In Stardust As A Wizard

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Entering The Next World

After thinking about which world to go to, I had finally decided which world I felt would be perfect. Not only did it have very unique magic, but it was extremely powerful and it might contain some magic that could help me against the witches and help against my problem I was facing with the voodoo magic. The only thing i was worried about was whether i could actually get there and if the candle could work the way i theorized.

I grabbed the candle and focused my thoughts on a world that could provide me with magic to grant me immortality.

As my thoughts finally solidified, I was covered in a bright light and I shot into the sky. As I got further and further into the sky, I ended up leaving the atmosphere and saw the whole of space in front of me, and then to my surprise, I saw a wormhole appear in front of me and I shot into it.

That confirmed another theory I had in my last world, that wormholes could be used to traverse the multiverse.

After traveling inside the wormhole for what felt like at least a day, I finally landed heavily on the ground in an wet and dirty alley.

"Ahh, damn that hurt. I guess this kind of travel doesn't include soft landings." I joked aloud to myself as I stood up and magically cleaned myself and my clothes as I began to look around.

I appeared to be in a modern world and as I stepped out of the alley I was able to glimpse many famous buildings such as the Chrysler building and the Empire State building glowing from the lights reflecting off of the lights in the city.

'Okay, so I appear to be in modern day New York. Now which magical world is in New York?' I questioned to myself.

As i was thinking about which world I had arrived in I heard the sound of someone running and breathing frantically and saw a relatively tall lanky young man running toward me.

"Run, you have to run. There are wolves and they'll eat you!" The young man shouted as he got closer to me.

I recognized the young man instantly and I knew which magical world I had arrived in and it was a world from one of the movies I had watched in my past life. It was Dave Stutler from the world of The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I was glad the Babylon Candle worked the way i theorized as this was the exact world i was hoping to go to

'I have hit the jackpot. This world has insanely powerful and useful magic. It is also pretty esoteric so i can work it into my own magic.' I exclaimed to myself.


(Flashback to when MC used the candle)

Seraphina had been watching Robert from the sky and saw him shoot into the sky and saw him enter a wormhole.

'Wait, where is he going?' She questioned to herself.


[Seraphina POV from before she sees the MC leave]

Ever since being saved by that strange man, I always believed that I'd just find a way back home and that would be it, but that year I spent with him where he offered protection, and allowed me to see the wonders of magic as he worked tirelessly to find a way to bring me home. Even if he mostly wanted the candle to study it's magic, he could have simply gotten only one candle and used it for himself.

The fact that he didn't makes me wonder if he did it for me. Ugh what am I thinking, it's not like I like him or anything. And I still have some of the candle left to come down and see him again if I want. Even without the candle I could still try to find a way to visit him. It isn't like I can control when I fall, but I might be able to control the where.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, I saw a familiar bright light leaving earth and heading into space. I knew it could only be him.

'Maybe he is coming to visit me' I found my self thinking hopefully.

I then watched in shock as a wormhole opened up and swallowed him inside. Based on what I have observed about wormholes throughout all my life, that wasn't a natural wormhole. But wait, that means that he has gone to another universe, I may not see him again.

As I was thinking about that, I finally knew, I had fallen for him. I may be ignorant of how the earthly plane works, but I am not a young naive newborn star, I have lived for centuries and I know what love looks like. I just never thought I would feel it myself.

'I want to see him again, and I will try to find a way' I thought to myself with conviction.


(Back in the other world)

I ignored Dave and waved my hand and multiple air slashes went flying at the wolves. After my magic hit them, they turned back into pages of Gray Wolves like they were before Horvath changed them.

"Whoa, are you a Sorcerer as well?" Dave asked.

"I prefer the term Wizard if you don't mind. And you said as well? As well as who?" I replied then asked.

Dave pointed worriedly toward a middle aged man walking slowly towards us carrying a cane with what appeared to be blue stones on it.

"He's a Sorcerer, he changed those pictures of wolves into real wolves. He's definitely not friendly, we should run." Dave explained.

"I think you're right about that. He doesn't look like he'd let us escape. Don't worry though, I'll take care of it." I said as I took out my wand.

'This is perfect, I finally get to fight against another magic user. This will be a great way to test how strong I've gotten. I don't like my chances though, only because he has lived for thousands of years and is definitely a knowledgeable magic user. My only advantage right now is that he doesn't know how my magic works.'

"Alright tall, dark, and moody, let's get this started." I said as I aimed my wand at him.

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