In MHA as an Uzumaki

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Butterfly (Part 1)

[ Toshinori Yagi's (All-Might's) POV]:

'Who was that person?' Was all I could think about for the moment.

He was fast. Although I could see his moves but the fog was getting in the way. Which means he must be knowing of what he's doing. He's quite efficient in this.

I looked towards the kids he rescued there. The blonde was being flattered by the relatively young heroes about how useful his quirk is.

Even I believe it's true. It has a real high potential, but something was off about the kid. He seemed to have that guilt in his eyes everytime he looked at the green haired boy, Izuku Midoriya, if I'm not mistaken. There seems to be something going on. I guess I should let kids solve their own issues, so long as they don't go and do something regrettable.

'That reminds me, I'm supposed to mentor a kid to be my inheritor myself! How will I pull it off!?' Thinking this in my mind, I still made sure the smile on my face doesn't fade even a little.

Then I saw Izuku being reprimanded for being reckless, which is quite justified. He was indeed reckless there. But he was heroic nonetheless. The first step to be a hero is to know what you stand for. He has already taken that first step.

I think if it's him inheriting [ One For All ], I can rest assured about it being in the right hands.

'Only if I could find that guy' He was already experienced, saved them for the sake of just saving them. His motives apparently were free from the greed of fame. He could still be worthy only if I could get to know about him better.

'But someone not wanting to appear in public isn't very suitable as a symbol.' This was the only point that could make him unsuitable for it.

Aside from that, he's really a great candidate for it.

'Since when this kind of vigilante appeared? But since he has the heart of a hero, I can certainly hope he won't be a threat.'

[ Narrator's POV ]:

Although he tried to make himself believe in it, some suspicion was still buried within his mind.

Even if he chooses to believe in always looking for the good in a person unless they're proven as an evil person, he's still a human. Anyone would be suspicious of someone who can work in a way that usually requires years of experience and yet has left no trace of his existence.

Why the secrecy? Of course there could be many valid reason, and that's the only why he chose to believe in the assumption of the person being good. But that doesn't mean it won't leave any suspicions left unsolved. Human mind is too complicated.

He was on the border of stupidity and idealism. He was making a lot of assumptions there but still had some suspicions he didn't completely disregard.


[ Haruki POV ]

On the desk,

This head is awfully similar to that drawing in my memory notes. Nomu? I suppose. But it still seems a little different.

"Why was it running in the wild, hunting specially quirk holding animals? It seemed to be able to assimilate their quirk into its own after eating them." I muttered to myself.

I don't think that my notes ever implied that quality in Nomus, but at this point, a lot of things in there are losing their credibility. It's valuable information, but not a 100% shot to believe in.

This is getting too scary for my tastes. I have a bad feeling about this. One is that these things were so hard to kill while I don't even know how many of these things are out there. Two is that, if there are more, where are they and why aren't they attacking humans yet.

Then there comes the most concerning part, these things have their vitality so much different than anything I have seen until now.

'Aliens?' I thought of something as wild as I could think of. But soon denied it.

'... Or maybe these are some evolved species?But this huge degree of evolution? Someone is definitely messing with things in a way they shouldn't.' That's the most rational view I can hold right now.

"Haruki! The guests are about to arrive! I told you in the morning, right? Come down here!" Came the shout of mom from downstairs. Waking me up from my reverie.

"Be there in a minute!" I shouted back.

Well, it's basic decency of the hosting family members to be present to welcome your guest. Atleast it is in our household. Unless anyone of us is busy, we follow it.

I quickly washed off all the possible mud and dirt I may have gotten on me in that slight scuffle in the alley. Changed clothes into clean and fresh ones and went downstairs.

"Who are these guests anyways? I don't remember anyone named Rei ever visiting us." I asked with genuine curiosity. That name gave some sort of nostalgia.

'Probably someone from the original cast?' I thought. 'But how are we already involved with them? Does that mean, I'm not the only variable for this world?' I was almost lost in my thoughts when mom started answering.

