended this to go to Veronica, but you earned it, right?
You've learned Elijah's secret Melee Weapon technique and your Critical Hits now do 150% more damage.
"That was… that was hard to watch." Veronica
"Did it make any sense to you?"
"The parts I understood? Didn't matter. Past all the garbage, all it amounted to was goodbye. Sorry… feel a little out of it. Head's spinning a bit… Oh. Oh! I think he left me a gift. Maybe I can use it better than he did." Veronica
"I have one last message for you it's from someone special to you listen to it in your own time."
"Thank you very much." Veronica
With no much else to say we parted ways perhaps we will meet again someday. I doubt it though. After all, Veronica is leaving for the Sierra Madre to reunite with Christine. And I doubt she will leave Christine ever again. And nothing will ever make me go back to that hell hole.
I was struggling with Ideas of what to do with my last three weeks before the plane I had asked the Think Tank to build would be ready. I decided to head off with the Happy Carivans to take me to Zion Canyon. It would be years before any chance of things going down with the white legs. I went to Zion Canyon for one reason only. To grab the final snow globe. Was it worth 2 weeks of walking with strangers? Yes, yes it was.
The last week before the plan was ready I spent with Dr.Mobius checking over and putting in safeguards on the two AI's Amadeus and Salieri that I had gotten from the first world I visited. Amadeus was the AI based off Kurisu Makise's memory data that was uploaded to the Amadeus System in March 2010 before Kurisu's trip to Japan. Before the last data before Makise Kurisu died. Salieri was the AI based off Maho Hiyajo's memory data that was uploaded to the Amadeus System in February of 2012. Amadeus was set up to run the systems in the Elite Stleth Riotgear. I had to rerun the tests in X13 to recalibrate data for the new armor. But now everything was ready and set for the Armor to run with Amadeus running the main systems. Salieri was a small side project of mine. I was going to resemble the aperture science personality core using Salieri as the AI instead of Wheatley, who was still functioning as my AP-Sap. Salieri's main job was going to be QA and working with the data I had retrieved from hell… The Sierra Madre.
Everything was set in three days I would finally take my flight to the Commonwealth of Boston on 10/25/2277. So what should I do with these last three free days? Well, use them to run my second mission with the chat group of course. For this mission, the plan was to take me, Aqua, Megumin, Futaba, and Hajime. Well, that was apparently the personnel cap for the mission anyway. It was at last time to start my second mission.