"She wasn't really a friend, but an acquaintance. I helped her when I was new to my job. I was in the mall where we met again. She was with her children. She looked at me and recognised me at a glance. I did so too." She replied.

I listened to it, and realized that butterfly effect went way back in the past here. What is it that changing things so much!? And why?

"Well, we talked and thought that she's a nice person to be friends with. So, I invited them over. She was hesitant at first saying that she owes me a favor so it should be her inviting me and sorts. But in the end, she had to give in. I asked her to come here and cook with me for the dinner. Kind of a middle ground." I wonder if she even realised that her introverted nature is somewhat subsiding. I just kept silent and kept looking at her, implying that I'm listening. So, she continued.

"You know, she seemed a lot like me. Her life was much more miserable than me though. But I was able to help, that was one of my proudest moment." She seemed to be reminiscing about the event she's talking about.

There were so many emotions that went through on her face. Sadness, sorrow, nostalgia, pride and that loving smile with moist eyes made me realise, 'Dad was also involved in this.'

"Why do you say that she was miserable?" I asked. I was really curious about this. Backstory of any character is always the most interesting part of any story.

"She was a victim of quirk marriage. If it was just that, it would still be something tolerable, but she was married to an abusive and too ambitious guy." No wonder she said she was miserable. Quirk marriage is one of the worst pit a parent could throw their daughter into. Over that it was even an abusive one.

"Then how did you help her out?" I was getting even more curious now. 'How did this mother of mine get involved with the plot and even caused it to change even before it began?!'

"Things with her were a little complicated. By the time we got the info, we realised there was much more than just her family at stake. The person she was married to, you already know him. Enji Todoroki or Endeavour. Number 2 hero." That's a shocker. Not a huge one. But it still is. Second rank Hero is abusive to his own family? Well, considering his personality in public, it seems possible but still...

"If we were to punish him directly, there is a chance that HPSC will lose a significant amount of trust. Plus they already had four kids. Seperating them now would also mean we'll be breaking a family and it will leave the kids traumatized. Things will become much more difficult after that. We would still have seperated them if we didn't have a better option." She said.

"Better option?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowing. What could be better than divorcing someone abusive?

"Yes. Instead of having them divorce each other, we made sure that he thinks twice before even thinking of doing something abusive towards them."


[ 17 years ago ]:

Outside of a seemingly traditional Japanese house, which by no means could be called small, there were group of three people lurking. From their attire, it could be clearly seen that they were Heroes. Or maybe villains who take their role a little too seriously. Anyways. These were supposed to be taskforce assigned for the mission that was within the said house.

One of them had [ Amplification ] quirk, the second had [ Panacea ] quirk while the third had [ Emotional Control ] quirk.

The plan was simple, [ Emotional Control ] will be used to amplify the victims resentment and anger, while simultaneously amplifying the slightest amount of fear appearing within the assailant after immediate turn of events.

[ Amplification ] will be used to amplify the quirk potential and combat prowess of the victim to be somewhat able to threaten the assailant while simultaneously de-buffing the assailant.

[ Panacea ] will be used for the after effects and also in the event of things going out of hand would be necessary to avoid casualties. So long as there's time left for someone to live even for a minute, [ Panacea ] can heal them.

Aside from these three, there was also a man at a distance watching over the situation. He had crimson red hair. The feature that was the most prominent on him.

All of this was under the surveillance of HPSC team who are supposed to be guiding them in this.

"You know, this is a little nerve racking." came the sound on the earpiece of the red haired man.

"Honey, you'll be doing fine. I believe in you" He comforted his wife who was in the van a Kilometre away from the target location.

"I hope so. A lot is at stake here." came her reply.

"It's about to begin." The man said in a serious tone.

He saw a huge muscular man walking towards the house. This person, he recognised him at a single glance. He met him after all.



Hey, I wanted to ask for opinions. What hero name should I give to MC's father here?

Also, I know I was very late. I have no excuse here. Yeah, things are difficult, but regardless, I did ignore the Fanfic for quite a while now. I apologize.

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